Muslim anti-Christian protest took place in London in front of several European embassies and is portrayed on photos which were taken during a demonstration against the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad.
On 15 February, a man locked two female devotees inside a building near Belgrade. He then started destroying their religious literature and attempted to drag them into the cellar. One of the two victims managed to escape and subsequently called the police, who rescued the other.
Sculpture shows Christ with a Missile instructing Second World War German soldiers in Ferran Cano Art Gallery in Madrid.
In the northern city of Trabzon, a 61-year-old Catholic priest was shot dead while praying in his church. The 16-year-old perpetrator, who was arrested shortly after the shooting, shouted a religious slogan to justify his actions, and allegedly made a confession to the police that indicated the religious motivation behind the attack. The killing was strongly and publicly condemned by the government, including by the interior minister.
Jesus Christ is ridiculed in a Musical Video Clip on TV Channel Telecinco and the Internet
An episode of the cartoon series “South Park” shows irreverent treatment of Catholic symbols.
Austrian public broadcast ORF deletes a polite comment from an online debate which criticises the mainstream. Vienna, Austria.
The major of San Sebastian, the socialist Odón Elorza, wore a religious costume for a pagan festivity. The media reported that during the Carnival, Erloza, dressed as a bishop along with three men dressed in female tennis cloth, preceded the parade. Erloza made the sign of the cross imitating the Catholic ritual "blessing" the attendance.
Members of the socialist party said that they would vote against the National Spanish Budget as long as the government continues the provision of funds to the Catholic Church. During an interview broadcast by the media Ser, MP Victorino Mayoral, a socialist representative, claimed that the Catholic Church funding is "dubious, not to mention unconstitutional". Mayoral says that the secular government of Spain cannot afford the funding of a religious organizations that "revives Franco's times“.
Member of the Scottish Parliament asked Strathclyde Police to investigate remarks made by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow. The Archbishop had defended the institution of marriage in a church service.
Popstar Madonna ridicules the crucifiction on tour in Europe
BBC spreads negative image of Jesus by Series on “The Miracles of Jesus”
(ongoing) Visa difficulties for religious personel; police failure to protect the faithful; administrational obstacles prevent religious services.
(2000-2006) Several instances recorded. Christians faced violence including murders, threats, vandalisations and administrational difficulties.
(2003 - 2006) Reference to God or Christianity in EU Constitution denied despite 1 million individual signatures as well as 50 million signatures through organisiational affiliation.
A group of Christian Year Nine girls at a school in Stoke Newington were forced to remain in an ‘LGBT History Month – assembly’ despite their parents’ wishes that they should not attend. Parents with objections to Christian assemblies are permitted to withdraw their children. Teachers are also permitted to opt out.
The Secretary of the Labor Union requested in a written statement the immediate removal of a nativity that has been displayed in the hall of the Council of Education building. The petition was grounded in Article 16 of the Spanish Constitution, which establishes that no creed has official character. Spain has signed many international agreements that guarantee freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.
Family campaigner Lynette Burrows interrogated after radio statement in London.
A clothes production company in Stockholm comes out with a satanic logo as active statement against Christianity.
Animated video glorifies violence against pro-life Christians on Planned Parenthood website.