All cases

Conscientious Objection Denied to Public Servants

April 28, 2005, Spain

The Superior Tribunal of Madrid ruled against the right to conscientious objection to registry officers who requested to be exempted, and/or replaced by a colleague, in cases of same-sex marriage. The Tribunal understands that public servants swear full obedience to the law and are to abide by it. "The absolute submission to the law cannot be dismissed nor justified in any case, mostly when a private belief is at stake" confirmed the Tribunal.

Converts to Christianity Assaulted

February 1, 2005, United Kingdom

Convert family from Islam to Christianity assaulted in Bradford.

Spanish Officer Calls the Catholic Church a "Public Enemy"

January 30, 2005, Spain

The former Spanish ambassador to the Holy See, Gonzalo Puente Ojea, affirmed that the Catholic Church is a public enemy nowadays. In the view of Puente Ojea, the Church is used to a privilege treatment and its bellicose tone towards the Spanish government is part of a power game.

Member of Parliament Sued for "Homophobic Insults"

January 26, 2005, France

French member of parliament, Christian Vanneste, sentenced to payments for "homophobic insults"; three years later acquitted by last juridical instance.

Christianophobic Opera Aired on BBC

January 8, 2005, International

“Jerry Springer the Opera” was screened by the BBC on January 8th and attracted a record number of complaints of over 55,000 from the public as it contained contemptuous, scurrilous and ludicrous references to the Christian Faith.

European Parliament Declines Plegded Support of € 1,5 Million for World Youth Day

December 15, 2004, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

On December 15th 2004 the European Union rejected funding for the upcoming 2005 World Youth Day (WYD) during the second reading of the 2005 budget.

TV Gag against Christian Symbols

December 1, 2004, Spain

TV Channel Canal Plus Gag "How to Cook a Crucifix" demeans Christian Symbols.

High Government Official Recommends Catholic School to Remove Crucifixes and Avoid Prayers

November 27, 2004, Spain

The inspector recommended to a Catholic school to remove crucifixes and other religious symbols from the classrooms as well as ceasing morning prayers and other expressions of faith.

Practicing Catholic Rejected as a Member of the European Commission

October 1, 2004, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Rocco Buttiglione was dismissed by the European Institutions as EU Commissioner because of his Catholic convictions.

Greek Orthodox Church Damaged by Bomb Explosion

August 1, 2004, Cyprus

Greek Orthodox Church in Northern Cyprus was damaged by bomb explosion in Cyprus conflict.