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Filtered by: Country: United Kingdom

Regulations Barring Religious Schools from Teaching against Homosexuality

March 22, 2007, United Kingdom

Regulations Barring Religious Schools from Teaching Against Homosexuality Approved Sexual Orientation Regulations Pass House of Lords. Concerned Christians prayed outside of the Houses of Parliament.

Girl Banned From Wearing Cross at School

January 10, 2007, United Kingdom

A British schoolgirl has been barred from wearing a crucifix necklace in class, the Daily Mail reported.

Christian Prayers Replaced By Quiet Moment

January 1, 2007, United Kingdom

Totnes Town Council replaced Christian prayers at the start of its meeting with a moment of silence.

Scottish Registrars Blackmailed for Rejecting Same-Sex Unions

December 30, 2006, United Kingdom

The Western Isles Council´s registrars have received hate mail and death threats because they refused, on moral grounds, to conduct civil partnership ceremonies. The registrars said that same sex unions would be conducted in fulfilment of the law, but no wedding-alike ceremony would be provided. Gay groups fired back indicating they would follow a human rights suit against the council to ensure gay couples on the Isles the same „rights“ as those elsewhere.

Gay Association Demeans Bible in Ad

October 18, 2006, United Kingdom

Gay Police Association places ad in The Independent with a photograph of a bible next to a pool of blood.

Christian Arrested for Distributing Bible Quotes

September 1, 2006, United Kingdom

Stephen Green, 55, national director of the evangelical organization Christian Voice, Christian Arrested for Distributing Bible Quotes Opposing Homosexuality in South Wales, UK.

Christian Symbol Forbidden to Students

June 1, 2006, United Kingdom

Students Barred From Wearing Christian Chastity Symbol in Millais School, West Sussex; UK.

Anti-Christian Controversy About a Catholic Becoming Equality Minister

May 9, 2006, United Kingdom

Ruth Kelly, a devout Roman Catholic was made Minister for Women and Equality. Gay rights campaigners reacted with disbelief and stirred up a worrying debate whether a Catholic was fit for such a government position.

Anti-abortion Campaigner Jailed

May 1, 2006, United Kingdom

Anti-abortion campaigner jailed for sending abortion photo and video to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK. He was subsequently denied urgently needed hip treatment.

Christian Couple Interrogated on Their Christian Convictions

March 19, 2006, United Kingdom

The retired couple Joe and Helen Roberts were interrogated by police officers after they complained about their local council's gay rights policy on the grounds of their Christian belief that homosexual practices are morally wrong.