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Filtered by: Freedom of Religion

Madrid Municipality Threatens an Evangelical Church with Sanctions for Carrying out alleged Conversion Therapies

March 3, 2020, Spain

According to the Spanish Ministry, they will consider imposing "significant sanctions" on an Evangelical church in Madrid that exceeds 20,000 euros. In this church, therapies to cure homosexuality were offered and carried out. Now it is to be examined whether the church has thereby violated the Spanish LGBTQ law. "We will not tolerate any regression in our society and in what we have in our hands, which is to impose sanctions, we will not shake hands, we will not take a step back in the fight against LGTBIphobic behaviour," said Alberto Reyero, Minister of Social Policies.

MP Interviewed by Police for Questioning Church Leadership

March 2, 2020, Finland

On March 2nd, member of the Finnish Parliament Päivi Räsänen faced a police interrogation because of a tweet she posted in June 2019. The tweet was directed at the leadership of her church and questioned its official sponsorship of the LGBT event “Pride 2019”, accompanied by an image of a bible text.

Evangelical Pastor Accused Of Spreading The Coronavirus

February 17, 2020, France

From February 17th to February 21th 2020, evangelical French Christians gathered to pray and fast in the church of La Porte Ouverte in Mulhouse. This gathering was wrongly accused in the French media of being the beginning of contamination and dissemination of the coronavirus, leading to the stigmatization of evangelicals and threats. The pastor of the Evangelical church apologized for not being more informed, but there was no lockdown in place, as this happened at the beginning of the pandemic.

Christian Pharmacist Faces Court Case for Refusing to Sell the Morning-After Pill

February 3, 2020, Germany

The now retired German pharmacist, Andreas Kersten, faced court proceedings for refusing to stock or sell the morning after pill. His beliefs and conscience were the reason to not sell a drug that can prevent the implantation of an embryo in the uterus, which would cause the death of an unborn child. He was reported to the Berlin Pharmacists’ Chamber, which took the matter to the Professional Court at the Administrative Court of Berlin. The German court ruled on this issue and upheld the right to act in accordance with his conscience and therefore withdraw from selling the products. The Pharmacists' Chamber appealed against the decision. There are no further developments. (03.02.2020)

Freedom of Conscience Research Paper for Wedding Registrars Rejected

January 29, 2020, Ireland

On Wednesday 29 January, the Finance Committee of Ireland decided to vote against commissioning a research paper on the civil, human and employment rights of registrars who cannot perform same-sex marriages in good conscience. The research was proposed by Jim Allister, who is shocked by the lack of interest in the matter of freedom of conscience for Christians, which is a human right.

Judge Investigated For Anti-Christian Bias in Trial Agains Christian Nurse

January 27, 2020, United Kingdom

On the 27th January, the investigation of the judge Martin Kurrein for anti-christian bias has been re-opened. The judge approved the dismissal of the nurse Sara Kuteh for talking about her faith to her patients. The trial of Mrs.Kuteh took place in 2017, where the judge was accused of having a hostile treatment to Mrs. Kuteh and her representative and dramatically reduced the time of procedure.

Unknown Individuals Repeatedly Urinate in Church Holy Water

January 14, 2020, Switzerland

Just before Christmas, the Catholic Church Guthirt in Aarburg was forced to withdraw access to holy water in its basins following repeated acts of urination into the water. The deacon, Markus Stohldreier, expressed shock and disappointment at repeated attacks against the parish community."In my 36 years as a theologian, I have never experienced anything comparable." He added, "The perpetrators must have urinated in holy water in broad daylight," because the church is closed at night to prevent vandalism.

Theft, Damage, and Madonna Smeared and the Wheels Of The Parish Priest's Car

January 6, 2020, Italy

The statute of the Madonna and other religious images were smeared with black pain. The perpetrators also deflated the wheels of the parish priest. They stole bottles of soft drinks disappear from the premises of the patronage, then exploding firecrackers.Some children are being accused of these acts of hooliganism.

European Parliament Speaks Out against Christian Persecution in Algeria

December 2, 2019, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Parliament adopted a resolution which calls "for an end to violations against the freedom of Christians and other religious minorities to worship."

Pastor Sues After Being Forced out of job and Harassed over Pride Tweet

December 1, 2019, United Kingdom

A Christian pastor and school caretaker, who received abuse and threats for a June 2019 tweet about LGBTQ Pride has taken legal action against the school which he felt forced to leave. His case was heard on Court on January 2022.