All cases

(Israel) Intolerance against Christians in Israel

February 20, 2009, Other

Burning of Bibles reported in Israel; mockery of Christians on TV; Catholic bishops speak of a "low profile" form of Christ[ian]ophobia.

Study Reveals Discomfort of Parents on Religious Freedom in Schools

February 16, 2009, France

67% of French Catholic parents say that public schools do not respect the freedom of conscience of their children.

Cemetery Targeted For The Third Time in Maine-et-Loire

February 16, 2009, France

For the third time in less than a year, the cemetery of Saint-Laurent-des-Autels was vandalized on Sunday, February 14th, 2009. This time, tags were found on graves and on the door of the church. In the cemetery, one could see swastikas on trees.

School Receptionist Faces Dismissal over Prayer Request

February 12, 2009, United Kingdom

A five-year-old girl was reprimanded for talking about her faith at school and her mother, Jennie Cain, who worked part-time at her daughter’s school, was investigated for professional misconduct and faced disciplinary action. The school has settled out of court.

Christian Bookshop Vandalized

February 12, 2009, Turkey

On the 7th and 12th of February 2009, two youths vandalized the Soz Kitapevi bookshop of the Turkish Bible Society in the city of Adana. The aggressors are suspected to be Muslim militants.

(BBC) Pro-lifers Portrayed as Murderous Terrorists in Broadcast

February 10, 2009, International

BBC repeats the screening of a drama depicting pro life campaigners as murderous terrorists.

Christian Carer Struck Off

February 8, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian foster carer has been struck off because she allowed a Muslim child in her care to convert to Christianity.

(Internet) Video Mocks Catholicism

February 3, 2009, International

The film producing company Link TV placed a video online which mocks Catholicism. The short silent video shows a weird priest descreting the Eucharist, a most sacred item for Catholics.

Nurse Suspended for Offering Prayer to a Patient

February 2, 2009, United Kingdom

A nurse was suspended from work without pay for having asked a patient whether she wanted prayer. The nurse has been reinstated after public protests.

London Homelessness Prevention Officer Suspended for Mentioning Faith

January 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A homelessness prevention officer with Wandsworth Council has been suspended from work for nearly two months for encouraging a homeless woman with an incurable medical condition to look to God for help.