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Catholic Care Forced to Close or Allow Gay Adoption after Tribunal Decision

August 9, 2011, United Kingdom

On May 31st, 2011, Catholic Care of the Diocese of Leeds has applied for leave to appeal the latest decision against it in the long-running case sparked by the Charity Commission’s refusal to allow it to prevent gay couples from using its adoption service. The appeal was granted in August 2011.

Christian Media Ad Banned By Authorities

July 27, 2011, United Kingdom

The media group Premier Christian Radio's advertizment on the marginalization of Christians in the workplace was banned by the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC) for being “politically motivated”. Even though the ad was modified and redone several times, RACC upheld the ban.

Parents' Rights at Stake as Schools Minister Gives Green Light to Explicit Sex Ed in Science Lessons

July 12, 2011, United Kingdom

SPUC - director blogs of new developments in the field of education: "Parents of primary-school children from across the country are furious that Nick Gibb, the schools minister, has told Parliament that schools can teach children, including in primary school, about sex in science lessons." The problem is that parents cannot withdraw their children from sience - and contents might be unacceptable for many parents.

BBC Survey: Viewers Think Broadcaster is Anti-Christian

June 1, 2011, United Kingdom

The BBC is widely regarded as displaying an anti-Christian attitude in its programming, according to the Corporation’s own research.

Christian Counsellor Suspended For Reparative Therapy Suggestion

May 31, 2011, United Kingdom

(ongoing) Lesley Pilkington was suspended by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (“BACP”) for giving therapy to a homosexual man (an under-cover freelance journalist) who pretended to be a Christian wishing to stop practicing homosexuality. A key witness has been threatened by homosexual activists, causing hearing to be adjourned.

Medical Doctor Reprimanded for Talking about Christianity to a Patient Despite Consent

May 31, 2011, United Kingdom

Richard Scott, a MD with a 28-year spotless work record, has been given a disciplinary call for sharing his faith with a patient.

Personal Experiences of Marginalisation in the Area of Government Funding

May 31, 2011, United Kingdom

Evangelical Premier Media conducted a survey called "Freedom of the Cross Consultations" in May 2010. 12 % of the respondants answered that they had experienced discrimination personally, another 10% that they knew someone who had. Read here some quotes in the area of government funding.

(Scotland) Artist Plans to Set Jesus´ Head on Fire

May 16, 2011, United Kingdom

“Holy smoke” is the expression the Scottish media has used in reference to David Mach´s claim to set on fire the head of Jesus in the name of art. The artist plans to burn a head of Jesus made with matchsticks outside the City Art Centre of Edinburgh, which is hosting this religious-themed exhibit with taxpayers money in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible. The exhibit will run from 30 July to 16 October. Mach, who described himself as a non believer, says he wants to use religious themes to "expose the hypocrisies of the contemporary world".

School Children Targeted by Pro-Euthanasia Video

May 16, 2011, United Kingdom

14-year-old UK students enrolled in GCSE (general certificate of secondary education) philosophy courses are being taught about euthanasia by viewing a video featuring Dr Philip Nitschke, a notorious assisted suicide campaigner and euthanasia fanatic. Nitschke, the Australian founder and director of the euthanasia group “Exit International”, known internationally as “Dr Death”, presents in a video a machine which delivers lethal injections.

Equality and Human Rights Commission Says Children Could Be “Infected” by Christian Beliefs

March 31, 2011, United Kingdom

The Commission which intervened in Johns v. Derby City Council argued that Christians who object to homosexual behavior or same-sex relationships should not be allowed to foster children by warning that the court that children placed with Christian parents could become “infected” with Christian beliefs.

Government Requires Foster Parents to Affirm Homosexuality Rules UK High Court

February 28, 2011, United Kingdom

Experienced foster parents lose rights to foster due to religious beliefs on homosexuality. Appeal to High Court lost.

"Get Bishops Out Of Our Law-Making" Demands Journalist

February 25, 2011, United Kingdom

Under the headline: “Get bishops out of our law-making”, journalist Mr. Hari hit out at the bishops for voting against measures within the highly controversial Equality Bill and for their stance on end-of-life issues.

Voice in Favor of Stopping Prayers at House of Commons Proceedings

February 15, 2011, United Kingdom

A Conservative MP has said the House of Commons should stop saying prayers at the start of its proceedings. The contentious proposal could, Jo Johnson MP said, “save three or four minutes every day” and would better reflect the UK.

Christian Drug Expert Sacked from Government Advisory Panel Over Gay Dispute

February 14, 2011, United Kingdom

The Christian General Practitioner (GP) was sacked as a Government drugs adviser because he co-wrote a study linking homosexuality to paedophilia. In June 2011 he announced to take legal action to answer “increasing attempts” to marginalise Christians in public life.

Mental Health Worker Threatened With Sack After Sharing Opinions About Post-Abortion Syndrome

December 1, 2010, United Kingdom

Christian Mental Health worker suspended after talking to colleague informally about abortion risks and told „never to do this again“ and reinstated only several weeks later.

Harsh Persecution of Muslims Converted to Christianity

December 1, 2010, United Kingdom

In Great Britain many converts from Islam to Christianity are forced to worship in secret at the risk of their own lives according to the report of the French Internet Portal “Observatoire de l’islamisation” which resulted in a report broadcasted 2010 on British TV.

Conservative Party Councillor Gets Suspended After Objecting Gay Talks in a School

November 25, 2010, United Kingdom

A conservative party councillor in Bristol has been “voluntarily suspended” and asked by the party to meet with homosexualist activists after he objected to appearances by a homosexualist campaigner and actor, Sir Ian McKellen, at local schools.

Humanists Campaign to Stop the Noah's Ark Zoo Farm Because it Says that God Created the World

October 7, 2010, United Kingdom

BHA (British Humanist Association) has called on the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums, North Somerset Council, Visit Britain and South West England to shut down the zoo. The secular group claims that the zoo is misleading tens of thousands of visitors annually and ‘threatening public understanding’ by questioning the traditional view of evolution.

(Scotland) BBC Displays "Consistent Anti-Christian institutional Bias"

September 5, 2010, United Kingdom

Scottish Cardinal O'Brien says that detailed research into BBC news coverage of Christianity revealed a consistent anti-Christian institutional bias.

Pro Life Abortion Protestors Arrested

August 10, 2010, United Kingdom

Two Christian pro-life protesters were arrested twice by Police in Brighton and await the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service to see if they will face a Criminal Prosecution.