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Police Tell Christians: "You can’t Preach here, this is a Muslim Area"

February 28, 2008, United Kingdom

A police community support officer (PCSO) told two church workers in Birmingham, “You can’t preach here, this is a Muslim area”. The incident happened as Arthur Cunningham and Joseph Abraham handed out Christian tracts on Alum Rock Road.

Christian Magistrate Loses Conscientious Objection Appeal

February 26, 2008, United Kingdom

A Christian magistrate lost his second and final appeal in a suit in which he claimed his employer had discriminated against him because of his religious conviction that adoptive children ought not to be placed with homosexuals.

Anglican Bishop Fined £47,345 and Sent to "Re-Education" in Gay Employment Case

February 12, 2008, United Kingdom

The Anglican bishop of Hereford has been ordered by a court to undergo "equal opportunities training" and pay a fine of £47,345.00, the equivalent of about Euro 63,540.00, for refusing to hire an active homosexual for a position of trust with young people. The ruling also stated that Hereford diocese staff "involved in recruitment should receive equal opportunities training". "The respondents discriminated against the claimant on the grounds of sexual orientation," said the ruling from the Cardiff Employment Tribunal.

Council of Devon Revokes Civil Ceremonies License of Christian Earl Due to Refusal to Host Gay Ceremonies

February 7, 2008, United Kingdom

As a result of refusing by the Earl of Devon to allow a homosexual couple to hold a civil partnership ceremony, the local Council revoked the licence for hosting all civil ceremonies in the Castle. The Earl of Devon is a devout Christian, who lives with his family in the event location at stake in Powderham Castle.

Gallery Offends Christians

January 6, 2008, United Kingdom

The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead displays statue of Christ with erect penis by gay Chinese-born artist Koh.

Countless Vandal Attacks Against Churches

January 1, 2008, United Kingdom

In 2007 one out of every three Anglican churches suffered a vandal attack at some point during the year. Theft, arson and malicious damage is a problem for churches. Claims cost £1.8 million in total, a significant amount for petty crime. The average cost of these claims was around £900. These statistics don’t even take into account the smaller attacks which churches don’t report to their insurer because the damage is minor. It is therefore likely that many more thousands of churches suffer malicious damage every year.

(Scotland) Word "Lord" Removed from Prayer as Offensive

November 15, 2007, United Kingdom

The word "Lord" was removed from a primary school grace before meals after one parent complained the mention was offensive. Contrary complaints of other parents lead to a subsequent reinstatement of the term.

Report of Think Tank Suggests to Downgrade Christmas

November 1, 2007, United Kingdom

Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations, says a report of the Institute for Public Policy Research, a Labour Think Tank.

Catholic Airport Worker Suspended for Displaying a Picture of Jesus

October 10, 2007, United Kingdom

Manchester, England - A Catholic airport worker was suspended for displaying an image of Jesus on a staff room wall after a Muslim colleague made a complaint against him.

Christian Foster Parents Forced to Retire From Fostering Children

October 10, 2007, United Kingdom

A Christian couple was being forced to retire from fostering needy children on conscientious grounds after the local council imposed rules requiring them to discuss homosexuality with the children.