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Belgian Archbishop Hit in Face with Cream Pies

April 6, 2011, Belgium

The head of Belgium's Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, was hit four times by custard pies at the Catholic University of Louvain while people were cheering.

Atheists Announce Public Campaign Against Catholics

April 5, 2011, Spain

In a broadcasting interview by ELA radio, in Madrid, a group of people who identified themselves as “representatives of different atheist groups”, expressed openly that their goals are to “punish” the Catholic belief, and to “damage” the views of Catholics. They praised the burning of churches in 1936, and they expressed their intention to “welcome” the Pope “as he deserves”, during the announced visit to Madrid in the summer of 2011.

Atheist Procession on Holy Thursday

April 5, 2011, Spain

A neighbour organization of Madrid's ambassadors’ district (Barrio de los Embajadores) and surrounding areas called for an “atheist procession”. The procession is scheduled to take place on the night of Holy Thursday departing from Plaza de Lavapies (wash feet square), and it will run parallel to the Way of the Cross, the Christian procession. According to the organizers’ web site – Atheists from Madrid (Ateos de Madrid) - the procession goal is to raise awareness against the "social and moral hypocrisy that conveys the Catholic Holy Week”.

Church Tagged in Vannes

April 4, 2011, France

Four young men attacked the church Saint-Pie-X in Vannes, insulting believers and claiming to denounce «fundamentalism». They underlined the «political» nature of their behavior and claimed to defend «anti-clerical values».

Teacher Regularly Mocked Christianity in Class

April 2, 2011, Austria

A secondary grammar school teacher in Innsbruck regularly mocks and denounces Christian faith in class. The supervisory school authority has now reprimanded him.

Teacher Dismissed for Showing a Film About Abortion

March 31, 2011, France

A French history teacher was permanently dismissed for showing his students a video on abortion and talking about French abortion law.

German Mother Jailed for Refusing Government Sex-Ed

March 31, 2011, Germany

Irene Wiens, mother of twelve, served a 43-day jail sentence in Germany for refusing to enroll her children in sex-ed classes, deemed by her husband and herself to teach a permissive view of human sexuality. An appeal to the European Court of Human Rights has been filed.

iPhone Christian Applications Removed

March 31, 2011, International

Apple suppresses diversity of belief by shutting down two Christian iPhone applications claiming that the were “offensive to large groups of people”, and the support of traditional marriage, family, and life “expose[d] a group to harm” and delivered “hate speech”.

300 Academic Signatures in Support of Removing Chapels from Campuses

March 31, 2011, Spain

Professors and authorities of several Spanish public universities have signed a document supporting the anti-chapel students´ movement. After a violent incident took place at Somosaguas Chapel located on Computense University campus, in Madrid, the professors affirmed in the document that "the presence of chapels and other symbols of religion power has no relation with the freedom of religion but with a Catholic Church privilege; and the time to end such [privileges] has arrived".

Trespassing and Damages in Ovcarevo

March 31, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vandals broke into the mission church of Ovcarevo and caused serious damage.