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Filtered by: Desecration

Consecrated Hosts stolen from Czestochowa Church

April 28, 2024, Poland

Unknown perpetrators broke into the church of Our Lady of Czestochowa and stole the consecrated host, which is considered as an act of desecration by Catholics. Two ciboria with consecrated hosts disappeared from the secure tabernacle, as discovered by parish priest Father Stanislaw Mikos during Sunday Mass.

Altar Cloth set on Fire in Capri Church

April 26, 2024, Italy

On Friday morning, April 26, an unknown perpetrator tried to set fire to the church of San Bernardino Realino in Carpi. After attempting to steal the offering box, he set fire to the tablecloth in the side chapel.

Vandalism and Desecration of Church of Santa Maria in Albis

April 20, 2024, France

On Saturday night, April 20, individuals broke into the church of Sancta Maria in Albis, located in the heart of the village of Breil-sur-Roya.

Grave of Late Patriarch Neophyte Desecrated

April 15, 2024, Bulgaria

The grave of the late Patriarch Neophyte was desecrated in Sofia, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church informed Tuesday morning, April 16.

Sacred objects stolen from Great Yarmouth Minster upset community

April 12, 2024, United Kingdom

Great Yarmouth Minster Church was broken into twice within two weeks, first overnight between March 29 and March 30 and then again on April 12, 2024. Besides stealing money the thieves also broke the windows of the church and took sacred objects, namely the bread and wine which has been blessed and kept reserved and some of the sacred oils. "So many people in Yarmouth feel hurt by the fact that a place they consider special and important to community life has been violated," the church Reverend said.

Armenian Church Demolished in Nagorno-Karabakh

April 4, 2024, Other

Between December 28, 2023 and April 4, 2024, St. John the Baptist Church (S. Hovhannes Mkrtich) in Nagorno-Karabakh was destroyed, according to Caucasus Heritage Watch, referring to satellite pictures. The church was built in 1818 had been a landmark in Shusha/Shushi.

Man Insults Congregation and Attacks Liturgical Servant During Mass

March 30, 2024, Poland

A 38-year-old disrupted the Holy Saturday celebrations at the All Saints parish in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. Entering the altar area, he loudly shouted vulgar words from the pulpit. When being asked to leave the altar stage, he attacked one of the liturgical servants as well as a police officer during arrest.

Bust of Christ Vandalised at Rennes Church

March 20, 2024, France

A bust of Christ was vandalised and the church door damaged in Church of Saint-Germain in Rennes. The vandalism was discovered by the parish priest, Father Philippe Hebert, on March 20. The priest lodged a complaint the next day, investigations are ongoing.

Desecration of church in Reggino

March 19, 2024, Italy

The church of San Giuseppe, in Melito Porto Salvo, in Reggino, was desecrated by unknown individuals. The perpetrators damaged the security cameras, forced entry into the church, stole the consecrated host and scatter the others. Furthermore, a sacred vessel was also taken.

Ten statues and plaques in cemetery of Bovekerke vandalised

March 16, 2024, Belgium

On March 16, the cemetery surrounding the church of Bovekerke (Koekelare) was vandalised. Approximately a dozen statues, ornaments, flowers, and memorial plaques had been destroyed. The affected graves are not all close together and often involve very old concessions. According to another resident, some crosses have also been removed from the graves.

Excrements found in St Michael the Church in Marktrodach

March 15, 2024, Germany

The pastor of the Protestant church in Marktrodach discovered human excrement behind the altar in the afternoon of March 15. The perpetrator is unknown, but it appears to be a repeat occurrence. The police reported that this was not the first instance of such an act in the church.

Church and 50 graves desecrated with Islamist slogans

March 11, 2024, France

During the night of March 11, acts of vandalism were committed in the cemetery of the village Clermont-d'Excideuil. Inscriptions with Islamic references were found on graves, the war memorial, the church door, a calvary memorial, and a fountain. Some of the tags read "France is already Allah's", "Isa will break the cross" and "Submit to Islam". Altogether, more than 50 graves were smeared.

40 graves vandalised at cemetery in Fresselines

February 29, 2024, France

On February 29, a resident of Fresselines, on his way to the family crypt, discovered the unprecedented vandalism in the Creuse cemetery. Unknown perpetrators had desecrated around 40 graves: between some graves plates had been moved or broken, pots had been thrown to the ground. Some slabs had also been unscrewed and piled up on the ground. Stelae and plaques had been broken or moved.

Theft and excrement in the church of the Madonna dei Sette Dolori

February 26, 2024, Italy

On February 26, thieves broke into the church of the Madonna dei Sette Dolori in Vasto and stole offerings from the donation box. The perpetrators furthermore left human excrement on the floor of the church. The parish priest expressed his shock and disgust about this gesture of degradation and disrespect.

St. Johann parish church robbed and desecrated

February 20, 2024, Austria

Unknown perpetrators broke into the parish church of St. Johann in Tirol, Austria, and stole and damaged religious objects. The figure of Christ was broken off a wooden cross.

Four Crosses Defaced with Islamic Graffiti

February 15, 2024, France

In Dordogne, four large public crucifixes in separate towns were defaced with references to Islam sometime between December 24, 2023 and February 15, 2024. Two of the crosses were located on the side of the road in Saint-Pantaly-d'Excideuil, the two others in Cherveix-Cubas. One cross, built in the 1800s in a village of 146 people, had the word “Islam” and a crescent moon sprayed on it. Another inscription read “Allah”. Yet another cross was spray-painted with, “Today is the land of infidels, tomorrow the land of Islam.”

St. Ägidius Church Vandalised

February 11, 2024, Germany

During the night between February 10 and 11, unknown perpetrators vandalized the church of St. Ägidius in Grafing. Several prayer books were thrown to the floor, the microphones on the altar were tampered with and an elaborately decorated Easter candle was broken. The material damage is estimated at around 300 euros.

Cross of 7th Century Church of Vankasar Removed

February 5, 2024, Armenia

The cross of the 7th Century Vankasar Church has been found removed on pictures circulating online.

Vandalism in the church of Fontenay-le-Comte

February 5, 2024, France

On February 5, vandals attacked the church of Notre Dame in Fontenay-le-Comte and broke two statues. The local Catholic community is deeply shocked about these acts.

Man breaks statue in Saint Jean-Baptiste church "in the name of Allah"

February 2, 2024, France

A man entered Saint Jean-Baptiste church and violently attacked the statue of John the Baptist using a crucifix. The statue, made of plaster, was completely broken and the crucifix was badly damaged.