All cases

Parliament Attempt to Undermine Religion from the Public Square

August 24, 2010, Spain

The political parties Esquerra Republicana, Izquierda Unida, and Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds, requested Parliament to pass a law to remove any religious sign and faith-related traditions -specially those related to Catholicism-, from the public square.

Cemetery Vandalised in Laon

August 22, 2010, France

During the night of Saturday 21st to Sunday 22nd of August, about fifty graves in the German military cemetery of Laon were vandalised. Crosses were extracted from the ground or completely broken.

Pro Life Abortion Protestors Arrested

August 10, 2010, United Kingdom

Two Christian pro-life protesters were arrested twice by Police in Brighton and await the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service to see if they will face a Criminal Prosecution.

Cemetery Vandalised in Hénin-Beaumont

August 8, 2010, France

Fifteen graves and a Catholic chapel have been targeted. A cross was destroyed. Among the graves vandalised, three vaults were particularly damaged. The doors of three grave buildings were broken open and their windows broken. On other graves, funerary objects such as crosses or flowers pots were broken and scattered all around the cemetery.

The Ecumenical Patriarch in Turkey Cannot Use His Ecclesiastical Title

August 1, 2010, Turkey

Patriarch Bartholomew leads 250 million Orthodox Greeks worldwide. The community in Turkey has dwindled to a few thousand. The Turkish government refuses to recognize the title Ecumenical Patriarch, or Bartholomew's role as an international religious leader. A journalist from CBS asked Bartholomew about his feelings, he said that he felt “crucified” by the difficulties he faces every day in Turkey.

Oxford University Lecturer Discriminated Against After Converting to Christianity

July 29, 2010, United Kingdom

Dr Tali Argov overlooked for promotion, stripped of her privileges and ill-treated at social gatherings, after converting from Judaism to Christianity.

Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers Violated

July 28, 2010, Spain

Spain’s government is systematically violating the conscience rights of health care workers on abortion, says a group of legal experts that is now taking action to restore those rights.

Severe Restrictions on Homeschooling

July 28, 2010, Sweden

Sweden’s parliament gave a crushing blow to parental rights passing a law that makes homeschooling legal only in “extraordinary circumstances.” The law excludes religious or philosophical convictions as legitimate reasons for home education.

Church of Pouan-les-Vallées Wrecked

July 27, 2010, France

The XIIIth and XVIth century’s church of Saint-Pierre-les-Vallées in Pouan was wrecked in the night of July 26th. An employee noticed the knocked over Cross in the church’s courtyard. As he went to inspect the rest of the church, he saw the disastrous state of the church: crucifixes overturned, glass chandeliers smashed to pieces on the pavement, stations of the Cross burnt, an altar overthrown and the ogive vault overlooking the high altar very damaged.

Church Wrecked in Limoux

July 24, 2010, France

In the parish Church of Limoux, the chandeliers, the statue and the crucifix which decorated the tabernacle were overthrown and vandalized. They laid on the ground, bent or broken, when the acts were discovered. Behind the altar, the nativity scene and the chapel of the Virgin Mary were wrecked. The church is open continuously, visitors discovered the damage in the beginning of the afternoon and called the police. The police had to close the church for the afternoon but it could be reopened for a scheduled evening concert.