All cases

Brussels authorities ban event due to “ethically conservative” beliefs on abortion, marriage, and the EU

April 16, 2024, Belgium

On April 16, Brussels officials issued a police order to ban the entrance to the NatCon conference. The official order to shut down the conference included the reason that its "vision is not only ethically conservative (e.g. hostility to the legalisation of abortion, same-sex unions, etc.) but also focused on the defence of “national sovereignty”, which implies, amongst other things, a “Eurosceptic” attitude”. In an emergency ruling, Belgium highest court has lifted the ban and declared it unconstitutional.

England's High court backs prayer ritual ban at schools

April 16, 2024, United Kingdom

In its judgment on Tuesday, April 16, the High Court of England and Wales dismissed a Muslim pupil's challenge to a ban of 'prayer rituals' at Michaela Community School in Brent, north-west London. The High Court judged that publicly funded schools in England can impose such bans of communal prayer rituals among students. It is not yet clear in how far Christian prayer will be affected by the ban.

Grave of Late Patriarch Neophyte Desecrated

April 15, 2024, Bulgaria

The grave of the late Patriarch Neophyte was desecrated in Sofia, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church informed Tuesday morning, April 16.

Youth disturb concert in Cathedral shouting "Allah Akbar"

April 14, 2024, France

On Sunday, April 14, five adolescents entered the Saint-Etienne Cathedral in Metz during a concert of Bach, one of them interrupting the concert and shouting "Allah Akbar". The teenagers then fled but were found and arrested by the police.

Shouting Man Smashes Objects in Church

April 13, 2024, Italy

Shortly after 6 pm, a 41-year-old man started shouting complaining about an alleged theft of a backpack. According to the police, he then entered the church in Via Felice Bellotti, the San Benedetto Monastery, in Milan’s city centre and started to hit commemorative wreaths and a statue, which he threw to the ground. The police intervened against the intoxicated man, who was charged with a criminal offence.

Jesus Figure Stolen from Easter Crib

April 13, 2024, Italy

In the afternoon of April 13, a statue of Jesus was stolen from the Easter crib in the Consolation Parish in Via XX Settembre in Genoa. The first scene of the Easter crib displayed Jesus entering Jerusalem on the back of a donkey.

Arrest warrant for youths on suspicion of terrorist attack against "Christians and police"

April 12, 2024, Germany

The German national security forces have unearthed a terrorist cell of minors in Düsseldorf. According to the newspaper Bild, the youths wanted to attack "Christians ("unbelievers") in churches" and "police officers in police stations" with knives and Molotov cocktails in the name of the ISIS. Arrest warrants have been issued.

Sacred objects stolen from Great Yarmouth Minster upset community

April 12, 2024, United Kingdom

Great Yarmouth Minster Church was broken into twice within two weeks, first overnight between March 29 and March 30 and then again on April 12, 2024. Besides stealing money the thieves also broke the windows of the church and took sacred objects, namely the bread and wine which has been blessed and kept reserved and some of the sacred oils. "So many people in Yarmouth feel hurt by the fact that a place they consider special and important to community life has been violated," the church Reverend said.

Church façade vandalised during mass

April 10, 2024, Germany

On April 10, a young man threw several bottles filled with alcohol against the façade of the Catholic Sacred Heart Church in Diez during the church service at around 6 p.m, causing heavy soiling and property damage.

Theft and Arson in Church

April 10, 2024, Italy

At the church of Castelvecchio di Compito in the Lucca region, a 37-year-old man stole objects worth over 10,000 euros from the oratory, which included liturgical objects dating back to the early 19th century such as two candelabra and a wooden canopy. He set fire to the parish premises and fled.

Germany Issues Deportation Order for Iranian Convert

April 10, 2024, Germany

The administrative office for foreigners of Central Franconia, Germany, has issued a deportation order for an Iranian convert. According to the media, the lawyer has confirmed the conversion to Christianity of the Iranian asylum seeker. The lawyer also said that his client had been warned by his mother not to return to Iran because otherwise he would be arrested.

Vandalism at St. Athanasius Monastery Church

April 9, 2024, North Macedonia

The church of St. Athanasius monastery in Tetovo has been broken in, all the windows were broken and serious material damage was done.

Purse stolen During Prayer at Mass

April 8, 2024, Italy

During mass on Monday, a pickpocket stole a purse containing about 100 Euro and the woman’s phone in the church of Sant'Aniello Abate in Cosenza. The theft happened while the woman was praying.

Archbishop receives criminal conviction for criticising Russia's war in Ukraine

April 8, 2024, Russia

According to the religious freedom watchdog organisation Forum 18, Archbishop Viktor Pivovarov has become the fifth person to receive a criminal conviction for criticising Russia's war in Ukraine from a religious perspective. On April 8, he was found guilty of repeatedly "discrediting" the Russian Armed Forces after condemning the war as "aggressive" and "Satanic" in his sermons.

Fire and Vandalism at Roßwein Church

April 6, 2024, Germany

On Saturday, April 6, unknown persons set fire to a memorial table of the Church in Roßwein and damaged the donation box.

Minors Set Altar on Fire

April 6, 2024, Austria

Two Children, one of them a 12-year-old boy, set a fire to the Serbian Orthodox Church of Our Lady in Feldkirch causing considerable damage. After searching the unlocked donation boxes for cash, they set the cloth at the altar in the back of the church on fire endangering liturgical objects.

Vandalism and Theft in Den Bosch Church

April 6, 2024, Netherlands

Burglars broke into St. John's Cathedral in Den Bosch, smashed stained-glass windows, emptied a fire extinguisher inside the building and stole a time capsule intended to be opened in the year 2122.

Arson attack on French Church

April 4, 2024, France

A fire broke out in the church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Agneaux on Thursday afternoon, April 4. According to police investigation's initial findings, the fire was intentional.

Desecration of Mission Cross

April 4, 2024, Poland

In the Church of St. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe in Bogatynia, a Mission Cross was chopped down over night.

Armenian Church Demolished in Nagorno-Karabakh

April 4, 2024, Other

Between December 28, 2023 and April 4, 2024, St. John the Baptist Church (S. Hovhannes Mkrtich) in Nagorno-Karabakh was destroyed, according to Caucasus Heritage Watch, referring to satellite pictures. The church was built in 1818 had been a landmark in Shusha/Shushi.