All cases

Christian Feelings Hurt by Distortion of Last Supper by RAI-2

May 31, 2014, Italy

Italian Christians are hurt by the TV Program "LOL" broadcasted by RAI-2 which shows Jesus, his apostles, and a women at a table having a happy banquet meaning to be the last supper, The wedding music suggest that it was about a marriage between Jesus and the woman, but this misunderstanding clears up when Jesus kisses one of his apostels on the mouth. The broadcast is understood to be a promotion of same sex marriage. Many faithful feel strongly about the images of the last supper, and are hurt by this distortion.

Notre Dame in Fribourg Vandalized by Minors

May 22, 2014, Switzerland

Two adolescents at the age of 14 and 15 were caught vandalising a Catholic church. They broke the paschal candle, pulled of one station of the cross, painted on the wall a leaf of cannabis and threw cigarette butts and papers around the altar.

Protests Against a Sexual Ethics Congress

May 22, 2014, Germany

The association “White cross” (Weißes Kreuz) hosted a congress about sexual ethics between the 22nd and the 24th of May in Kassel, Germany. This congress was a target of strong general criticism, also by the representatives of the city of Kassel. Shortly before the start of the congress, the congress building was vandalized by red color paint as a symbol of disagreement.

St. George and Catharine Church Vandalised in Traunstein

May 20, 2014, Germany

An unknown person attacked the St. Georg and Catharine Church in Traunstein, Germany. The invader broke a holy water vessel off the wall with a large stone. The motivation for the attack is unknown.

Arson in the Catholic School St. Mary Weg Riquet in Aubagne

May 20, 2014, France

A fire broke out in a class room during the night of May 20th destroying four classrooms. The Police found out that many fires were set. The attacker is unknown. The St. Mary Weg Riquet School remained closed on the day after.

Basilica of St. Nicolas in Nantes Vandalized Again

May 13, 2014, France

The Basilica of St. Nicolas in Nantes was again victim of vandalism. The perpetrators wrote on the door satanic and anti-Christian motives. In March obscene graffiti was painted on the same building.

Attempted Arson and Vandalism at Notre-Dame de la Plaine in Billere

May 11, 2014, France

On March 11th the church Notre-Dame de la Plaine in Billère in Southwestern France was vandalised: The diocese of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron said that „one or more persons burned the altar shrine and the cross in the sanctuary“. The police confirmed the vandalism and found some feces. The parish priest has filed a complaint and a police investigation is underway.

Bascilia of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse vandalised

May 10, 2014, France

The Basilica of St. Sernin was graffitied during the night by a group called G2M. The perpetrators sprayed on one of the portals on the court and on the wall of the Basilica. The CREW G2M is already known in Toulouse since 2010. The Basilica was also sprayed in March.

Left-Wing Local Government Removes Cherished Statue of Jesus

May 9, 2014, Spain

A statue of Jesus Christ was removed and damaged by the governing local left-wing Galician nationalist party BNG in San Sadurnino in La Coruna.

Arson Attack on Church in Vorarlberg

May 4, 2014, Austria

Unknown offenders started a fire at the entrance of the church in Vorarlberg. At 1:20 am people walking by discovered the flames and were able to extinguish the fire, but the two 52 year-old women had to be brought to the hospital as a precautionary measure. There were suspected injuries of smoke inhalation, however, they were soon discharged.

Karlskirche Vandalised in Vienna

May 4, 2014, Austria

During the night from Friday to Saturday unknown perpetrators vandalised the world famous Karlskirche in Vienna’s fourth district. The perpetrators threw several bags of paint on the stonework and some statues in front of the church. Also the words „on repression follows resistance“ were smeared on the walls. The police suspect several perpetrators. The incident was noticed Saturday morning. The damage is severe.

Chain Store Uses Christian Symbol With Offensive Twist

May 3, 2014, France

The chain store “Camping” (Camper) used a spin off of a traditional Christian symbol to advertise its new shoe line the “Sailing Collection.” As depicted in the picture taken from a storefront in Paris, the traditional image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is depicted with the astronomical sign of Venus in place of the cross. This symbol is often used by feminist movements.

Christian Conscientious Objectors to Morning-After-Pill Barred from Sexual Health Care Diploma

May 1, 2014, United Kingdom

British doctors and nurses who refuse to dispense the morning-after pill on grounds of conscience will be unable to receive a specialist diploma in sexual health care. Guidance issued by the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare states that medical professionals who, for religious reasons, refuse to hand out "emergency" contraception cannot receive the qualification. The diploma is considered to represent the "gold standard" of sexual health care training.

Anarchist and Feminist Graffiti on Church in Beltinci

May 1, 2014, Slovenia

In the night of the 1st to the 2nd of May, 2014, unknown perpetrators graffitied the church of Saint-Ladislav, in Beltinci, a region in the northeast of Slovenia and close to the country’s border with Hungary. This is the fourth time in recent years that the church has been a victim of such vandalism.

Christian Worker in London Claims She was Fired for Refusing to Read Children’s Books About Gay Couples

April 30, 2014, United Kingdom

Sarah Mbuyi, 30 year-old nursery worker from north London will bring her case to court as she claims she was fired on the grounds of her religious beliefs because she said that she would have scruples about reading children’s stories involving same-sex couples.

Church of Saint-Michel Vandalised in Locmiquélic (Bretagne)

April 30, 2014, France

On the 30th of April, in the afternoon, the church of Saint-Michel in Locmiquélic was once again the victim of vandalism. The candles were broken into several pieces and a hymnal was ripped apart. It was reported that adolescents were identified as having committed the crime.

Muslim Interrupts Religious Remembrance Ceremony in Alfreton, Derbyshire

April 26, 2014, United Kingdom

In Derbyshire, England on the 11th of November, 2013, a 52 year-old Muslim man named Mohamed Dar entered New Life Church in Alfreton as the community was holding a remembrance service for English World War I soldiers. He was shouting "turn to Islam" while wearing a scarf tied over his face and a kind of turban on which was written in Arab, “Allah is great.”

Disney Excludes the Name of God in Movies

April 25, 2014, International

In an interview on a National Public Radio program called Fresh Air, one of the Oscar-winning songwriters of Let It Go, from Disney’s film Frozen, said that "one of the only places you have to draw the line at Disney is with religious things, the word God." According to The Guardian, “Lopez went on to say: ‘You can say it in Disney but you can't put it in the movie.’”

Two Catholic Parish Websites Hacked

April 24, 2014, International

Two Catholic parish websites, the parish of Saint Louis of the French in Madrid, and the parish of Notre Dame de Nazareth in Paris, were both hacked by the same perpetrator. The picture (see below) could be found when one tried to access the website. The site of Saint Louis of the French has been restored. Both website are hosted by the Conference of Bishops of France.

Memorial of John Paul II Vandalised in Krakow

April 24, 2014, Poland

The monument to John Paul II in Krakow was graffitied with a star of David during the week before the Sunday canonisation of the late pope. The police set up a perimeter while the monument was being cleaned, but rest silent as to the origin of this act of vandalism.

Article Questions Whether or Not Government in Ljubljana has Anti-Christian Agenda

April 22, 2014, Slovenia

A group called KUL, founded in 2009 by Christian youth in Slovenia concerned with defending life and fundamental human rights, posted an article on their internet site on the 23rd of April, 2014 called, “Christianophobia: Is Mayor Zoran Janković violating human rights and promoting intolerance against Christians in Slovenia?” after Zoran Janković’s municipality had forbidden a mass to be celebrated for unborn babies at the hospital center of the public university of Ljubljana.

Church in Villers-Cotterêts Robbed

April 21, 2014, France

On returning from the Easter Vigil, the local priest in Villers-Cotterêts discovered that someone had forced entry into the church. The sacristy was in disarray, and the poor box had been robbed. This box had already been padlocked because of an earlier theft, but the thief still managed to break in, leaving damages amounting to 80 euros. The box had been recently emptied.

Muslim Disrupts Easter Mass

April 20, 2014, France

In the region of Jura, France, during a celebration of Easter Mass in the community of Notre Dame de Dole, a Muslim entered, and, putting his carpet next to the altar, began to read parts of the Coran and then proceeded to write in Arab in the parish registry. The same man had already disturbed the Palm Sunday liturgy in two different places, so the police had been warned, and when they showed up on the scene on Easter they calmly asked the man to leave.

Insulting and Blasphemous Graffiti Near Entrance to the Chapel of Locmaria

April 20, 2014, France

Near the entrance to the chapel of Locmaria, which is part of the parish of Carnac, sometime during the night of Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday, graffiti was painted on a public signpost. This graffiti made blasphemous and insulting comments that made reference to Catholic fascists and a homosexual Jesus. The rector, Father Jérôme Sécher, filed a complaint with the local authorities.

Attempts to Prevent Palm Sunday Precession in Morbihan

April 19, 2014, France

The parishioners of the church of Saint-Gildas in l’île d’Houat were the victims of a failed attempt by members of the Association of Freethinkers of France to prevent the Palm Sunday procession. These protestors tried to work within the legal framework, saying that the procession did not have the correct municipal authorisation also claiming that it did not fall within any of the three categories of legal processions. Their attempt failed this year, but the question still remains whether or not such attempts will be successful in future years.

Catholic Lay Blog Attacked

April 18, 2014, France

The Catholic lay blog “Le Salon Beige” was put out of order by attacks against the server from an unknown source. This happened three times in four days, one time on Good Friday, the other times on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

Church Vandalised in Region of Neuchâtel

April 18, 2014, Switzerland

A church in Chaux-de-Fonds in the region of Neuchâtel was vandalised during the night by a man who damaged the organ, destroyed the Easter decorations, and ripped out the speakers. The perpetrator appears to have been mentally unstable and was later escorted to a psychiatric hospital. The church intends to keep its opening hours in spite of the event.

Christian Convert Knifed in Hvalsø

April 11, 2014, Denmark

A 48-year-old Christian convert seeking asylum in Denmark was knifed several times by an unknown assailant in the kitchen of the Asylum center in Hvalsø. The victim received blows with a knife in the neck, arm, and back. The victim said that he had previously received death threats for having converted from Islam to Christianity, but no safety measures had been taken.

Labor Union Mocks Holy Week Procession in Seville

April 11, 2014, Spain

The Confederación General de Trabajadores (an anarchist worker’s union) held a procession in Seville in protest of the dismissal of several bus workers at the Damas Bus Company. The procession was also an amalgamation of other groups such as feminists who were protesting a reform of the abortion law. The procession was a mockery of a Holy Week procession and was called the “Blessed Rebellious Pussy (vulgar word for female genitals) Procession and the Holy Entombment of Socio-labor Rights.”

Swedish Nurse Fired for Refusing to Assist in Abortion

April 10, 2014, Sweden

In January 2014 a Swedish nurse has filed a complaint of religious discrimination with Sweden’s equality commission after the hospital where she interned as a midwife sacked her for refusing to assist in abortions. The Ombudsperson for Discrimination concluded that Mrs Grimmark has not been discriminated because her conscientious objection stood against the ”availability of abortion care” and the ”protection of health” of patients requiring abortion.

Chapel Saint-François in Rennes Vandalised

April 9, 2014, France

Unidentified people broke into the Chapel of Saint- François in Rennes on April 9th breaking open the door to the sacristy. They left lying on the floor the vestments, liturgical linens, and other sacred objects. The perpetrator(s) emptied the poor boxes, but most importantly, the tabernacle was opened and the ciborium tampered with.

Children Vandalized a Saint-Laurent de Rozoy-sur-Serre Church

April 9, 2014, France

Three children at the age between 7 and 11 vandalized the church of Saint-Laurent de Rozoy-sur-Serre in France. They turned the seats of the church, threw objects on the altar and the prayer books scattered on the floor. The police was able to catch them because of the traces of their shoes.

German Father Imprisoned for Opting his Child out of Sex Education

April 7, 2014, Germany

On Monday, April 7th, Arthur Wiens was jailed for opting his child out of a sex education class in which nine-year-olds are taught about sexual intercourse with a plush vagina and rubber penis. Wiens spent a week behind bars, and his wife is threatened with a similar punishment.

Left-Wing Radicals Attack Peaceful Prayer Group in Zurich

April 6, 2014, Switzerland

In Zurich, during an initiative called “Yes to the Child,” a pro-life rally was held in which those assembled prayed the rosary and various speeches were given on issues involving the protection of life. The date and location of the rally had not been publically announced, but near the end of the rally left-wing radicals attacked the group, throwing condoms at them. The police were quick to intervene. The spokesman at the rally initiated a prayer to pray for the attackers.

Insulting Graffiti at the Vatican on Right Side of Bernini’s Colonnade

April 5, 2014, Italy

Bernini’s Colonnade, which had been restored in preparation for the canonisation of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, was found to have graffiti on the right side with the words, in poor English, “Catalic is Hitler.” Implying that a Catholic is like Hitler.

Attempts to Secularise the Church of Saint Catherine in Brussels

April 4, 2014, Belgium

A petition has been started by the “Friends of Saint Catherine” in Brussels to counteract the imminent cession of the church of Saint Catherine to the city. To add insult to injury, because the church is commercially very strategically placed, the state wishes to turn this place of worship into a place for selling fruits and vegetables even against the wishes of the locals.

Religious Statues Broken in the District of Linz-Land

April 3, 2014, Austria

Two saint statues were damaged between Friday, March 28th and Thursday, April 3rd. The statues had been located in a niche in front of the church of Hofkirchen im Traunkreis in the district of Linz-Land. The amount of damages was not officially known. The police have undertaken an investigation and are requesting leads in order to find the culprit(s).

Catholic Church in Târgu Mureş Targeted for Graffiti

April 2, 2014, Romania

A Catholic church in Târgu Mureş, Romania, was found with the graffitied image of a swastika cross and suspicions lie with the extremist organisation called Noua Dreaptă (New Right).

Church in Havré Vandalised

April 1, 2014, Belgium

St. Martin’s Church in Havré became again the victim of vandals who destroyed some of the area around the entrance, tearing off some slate from above the door.

Offensive Representation of the Last Supper on Cover of Music Album

April 1, 2014, International

The musical group Steel Panther released its new album “All You can Eat” on April 1, 2014. The cover portrays a group of band members in a Last Supper scene among whom are scantily clad women in provocative postures. Underneath is the name of the album, “All You Can Eat”.

Local Priest in Trèbes Reproached for Wearing a Cross

April 1, 2014, France

One of the officials working at a voting station in the town of Trèbes, France, reproached the local parish priest for wearing a cross around his neck saying that it was too ostensible a sign of religious adherence.

Catholic Private School Graffitied in Périgueux

March 31, 2014, France

The Catholic private school Saint-Jean de Périgueux was graffitied with the phrase, “Quand je serai grande, je serai gouine” which means, “When I grow up, I’m going to be a dyke” (a crude way of saying lesbian).

Church in Mayenne Robbed of Hosts

March 31, 2014, France

The Church of Saint Peter in the community of Bouchamps-lès-Craon in Mayenne was robbed of its ciborium and the Eucharistic hosts inside. The police arrived on scene on Sunday, the 6th of April, and the bishop of Angers intends to celebrate a mass of reparation.

Four Churches in Vienna Heavily Vandalised

March 29, 2014, Austria

On Saturday, March 29th, St. Stephen’s cathedral, the parish church of Breitenfeld (Josefstadt), the parish church of Neuottakring (Ottakring) as well as the Lazaristenkirche (Neubau) were vandalised. The spokesperson of the diocese said the attacks have never before been so hard.

Film Discussing the Problem of Pornography and Prostitution Canceled in Tours

March 29, 2014, France

The Cinéma National Populaire (CNP) canceled a showing and debate with the Swiss producer Philippe Decourroux on his DVD "Prostitution et pornographie, enjeu de société?" Which translated means, “Prostitution and Pornography, Concern of Society?” The producer denounced this move as anti-Christian. According to Decourroux, the CNP thought the film to be an attempt of Christian “proselytism”.

Glowing Mary Statue Elicits Negative Response

March 28, 2014, Belgium

A statue of the Virgin Mary belonging to a couple in Jalhay, Belgium began to glow at night and caused such a stir at the couple’s house that Catholic authorities suggested moving it to a church. Not everyone, however, reacted so positively. On the Facebook page of the Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF) show "C’est vous qui le dites", comments were made such as “Let’s crucify them…that will get rid of their desire to propagate such tricks.”

Church of Sacré-Cœur in Lourdes Attacked

March 27, 2014, France

“Robbers” entered the Church of Sacré-Cœur in Lourdes sometime during the night of March 27-28, 2014 and broke open the poor boxes. More importantly, they broke open the tabernacle and stole the ciborium with the consecrated hosts that it contained. The parish priest responded by organising a prayer session.

Archbishop of Cyprus Described As Homophobic And Racist

March 27, 2014, Cyprus

Cyprus’ Archbishop Chrystostomos expressed his opinion about same-sex relationships at the Council of the Presidents of the Christian Orthodox Church held in Istanbul. He took a position against homosexuality by stating that governments demonstrated a „weakening of moral integrity“ by ensuring equal rights through civil partnership or equal marriage. A local NGO denounced his remarks „homophobic” and „racist”, not allowing for dialogue and respect for the archbishop's opinion.

Man Apprehended for Fifteen Acts of Vandalism in Morbihan

March 25, 2014, France

A series of vandalisms in the region of Morbihan has finally been explained with the arrest of a 34-year-old man who admits to fifteen acts of vandalism since June 2013 including the destruction of religious symbols and several attempts at burning a chapel. He was identified by his DNA and now awaits trial, although, there is some question of his mental balance; apparently he spent some time in a psychiatric hospital.

Doctoral Student in the Netherlands Denied the Right to Thank God in His Thesis

March 25, 2014, Netherlands

Dutch PhD student Jerke de Vries inserted a clause into his doctoral thesis in which he gave thanks to God. At the Wageningen University, religious statements are not allowed in theses unless they are the subject of research. Although De Vries’ thesis advisor was not so strict, the doctoral committee would not allow his thesis to pass unless he removed the phrase, leaving de Vries to cut out the page from over a hundred copies of his thesis which had already been printed.