Desecration of Tabernacle and Theft in Carrión de los Céspedes

Country: Spain

Date of incident: January 29, 2020

Just two days after the desecration and theft from the chapel of the Clinical Hospital of Valencia, a group of thieves attacked the parish of Carrión de los Céspedes in Seville, stealing several religious objects and the gold crowns of the two figures of the Virgin of the Rosary and the Child Jesus that were prepared for a procession on February 1st for the 400th anniversary of the Brotherhood of the Rosary of Carrión.

In what was described as "very difficult week for Catholics in Spain," the incident in Seville followed just days after the theft and desecration of the chapel of the Hospital Clínico in Valencia.

The perpetrators, who entered the parish of Carrión de los Céspedes at night, desecrated the tabernacle, stole the monstrance (which contained a consecrated host), several silver objects and the collection of donations. In addition, they stole the gold crowns of the two figures of the Virgin of the Rosary and the Child Jesus for the February 1st procession for the 400th anniversary of the Brotherhood of the Rosary of Carrión.

Through his Twitter account, Antonio Romero Padilla, the parish priest, reported the acts and spread the images of the stolen pieces so that neighbors can identify them in case someone tries to sell them. In response, numerous fraternal organizations showed their support for the residents of Carrión de los Céspedes.

Sources: Alfa y Omega, Cristianos en Democracia, and Hispanidad
Photo: Twitter page of Antonio Romero Padilla