All cases

Street Preacher Arrested for Comment on Homosexuality as a Sin

May 12, 2010, United Kingdom

Street Preacher Dale McAlpine was arrested after stating to a passersby that homosexuality was a sin. After seven hours in a police cell, McAlpine was released. (video footage available!)

Several Attacks on Churches Recorded

May 1, 2010, Germany

The renowned daily reports on a noticeable rise in quality and quantity of attacks against Church buildings.

Christian Password Cause for Bullying

April 29, 2010, United Kingdom

“In the workplace, just having a Christian related password on my computer, got me into trouble - I was insulted by management. This was the start of ongoing bullying,” says an respondent who wishes to remain anonymous.

28-Year-Old Postal Employee Dismissed For Refusing to Distribute Sex-Flyers

April 21, 2010, Switzerland

The postal worker Emmanuel N. was fired because he refused to distribute erotic flyers on the grounds of his Christian faith.

Anti-theist authors call for Pope’s Arrest

April 20, 2010, United Kingdom

Dawkins and Hitchens are accusing Pope Benedict of committing crimes against humanity and calling for his arrest when he sets foot on British soil in the fall.

Birth Place of Josef Ratzinger Vandalised

April 13, 2010, Germany

In the night of April 13th the birthplace of Josef Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, was vandalised. The house in Marktl am Inn was sprayed on with "insulting contents".

Magazine Cover Page Blasphemes Image of Christ

April 9, 2010, Germany

German Magazine sparks outrage by portraying profane image mocking Catholic Church and blaspheming image of Christ on the crucifix.

Parents Arrested After Refusing Their Children's Participation in a Sex Ed Play

April 8, 2010, Germany

Christian parents arrested and imprisoned up to 40 days when they refused to allow their children to participate in a mandatory sexual education program.

Church in Nizna Village Vandalised During Easter Holiday

April 6, 2010, Slovakia

Spray-painters tagged the church in the Nižná village with rude writings and fascist signs on April 6, at the time of the most important Christian festivities. The writings were about one meter high in size and in black colour. The vandals also damaged the near-by standing monument. A similar incident had taken place during Christmas the year before.

New Educational Program Spreads Secularist Ideas: 55.000 Parents Opt Out

April 1, 2010, Spain

375 Christian parents lodge complaint with European Court of Human Rights as the mandatory school curriculum is antithetical to their moral convictions. After five years of public debate and much engagement on the side of the parents, the subject was abolished on Jan 31, 2012.