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Filtered by: Freedom of Association and Assembly

Christian Demonstrations Violently Attacked by Left Wing Radicals in Baden-Württemberg and Cologne

March 23, 2014, Germany

A new governmental sex ed curriculum of Baden-Württemberg has caused outrage among Christian parents. Several manifestions suffered serious attacks by left wing activists which were later identified as LGBT activists. Eyewitnesses reported in shock to the Observatory.

Aggressive Left-Wing Activists Interrupt Demonstration of Parents in Stuttgart

February 2, 2014, Germany

A protest of parents who were not happy with a new educational plan seeking to implement “sexual diversity education” had to end early due to massive opposition. Protesters were physically attacked and it was felt that the Police failed to protect the parents’ basic right of assembly.

34 Anti-Life Activists Arrested for Attacks and Violations of Freedom of Assembly against Praying Christians

July 26, 2013, Austria

A peaceful prayer-manifestation of young Christians in Salzburg was interrupted by aggressive pro-choice activists who blocked streets and insulted the Christian activists. Police officers had to rearrange the walking route of the march and finally arrested 34 pro-choice activists for the violation of freedom of assembly. Two pro-choice activists also attacked a police officer.

Police Brutality Directed Against Pro-Family Demonstrators

June 26, 2013, France

Tear gas attacks and beatings by the police, arbitrary arrests, solitary confinement, illegal finger print storing, and countless other human rights violations were conducted by the French police against a peaceful mass demonstration opposing government policy on gay marriage and adoption.

Stalking Law Used Against Freedom of Assembly of Pro-Life Christians

May 21, 2013, Austria

Anti-stalking legislation is used against side-walk counselling or picketing. On October 25th, 2011, the state court of Graz, Styria, upheld a judgement of the first instance condemning pro-life side-walk counsellors to pay fines on the grounds of “stalking.”

Freedom of Assembly Limited by Court Order in Germany

May 21, 2013, Germany

Christian-inspired non-governmental pro-life organisations often express their faith and their convictions by protesting in front of abortion clinics, or by simply standing in front of clinics or counselling centres in order to offer conversation and alternatives. In the German cities Freiburg and Munich, this activity has been severely limited. Local courts have given in to the pressure by the targeted locations, which could have been mainly financial ones. Courts have restricted the form of manifestation as well as established a geographical ban. Appeals are on-going.

Pro-Life Manifestations Frequently Prohibited

May 21, 2013, France

Law 93-121 of January, 27th, 1993, so- called “loi Neiertz” made it a specific offense to obstruct abortions. Therefore manifestations in front of hospitals are frequently not permitted. A well-known doctor and embryologist, Xavier Dor, was condemned and sentenced to prison several times because he prayed together with a few others in front of a hospital and obstructed legal abortions. At 83, his latest trial is on-going.

Freedom of Association Limited to So-Called Non-Discriminatory Activities

May 21, 2013, Spain

The law states that “the public authorities shall not provide any assistance to associations in the case where the admission process or its operations discriminate on grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal or social circumstance.”

Numerous Human Rights Violations Against Pro-Family Demonstrators

April 23, 2013, France

The recent attacks on pro-family mass-demonstrations included: tear gas against children, overbearing police force, unconstitutional state action and human rights violations, death threats against organisers on social media and stabbing of a protester, as well as violations of freedom of assembly.

Anti-Christian Counter Manifestation to Pro Life Activity

February 9, 2013, France

During a prayer meeting in front of the abortion clinic of the l’Hôpital Tenon in Paris, pro-lifers were confronted with a counter demonstration of the group “Hâter la République” (“Rush the Republic”) which held up posters depicting Jesus carrying the cross comparing the cross to an UID, a contraceptive loop. It said: “Jesus too… had a loop!”