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Christian Debt Counselling Charity Excluded from Support Network for Offering Prayer to Clients

September 5, 2011, United Kingdom

‚Advice UK’, the largest support network for free advice centres in the UK, has pushed out a Christian debt counselling charity from its membership for offering to pray with clients suffering from debt problems.

MP Calls for Churches to be Stripped of Licences for Refusing to Marry Gays

September 2, 2011, United Kingdom

Churches which refuse to conduct gay marriages should be stripped of their licence, according to Member of Parliament Mike Weatherley of Hove. While marriage between people of the same sex is not legal in the UK but civil partnerships were introduced in 2005 to give couples the same legal protection as if they were wed. Mr Weatherley said according to „The Argus“: “As long as religious groups can refuse to preside over ceremonies for same-sex couples there will be inequality. “Until we untangle unions and religion in this country we will struggle to find a fair arrangement.”

(Northern Ireland) Gay March Signs Offend Christians

August 24, 2011, United Kingdom

Belfast's Gay March 2011 was (again) marked by anti-Christian offensive signs. One sign read: “Jesus had two dads (and he turned out just fine)”. Another protester bore a placard that said “Jesus protect me from your followers”.

UK Employee Suspended Upon Display of Cross

August 20, 2011, United Kingdom

A UK Christian electrician who won a fight with his employer over his right to display a small Palm leaf cross in his van is now saying that the company has reneged on its agreement. 64-year-old Colin Atkinson was asked by his employers, Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) in West Yorkshire, to remove the cross after an anonymous complaint from a WDH tenant. The company threatened Atkinson with disciplinary action when he refused, but backed down when their threats prompted a public outcry and criticism from prominent religious leaders, including the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey.

Hospital Attempted to Force Christian Nurses to Commit Abortions and Backs Down

August 15, 2011, United Kingdom

A hospital in London that recently attempted to force two Christian nurses to commit abortions has backed down after legal threats using the Equality Act to protect the nurses pro-life beliefs.

New Guidelines from the General Pharmaceutical Council Threaten Freedom of Conscience

August 15, 2011, United Kingdom

New guidelines issued by the UK pharmaceutical regulatory board tends towards stripping pharmacists of their right to conscientious objection with regard to refusing the sale of the morning-after pill, an abortive device.

Catholic Care Forced to Close or Allow Gay Adoption after Tribunal Decision

August 9, 2011, United Kingdom

On May 31st, 2011, Catholic Care of the Diocese of Leeds has applied for leave to appeal the latest decision against it in the long-running case sparked by the Charity Commission’s refusal to allow it to prevent gay couples from using its adoption service. The appeal was granted in August 2011.

Christian Media Ad Banned By Authorities

July 27, 2011, United Kingdom

The media group Premier Christian Radio's advertizment on the marginalization of Christians in the workplace was banned by the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC) for being “politically motivated”. Even though the ad was modified and redone several times, RACC upheld the ban.

Parents' Rights at Stake as Schools Minister Gives Green Light to Explicit Sex Ed in Science Lessons

July 12, 2011, United Kingdom

SPUC - director blogs of new developments in the field of education: "Parents of primary-school children from across the country are furious that Nick Gibb, the schools minister, has told Parliament that schools can teach children, including in primary school, about sex in science lessons." The problem is that parents cannot withdraw their children from sience - and contents might be unacceptable for many parents.

BBC Survey: Viewers Think Broadcaster is Anti-Christian

June 1, 2011, United Kingdom

The BBC is widely regarded as displaying an anti-Christian attitude in its programming, according to the Corporation’s own research.