All cases

(Internet) Video Mocks Catholicism

February 3, 2009, International

The film producing company Link TV placed a video online which mocks Catholicism. The short silent video shows a weird priest descreting the Eucharist, a most sacred item for Catholics.

Nurse Suspended for Offering Prayer to a Patient

February 2, 2009, United Kingdom

A nurse was suspended from work without pay for having asked a patient whether she wanted prayer. The nurse has been reinstated after public protests.

London Homelessness Prevention Officer Suspended for Mentioning Faith

January 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A homelessness prevention officer with Wandsworth Council has been suspended from work for nearly two months for encouraging a homeless woman with an incurable medical condition to look to God for help.

Church Vandalized in Rugles (Normandy)

January 29, 2009, France

The tabernacle was forced opened, the chalice was stolen and some of the hosts were thrown to the ground. The parish priests Florent Babaka and Philippe Besnard reported the incident to the police.

Defamation in Art Exhibition

January 27, 2009, Italy

The justice department allowed the display of a crucified figure of Christ adorned with a papal tiara, as part of a contemporary art exhibit in Bologna.

30 Graves Damaged in Champlitte

January 27, 2009, France

About 30 graves were damaged, crossse were broken or thrown to the ground. In the chapel next to the cemetery, stain-glass windows were broken and the door was damaged.

Catholic Nun Offended in Sarajevo.

January 21, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A man forcibly tried to take of a nun’s veil in Sarajevo on January 21st, 2009.

(Scotland) Christian Radio Presenter Sacked

January 11, 2009, United Kingdom

Muslim Radio sacks Christian presenter after six years of cooperation.

Government Cuts Funding of Christian Foundation on Grounds of Contents

January 10, 2009, Netherlands

The Dutch goverment ceases its annual 50.000 Euro grant to the Christan Foundation "Onze Weg". The reason is that the foundation teaches that homosexuality can be healed.

Home for Retired Missionaries Loses Funding on Gay Issues in Questionaire

January 9, 2009, United Kingdom

Brighton Council requests care home for elderly Christians to ask its residents about their sexual orientation and cuts funding when rejected.