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Filtered by: Freedom of Conscience

Doctor Must Provide Fertility Treatment Without Regard to Conscientious Objection

December 30, 2010, Ireland

Dr Boyle runs a fertility treatment service along Catholic guidelines at Galway clinic, which is a Catholic hospital. He was summoned before the Fitness to Practice Committee of the Medical Council in 2010 because he would not accept a cohabiting couple for treatment because of his belief on traditional marriage.

Conservative Party Councillor Gets Suspended After Objecting Gay Talks in a School

November 25, 2010, United Kingdom

A conservative party councillor in Bristol has been “voluntarily suspended” and asked by the party to meet with homosexualist activists after he objected to appearances by a homosexualist campaigner and actor, Sir Ian McKellen, at local schools.

Mother Denied to Bury her Executed Son According to her Christian Faith

October 12, 2010, Belarus

Mother of an executed prisoner cannot pray at her son's tomb. It is unclear whether he had seen a priest before execution.

MP McCafferty Attempted to Restrict Freedom of Religion and Conscience

October 7, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Former British MP Christine McCafferty urged the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to recommend limitations to conscientious objection when it comes to abortion. The draft report contained a limitation of freedom of conscience to individuals. Objecting individuals would have faced restrictions and blacklisting. The draft, aiming at discriminating against Christians, was voted down on October 7th.

Severe Restriction on Conscientious Objection

September 28, 2010, Spain

Administration interprets freedom of conscience so narrowly that only those directly involved in the objected surgical act of abortion are allowed to invoke the right to "conscientious objection".

Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers Violated

July 28, 2010, Spain

Spain’s government is systematically violating the conscience rights of health care workers on abortion, says a group of legal experts that is now taking action to restore those rights.

Lower House of Irish Government Passes Civil Partnership Bill

July 5, 2010, Ireland

Lead politicians backing the bill refuse to allow a conscience clause; opposition parties claim that the objections of Christians are being ignored.

28-Year-Old Postal Employee Dismissed For Refusing to Distribute Sex-Flyers

April 21, 2010, Switzerland

The postal worker Emmanuel N. was fired because he refused to distribute erotic flyers on the grounds of his Christian faith.

Parents Arrested After Refusing Their Children's Participation in a Sex Ed Play

April 8, 2010, Germany

Christian parents arrested and imprisoned up to 40 days when they refused to allow their children to participate in a mandatory sexual education program.

New Educational Program Spreads Secularist Ideas: 55.000 Parents Opt Out

April 1, 2010, Spain

375 Christian parents lodge complaint with European Court of Human Rights as the mandatory school curriculum is antithetical to their moral convictions. After five years of public debate and much engagement on the side of the parents, the subject was abolished on Jan 31, 2012.