All cases

Christian Adverts Censored in London by Mayor

April 13, 2012, United Kingdom

Boris Johnson, the Conservative Party mayor of London, ordered bus advertisements for overcoming same-sex attraction to be stopped. The campaign had been cleared by the Advertising Authority, and was designed to be an answer to a pro-homosexual campaign.

French Anti-Sect Governmental Mission Raids in Catholic Communities

April 13, 2012, France

Since the presidency of MIVILUDES (Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Fight against Sectarian Drifts) by Georges Fenech, several small Catholic communities have increasingly been targeted, the last one being "Amour and Miséricorde" (Love and Mercy).

Vandalism in a Church in Haute-Savoie

April 7, 2012, France

On Good Saturday, just a few hours before the Easter Vigil, three men entered the Church of Cruseilles (Haute-Savoie) and set fire to leaflets, prayer and singing books. An altar’s tablecoth was also burnt and the main altar damaged.

Homosexual Lobby Campaign Offensive Towards Christianity

April 7, 2012, Belgium

The LGBT association “Arc-enCiel Wallonie” runs a campaign based on 33 different pro-LGBT T-shirts. Among various messages, three of them offend Christianity: “Jesus too had two dads”, “Marie, first surrogate mother” and “GOD made me gay” (two first ones originally in French: “Jésus aussi avait deux papas”, “Marie première mère porteuse”).

Church Leader Threatened and Abused in Turkey

April 7, 2012, Turkey

On April 7th, 2012 in Istambul, four men requested to enter a church. When the church leader told them to come back the next day because it was too late in the day, they threatened to kill him unless he recited the Muslim creed. Then they hit him and fled the place, the church later installed security systems.

Christian Club Reproached by Anti-Discrimination Authority

April 6, 2012, Germany

The Catholic Schützenverein voted in March 450 to 28 to not to allow homosexual or lesbian „kings“ or „queens“ to preside activities together with their partners. The German federal anti-discrimination commission screened this decision and declared it to be in disrespect of the law.

Blasphemous Exhibition in Neufchâtel

April 4, 2012, Switzerland

"Would Christ have been Gay?" is the name of the exhibition in Neufchâtel, displayed from March 29th to May 12th in the 'Galerie C' of Neufchâtel (Switzerland). The four artist argue that they wanted to explore - through art - the question of Christ’s sexuality.

Pop Star Madonna Profanes Christian Faith

March 28, 2012, International

It is not the first time the pop star Madonna uses the bashing of Catholicism as a base for the writing of her lyrics. “Girl Gone Wild” begins with the first few lines of the Roman-Catholic Act of Contrition as it shows the 53-year-old singer in black tight pants and stiletto heels while surrounded by topless men.

Churches Tagged in Couvin

March 26, 2012, Belgium

The doors of seven churches of Couvin, in the diocese of Namur, Belgium, were targeted by vandals. The front door of the church of Couvin was marked in white paint saying "Religion is the opium of the people".

European Championship: Bibles and Crosses Forbidden

March 23, 2012, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The 14th edition of the European Championship Euro 2012, organized by the European Union of Football Associations (UEFA), will take place from June 8th to July 1st, 2012 in Poland and in the Ukraine. The leaders of the Polish Football Association have indicated the certain objects that will be forbidden to spectators in stadiums. Among these objects, crosses and Bibles are stated as part of the category of "racist and xenophobic materials, based on political and religious propaganda."

Cemetery Vandalised in Suhopole

March 20, 2012, Croatia

On the 20th of March 2012 the Apostolic Nunciature in Croatia reported that a cemetery in the city of Suhopole, Croatia, had been vandalised.

Christians Insulted After Religious Service in Bordeaux

March 18, 2012, France

About fifteen people came to St Eloi’s church to insult parishioners at the end of Sunday Mass. It is not the first time this Catholic church is targeted by anti-Christian acts, as it had already been covered whith tags and anti-Christian posters.

Church Property Damaged in Pozor

March 18, 2012, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 18th of March, 2012, a church in Pozor, Bosnia Herzegovina, noticed that some of its inventory had been damaged, as well as some of its money stolen.

Radical Left Calls for Burning of Churches

March 16, 2012, Germany

An online call to “see churches burning” was published as a “Christmas wish” in 2011 by a group of leftwing extremists called 'Antifa Freiburg'. “We will not give up hope that there will be a miracle and we can warm ourselves next year at the glow of burning churches.” Prosecution investigated but dropped the case.

Mockery of the Last Supper on French Television

March 16, 2012, France

The French Channel Direct8 has streamed a new episode of the show "Very bad blagues" called "When one’s an apostle" ("Quand on est apôtre") which mocks the last supper.

Young Boy Under Threat for Wearing a Cross

March 16, 2012, Turkey

A 12-year-old boy, Hussein, witnessed his Christian faith by wearing a silver cross necklace in school. Muslim classmates taunted and spat on him. When the boy threatened to report one of the bullies, the bully's father threatened to "kill him". He says he also received a beating by his religion teacher.

New York Times Ad Calls Catholic Church "Autocratic, Woman-Hating, Sex-perverting Old Boys Club"

March 13, 2012, International

Catholics and non-Catholics alike have reacted to a viciously anti-Catholic full-page advertisement in Friday’s New York Times. The ‘Freedom From Religion Foundation’s ad, which takes the form of a letter to a “liberal Catholic”, asks “Cafeteria” Catholics, “Why are you propping up the pillars of a tyrannical and autocratic, woman-hating, sex-perverting, antediluvian Old Boys Club?” The Freedom from Religious Foundation is led by Annie Laurie Gaylor and her husband, Dan Barker. Gaylor is author of the book, Abortion Is a Blessing.

Bishop of Karpasia Prevented from Entering Occupied Area in Northern Cyprus

March 13, 2012, Cyprus

A new provocative action was carried out by the occupying regime in Cyprus when Bishop of Karpasia Mr. Christoforos was not allowed to enter the occupied area from the barricade of Astromeritis village. Later, he was also prohibited to go into one area of Agios Dometios. The bishop was stopped without explanation.

Celebrity Suggests "Homophobic" Clergy Should be Jailed

March 12, 2012, United Kingdom

The celebrity singer Will Young has suggested that clergy should be put in jail for speaking out too strongly against same-sex marriage.

Destroy All Christian Church, Muslim Leaders Says

March 12, 2012, International

The most influential leader in the Muslim world issued a fatwa to destroy Christian churches. Response to this call is also possible in European countries.

Gay Activist Disrupts Mass With Video Cam

March 11, 2012, United Kingdom

A homosexual activist disrupted a Mass held in a parish in Teignmouth, Devon, with a video camera last week as a priest prepared to read a letter from the country’s bishops conference opposing government efforts to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

Nun Physically Assaulted in Sarajevo

March 11, 2012, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A nun was physically assaulted in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, on the 11th of March 2012,the Apostolic Nunciature in Bosnia-Herzegovina reported. While she was walking down the street, an attacker punched her and she fell to the ground.

Church of Herblay Targeted by Criminal Fire

March 8, 2012, France

The Church of St. Martin, in Herblay, was the target of an arson attack on Thursday, March 8th, 2011. The fire was started in three different areas of the church but was stopped in time by a parishioner.

Vatican Website Hacked by Anti-Catholic Group

March 7, 2012, International

Hackers claiming ties to the group Anonymous are taking credit after the Vatican website went down Wednesday. They displayed the following message: “Anonymous decided today to besiege your site in response to the doctrine, to the liturgies, to the absurd and anachronistic concepts that your for-profit organization spreads around the world."

Left Wing NGO Attacks Christian Information Event on Gender Mainstreaming

March 7, 2012, Germany

Left wing radicals in an NGO called "Antifa Action Heilbronn" protested against the event “Gender Mainstreaming- Overthrow of the Value System - the Secret Revolution”, organized by the Christian Democratic Union and called it a “provocation”. On their webpage the radical group smears the speaker of the event, Gabriele Kuby, who is committed to Christian values, calling her a "reactionary, antifeminist and homophobic agitator" and denoting the “Forum for German Catholics” as “collecting pool right wing activists”.

Owner of Christian Bookshop in Turkey Verbally Harassed

March 7, 2012, Turkey

Workers of a bookshop in Adana were being threatened and harassed by a man on March 7th 2012. The bookshop was forced to increased their security measures.

Negative Stereotyping on Belgian Television

March 6, 2012, Belgium

The Belgian TV series “A tort ou à raison” drawn up by Marc Uyttendaele, repeatedly streams negative stereotypings of Catholics. The first episode, “l’affaire Sainte-Maxime” stages tendentiously a case of pedophilia in a Catholic high school; another episode “la plume empoisonnée” depicts how a fanatic Catholic woman forces her son to become a Catholic priest.

Christian Church Targeted in Turkey

March 4, 2012, Turkey

On Sunday, March 4, police notified the pastor of Samsun Agape Church that someone had attacked the church building. The attacker kicked in the church door to get inside. He also damaged the church sign before being detained by police and a neighbor.

Relic of St Laurence O'Toole Stolen

March 3, 2012, Ireland

The 12th Century preserved heart of the Patron Saint of Dublin, Saint Laurence O'Toole, has been stolen from Christ Church Cathedral.

Homeschooling Association Leader Feels Forced to Move to Finnland

March 2, 2012, Sweden

Jonas Himmelstrand, who is president of the Swedish Association for Home Education (ROHUS), has left the country saying, “the safety of my family could no longer be guaranteed,” and that the government of the town of Uppsala was “threatening” him.

Government: Christians Have No Right to Wear Cross at Work

March 1, 2012, United Kingdom

The UK Government submitted to the European Court of Human Rights that the applicants' wearing of a visible cross or Crucifix was not a manifestation of their religion or belief within the meaning of Article 9, and, in any event, the restriction on the applicants' wearing of a visible cross or Crucifix was not an "interference" with their rights protected by Article 9.

(Scotland) No Right to Conscientious Objection for Midwives

February 29, 2012, United Kingdom

In January 2012, Scotland's largest health board was taken to court by two Catholic nurses from Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Mary Doogan and Connie Wood, who were denied conscientious objection with regard to abortion procedures. Judgment was handed down on February 29th: the midwives have been told that they must accept the decision of their hospital management and that they must oversee other midwives performing abortions. In January 2013, they took the case to the European Court of Human Rights. The UK supreme court upheld the judgement in December 2014.

Constant Vandalism against Christian Churches

February 29, 2012, Germany

In Duisburg a group of migrant youths, aged between 10 and 14, keeps destroying the windows of Catholic and Protestant churches, disturbing services (eg. with firecrackers), write hate slogans on the church wall and insult the clergy. So far the police had only investigated one of the numerous cases of vandalism directed against churches in the area.

Pharmacists' Objection of Conscience Still Curtailed

February 29, 2012, Czech Republic

An improvement of the national health service law in February 2012 did not fully grant conscientious objection to pharmacists: The law still compels the objecting pharmacists to find a willing employee of the same pharmacy or another pharmacist to sell the "morning-after-pill".

Homeschooling Severely Limited, Proposal of Relaxation Rejected

February 29, 2012, Slovakia

To educate one's children privately at home is understood to be a human right of parents. The state is called upon to ensure the quality of the home education. In Slovakia, the so-called homeschooling is severaly limited. Such a law jeopardizes especially Christians families, as practically it is often Christians who wish to homeschool their children.

Christian Therapist Faces Expulsion for Views on Homosexuality

February 29, 2012, United Kingdom

A Christian psychotherapist is the subject of a professional conduct inquiry in London for supporting therapy for those with unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction. The dispute arose as, in response to a question, Dr Davidson had said: “yes, I do believe homosexuality is a sin.” Commentators speak of a "worrying trend where the door to practising professional therapy is being closed to people with Christian sexual ethics."

Catholic Schools Singled Out and Targeted for Distributing Faith-Based Moral Literature

February 27, 2012, United Kingdom

An Christian booklet has been distributed to students in some Catholic schools in Lancashire, UK. Its comments on homosexuality raised the discontent of UK’s largest trades union, who says that the government is allowing “homophobia” to be promoted in religious schools.

Church in Turkey Vandalised

February 25, 2012, Turkey

On February 25th 2012 a man vandalised the agape church in Samsun. He was soon identified, confessed and was released.

Christians Compared to Radical Muslims

February 23, 2012, United Kingdom

Trevor Phillips, the head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), has ignited public controversy by comparing Christians who do not believe that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children to “Muslims who demand the introduction of Sharia Courts”.

High Court Bans Prayers At Formal Council Meetings, Government Responds in Favor of Religion

February 21, 2012, United Kingdom

The UK Government has written to all local councils in England, telling them that new laws restore their power to hold prayers at official meetings after the High Court had ruled that local councils have no lawful power to hold prayers during official business. The court case was initiated by the National Secular Society and a local atheist ex-councillor who sued Bideford Town Council in Devon for conducting prayers, a custom that had been in place since the 17th century.

MP Receives Death Threat After Backing Traditional Marriage

February 21, 2012, United Kingdom

David Burrowes, Conservative MP for Enfield Southgate, revealed at the launch of Coalition for Marriage (C4M) in London that he has received a death threat and hate mail after speaking out in support of traditional marriage.

Punk Band Perform in Moscow Orthodox Cathedral

February 21, 2012, Russia

On February 21, five members of the Punk Band Pussy Riot performed on the altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow for a few minutes. Beside a political oppositional message, they sang a song that contained unflattering characteristics of the clergy of the temple, as well as the Russian Patriarch, Kirill. The women were wearing colored masks. Church officials called their actions blasphemy, sacrilege, an insult to religious feelings.

Cemetery Vandalised in Boué

February 20, 2012, France

Up to 100 graves were the target of vandals in the cemetery of Boué. Ornaments, crosses, plaques and flower pots and vases were broken. The cemetery had to be closed for the police’s investigation.

Exhibit "Obscenity" Targets Christianity and Shocks Believers

February 16, 2012, Spain

A photo exhibit at the Fresh Gallery in Madrid displays pictures by Bruce LaBruce displays intolerance against Christian symbols, deepens negative stereotypes and disregards feelings of believers.

Church Vandalised and Holy Sacrament Descrated in Châtillon

February 15, 2012, France

On Wednesday, February 8th, 2012, at about 1:30 p.m., the chapel of Saint Joseph in Châtillon was vandalized and the Holy Sacrament stolen.

Church in Tuzla Broken Into

February 15, 2012, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Between the 15th and 16th of February 2012, a church in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina, was broken into. The cross was thrown down, and prayer and song books for the service were torn.

Spanish Bioethicist Calls for Black-List of Conscientious Objectors

February 13, 2012, Spain

Maria Casado, who holds the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics at the University of Barcelona calls for a national registry of doctors who will not perform abortions, in order to “improve” women’s access to “pregnancy termination.”

‘Intolerant’ Campaign Against Tory MP Over Gay Marriage

February 13, 2012, United Kingdom

Tory MP, David Burrowes, is facing an ‘intolerant’ campaign against him because of his opposition to homosexual marriage. The campaign is led by the treasurer of his local Conservative association, Phillip Dawson, who is homosexual.

European Court of Human Rights Problematic Decision for Freedom of Religion

February 13, 2012, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

On January 31st 2012, the third section of the European Court of Human Rights issued a judgment in the case of Sindicatul Păstorul cel bun c. Roumanie whereby it determined that the refusal of the Orthodox Church to register a trade union established within itself was contrary to freedom of association guaranteed by Article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights. This interferes with the internal organization of a religious institution. The Romanian Orthodox Church has publicly expressed its wish that the matter is now referred to the Grand Chamber for a new trial.

Mockery of Christian Worship

February 13, 2012, Italy

A commercial advertising Red Bull broadcast on Mediaset mocked Christian confession and worship.

Hinckley United Reform Church Windows Vandalised

February 12, 2012, United Kingdom

The Reverend Malcolm Clarke, minister at Hinckley United Reform Church, said two large "historic inscribed" windows had been completely smashed. The minister said he was shocked and saddened by the attack: "I feel sad and let down," Mr Clarke said.

Guesthouse Owners Fined for Married-Couples-Only-Policy

February 10, 2012, United Kingdom

The Christian owners of a guesthouse who restrict double rooms to married couples have been ordered to pay £3,600 in damages to a homosexual couple in January 2011. Their appeal was lost in February 2012. In November 2013 they were forced to sell their B&B.

Secularists Lobby to Remove NHS Chaplains

February 10, 2012, United Kingdom

Secularists campaign to ban the use of National Health Service money to fund hospital chaplains.

Fines for Criticising Homosexuality OK for European Court of Human Rights

February 9, 2012, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

A Swedish law foreseeing prison sentences for criticising the homosexualist agenda in public was upheld by the European Court of Human Rights which has ruled that there it was not in violation of freedom of expression. Four people were fined for a distributing leaflets.

Graves Desecrated in Albi

February 8, 2012, France

On the 8th of February 2012 the Apostolic Nunciature in France reported that 70 graves were desecrated in a Catholic cemetery in Albi, France.

Archbishop of York Receives Racist and Threatening Emails

February 6, 2012, United Kingdom

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu received racist and threatening messages just days after he voiced his support for traditional marriage, sparking a police hate crime investigation.

Church of Épiais Completely Ruined by Criminal Fire

February 4, 2012, France

The church of Épinais had just been restored when it was completely destroyed during the night from February 4th to 5th, 2012. Five young men were arrested by the police.

Blasphemous Exhibition in Nantes

February 4, 2012, France

An art exhibit displaying disrespectful and mocking statues of the Virgin Mary opened in the Galery Albane in Nantes.

Cemetery in Istres Vandalised

February 3, 2012, France

On the 3rd of February 2012, the Apostolic Nunciature in France reported that a cemetery in Istres, France, was vandalised.

Church in Turkey Shut Down After Church Leader Threatened

February 3, 2012, Turkey

In the middle of the night of February 3rd, 2012 someone banged on the door of the house of the church leader of Cesme Lütuf’s and tried to get in. The scared man called the police but the perpetrator was not caught. The leader was scared for his life after having also been threatened over the internet so he shut down the church and left town.

Irish Bishop Investigated After Upsetting Humanist in Homily

February 2, 2012, Ireland

Bishop Philip Boyce of the Raphoe diocese in northwestern Ireland was investigated by the police for “hate crime” after arguing that the Catholic Church in Ireland is under attack from “aggressive secularism”.

Catholics to be Singled Out by Proposal to "Screen" Civil Servants with Regard to "Church Deference"

February 1, 2012, Ireland

A proposal that senior civil servants which are likely to deal with the Catholic Church should be "screened" to ensure they do not show "inappropriate deference" to the church is to be debated at Labour's national conference.

Labour Party Calls for Prohibition of Enrollment Policies Based on Religion in Catholic Schools

February 1, 2012, Ireland

According to an Irish Labor party proposal to be discussed in April, ‘Catholics first’ policy in state-funded Catholic schools is illegal, discriminatory and should be abolished.

Discrimination Against Christian Communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina

February 1, 2012, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Almost 20 years after the war in the Balkans, there is still discrimination against Christians, especially Catholic Christians, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Cardinal Puljic, Archbishop of Sarajevo pointed out the situation of Christians in his country during a visit to the international headquarters of the Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).

University Motion Orders Human-Life-Defending Groups to Invite Pro-Abortion Speakers

January 31, 2012, United Kingdom

The students’ union of University College in London has passed a motion to officially make the campus “pro-choice” and to impose a “restriction of freedom of speech”.

Ad For Pizza Mocks Christianity

January 28, 2012, Lithuania

Katpédélé, a Lithuanian Pizza Company, uses anti-Christian add mocking the last supper and disposing satanic number 666.

Pro-Abortion Attack Pro-Life Activists at Barcelona Hospital

January 27, 2012, Spain

Peaceful pro-life protesters against abortions at Barcelona Catholic hospital were attacked by pro-abortion counter-demonstrators, some of whom reportedly threw rocks and trash and shouted obscene insults.

Blasphemious Theater Play at Thalia Theater in Hamburg

January 25, 2012, Germany

The play "Golgotha Picnic" by Rodrigo Garcia contains "sedition, blasphemy and pornography", say Christian viewers.

Blasphemous Theater Play at Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan

January 24, 2012, Italy

Christian groups protested against the performance of a blasphemous theater play by Romeo Castellucci called “On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God”. The director of the Vatican press office, P. Federico Lombardi, and Italian sociologist Massimo Introvigne drew attention to the case and called to strong but calm and prayerful reaction of the Christian community.

Nuns Report Increase of Verbal Abuse and Discrimination

January 23, 2012, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nuns wearing habits are being subjected to verbal abuse in public more frequently in Bosnia-Herzegovina, say local Franciscan Sisters.

Blasphemous TV Show

January 23, 2012, Italy

During the TV show "Big Brother" a participant made blasphemous remarks and for this he was disqualified.

Roman Catholic Firemen Disciplined for Refusal to Attend Rally Which Mocked their Faith

January 21, 2012, United Kingdom

A group of nine firemen from Glasgow, including several Roman Catholics, were disciplined by their employers for refusing to march in a ‘gay pride’ rally. Strathclyde Fire Board apologized after legal steps were taken.

Mayor Who Criticised Halloween Punished

January 11, 2012, United Kingdom

A church-going former mayor in Warwickshire who declined to take part in a Halloween event has been found in breach of equality rules for upsetting pagans.

No Conscientious Objection for Pharmacists Selling Abortion Pill

January 10, 2012, France

French pharmacists are required by law to sell the „morning after pill“ which causes an early abortion. The absence of conscientious objection is a violation of freedom of religion and conscience.

Pro-Abortion Activists Spread False Claim That Bishop Said It Was OK to Rape a Woman Who Had an Abortion

January 10, 2012, Spain

Pro-abortion forces on the internet are engaged in an ongoing campaign accusing a Spanish bishop of legitimizing rape during a sermon denouncing the killing of the unborn.

Liberal Politician Calls for Even Harsher Penalities of Restrictive Homeschooling Laws

January 10, 2012, Sweden

The Swedish liberal party politician Lotta Edholm called for even harsher penalties for homeschooling and for a change to the country’s social services law so that the government can take children away from home-schooling families more easily by allowing social workers to do so.

Church in Aplerbeck Broken Into, Offertory Boxes Robbed

January 9, 2012, Germany

On January 9th the protestant church in Aplerbeck was broken into. The offertory boxes were robbed and the money, which was meant for a good cause, was stolen.

Anti-Christian Threats to Observatory

January 5, 2012, International

The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians receives threats and anti-Christian messages such as: "Set the church on fire, keep the fire blazing, Christianity will soon fall!"

Attempted Burglary and Vandalism in Görlitz

January 5, 2012, Germany

Burglars tried to break into the Görglitz Peterskirche. They broke an ornamental glass window and the damage adds up to at least 1000€ even though nothing was stolen.

Vandalism Against a Church in the North of Duisburg

January 4, 2012, Germany

A Church in Duisburg was badly vandalised on New Year's Eve by unknown perpetrators who used stones and fireworks. Many windows were broken including those with security glass. Fireworks were fired through the holes made in the windows. Damage to property was a minimum of 15 000 Euros.

Church Vandalised in Starzach-Börstingen

January 4, 2012, Germany

A stranger broke into the Catholic church in Starzach-Börstingen and vandalised the organ, the Easter candle and much more.

Handmade Cribs Vandalised in Mittelhessem

January 3, 2012, Germany

In Mittelhessen, 14 of a collection of 44 handmade cribs were vandalised. The initiator of this exhibition estimates the material damage to about 500€ but the ultimate damage is boundless.

Catholic TV Channel Ignored in License Distribution

January 1, 2012, Poland

The Polish National Broadcasting Council (NBC) did not include a major Catholic TV channel in their distribution of crucial Digital terrestrial television multiplex licenses but accepted rather unknown commercial networks. Polish Christian groups as well as human rights activists are very concerned. This is a particularily important decision, as the technical future of the individual channels depends on it. For TV Trwam it is especially crucial, as the channel generates the funding for a widespread radio channel, standing and falling with the TV channel.

Holy Items Stolen From Several Places

December 31, 2011, Italy

Several thefts of the Eucharist, for Catholic a most holy item, have been reported in Italy. People fear sacriledgeous use of the Eucharist.

Vandalism in Riccione Done to John Paul II Memorial

December 31, 2011, Italy

A monument in memory of pope Jean-Paul II was damaged by vandals.

21 Hate Crimes against Christians Documented in 2011

December 31, 2011, Finland

The representation of the Catholic Church in Finland reported to OSCE a total of 21 hate crimes directed against Christians in the year 2011. The hate crimes range from insult and threat to vandalism and physical assault.

Seven Hate Crimes Against Christians in 2011

December 31, 2011, Denmark

The Holy See reported 7 hate crimes against Christians in Denmark in 2011 to OSCE/ODIHR.

24 Hate Crimes Against Christians in 2011

December 31, 2011, Finland

The Holy See reported 24 hate crimes against Christians in Finland in 2011 to OSCE/ODIHR.

Clinton: "Religious Believes are an Obstacle to Human Rights"

December 30, 2011, International

Religious believes are an obstacle to human rights, says US Secretary of State Mrs Hillary Clinton in a major foreign policy address in December 2011 in Geneva before United Nations delegates. Clinton identified "deeply-held … religious beliefs" as among "the obstacles standing in the way of protecting the human rights of LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] people."

(Scotland) Christian Principal Sacked from Multicultural College

December 30, 2011, United Kingdom

A principal, Malory Nye, and his wife have been sacked from the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education in Dundee, Scotland, whose stated aim is to promote multiculturalism because they are white Christians, they claim. ‘We were sacked for being white and Christian', claim principal and his wife dismissed from Dubai-backed 'multicultural' college."

Series of Church Burglaries in Niedersachsen

December 30, 2011, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

There were several break-ins in churches all over Niedersachsen. The Burglaries are mostly aimed at the offertory boxes and the contained money, the damage depends on the amount of money that was found in the boxes.

Strangers Vandalise Catholic Church in Bonn

December 30, 2011, Germany

The Sankt Augustin church in Bonn was vandalised by strangers who broke a glass door and moved one of the massive offertory boxes. They couldn’t steal anything but the damage of property is worth about 1000€.

Reported Cases of Hate Crime in Denmark

December 30, 2011, Denmark

The Holy See reported seven hate crimes against Christians in 2011.

Reported Hate Crimes in Finland

December 30, 2011, Finland

The Holy See reported 24 hate crimes against Christians in 2011.

Vandalism in the Church of Saint Ottilia in Börstingen

December 29, 2011, Germany

A unknown perpetrator entered the church of St. Otilia in Börstingen and caused damage. At the organ he took a pipe about 70 centimetres high, pressed it into the other organ pipes and damaged a number of other organ pipes. He tore out several ornamental pins from the Easter candle and damaged it with a knife as well.

Church Broken Into and Offertory Boxes Emptied

December 29, 2011, Germany

A church in Hilden was broken into, the burglars emptied two offertory boxes and broke two glass windows to get in. It is not known how much money was in the boxes.

Vandalism at World Famous Rome Basilica S. Maria Maggiore

December 28, 2011, Italy

Vandals purposely damaged the main entrance of S. Maria Maggiore’s basilica.

Church and Graveyard Vandalised

December 27, 2011, Germany

Churches and graveyards around Gießen were vandalised. Someone painted symbols on gravestones and church doors and windows were covered in orange paint.

Anti-Christian Sculpture Displayed in Art Gallery

December 25, 2011, United Kingdom

An anonymous artist donated a stone bust of a cardinal with his face covered in pixels to a gallery in Liverpool. The sculpture implies that Church officials are criminals. "’s easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity - the lies, the corruption, the abuse," says the producer. Reyahn King, the art gallery's director is "thrilled".

Christians Physically Assaulted at Christmas

December 25, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Zavidovici, numerous cases of physical assaults on older Catholics were reported on Christmas day.