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Filtered by: Defamation

Socialist Party Initiative Aims to Change The Name of Pius XII Street in Sevilla

April 25, 2008, Spain

The City Hall of Sevilla, run by the PSOE socialist party, has announced its intention to change the names of some streets associated with Franco and his regime. The proposal is a consequence of the Historical Memory Law that allows the removal of names and signs related to Franco's times. One of them is now considered to be Pope Pius XII and a street named after him. In the PSOE words, the Pope is a "francoist character", well-known as the "Nazi Pope".

Spanish Officials’ Discourse Shows Increasing Hostility Against Christians

February 29, 2008, Spain

The Observatory for the Freedom of Religion and Conscience (OLRC) issued a report quoting “100 reasons to be alert” about the attacks against Christianity by Spanish officials. The author affirms that the increasing hostility against Christians aims to eliminate religious expressions from the public square.

(Internet) Anti-Christian Games Available on the Internet

January 28, 2008, Italy

Molleindustra, Italian artists and engineers, designes video games fostering hatred of Christians and religion in general. User says: Religious hate has never been so much fun.

Gallery Offends Christians

January 6, 2008, United Kingdom

The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead displays statue of Christ with erect penis by gay Chinese-born artist Koh.

(Internet) Hate CD Sold on Ebay

November 27, 2007, International

German "Black Attakk" CEO Karsten Jakob sells four CDs on Ebay which contain hateful language against Christ.

Blasphemous Images in Weekly Magazine

November 13, 2007, Belgium

"Humo", a Belgian Dutch-speaking weekly that is known for its liberal and satirical opinions, published a representation of a man urinating in a chalice with the accompanying text: "And Jesus changed wine into urine". Our sources report that this was not the first time "Humo" published blasphemous representations.

Defaming Art Funded by and Displayed in Madrid

September 26, 2007, Spain

Madrid City Hall and Madrid Community co-sponsored a comic exhibition which shows the Pope consuming pornography, having sex with nuns, and sheep, produced by Italian artist Federico Solmi. Madrid’s mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón is the chairman of the exhibition. The general coordinator, Armando Unsaín, said that "it might be possible that the content of the exhibition offended a minority, but no further consideration should be given to the complaints. We live in a democratic society, and the Church has not been unpolluted to deserve no criticisms."

Anti-Christian Exhibition With Public Funding

September 13, 2007, Spain

The exhibit attacks monotheism, and blames it for all wars; extols the divine Elvis Presley as the new atheist god; and traces a parallel between totalitarianism (Communism, Nazism, etc) and its leaders (Stalin, Mao, Kim II Sung, Mussolini, Hitler) and the hierarchy of the Church.

Gay Association Demeans Bible in Ad

October 18, 2006, United Kingdom

Gay Police Association places ad in The Independent with a photograph of a bible next to a pool of blood.

Creationism Debate comes with Defamation of Christians

October 2, 2006, Germany

Wolfgang Baake, general secretary of Christian Media Association (Christlichen Medienverbundes KEP) Germany, calls the reporting and public discussion of evolution vs. intelligent design vs. creationism “defamation” of Christians.