(Scotland) Christian References Removed from Christmas

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: November 13, 2009

Scotland town eliminated all references to Christmas, an address by a Christian minister, and the traditional nativity from its annual holiday celebration.

The town of Dundee in Scotland has dropped all references to Christmas and the Christmas religion from its annual holiday ceremony of the city’s festive lights. Instead of the traditional Christmas Lights festival, the town now hosts a so-called “Dundee Winter Light Night”. Council officials have also decided that instead of the traditional retelling of the Nativity story there will be a disco, a contemporary circus, a continental market and a 7 ft. fairy on stilts. Disgruntled members of the Presbytery of Dundee have voted to voice concern to the city council, saying that the religious aspect of Christmas was being eroded. One resident, Philip Harris, said of the decision, “It seems ludicrous to have a Christmas event which makes no mention of Christmas. It just seems like the usual political correctness. Hopefully the council will reconsider.” At previous Christmas Lights festivals in the City Square, Rev. Allan Webster was invited to address the crowd — he believes that this tradition, along with the title of Christmas Lights, should be upheld. Rev. Webster expressed his concern regarding the council's decision: “The general feeling is that calling it the Winter Light Night rather than the Christmas Lights is an erosion of a religious festival. It is important for all faiths to be able to celebrate their festivals and I must stress I would also be concerned if people of any other religion had their festival diluted.” In 2010 the Council reverted to the term “Christmas Light Night”, see: http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/xmaslightnight/

Source: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/scotland/article6915061.ece