All cases

High Government Official Recommends Catholic School to Remove Crucifixes and Avoid Prayers

November 27, 2004, Spain

The inspector recommended to a Catholic school to remove crucifixes and other religious symbols from the classrooms as well as ceasing morning prayers and other expressions of faith.

Practicing Catholic Rejected as a Member of the European Commission

October 1, 2004, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Rocco Buttiglione was dismissed by the European Institutions as EU Commissioner because of his Catholic convictions.

Greek Orthodox Church Damaged by Bomb Explosion

August 1, 2004, Cyprus

Greek Orthodox Church in Northern Cyprus was damaged by bomb explosion in Cyprus conflict.

Orthodox Cathedral Turned into Public Toilet

April 19, 2004, Serbia

The Orthodox cathedral of Christ the Savior in Pristina, still under construction, with its consecrated foundations and cross, where Holy Liturgy was periodically served before the war while it was still under construction, has been turned into a public toilet, while the property around the church has become the squatting ground of Roma emigrants from the Republic of Albania.

Christian Student Union Reported to Police for Hosting Speaker With Traditional Biblical View on Homosexuality

February 26, 2004, United Kingdom

The Christian Union of the University of Cambridge was reported to the police after the distribution of 12,000 copies of St John's gospel to students and the lecture given by Phillip Jensen, the Dean of St. Andrew´s Cathedral, in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional biblical view on homosexuality.

Staff Sacked after Refusing Sunday Work

February 1, 2004, United Kingdom

Staff sacked after refusing Sunday work.

Christian Groups Listed as "Dangerous Sects"

January 1, 2004, France

(1996 - 2005) Legal developments put religious freedom at risk. Christian groups listed as dangerous sects. State power to interfere with religious exercise established by law.

Police Investigate Anglican Bishop Because He Said Some Homosexuals Changed to Heterosexuality

November 12, 2003, United Kingdom

The Bishop of Chester was investigated by the Cheshire constabulary in November 2003 after he told his local newspaper of research showing that some homosexuals re-orientated to heterosexuality. The police passed a file to the Crown Prosecution Service who decided not to prosecute.

Pastor Charged for Preaching on Homosexuality

June 20, 2003, Sweden

Pastor Ake Green charged with committing a "hate crime" for preaching a sermon on homosexuality in Borghold.

Catholic Nun Used for Condom Campaign

March 28, 2003, France

Image of Catholic nun used for pro condom campaign in Toulouse.

Two Council Workers Threatened with Dismissal for Participating in Homosexual Adoption

March 25, 2003, United Kingdom

The Sefton (North West of England) Council workers, Norah Ellis and Dawn Jackson, refused to take part in adoptions for gay parents as not compatible with the Christian concept of family. As a consequence they have been threatened with dismissal for not doing their job.

Christianophobic Exhibit in Moscow

January 14, 2003, Russia

Visitors are shocked by christianophobic exhibit in Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow as it shows Jesus and Mary in humiliating positions. Intention of organizers described as exposing hypocrisy of religion.

Christian Minority Rights Threatened

January 1, 2003, Kosovo

(2000-2003) Christian minority rights are at stake in Kosovo. Churches were attacked and destroyed. The denial of Jesus was demanded from youth at gunpoint.

Law Criminalizes Elements of Christianity

December 31, 2002, Sweden

New law prohibits criticism of homosexuality and makes biblical applications to today a criminal offence.

Call for Head Teacher to be Suspended for Defending a Christian View of Marriage

June 5, 2002, United Kingdom

A highly respected comprehensive school head teacher, Bill Beales, faced calls for his suspension after he told pupils that Christians were being “placed on trial” for defending their beliefs on marriage.

Preacher Arrested For Public Order Offence

April 1, 2002, United Kingdom

(October 2001-April 2002) Evangelical preacher arrested and fined for displaying a sign in public saying ‘Stop Immorality’.

Religious Sister Cruelly Murdered in Satanic Ritual

June 6, 2000, Italy

In the night of June 6th, 2000 in the Italian town of Chiavenna in the Lombardy, Sister Maria Laura Mainetti was murdered by three teenage girls in a ritual act of satanism.

Catholic Priest Falsely Accused of Participation in Satanic Rites

May 1, 2000, Italy

Father Giorgio Govoni, 59, pastor of Staggia di San Prospero Church in the province of Modena, Italy, was accused of being a member of a group of pedophiles who engaged in sexually violent and harmful acts with minors, including participation in satanic rites in the Massa Finalese Cemetery. He was cleared after his death by the court of second instance.

Church Vandalized After Anti-Gay Homily in Newcastle

October 28, 1999, United Kingdom

Jesmond Parish Church in Newcastle upon Tyne was covered with obscene phrases and pornographic graffiti after Rev. Holloway preached about homosexuality in the teachings of the Bible. The graffiti included drawings of men having sex, and insulting expressions such as "Holloway Out", "Bigot" and "Down with Holloway".

Pastor Jailed for Expression of Pro-Life Opinion

March 11, 1998, Germany

Pastor jailed for calling an abortion specialist “professional killer” and “torturer” in Erlangen.