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Filtered by: Religious Symbols

Vandalism at St John's Church Alresford

March 28, 2024, United Kingdom

In the night before Maundy Thursday, Easter crosses and the noticeboard of Baptist St John's Church in Alresford were vandalised.

Bust of Christ Vandalised at Rennes Church

March 20, 2024, France

A bust of Christ was vandalised and the church door damaged in Church of Saint-Germain in Rennes. The vandalism was discovered by the parish priest, Father Philippe Hebert, on March 20. The priest lodged a complaint the next day, investigations are ongoing.

Ten statues and plaques in cemetery of Bovekerke vandalised

March 16, 2024, Belgium

On March 16, the cemetery surrounding the church of Bovekerke (Koekelare) was vandalised. Approximately a dozen statues, ornaments, flowers, and memorial plaques had been destroyed. The affected graves are not all close together and often involve very old concessions. According to another resident, some crosses have also been removed from the graves.

St. Johann parish church robbed and desecrated

February 20, 2024, Austria

Unknown perpetrators broke into the parish church of St. Johann in Tirol, Austria, and stole and damaged religious objects. The figure of Christ was broken off a wooden cross.

Vandalism in the church of Fontenay-le-Comte

February 5, 2024, France

On February 5, vandals attacked the church of Notre Dame in Fontenay-le-Comte and broke two statues. The local Catholic community is deeply shocked about these acts.

Man breaks statue in Saint Jean-Baptiste church "in the name of Allah"

February 2, 2024, France

A man entered Saint Jean-Baptiste church and violently attacked the statue of John the Baptist using a crucifix. The statue, made of plaster, was completely broken and the crucifix was badly damaged.

Thieves Steal Cross and Statutes from Salford Church

January 22, 2024, United Kingdom

A statue of Jesus on a crucifix was stolen from outside a church using an electric saw. Along with a kneeling angel and a kneeling figure of St Bernadette.

Statue of Infant Jesus thrown into Garda Lake

January 3, 2024, Italy

Vandals attacked a Nativity scene in Salò, Italy. The figure of the Infant Jesus from the Nativity Scene of the local fire brigade was thrown into the Garda Lake between the 2nd and 3rd of January. The friends of the Salò fire brigade comment that "the baby Jesus was uprooted from his cradle and thrown into the waters in front of the site designated to house the Nativity." They also reported that the figure of St Joseph was also replaced.

Nativity scene Figures beheaded in Florence

January 2, 2024, Italy

Every year dozens of nativity scenes are set up along the Via dei Presepi. This Christmas, one of them was found with eight out of ten human figures decapitated, as it was reported by the police on January 2nd. The figures of the animals were also damaged. The incident has been described as a "sacrilegious surgical act". This event was also communicated on social media by the councillor, Susi Giglioli.

Statue of Jesus from Nativity Scene Beheaded

January 1, 2024, Italy

On January 1st, unknown vandals smashed the statue of the Child Jesus in Gorla Maggiore, Italy, in broad daylight. Mayor Pietro Zappamiglio expressed "great sadness and bitterness at what has happened." It is hoped that the vandals were caught on church cameras.