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Anti-Christian Facebook Page Hurts Feelings of Faithful

June 23, 2014, International

The Facebook page „Virgin Mary should´ve aborted“ covers images of the unborn Jesus as an abortion victim wearing a crown of thorns and blood flowing from his side while the Virgin Mary smokes a marijuana cigar. The content of this page is mostly anti-Christian, as well as pro-abortion. The statements on this page are spreading defamation and hatred against Christians and Christianity.

Vandalism at St. Oswald Church in Traunstein

June 16, 2014, Germany

An unknown person vandalised the church where Pope emeritus Benedict XVI celebrated his first mass as a Catholic priest in Traunstein, Germany. The perpetrator destroyed a statue of an angel and took off pieces of the altar. An arm and a foot of the corpus of the crucifix on the tabernacle were also broken off. The motivation of this attack is unknown. The motivation of this attack is unknown.

Left Wing Activists Block Registered Pro-Family Demonstration in Vienna

June 14, 2014, Austria

On June 14th, approximately 200 left wing activists hindered a pro-family demonstration of about 50 Christians to proceed on the registered route. After the police unsuccessfully tried to persuade the left wing activists to leave, they took their names. Five activists who refused to show their ID were briefly arrested.

Vandalism at St. Clement Church in Nantes

June 14, 2014, France

On 14th June 2014, anonymous vandalists spraypainted the portal of St. Clement inscription: "Help thy neighbor?"

Nude Women Chained Themselves to Main Altar of Madrid Cathedral

June 13, 2014, Spain

Two nude female activists from the radical feminist group FEMEN chained themself to the base of the crucifix at the main altar of the Cathedral of the Almudena in Madrid, Spain to protest against the limitation of abortion law in Madrid. They started chanting „abortion is sacred“ etc.

Sacrilegious Pictures Taken in a Church in Bilbao

June 10, 2014, Spain

The model posed for the photographer naked in the interior of the Bilbao church. Many local faithful found it blasphemous and repulsive for the Christian religion. The photographer came to the church without the parish priest’s permission. He claimed that he took the keys from his mother who is responsible for cleaning the church.

Verbal Attacks on Christianity on Romanian National Television

June 9, 2014, Romania

In the Epic Show, a one-man show broadcasted on a Rumanian national television, PRIMA TV, the presenter attacked violently Orthodox Christianity. In his speech he expressed among other things: “You, filthy pieces of s**t, you want to lie to us regarding the existence of a bearded old man who created the world in 6 days and then got tired"….”you teach our children to cast stones and kill homosexuals”….”when you decide to move your corpses and siege our children in schools to teach them the puke of creationism, wait for us to siege you in your sh**y churches to teach you evolutionism with torches in our hands!”

Defamation of and Threat against a Christian Pub in Paris by LGBT Person

June 4, 2014, France

Defamations and threats were sprayed on a Christian pub in Paris saying: “Today tags, tomorrow bombs” or “Death to holy fuckers”. The claims were signed with LGBT.

Devastation Of Christian Symbols In a Church in Aigion

June 3, 2014, Greece

An unknown vandal attacked a church in Aigion and destroyed the miraculous icon of Mother of God. Before the act, he asked prayers to leave him alone with the icon and explained he need to pray in peace. While he was alone, he devastated an image with stones, probably hidden in his pocket. This behaviour shocked local faithful and priests.

Christian Feelings Hurt by Distortion of Last Supper by RAI-2

May 31, 2014, Italy

Italian Christians are hurt by the TV Program "LOL" broadcasted by RAI-2 which shows Jesus, his apostles, and a women at a table having a happy banquet meaning to be the last supper, The wedding music suggest that it was about a marriage between Jesus and the woman, but this misunderstanding clears up when Jesus kisses one of his apostels on the mouth. The broadcast is understood to be a promotion of same sex marriage. Many faithful feel strongly about the images of the last supper, and are hurt by this distortion.