A Dutch marketing company was sued after refusing to print bath towels that supposed to be an advertistment for promoting homosexual behaviour. The company had declared on their website that they are not interested in orders that are conflicting with their Christian beliefs and morals. Invoking the Equal Treatment Commission (ETC), the company was accused of not fulfilling a service that was beneficial for the general public and discrimination against certain social groups.
A group of socialists, communists, liberals and greens, headed by Dutch liberal Sophie in’t Veld and German green Franziska Brantner seek to ban the Catholic Service which has been in place in Strasbourg for 11 years.
Twelve crosses were removed from the walls of the surgery unit of the public hospital of Bad Soden, Germany, in February, while patients were watching.
Graffiti on church walls, destruction of religious art, and desecration of objects of worship becoming increasingly commonplace in France.
Openly homosexual activists disrupt Catholic services for refusing Holy Communion to open homosexuals.
Controversial sex ed bill passed in the house of commons and only later turned down as a legislative project. Under the bill, schools, both religious and secular, would have had to give children information on homosexual relationships as well as artificial contraception and abortion, including on how to obtain abortions and contraceptives. Catholic and Anglican schools would have been required to promote abortion, contraception, “civil partnerships” and homosexuality as “normal and harmless.”
Two glass doors were broken and fire set on the altar under the tabernacle. Fire did not spread and was extinguished by itself.
A district judge has thrown out the case against another street preacher, Paul Shaw, who was arrested on February 19 in Colchester over comments he made about homosexual activity.
47 graves were vandalized in Oxelaëre, in Northern France. They were all Christian graves and many of them were tagged with swastika, injurious words and various grafiti. Mayor Stéphane Dieusaert exclaims: "It is pathetic."
A mother of eight was detained on February 17th to spend eight days in a prison. She had refused to send her nine-year-old-son to school on grounds of her objection to sex education.