All cases

Two Catholic priests Expelled from Russia

February 14, 2023, Russia

In February 2023, it became known that two Catholic priests had been expelled from Russia. Fr Mark Bakeżinski was the rector of the Catholic parish of Belgorod up until the moment he was arrested and expelled. He had been accused of allegedly "violating public order". Fr Michał Mżyglud was expelled from Novocherkassk, where he served as rector in the parish of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Both were Polish citizens.

Church raided and desecrated in Ukraine: Windows and a Crucifix destroyed

February 13, 2023, Ukraine

On Friday the 13th, the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vinnytsia was vandalized and desecrated. The church belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. It was reported that "unknown persons broke almost all the windows, attacked the cross in front of the church with an axe, and broke the legs of the Saviour on Calvary." It was also said that due to the strong force used by the perpetrator throwing the axe and destroying the statue, it also broke other candlelights and other religious objects.

Statue of Virgin Mary Decapitated and Church Desecrated

February 12, 2023, France

The church of Saint-Martin located in Choisy-le-Roi was vandalized on the 12th of February. The French news portal has reported the statue of the Virgin Mary was decapitated and desecrated. Quoted "the church of Saint-Martin was vandalized by one or more individuals, according to information from Le Parisien confirmed by the Créteil prosecutor's office."

Saint-Martin d'Orly: Statue beheaded and hosts stolen

February 12, 2023, France

On February 12, the church of Saint-Martin d'Orly, on the border with Choisy-le-Roi was vandalised. A statue of Mary was beheaded and the consecrated hosts stolen from the tabernacle.

Four fires started in Chanteloup les Vignes Church

February 11, 2023, France

On February 11, around 3 pm. fire was set to the St Roch Church in Chanteloup les Vignes. A parishioner looking after the choir noticed the fire. Three fires had been started on sheets of paper inside the church. Additionally, a larger fire had been set in the toilets.

Devastating Damage to Baroque Church by Arson and Vandalism

February 10, 2023, Germany

The historical Baroque "Church of the Cross" in Wissen has been destroyed and desecrated on the 10th of February. The police have identified a 39-year-old perpetrator, who has caused damages worth millions of euros. According to the reports, the man broke open the back door of the church by smashing it with stones, vandalized the religious symbols and set fire to the high altar, which has been completely destroyed. Two firefighter squats were able to stop the fire, they were alarmed as people noticed smoke coming out of the church.

Pastor Devastated After Repeated Vandalism to His Church

February 10, 2023, Germany

The Marienkirche in Treuchtlingen has once again been vandalised by unknown perpetrators. On February 10 it was reported that perpetrators broke the windows of the Church, left used socks on an open Bible, as well as a box of cigarettes, and urinated on the corner of the room. Pastor Matthias Fischer was sadly not surprised after witnessing the scene. He expressed his emotions and frustration since there have been several cases of vandalism in the Marienkirche. However, Pastor decided not to report this case this time, as he says he has had much worse.

Tabernacle Desecrated and Stolen

February 9, 2023, Spain

The tabernacle of the parish of Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias in Madrid was desecrated and stolen. Furthermore, perpetrators ransacked the parish sacristy. It was reported that offerings collected from the parish have also been stolen.

19-year-old Arrested after Video Showing him Burning an Image of the Virgin

February 8, 2023, Russia

A video on the internet have been circulating in Astrakhan of a 19-year-old burning a religious shrine, an image of the the Virgin Mary. Later that day, he was arrested and questioned by the police. The person filming behind the camera will also be questioned for the offensive crime.

Cyrill and Methodius Monument Vandalized in Bautzen

February 7, 2023, Germany

In the first week of February 2023, the Dresden-Meißen diocese reported that the statue of Cyril and Methodius, the Apostles to the Slavs, in Bautzen was vandalised.

Paris: man arrested for making death threats against priests

February 7, 2023, France

On February 7, a man was arrested by police in Paris for making death threats against multiple priests. According to a French news site, a staff member from the Saint-Sulpice church alerted the authorities about the suspect. It was also reported that the man had threatened a priest in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés parish. The Paris judicial police are investigating the case, and it was revealed that the man is on an S file for state security related to terrorism and a search file for a temporary ban from French territory. These developments are concerning and raise questions about the motives behind the threats and whether the man acted alone or as part of a larger group.

Church Vandalised Multiple Times in Catanzaro

February 5, 2023, Italy

A church in Catanzaro suffered a vandalic attack in early February (reported on the 5th February), causing damages worth 3000 euros. According to the sources, this church has been targeted before. "Dismay and anger. The umpteenth act of vandalism to which the Pistoia neighbourhood church of St. Mary of Hope [in Catanzaro], has been subjected provokes a reaction of indignation" reports Catanzaro Informa quoting Fr. Giorgio Pilò, parish priest of the vandalised church.

Charity Worker Faces Charges After Sharing About being ex-gay and converting to Christianity

February 3, 2023, Malta

Matthew Grech, a 33-year-old charity worker from Malta had a first trial on February 3, after being charged with allegedly promoting 'conversion practices.' The allegations came after Matthew held an online interview with PMnews Malta in which he shared his testimony of becoming a Christian. He talked about his past, saying that he identified as gay in the past and used to be confused regarding his sexuality. Although he never promoted "conversion therapies", the police have pressed criminal charges against him.

UPDATE: Charges Dropped Against UK Woman for Praying Silently

February 1, 2023, United Kingdom

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce had been arrested and charged with violating protest policy near an abortion center, as she was standing on the street and praying in her thoughts. UK authorities have now dropped the charges against her, but the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) warned that charges could start again in a near future. Vaughan-Spruce has said she wants to seek a clear verdict in court.

Orthodox Church Shelled by Russian Invaders in Oleshky

January 31, 2023, Ukraine

On January 31, it was reported that the Russian invaders have fired on a Church belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate in the town of Oleshky. The attack happened while a funeral was taking place, in which collaborate Zhuravko was being buried. The number of casualties after the incident is still under investigation.

Dutch Council of State Opinion: "Conversion Therapy" Banns Violate Religious Freedom

January 30, 2023, Netherlands

One year after a group of MPs proposed a Bill in the Netherlands to ban "conversion therapies" (February 2022), the Dutch Council of State declared that the proposed bill would be a violation of religious freedom. The proposed bill aimed to impose a fine of up to 22,500€ and a year of prison for anyone found guilty of offering conversion therapies. But in a recent opinion, the Council announced that there was no clear way to differentiate between actual victims of coercion and participants who chose such a practice voluntarily, emphasizing that intrusive forms of "conversion therapy" and coercion are already prohibited by the existing laws.

House of Lords Passes Buffer Zone Amendment That Turns Prayer into "Thought Crime"

January 30, 2023, United Kingdom

On the 30th of January, the House of Lords passed an amendment that introduces fines for citizens found guilty of “influencing any person’s decision to access, provide or facilitate the provision of abortion services” within 150 metres of these service facilities. The amendment made to the Public Order Bill was tabled by Conservative peer Baroness Suggs.

Suspect detained in the attack and robbery of a Priest in the town of Jaslo

January 29, 2023, Poland

In the street of Polskie Czerwonego Krzyża located in Jaslo, Poland, a 37-year-old suspect, has attacked and robbed a Priest who was taking a stroll for Christmas carols. The suspect wearing a hoodie and having a knife has come up to the Priest and has stolen his sachet, which contained a sprinkler, prayer book, holy pictures, and pastoral materials, but with no injuries. With the help of witnesses and shreds of evidence, the police department detained the perpetrator on January 11, 2023. The District Court of Jaslo has given him 3 months of jail time.

Swastika Sprayed Next to the Entrance Door of Church

January 28, 2023, Germany

On the afternoon of January 28., a perpetrator sprayed a red swastika symbol on the entrance door of the St. Wendelin Church in Neuses. It was reported that the act of vandalism was discovered right after the mass around 6:15 p.m.. The number 187 was also found next to it. An employee who takes care of the church, Klaus Schmitt, has removed the spray paint off from the wall.

Intended Arson: Two teenagers record themselves While Trying to set Fire To A Church

January 28, 2023, Belarus

It was reported that two 15-year-old teenage girls have caused a hate crime Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Grodno. They filmed themselves while committing this crime on January 28. It is mentioned that the girls might belong to a gothic subculture "judging from their clothes and appearance at the time they committed their act." The agency has also shared how images of swastikas were on their phones and both have been sentenced for vandalism.