All cases

Entrance Door of San Felice Church Stolen by a Man

October 20, 2022, Italy

On October 20., a 49-year-old man was arrested by the military, after he had stolen the entrance door of the Church of San Felice Martire in the centre of the town. The military found the stolen door in the garage of the subject and proceeded to arrest him, which prompted the man to react aggressively and throw objects at them. The man will have to answer for the criminal offence of stealing ecclesiastical cultural property, a specific conduct recently provided for in the Criminal Code.

Stained Glass Windows of Church Broken by Vandals in France

October 19, 2022, France

Airsoft bullets damaged the stained glass windows of a church in France, as Actu France reported on the 19. October. The windows of the church Saint-Ténénan, in Guerlesquin, show notably significant damages following airsoft shootings.

Russian Orthodox priest attacked in Lisbon

October 19, 2022, Portugal

The Russian Embassy in Portugal denounced that Fr Sergiy Borsky, of the All Saints Parish of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Lisbon, "has received several threats to his life and physical integrity" and had been criminally attacked.

Destruction of a cross at a forest in Poland

October 18, 2022, Poland

On October 18, 2022, local Polish media reported the destruction of a cross in the Rudki forest. An unknown perpetrator cut down a century-old wooden cross located in a forest complex on the edge of Lublin and Krężnica Jareja.

Vandal destroys statue of Pope John Paul II in Poland

October 17, 2022, Poland

On the 17. October, the police in Lubasz were notified that an unknown vandal had severely damaged the statue of John Paul II, which was estimated at a loss of PLN 1,500. The 20-year-old perpetrator has been caught by the police and now faces up to 5 years imprisonment for the crime he committed. However, the final punishment will be decided by the court.

Anti-Catholic posters pasted on several churches in Gdansk in an anti-church action

October 16, 2022, Poland

On the night of October 16-17, 2022, an organized group hung posters targeting the Catholic Church on the parish grounds of the Church of Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown in Gdansk. That night, the posters were hung on sixteen buildings and gates of establishments belonging to the Catholic Church. Posters with the same content and graphics were hung on all the facilities: "They all knew and did nothing! The entire clergy is guilty of covering up paedophilia in the Church! Disgrace! We remember! We will hold them accountable!".

Parents were not allowed to view Sex-Education material delivered in schools by external organizations

October 15, 2022, United Kingdom

The Christian Institute has reported that parents of children at Hatcham College were denied access to see the Sex-Education lesson slides used by an external NGO. The parents requested access to the slides by the School of Sexuality Education (SoSE), but the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) denied their request, stating it would compromise the sex education provider’s “intellectual property”. This, nevertheless, undermines parental rights, as the parents are not able to raise concern over material being taught to their children that might go against their beliefs.

Attempted Arson at church in Germany

October 15, 2022, Germany

Police are investigating attempted arson in Ihringen am Kaiserstuhl. Unknown persons have attempted to set fire at the parish church "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in Wasenweiler in several places.

UK: Prayers and activism banned on buffer zone around Bournemouth abortion clinic

October 14, 2022, United Kingdom

A buffer zone was implemented outside the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth in a bid to deter people from praying or standing with pro-life signs outside the clinic. Anyone that fails to accept the decision could incur a fixed penalty notice of £100 or face court action. Buffer zones have been widely discussed, due to their limitation of freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

Unknown Perpetrators Vandalise church in Germany

October 14, 2022, Germany

The Holy figures of saints were destroyed, a candelabrum and the baptismal font were moved in the Catholic church in Klingenmünster were destroyed by unknown vandals. The statues had broken arms or feet, or were completely destroyed. This happened on the 14th of October, according to the police. The material damage done is estimated by the police at around 2000 euros.

Ukraine: Russian Forces Closed Churches and Arrested Pastors in Occupied Territories

October 13, 2022, Ukraine

Russian troops have closed three large evangelical churches in Melitopol and another in Mariupol, Ukraine. Allegedly, Russian soldiers also were told that the only religion to be tolerated would be the Russian Orthodox, according to reports by Release International.

ECHR acquits woman that desecrated a Paris Church simulating an abortion of Christ and Urinating on the Altar

October 13, 2022, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Court of Human Rights has recently concluded that Eloïse Bouton, a "Femen" member who performed a topless act simulating an abortion of Christ by the Virgin Mary in front of the altar and tabernacle of La Madeleine Church in Paris in 2013, has to be compensated. She had been sentenced by the French court to a one-month suspended prison and 2,000 euro fine for "sexual exhibition". She had also desecrated the altar of the church with urination and anti-Christian slogans and symbolism. With this ruling, a dangerous record of precedents is being created that will only encourage more blasphemous attacks on Christians.

Church Benches Damaged with Fire in Plau, Germany

October 13, 2022, Germany

On the 13. October in the evening, a small fire broke out in St. Mary's Church in Plau. Around 30 candles were lit by unknown perpetrators, as the police was notified on Sunday. The candle fire caused a small fire that damaged several benches. Fortunately, the fire extinguished itself when the candle wax burnt out and no one was injured. The police are now investigating on suspicion of attempted arson.

Court of Justice of the EU rules Private companies can ban Religious Symbols at work

October 13, 2022, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

In a Press Release on the 13. October, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) stated: “The internal rule of an undertaking prohibiting the visible wearing of religious, philosophical or spiritual signs does not constitute direct discrimination if it is applied to all workers in a general and undifferentiated way.” This means, now companies can prohibit workers to use religious symbols at work, including cross necklaces or headscarves. This will not be considered discrimination against religious groups, as long as it applies to all religions.

Arson Causes Destruction of Polish church's Presbytery

October 13, 2022, France

On the 13. October in Raismes, an arson attack destroyed the presbytery of the Polish church of St. Cecile. The presbytery was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. According to the news, there have been several arson attacks in the city of Raismes since March 2022. The perpetrators have not yet been identified. The mayor of Raismes, America Robin, talks about this frequent vandalism usually perpetrated by young people between 12 and 20 years old.

Vandalism on the surroundings of an Orthodox Church

October 13, 2022, Russia

In October 2022, Russian news announced that vandals had smashed down and damaged the vases placed outside of the Orthodox Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, in Fokino, Bryansk. They reported that a picture of the vandalism was sent to social media groups, where many residents voiced their concerns and feelings of anger towards the act. The police are still searching for the suspects.

Russia: Two priests on trial for opposing the war in Ukraine

October 10, 2022, Russia

Two Russian Orthodox hieromonks (monks who are also priests in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholicism) had criminal cases opened against them for opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine on religious grounds. Forum 18 is following the cases and reports that Fr Nikandr Pinchuk's first full trial hearing in Sverdlovsk Oblast is due on 17 October, while Fr Ioann Kurmoyarov, who is in pre-trial detention since early June, has his trial on 14 November in St Petersburg.

Repeated Vandalism to a church in Spain

October 10, 2022, Spain

The mayor of the municipality of Ponte Caldelas, Andrés Díaz, has denounced through his social networks several acts of vandalism committed in a Chapel of the town. In the photos he posted it can be noticed that the saints of the church have been painted black as well as signatures that the vandals left all over the building.

Christian Doctor Faced Pressure After Offering Prayer to Patients

October 9, 2022, United Kingdom

In May 2019, Dr. Richard Scott faced an investigation by the NHS England (National Health Service) after several complaints were made about him offering prayer to patients, as he discussed this practice during a BBC Radio 4 interview. Dr. Scott faced an investigation to see if he was fit for practice, but the case has now been settled between Dr. Scott and the NHS, as reported on the news at the beginning of October. He has agreed to attend a course about professional boundaries and at the same time, with no admittance of wrongdoing.

Sacrilegous theft in church Italy

October 9, 2022, Italy

Monsignor Massimo D'Angelo of the diocese of Chieti, denounced on his Facebook account that a sacrilegious theft had taken place at the chapel of San Rocco in Sambuceto. "This night they stole from the parish by uprooting the security door and removing from the wall the safe with the gold votive gifts of St. Roch and some Chalices" he wrote.