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Filtered by: Negative Stereotyping

Young People Riot Inside Church and Insult worshipers During Mass

March 12, 2023, Germany

On the evening of March 12, a group of young individuals caused a disturbance at a church in Munich. They rioted and used offensive language directed against the attendants of the mass. It was reported that the parishioners inside the church also heard a loud noise, and then they noticed the window pane had been broken. The priests and churchgoers were targeted with derogatory comments. The group of young people then left. The police were notified, they had not yet identified the perpetrators and are estimating the costs of the damage to property.

"God is Dead, We killed him" Tagged on St. Nikolaus Church and Primary School

December 9, 2022, Germany

Between December 9 and the 13th, the buildings of the St. Nikolaus church and an elementary school were smeared with graffiti and anti-Christian slogans in Konz. One writing said, "God is dead, we killed him", while other symbols were tagged such as pentagrams and inverted crosses. The police have proof from the CCTV cameras of two unidentified perpetrators who entered the elementary school grounds and graffitied the walls. However, the persons are yet to be identified.

Church in Vienna Tagged With Anti-Christian slogan

November 30, 2022, Austria

"No God, No State, No Patriarchy" was sprayed on the walls of the Breitenfeld Church in Vienna in a vandalic attack that took place in late November. An eyewitness sent the picture to OIDAC Europe.

Graffiti and Vandalism in Two Churches in Leipzig

November 2, 2022, Germany

Two places of worship were attacked with graffiti in Leipzig, the St. Thomas Church and at the Russian Church. A grave slab in the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig was vandalized with the words "Death King" written by an unknown vandal on the sculpture from the 19th century. The grave shows Dietrich III, also known as Diezmann. Also, unknown persons smeared a "Z" on the Russian Church - which was built in memory of the Russian victims of the Battle of the Nations.

Anti-Catholic posters pasted on several churches in Gdansk in an anti-church action

October 16, 2022, Poland

On the night of October 16-17, 2022, an organized group hung posters targeting the Catholic Church on the parish grounds of the Church of Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown in Gdansk. That night, the posters were hung on sixteen buildings and gates of establishments belonging to the Catholic Church. Posters with the same content and graphics were hung on all the facilities: "They all knew and did nothing! The entire clergy is guilty of covering up paedophilia in the Church! Disgrace! We remember! We will hold them accountable!".

New: Study Reveals 61% people feel Media Perpetrates Faith-Based Stereotypes

September 20, 2022, International

On the 20. September, a large-scale study was published by the Faith and Media Initiative (FAMI), which looks at the portrayal of faith and religion in the media. The study revealed there is a strong demand across the world for more news and media coverage about faith. It also shows that journalists and editors admit coverage of faith-related topics is rarely encouraged in the industry. The study had 9,000 respondents, including citizens, journalists, and editors from 18 countries and major religions. An important finding was that the general population feels that "media coverage can perpetuate faith-related stereotypes rather than protect against them."

Residents Disrupt Mass in a Spanish Town After the priest did not allow a concert inside the church

August 28, 2022, Spain

A group of about a hundred residents of Fuentesauco de Fuentidueña made this Sunday a "cacerolada" (disruption with loud noises by banging pots and other objects) at the doors of the church. They were protesting that the pries did not authorize the celebration of a concert of a local orchestra of this town in the parish church. The priest had considered that it was not a performance of church music. Due to the disruption, the priest had to call the police because he could not celebrate Mass normally due to a large crowd of people outside the church.

Human Rights Group: Germany's Migration Office Ignores the Persecution of Iranian Christian Converts

July 28, 2022, Germany

During a press conference on the 28. July, the "International Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM)" reported on the indifference and even bias present in the BAMF (the Migration Office in Germany) in regard to the fate of Iranian Christian converts, who face persecution or even death if deported to Iran. Pastor Dr. Gottfried Martens, an expert on legal practice and deportation procedures recalls how representatives would make fun of the statements of Christian Iranians, he stated that court hearings were "pure gambling". Many Iranian converts shared their hardships and disappointing experiences with the german authorities.

A Man Interrupts The Holy Mass Shouting and Hits A Parishioner

July 24, 2022, France

On Sunday 24. July, a 25-year-old resident of Chambourcy was arrested after he seriously disrupted a Holy Mass in the church of Saint-Germain, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines). The man, who happened to be Muslim interrupted the celebration by shouting and calling the parishioners "hypocrites" and "shitty Christians". As a parishioner approached him to ask him to leave, the man hit him with a headbutt and knocked out two of his teeth.

EU Commissioner Downplays Massacre of Christians in Nigeria saying it is not Rooted in Religion

June 8, 2022, International

During a debate on 8. June in the European Parliament, triggered by the massacre of Christians in Nigeria that happened in a Church during a Pentecostal Mass, Commissioner Valdis Dombrovski severely downplayed the attacks by attributing them to "underlying causes beyond faith" such as "scarce resources", and "poor education", "unemployment", among others. These affirmations ignore that the perpetrators belong to the jihadist terrorist organization Boko Haram. Such statements push the narrative away from the issue of the terrible human rights violations of religious freedom in Nigeria, which has already claimed the lives of thousands of Christians in the last years.