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Filtered by: Freedom of Association and Assembly

Thousands Petition to Keep Chapels Open at Complutense University in Madrid

January 4, 2013, Spain

Tens of thousands petitioned Jose Carrillo, the rector of Complutense University asking that the agreement with the Archdiocese of Madrid be adhered to and that the closing of university chapels be stopped. According to a spokesman for the religious-liberty organization MasLibres, Miguel Vidal, the “rector has argued that the university is not trying to shut down chapels, but to revise its agreement with the archdiocese.”

Church in Lithuania Set on Fire a Second Time

October 4, 2012, Lithuania

A church was set on fire and burned to the ground on October 4 2012. This was the same church where an attempt at burning the church was made in September 2012.

Pro-Life Activists Continuously Attacked

October 3, 2012, Germany

Pro-Life activists continuously suffer attacks from radical groups, including physical attacks and property damages; as well as negative stereotyping by the media; and an infringement on freedom of assembly and expression by a ban mile.

Traditional Bible Reading Marathon Not Permitted in Paris

October 1, 2012, France

Evangelical Protestants who have organized an annual "Marathon of the Bible" with over 500 participants reading and sharing in Paris since 2003, did not obtain the permission to hold a session in 2012.

Violence and Damages in Aggressive Disruption of a Pro-Life Manifestation

July 24, 2012, Austria

More than 80 pro-abortion-activists attacked the pro-life manifestation “1000 Crosses-March” organized by the Youth for Life and Human Life International in Salzburg-City. Blockages, insults and windows smashed kept a large number of police busy.

Left NGO Calls for Violence Against Christians

July 17, 2012, Austria

The Salzburg-based NGO „Infoladen“ calls for violence against Christians when expressing pro-life views. In July they called for a counter-demonstration against a pro-life manifestation. „Let’s make their 1000-crosses-manifestation a disaster!“ and „Sink the 1000 crosses!“ are some of the slogans on their website.

Writing on Church Walls in Lithuania

June 17, 2012, Lithuania

June 17th 2012, the walls of a church in Vilnius were spray painted with writing.

Christian Manifestation Attacked by Homosexual Activists

June 16, 2012, Austria

About 70 Christians demonstrated in a prayerful and peaceful walk against the Vienna "Gay pride parade" in Vienna on June 16th. They were attacked by counterdemonstration of activists for a homosexual agenda.

Law Society Revokes Christian Debate Over Marriage

May 23, 2012, United Kingdom

The Law Society has revoked the booking of a Christian conférence on marriage to be held by Christian Concern and other organisations because it considered it "contrary to its ‘diversity’ Policy".

Christian Club Reproached by Anti-Discrimination Authority

April 6, 2012, Germany

The Catholic Schützenverein voted in March 450 to 28 to not to allow homosexual or lesbian „kings“ or „queens“ to preside activities together with their partners. The German federal anti-discrimination commission screened this decision and declared it to be in disrespect of the law.