All cases

City Halts Construction of Catholic Church With Legal Hardships

October 6, 2011, Russia

The archbishop of Moscow, Msgr. Paolo Pezzi has critized the city of Pskow (North-West Russia) to discriminate against the Catholic Church by denying the prolongation of a building permit.

BBC Guidelines Suggest to Replace BC and AD with "Religiously Neutral" Terms

October 5, 2011, United Kingdom

BBC’s new guidelines of religious impartiality contain the suggestion to use religiously “neutral” terms instead of “BC” and “AD” during discussions of history on air.

Physical Assaults Against Christians in Nîmes

October 2, 2011, France

A crowd of about one thousand people had gathered at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Santa-Cruz in Nîmes, for the annual procession organized by the ‘Joyeuse Union Don Bosco’ every year since 1982. But when they went back to their personal cars, several of them were surrounded, insulted and stoned by groups of violent youths.

Police Visits Christian Cafe for Display of Bible Passages

September 30, 2011, United Kingdom

UK, Blackpool: Jamie Murray, Salt & Light Coffee House's owner, has been visited by the Lancashire Police and threatened for the display of Bible versicles on a TV screen inside his property. The police told Murray that the Bible passages use offensive, insulting words, and this constitutes a violation of Section 5 of the Public Order Act. The officers warned Murray that if he didn’t stop, he could be prosecuted for hate speech. The coffee house TV screen connected to a DVD displays images with no soundtrack from "Watchword Bible", which contents verses from the New Testament.

Left Wing Extremists Violently End Pro-Life Rally in Düsseldorf

September 30, 2011, Germany

Left-wing extremists prevented a pro-life group from showing a short movie about the development of the human embryo on the square in front of Düsseldorf’s main railway station.

Church of Langrune-sur-Mer Vandalised

September 30, 2011, France

The Church of Saint Martin in Langrune-sur-Mer (Calvados), a XIIIth century church, was targeted by vandals. Many damages were caused: flowers on the ground, flower pots smashed, prayer books ripped, candles broken into pieces... The police have also found signs that the vandals had the intention to put the church on fire but had not succeeded.

Singer Sinead O'Connor Says She'd Shoot the Pope If He Came to Ireland

September 29, 2011, Ireland

The popular Irish singer, Sinead O'Connor used social media to warn the Pope that if he comes to Ireland, there "would be a bloodbath". The singer posted the threat on her Twitter account after a poll was conducted on whether the Pope should visit Ireland. Previously, in 1992 during a TV show, O'Connor tore a photo of John Paul II into pieces and called him evil.

Graffiti Insults Christians in Vienna's First District

September 29, 2011, Austria

In Postgasse, a fancy Vienna downtown street, a graffiti was placed on a residential house saying: "Pig Christians destroy the world", signed with a anarchy symbol.

Pro-family Groups Discriminated Against by PayPal Services

September 29, 2011, International

Homosexualist websites are boasting of victory in an ongoing campaign to induce PayPal, one of the world’s largest payment processing companies, to eliminate pro-family Christians from its service.

Marketing Campaign for Canal+ Series Smashes Holy Images

September 29, 2011, France

„Borgia“ TV series produced by the French TV channel "Canal+" in association with EOS Entertainment and distributed by Beta Film GmbH, used holy symbols for promotional advertisements in a profane way.

Paint Bomb on Welcome Poster for Pope's Visit

September 19, 2011, Germany

In the night from the 18th to the 19th of September, unknown perpetrators cast a paint bomb on a welcome poster at a Church in Berlin.

Vandalism at Cemetery in Schönau

September 17, 2011, Germany

A 16 year-old admitted being responsible for the desecration of numerous graves in Schönau on the 17th of September. He had knocked over memorial candles and gravestones, and had pulled out a wooden cross and destroyed it.

Pro Life Manifestation Attacked

September 17, 2011, France

The Christian pro life group "SOS Tout Petits" was attacked by pro-choice and anti-Christian activists during a manifestation in front of the Paris Hospital Tenon while praying peacefully.

Prayer Banned From Public Spaces

September 16, 2011, France

France banned prayers from the streets beginning September 16th, 2011. The measure mainly aims to target Muslims and their Friday prayers. In support of the new regulation the French Minister, Claude Gueant, affirmed that prayers on the street are unacceptable in a secular country such as France, and police force would be used in case of disobedience. Marine Le Pen, a right-wing French representative, speaking of Muslim prayer meetings, described prayers on the street as a "Nazi occupation". The consequences of a regulation also undermines freedom of religion of Christians, with regard to traditional Catholic processions as well as street evangelisations and outdoor liturgies. It is unclear to the Observatory, whether there will be exceptions granted to such initiatives under the new law.

Major Social Media Sites ‘Actively’ Censor Christian Content

September 15, 2011, International

A new study has found that Google and other major social media sites such as Facebook have “actively” censored Christian and conservative viewpoints. The report examined the policies and practices of several major Internet-interactive “new media” communications platforms and service providers, including Apple and its iTunes App Store, Facebook, Google, and others.

(Jersey) Post Refuses to Deliver ‘Offensive’ Bible CD

September 15, 2011, United Kingdom

Postal workers in Jersey refused to deliver audio recordings of St Mark’s Gospel after deeming it “offensive material”. Several churches clubbed together to pay for 45,000 CDs to be produced to mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. A copy of the recording was due to be delivered to every household on the Channel Island of Jersey. But church leaders were left reeling after Jersey Post claimed that the CDs could offend people and refused to deliver them.

Anonymous Caller Threatens School for Displaying Welcome Poster for Pope

September 14, 2011, Germany

A welcome poster for pope Benedict XVI upon his visit to Germany in September 2011 was removed in Fürstenwalde (Oder-Spree) after an anonymous caller said that „something would happen, if the posters were not immediately removed.“

Catholic Cemetery of Buxy Wrecked

September 13, 2011, France

Twenty graves and tombstones have been desecrated in the small village of Buxy in Burgundy. The 2,000 residents of Buxy and their mayor are shocked and incredulous, the police has opened an investigation.

Smearings on a Catholic Church in Dijon

September 13, 2011, France

The Saint-Michel Catholic church of Dijon has been smeared on during the night on September 13th. The mayor’s office quickly responded by clearing out the inscriptions. One could see a scored of cross and read «No Gods, no Masters».

Catholic Newspapers Site Hacked; Anti-Christian Message Displayed

September 12, 2011, Ireland

The homepage of the Irish Catholic website was hacked and replaced with a blue and white screen which read “Site off-line. You. Got. Taken”. The hacker’s message went on to say “And wish you to continue beliveing [sic] in your false religion”. and: "Gotta love false hope."

Christian Think Tank Receives Threatening Phone Call

September 11, 2011, Ireland

The Dublin based Christian Think Tank Iona Institute received a threatening phone call in September: The anonymous caller said the Institute was “scum”, that its director “David Quinn should be castrated and hung up on O’Connell Street”, that they had “the nerve to portray your “f**king religion”, and that the people at the Institute were “filth”.

Legal Proposal Endangers Freedom of Religion by Seeking to Interfere with the Seal of Confession

September 11, 2011, Ireland

The Irish Government is „set on passing a law that will require priests to break the seal of confession if they hear about child abuse in the confessional.

Moslem Protester: "Jihad to Christian Extremists"

September 11, 2011, International

On a protest against the USA and the UK in London on September 11, a group of Muslims marched through London. A sign was carried which read "Jihad to Christian Extremists".

Call for Ban on Church Marriage if Churches Would Not Perfom Same-Sex Unions As Well

September 8, 2011, United Kingdom

A member of U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron’s government is calling for a ban on marriages at Christian churches if they refuse to also perform same-sex unions.

Doctors Should Refer Patients for Euthanasia: New Dutch Guidelines

September 8, 2011, Netherlands

According to new guidelines from the Dutch national doctors association, doctors with moral objections to euthanasia have “a moral and professional duty” to refer patients to another doctor willing to euthanize them.

Destruction of Crosses as Protest Against the Visit of the Pope

September 7, 2011, Germany

A radical atheist group called „What the f...“ released a video on youtube in which crosses are being destroyed with much violence and hatred.

Poznan Medical University Breaks Previous Agreement to Host Reparative Therapy Conference

September 6, 2011, Poland

A reparative therapy conference, which aims to help people who struggle with same sex attraction, was denied to use of the Medical School Foundation (UM) facilities in Poznan, Poland. The conference, featuring psychologist Dr. Joseph Nicolosi of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), received criticisms from Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, and it was after them that UM decided not to host the event. Gazeta Wyborcza highlighted that the American Psychological Association (APA) has concerns about the effects of treatment for same-sex attraction.

US Officials Call Catholic Church Source of Spreading “Homophobia” in Poland

September 6, 2011, International

American embassy officials under the Obama administration complained that the Catholic Church teaching is a major source of “homophobia” in the heavily Catholic country, according to private cables published by Wikileaks.

Christian Debt Counselling Charity Excluded from Support Network for Offering Prayer to Clients

September 5, 2011, United Kingdom

‚Advice UK’, the largest support network for free advice centres in the UK, has pushed out a Christian debt counselling charity from its membership for offering to pray with clients suffering from debt problems.

MP Calls for Churches to be Stripped of Licences for Refusing to Marry Gays

September 2, 2011, United Kingdom

Churches which refuse to conduct gay marriages should be stripped of their licence, according to Member of Parliament Mike Weatherley of Hove. While marriage between people of the same sex is not legal in the UK but civil partnerships were introduced in 2005 to give couples the same legal protection as if they were wed. Mr Weatherley said according to „The Argus“: “As long as religious groups can refuse to preside over ceremonies for same-sex couples there will be inequality. “Until we untangle unions and religion in this country we will struggle to find a fair arrangement.”

Theater Play Hurts Feelings of Christians

September 1, 2011, France

Several French theaters have scheduled Romeo Castellucci's play "Sur le concept du visage du fils de Dieu" (On the concept of the face of the son of God) or "Golgotha picnic" to be on their stage this year. The play "Sur le concept du visage du fils de Dieu" depicts in the 2nd act a group of children throwing grenades onto a large image of Jesus displayed in the back of the stage. After Jesus is "stoned", the 3rd act shows the same image on Jesus being torn apart while the words "you are (not) my Shepherd" are displayed.

Blasphemious Play Shown in French Theaters

August 31, 2011, France

„Golgotha Picnic“, a theater play written by Rodrigo García, abuses mercylessly Christian icons and Bible passages in brings them in the proximities of terror and barbarism. Christ is called "el diablo puto" (the f... evil); money notes are placed at the Jesus' side wound; burger bread covers the floor as a parody of the multiplication of the loaves; and a piano player, totally naked, ridicules the “Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross” by Haydn.

Campaign Against Catholic Church's Tax Exemption

August 31, 2011, Italy

A political campaign supported by a social media campaign advocated the removal of the tax exemption granted to the Catholic Church. The supporters of the proposal claim that the Church money would help Italy to overcome its financial crisis, and would therefore make other governmental spenditure cuts unnecessary. The Catholic Church properties are exempted from tax because of the community service they provide and the social function church buildings serve. In the fall of 2011, the issue was dropped.

Politican Plans to Sue Physicians for Offering Therapy for People Struggling With Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

August 29, 2011, Germany

Volker Beck, member of the German Bundestag (parliament) and speaker on human rights issues of the Green party, has launched an initiative to engage the German Medical Association against the German Union of Catholic Physicians (BKÄ). On their website, the BKÄ provides informations about therapeutic options in case of unwanted same-sex attraction.

Crucifixion Group Defaced in Wassenberg-Myhl

August 25, 2011, Germany

On August 21st a crucifixion group was defaced with black paint in Wassenberg-Myhl by strangers.

(Northern Ireland) Gay March Signs Offend Christians

August 24, 2011, United Kingdom

Belfast's Gay March 2011 was (again) marked by anti-Christian offensive signs. One sign read: “Jesus had two dads (and he turned out just fine)”. Another protester bore a placard that said “Jesus protect me from your followers”.

UK Employee Suspended Upon Display of Cross

August 20, 2011, United Kingdom

A UK Christian electrician who won a fight with his employer over his right to display a small Palm leaf cross in his van is now saying that the company has reneged on its agreement. 64-year-old Colin Atkinson was asked by his employers, Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) in West Yorkshire, to remove the cross after an anonymous complaint from a WDH tenant. The company threatened Atkinson with disciplinary action when he refused, but backed down when their threats prompted a public outcry and criticism from prominent religious leaders, including the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey.

Local Government Eliminates Traditional Barbeceue at Ascension Day During the Time of Ramadan in Novara

August 20, 2011, Italy

In the first year after the centre-left’s victory at local elections, local politicians decided to prohibit the traditional Ascencion Day barbeceue – at which „Crostine“ and „Salamelle“ (special Italian sausages) have been indispensable for decades. The reason was that Ascension Day took place during Ramadan. Not to offend the Muslim minority, the local government decided to serve only water melon instead of the traditional barbeceue.

Immigrant Club Calls For Removal of the Cross in the Swiss Flag

August 19, 2011, Switzerland

The Swiss club of immigrants Secondos Plus demands that the Swiss Cross be removed from the flag of Switzerland because it "didn't correspond anymore to the multicultural Switzerland of today." As alternative, they suggest to go back to the national flag of 1799 which contains green, red and yellow stripes.

Violent Counter Demonstrators Attack Youth at World Youth Day in Madrid

August 17, 2011, Spain

A demonstration against the Catholic Church and the visit of the pope during the major Catholic event of World Youth Day, resulted in the young Christian visitors be booed, spat and shouted at. Several World Youth Day participates were physically attacked, one had to be treated in hospital for being kicked in the stomach. Eight anti-pope demonstrators were jailed.

Hospital Attempted to Force Christian Nurses to Commit Abortions and Backs Down

August 15, 2011, United Kingdom

A hospital in London that recently attempted to force two Christian nurses to commit abortions has backed down after legal threats using the Equality Act to protect the nurses pro-life beliefs.

New Guidelines from the General Pharmaceutical Council Threaten Freedom of Conscience

August 15, 2011, United Kingdom

New guidelines issued by the UK pharmaceutical regulatory board tends towards stripping pharmacists of their right to conscientious objection with regard to refusing the sale of the morning-after pill, an abortive device.

Church Set on Fire by Vandals in Begijnendijk

August 14, 2011, Belgium

Vandals started a devastating fire in the parish church of Saint-Lucie in Begijnendijk (Flemish Brabant). They entered the church through a window and put fire to the curtains and chairs. The damage is significant and the church was closed for several weeks.

Catholic Care Forced to Close or Allow Gay Adoption after Tribunal Decision

August 9, 2011, United Kingdom

On May 31st, 2011, Catholic Care of the Diocese of Leeds has applied for leave to appeal the latest decision against it in the long-running case sparked by the Charity Commission’s refusal to allow it to prevent gay couples from using its adoption service. The appeal was granted in August 2011.

Masked Vandals Attack Pro-Life Office in Austria

August 8, 2011, Austria

The office of Johannes Bucher, the European Regional Director of Human Life International’s (HLI), was attacked after a pro-life march in Salzburg, Austria. The office suffered seven broken windows, causing thousands of Euros in damage.

Cemetery Vandalized in Champniers

July 30, 2011, France

The cemetery of Champniers and its surroundings were vandalized at the end of July 2011. Crosses were tossed, and statues of Marie damaged, flower pots thrown to the ground.

Norway Killer Anders Breivik Wrongly Labelled a "Christian Fundamentalist"

July 29, 2011, International

Shortly after his ruthless murder of at least 76 innocent men, women, and children Anders Breivik has been called a “Christian fundamentalist,” “Christian terrorist,” and “Christian extremist.” The media picked up the solitary, premature and unjust comment of a police officer right after the incident.

Vandalism at St. Ann's in Ascheberg

July 28, 2011, Germany

Unknown perpetrators urinated into a Holy Water vessel of St. Ann Catholic church, in Ascheberg. They also damaged organ pipes, several apostle statues and a censer. The damage amounts to several thousand Euros. The police has not yet convicted the vandals and does not rule out that they are a gang of teenagers.

Christian Media Ad Banned By Authorities

July 27, 2011, United Kingdom

The media group Premier Christian Radio's advertizment on the marginalization of Christians in the workplace was banned by the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC) for being “politically motivated”. Even though the ad was modified and redone several times, RACC upheld the ban.

Swastika on a Church Door in Bessans

July 27, 2011, France

The Church of Saint Jean Baptiste of Bessans (Savoie) was vandalized in the night from July 26th to July 27th. Swastika were painted on the door of the church and "Adolf Hitler" written on the church steps. The vandals apparently tried to break open the door but did not succeed.

Militant Left Wing Activism Against Peaceful Pro Life Manifestation

July 24, 2011, Austria

The left wing radicals praised themselves for their actions by saying: "Over 50 emancipated people were present to block and disturb and they were not affraid of nervious cops. They prevented stupid prayers and managed to disrupt the pro life manifestion in a way that it had to be ended early. During almost the entire pro life manifestion, they made their feminist viewpoints clear by shouting paroles. They showed that militant resistance against anti-emanzipatory conditions and ass-holes is possible.“

Church Vandalised in Saint-Jouin-Bruneval

July 16, 2011, France

The church of Saint-Jouin-Bruneval in the Seine Maritime department of Normandy has been vandalised during the night from Saturday 15th to Sunday 16th of July. An unknown number of person came through the door of the church tower, descended a ladder and took a choir bench to break down the door of the sacristy which they completely wrenched. They tumbled the candles and the candle-holders and then ripped off a wooden chest near the main altar. Finally, they broke open the offertory-box were to take its contents.

French Daily Smashes Jesus Christ and Christianity

July 16, 2011, France

French daily „Liberation“ smashes Christianity by depicting Jesus as a loser, drug user and egocentric. The French Catholic bishops’ conference issued a statement in support of freedom of expression but saying that this requires respect of the one it actually offends. The bishops also mention that Christians always forgive.

Parents' Rights at Stake as Schools Minister Gives Green Light to Explicit Sex Ed in Science Lessons

July 12, 2011, United Kingdom

SPUC - director blogs of new developments in the field of education: "Parents of primary-school children from across the country are furious that Nick Gibb, the schools minister, has told Parliament that schools can teach children, including in primary school, about sex in science lessons." The problem is that parents cannot withdraw their children from sience - and contents might be unacceptable for many parents.

Ban on Faith-Based Pregnancy Conflict Counselling in Freiburg and Mannheim

June 30, 2011, Germany

In Freiburg, the Agency for Public Order restricted access around the entrance area of Pro Familia (an organisation which offers pregnancy conflict counseling including the option of abortion) for counsellors of the faith-based nonprofit association „Centre of Life - Helpers of God’s Precious Infants“ (Lebenszentrum - Helfer für Gottes kostbare Kinder e.V.) The aim of the associaton is to encourage and support expecting mothers in conflict to give birth to their child by offering differents kinds of support.

Vandalism at St. John's in Heidelberg

June 30, 2011, Germany

Unknown perpetrators ravaged in the church of St. John’s in Heidelberg on June 1st. Police confirmed that they sloshed around drinks on the altar and in the area of the organ, put meatballs in the organ pipes and dog dirt on the clavier.

Cemetery of Saint-Lys Desecrated

June 30, 2011, France

The cemetery of La Moutonne of Saint-Lys in the department of Haute-Garonne has been vandalized in the night from Thursday to Friday, June 30th, 2011. Memorial plaques were lying on the ground, damaged. A bench of the cemetery had been split into pieces, urn compartments had been opened and no less than twenty graves had received stroke of large stones flung against them, thus breaking plaques, ceramics and flower pots.

Vandalism in the Cemetery of Belleville-sur-Meuse

June 30, 2011, France

Fifteen Christian graves were damaged in the cemetery of Belleville-sur-Meuse and many crosses and statues broken into pieces. Ashes of three deceased have been scattered. Several crosses, marbles and plaques were broken into pieces and scattered on the ground. Statues of Christ were wrenched and let to lay on the floor.

Closing of Churches After Vandalism Acts

June 22, 2011, France

The churches of Rieux-Minervois and of Toucy had to be closed after several acts of vandalism and thefts.

Church Service Disturbed By Activists

June 5, 2011, Italy

In the parish St. Giuseppe Calasanzio (Milan) activists wanted to harass a priest for his views on homosexuality. They interrupted mass, carrying banners, shouting and josteling. The case was responded to the Turin Sociologist Massimo Introvigne, representative of OSCE for, amongst others, combatting intolerance and discrimination against Christians.

Christian-Inspired Polish Abortion Law Targeted by International Institutions

June 3, 2011, International

Poland's life-protecting abortion law, which is inspired by its strong Christian identity, is under attack by international and supranational bodies. This disrespect of national sovereignty targets Christian aspects and is therefore a case of intolerance against Christians in the area of morals.

Conscientious Objection in Peril for Amsterdam Marriage Commissioners

June 2, 2011, Netherlands

Marriage commissioners in a district of Amsterdam will be forced to undergo annual evaluations to ensure they support same-sex “marriage” after revelations that two commissioners had refused to officiate at the ceremonies. Since 2007, the government in Amsterdam’s Nieuw-West district has only employed commissioners who agree to perform same-sex “marriages,” and officials apparently believed the district was free of “conscientious objectors.”

BBC Survey: Viewers Think Broadcaster is Anti-Christian

June 1, 2011, United Kingdom

The BBC is widely regarded as displaying an anti-Christian attitude in its programming, according to the Corporation’s own research.

Christian Counsellor Suspended For Reparative Therapy Suggestion

May 31, 2011, United Kingdom

(ongoing) Lesley Pilkington was suspended by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (“BACP”) for giving therapy to a homosexual man (an under-cover freelance journalist) who pretended to be a Christian wishing to stop practicing homosexuality. A key witness has been threatened by homosexual activists, causing hearing to be adjourned.

Medical Doctor Reprimanded for Talking about Christianity to a Patient Despite Consent

May 31, 2011, United Kingdom

Richard Scott, a MD with a 28-year spotless work record, has been given a disciplinary call for sharing his faith with a patient.

Sidewalk Counselling Prohibited in Munich

May 31, 2011, Germany

The local authorities in Munich (Kreisverwaltungsreferat, KVR) have prohibited all pro life activity in front of Germany’s biggest abortion clinic (Dr. Friedrich Stapf, 4000 abortions per year) and called the so-called side-walk counselling a serious impropriety („grobe Ungehörigkeit“) to be punished by a fine of 500 €.

Catholic Church Blamed for Unemployment

May 31, 2011, Spain

Cayo Lara, General Coordinator of the United Left party has blamed the Catholic Church for 400,000 Spanish citizens currently unemployed. According to Lara the Catholic Church received public funds amounted in 10.000 millions of euros per year, money that could be used to create job positions for those without a jobs.

Legal Proposal Seeks to Deny Public Funding to Schools that Separate Boys from Girls

May 31, 2011, Spain

With the approval of the Council of Ministers of Spain, the State Department of Education, submitted a motion to the Congress to deny public funds to schools that teach their students in gender-separated classrooms. This method of education has been applied mostly by Christian school in Spain. The same was previously attempted in the regions of Asturias, Cantabria, and Andalucía.

Personal Experiences of Marginalisation in the Area of Government Funding

May 31, 2011, United Kingdom

Evangelical Premier Media conducted a survey called "Freedom of the Cross Consultations" in May 2010. 12 % of the respondants answered that they had experienced discrimination personally, another 10% that they knew someone who had. Read here some quotes in the area of government funding.

Socialist Party Member and Government Representative Slams Christianity on Facebook

May 26, 2011, Spain

Sandra Yagüe, member of the PSOE and second in command to the City Hall of Azuqueca de Henares, one of the largest cities in the district of Guadalajara, has created a Facebook page to called "public sinners wishing excommunication". On this page she displays profane and pornographic materials using the images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary in disturbing contexts.

200-year-old Greek Orthodox Chapel Demolished “By Accident” in Northern Cyprus

May 26, 2011, Cyprus

The 200-year-old Greek Orthodox Chapel of Saint Thekla in the village of Vokolida, Cyprus was demolished, allegedly by accident. The demolition was condemned publicly by the Turkish Cypriot authorities and two individuals were arrested for destroying the church and a promise was made to rebuild it. Nevertheless, due to several reasons, this has not yet been performed.

Vandalism at Cemetery in Velen

May 21, 2011, Germany

Unknown perpetrators knocked over gravestones and pulled out plants in a cemetery located in Velen.

Trespassing and Theft in Lukavac

May 18, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Burglars broke into the church of Lukavac and stole various objects.

(Scotland) Artist Plans to Set Jesus´ Head on Fire

May 16, 2011, United Kingdom

“Holy smoke” is the expression the Scottish media has used in reference to David Mach´s claim to set on fire the head of Jesus in the name of art. The artist plans to burn a head of Jesus made with matchsticks outside the City Art Centre of Edinburgh, which is hosting this religious-themed exhibit with taxpayers money in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible. The exhibit will run from 30 July to 16 October. Mach, who described himself as a non believer, says he wants to use religious themes to "expose the hypocrisies of the contemporary world".

School Children Targeted by Pro-Euthanasia Video

May 16, 2011, United Kingdom

14-year-old UK students enrolled in GCSE (general certificate of secondary education) philosophy courses are being taught about euthanasia by viewing a video featuring Dr Philip Nitschke, a notorious assisted suicide campaigner and euthanasia fanatic. Nitschke, the Australian founder and director of the euthanasia group “Exit International”, known internationally as “Dr Death”, presents in a video a machine which delivers lethal injections.

Anti-Pope-Campaign Sues Pope at International Tribunal

May 16, 2011, International

The campaign “Calling the Pope to Account” sued Pope Benedict XVI at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity. The charges are: “the preservation and leadership of a worldwide totalitarian regime of coercion, which subjugates its members with terrifying and health-endangering threats; the adherence to a fatal forbiddance of the use of condoms, even when the danger of HIV-AIDS infection exists; and the establishment and maintenance of a worldwide system of cover-up of the sexual crimes committed by Catholic priests and their preferential treatment, which aids and abets ever new crimes”. The campaign is supported by posters and a book publication.

Landowner at Pilgrims' Route Prohibits Priests to Enter Property

May 14, 2011, Austria

One of the routes to the main Austrian Catholic Shrine, MariaZell, located in the Austrian mountains, leads through the forest of Mr. Josef Rothwangl. In May 2011, Mr. Rothwangl put up a sign prohibiting priests to enter his property when accompanying children or youth. He says that he was a victim of abuse by Catholic priests himself, when he was a student at a Catholic high school. It is not clear, whether such a prohibition is legally permitted or not. The social effects are in any case problematic: The measure defames and stereotypes priests by implying that all Catholic priests are child abusers.

Atheist Demonstration Incites Violence and Hatred Against Christians

May 13, 2011, Spain

On 13th of May 2011 in Madrid, a group of atheist demonstrated „against religion“ mocking religious symbols of Christians. While such a manifestation is everyone’s freedom of expression, it is important to pay attention to the feelings of believers as well as to offer a contribution to the public debate instead of spreading hatred and intolerance.

Attempt of Arson at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Elmar

May 13, 2011, Germany

An attempt of arson was noticed by a neighbour at Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Elmar on May 13th. Stranger(s) tried to set fire to several items in the church, including curtains, carpets and cushions. Locals extinguished the fire with water. The damaged amounts to about 2000 €.

Parliament Votes to Campaign to Force Health Professionals to Perform Abortions in the Council of Europe Member States

May 11, 2011, Sweden

The Swedish Parliament voted to campaign against a European resolution, which reiterates the right to conscientious objection for health professionals who do not want to perform abortions.

Attacks on the Parish Church of Navalcarnero, Madrid

May 10, 2011, Spain

The parish church of “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” suffered great damage on Sunday May 8, as several religious images made of plaster were destroyed. Local police arrested the assailant, a 35-year-old male local resident, who had made previous threats toward the church. As stated by Pastor Marcos Fermin, this is not only a financial problem for him - but bears also great emotional pain.

Vandalism at the “Diálogo” Library in Madrid

May 10, 2011, Spain

The Diálogo library in Madrid suffered serious damage as an unidentified pertpetrators smashed the window in which books related to the beatification of Pope Juan Pablo II were displayed. The library is well-known for specializing in religious subjects.

Vandalism at Church in Anschar

May 7, 2011, Germany

Vandals broke into the church of Anschar on May 7th, damaged several objects in the main church, threw down a crucifix and paintings in the sacristy, and tore everything out of the closets. Nothing was stolen, but fixing will be expensive. A new alarm system will be installed shortly to prevent any further attack. The incident was reported to the police.

Stage Play “Me Cago en Dios” – “I shit on God”

April 30, 2011, Spain

The Spanish play “Me Cago en Dios” was shown in Madrid in 2004. It caused public uproar due to its radical anti-religious contents. It was subsequently shown in Lisbon and in 2011 in New York City.

Image of the Virgin Mary Removed Because Official Visit

April 30, 2011, Spain

The image of the Virgen del Pilar, patron of the Spanish Civil Guard, has been removed from its original location in Aranjuez. The image was placed years ago at the students´cafeteria inside the Spanish Civil Guard Academy. The removal was due to the visit of the Ministry of Interior and vice president of the socialist political party (PSOE), Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. The order came from one of Rubalcaba´s close collaborators because "it was not appropriate to see the image while the officer was having a wine of honor" there.

Saint Statues Beheaded in Burgos

April 30, 2011, Spain

The sculptures of St. Peter and St. Laurent located outside the gate of San Esteban Church in Burgos were beheaded. The Church was built during the XIII century in a Gothic style; the sculpture of St. Peter had been restore six years ago while St. Laurent's image had been under renovation 12 years ago. The decapitation took place on the night of Good Friday.

Vandalism at Nathan-Söderblom Church in Reinbeck

April 30, 2011, Germany

A gang of about 20 youth has been rampaging repeatedly around the Nathan-Söderblom church in Reinbeck in the spring of 2011, including the urination into a work of art that represents the grave of Christ. Police and social service have not been able to calm down those involved, and are considering hiring a social worker to find a remedy.

Anti-Chapel Demonstrators Distrupts Mass Services on Campus

April 29, 2011, Spain

A group of 40 youths, dressed in black, with their faces hidden, and holding signs against the Catholic Church, marched in support of the violent attack that took place at the Somosaguas Chapel in Barcelona.

Socialist Youth Political Movement Promotes Elimination of Religious Symbols and Funding Cuts to Church

April 28, 2011, Spain

Socialist Youth of Spain (Juventudes Socialistas de España - JSE), part of the PSOE political wing, has started an electoral platform that supports the removal of every religious symbol from public schools, and the progressive reduction of funds including the elimination of schools that receive taxpayers' money but are run privately (which are mostly confessional schools). Among other proposals the JSE supports free distribution of condoms, the day-after pill, indoctrination on abortion, and free sex change surgery.

Church Vandalised in Bonneval (Eure-et-Loir)

April 27, 2011, France

The church of Bonneval has been vandalised on Holy Thursday. According to Father François Muchery, the damage was quite substantial: on the prayer book one can see obscene drawings and words, statues have been damaged and urinated on and candles were smashed.

Statue of the Virgin Marie Beheaded in La-Roche-Sur-Yon

April 24, 2011, France

On the night of Sunday, April 24th, around 3:00 am, the statue of the Virgin Mary located behind the church of the Sacred Heart of La Roche-sur-Yon has been beheaded and then thrown on the ground. It’s head was transported to the other side of the park.

Church Vandalised in Echirolles

April 24, 2011, France

The church of Saint-Jean-Bosco of Echirolles has been victim of desecration. The main Crucifix was found broken on the floor. Missals had been flung to the ground and benches damaged and turned over. Apparently, the perpetrators had entered the church by forcing a side door. No theft has been reported.

Flash Mob Disturbs Good Friday Procession

April 22, 2011, Germany

A flash mob intended to protest against a law prohibiting dancing events on certain holidays interfered with the Good Friday procession of the Croatian Catholic community in Frankfurt/Main.

Catholic Church Vandalised on Good Thursday

April 21, 2011, Turkey

Two men armed with swords and knives broke into a Catholic Church in Adana last Thursday. After learning that the priest was not in the church, the 26 year old aggressors proceeded to vandalise the property.

Trespassing and Damages in Aladinici (Mostar)

April 21, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vandals broke into the mission church of Aladinici and cause substantial damage.

Church in Adana, Turkey Vandalised

April 21, 2011, Turkey

On 21 April 2011 two men broke into a Catholic church and completely destroyed three statues. They also left marks on the altar, smashed window panes and threw flowerpots around.

Art Exhibit Displays Demeaning Image Called “Piss Christ“

April 20, 2011, France

Piss Christ is a photograph by Andres Serrano which shows a crucifix submerged in yellow liquid. Serrano, an American artist, has declared that the amber liquid is his own urine. Piss Christ has been displayed since the beginning of April at the art gallery “Collection Lambert” in Avignon.

Church in Altavista Vandalised

April 20, 2011, Spain

Father-Claret Parish, located in Altavista (Lanzarote), was vandalised by burglars. According to the media, the criminals broke into the church searching for money. Once they realised no money was there, they vandalised the property, causing significant damage. Before they left, they threw away the vase containing the holy communion.

Court Interferes in Church Self-Administration in Hiring Decision

April 20, 2011, Spain

The Spanish Constitutional Tribunal ruled that Catechism teacher Resurrección Galera Navarro whose working contract was not renewed after marrying a divorced man and not informing her employer, she was dismissed unlawfully. Employer Ferrer Guardia Catholic School in Almeria was sentenced to pay compensation. Acknowledging the human dimension of this incident, it is in any case necessary that religious institutions are able to establish their own rules and ethos.

Medical Doctor Denied the Right to Conscientious Objection by Court

April 19, 2011, Spain

A Spanish general practitioner from Antequera who opposes abortion was denied the right to claim conscientious objection in cases of abortion. The MD argues that his beliefs conflict with abortion advice or referral to women seeking pregnancy termination.