BBC spreads negative image of Jesus by Series on “The Miracles of Jesus”
(ongoing) Visa difficulties for religious personel; police failure to protect the faithful; administrational obstacles prevent religious services.
(2000-2006) Several instances recorded. Christians faced violence including murders, threats, vandalisations and administrational difficulties.
(2003 - 2006) Reference to God or Christianity in EU Constitution denied despite 1 million individual signatures as well as 50 million signatures through organisiational affiliation.
A group of Christian Year Nine girls at a school in Stoke Newington were forced to remain in an ‘LGBT History Month – assembly’ despite their parents’ wishes that they should not attend. Parents with objections to Christian assemblies are permitted to withdraw their children. Teachers are also permitted to opt out.
The Secretary of the Labor Union requested in a written statement the immediate removal of a nativity that has been displayed in the hall of the Council of Education building. The petition was grounded in Article 16 of the Spanish Constitution, which establishes that no creed has official character. Spain has signed many international agreements that guarantee freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.
Family campaigner Lynette Burrows interrogated after radio statement in London.
A clothes production company in Stockholm comes out with a satanic logo as active statement against Christianity.
Animated video glorifies violence against pro-life Christians on Planned Parenthood website.
A group of Catalan politicians joked about the Passion of Christ in an Official Visit to Israel by taking photographs with a crown of thorns.