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Filtered by: Freedom of Expression

UK: Prayers and activism banned on buffer zone around Bournemouth abortion clinic

October 14, 2022, United Kingdom

A buffer zone was implemented outside the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth in a bid to deter people from praying or standing with pro-life signs outside the clinic. Anyone that fails to accept the decision could incur a fixed penalty notice of £100 or face court action. Buffer zones have been widely discussed, due to their limitation of freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

ECHR acquits woman that desecrated a Paris Church simulating an abortion of Christ and Urinating on the Altar

October 13, 2022, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Court of Human Rights has recently concluded that Eloïse Bouton, a "Femen" member who performed a topless act simulating an abortion of Christ by the Virgin Mary in front of the altar and tabernacle of La Madeleine Church in Paris in 2013, has to be compensated. She had been sentenced by the French court to a one-month suspended prison and 2,000 euro fine for "sexual exhibition". She had also desecrated the altar of the church with urination and anti-Christian slogans and symbolism. With this ruling, a dangerous record of precedents is being created that will only encourage more blasphemous attacks on Christians.

Russia: Two priests on trial for opposing the war in Ukraine

October 10, 2022, Russia

Two Russian Orthodox hieromonks (monks who are also priests in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholicism) had criminal cases opened against them for opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine on religious grounds. Forum 18 is following the cases and reports that Fr Nikandr Pinchuk's first full trial hearing in Sverdlovsk Oblast is due on 17 October, while Fr Ioann Kurmoyarov, who is in pre-trial detention since early June, has his trial on 14 November in St Petersburg.

Christian Doctor Faced Pressure After Offering Prayer to Patients

October 9, 2022, United Kingdom

In May 2019, Dr. Richard Scott faced an investigation by the NHS England (National Health Service) after several complaints were made about him offering prayer to patients, as he discussed this practice during a BBC Radio 4 interview. Dr. Scott faced an investigation to see if he was fit for practice, but the case has now been settled between Dr. Scott and the NHS, as reported on the news at the beginning of October. He has agreed to attend a course about professional boundaries and at the same time, with no admittance of wrongdoing.

UK Christians' Right to Freedom of expression Threatened in upcoming Public Order Bill

October 7, 2022, United Kingdom

The UK's already controversial Public Order Bill has received an amendment proposal that would criminalize supporting women seeking an abortion within a 150-meter "buffer zone" from an abortion clinic. Apart from the fact that this would open the way for authorities to repress Christian street preachers, this amendment means that prayer or any kind of help inside the "buffer zones" could lead to an up to two-year jail sentence. Laws like this already exist in Northern Ireland since March, and will also be a reality in Scotland in the near future.

Irish Human Rights Commission Approves bill for "Safe Access Zones" Outside abortion clinics

September 30, 2022, Ireland

During the last week of September, the Irish Human Rights Commission (IHREC) announced its submission on the General Scheme of the Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services (Safe Access Zones)) Bill 2022 and agreed with the government by supporting the controversial law proposal. This decision was taken despite the concerns for Freedom of speech and Freedom of Assembly that these restrictions pose.

Satanist and Anarchist tags at a church in Zurich

September 17, 2022, Switzerland

Satanist tags have been painted on the walls of the Church of the Sacred Heart in Zurich on September 17. On the same day, Bishop Marian Eleganti, former auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Chur, celebrated a mass there as part of the "March for Life", organized on the same day. The act was claimed by the anarchist group, to protest against the "March for Life".

Scotland Politician Disciplined by Party Leaders for defending pro-life Support and Prayer outside hospitals

September 15, 2022, United Kingdom

A Scottish politician, John Mason, has been disciplined by party leaders at Holyrood after he showed support for pro-life activism outside hospitals. He was sent a written warning and was accused of causing women “great distress” for his remarks on abortion and buffer zones outside clinics. The news was reported recently on the 15. September.

Legal Expert: Scotland Legislator's Planned Buffer Zones Would Ignore Fundamental Rights

September 14, 2022, United Kingdom

Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, has pronounced in favor of the legislation meant to limit pro-life activity around abortion clinics, which could lead to the creation of abortion clinic "buffer zones" across Scotland. The First Minister suggested that pro-life groups could protest in front of the Scottish parliament instead of gathering outside abortion clinics. A legal counsel for ADF UK, Mr. Igunnubole, warns that such laws do not possess a "reasonable excuse" to ignore basic tenets of the rule of law, such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly.

Leeds City Council Accuses Street Preachers of Using Hate Speech and Homophobic Language

September 5, 2022, United Kingdom

In the city of Leeds, members of society raised concerns, claiming that street preachers in the city center are using hate speech and homophobic language. The local council, together with the Police have now issued a new "code of conduct", in which they tell preachers that they respect their freedom of expression, but also recognise that it may be limited to "prevent disorder or crime".

Fr. Bernard Considered a "Risk to Children" by Church of England for Stating Biblical Teachings

September 4, 2022, United Kingdom

Rev Dr. Bernard Randall is a Christian chaplain who was reported to a terrorist watchdog by the school he worked at, after giving a sermon addressing the new LGBT Guidelines and telling his pupils it was ok to make up their own minds, as long as they remain respectful towards other's opinions. He is now facing a high-profile Employment Tribunal hearing and has even been blacklisted as a safeguarding risk to children by the Church of England (CofE). Dr. Randall says he was interrogated and told that refusing to capitulate to the allegation and denying his beliefs made him a risk. The diocese safeguarding team concluded ‘the Church itself is a risk factor.’

Russia: Government Pressure on Religious Leaders to Support War

August 2, 2022, Russia

The Russian government has been pressuring religious leaders to support Putin's invasion of Ukraine, using tactics such as warning, prosecuting, and fining the believers and leaders who publicly voiced that they oppose the war. From the beginning of the Russian invasion, between February 24 and the 20th of July, 16,380 people were detained for speaking out against the war in public protests, in publications on the internet, and in other demonstrations of protest. Between March 5 and July 14, there were 3,303 cases opened under the new Administrative Code Article 20.3.3, which criminalizes "Public actions aimed at discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", and is used to punish any form of "anti-war statements either in public spaces or online".

Update: Grandmother Fined for Praying on the Street Wins Her Appeal

July 18, 2022, United Kingdom

Rosa Lalor, who on the 24th of February of 2021 was fined for praying silently on the public street, and later decided to challenge the sanction, won her appeal. At the time, the police considered that she did not have a "reasonable excuse" to be outside, even though she explained that she was simply "walking and praying" and that daily exercise was allowed. She received a fine of £200 and was then detained in the police car. Rosa Lalor decided to challenge the fine, with the help of ADF UK and won the case in court.

Mayoral Candidate Fired for Voicing Christian Beliefs

July 18, 2022, United Kingdom

A Christian mayoral candidate for Lewisham, Maureen Martin, has launched legal action after being sacked for her statement on Christian beliefs about marriage in her election manifesto. She was dismissed by her housing association employer L&Q for "gross misconduct" following three complaints of "hate speech" against her, as she expressed her belief that a marriage between a man and a woman was a "fundamental building block in society" and the "safest environment to raise a child".

Ukraine: Orthodox Priests Tortured By Russian Forces

July 16, 2022, Ukraine

Dymytrij Rudyuk, the Lviv Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OKU), accused the Russian army and the Moscow Patriarch Cyril of being responsible for torturing Ukrainian Orthodox priests. In an interview, he claimed that "the majority of OKU priests had to flee the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Those who stayed are often tortured. Five Orthodox priests were shot and a priest-monk was cruelly tortured to death".

Evangelical Church Signs Targeted By Vandals

July 16, 2022, Germany

The Protestant Gethsemane Church in Berlin-Prenzlauer-Berg was vandalised (again) by unknown perpetrators. The police announced on Thursday that unknown persons graffitied the display case at the church in Stargarder Straße in the night from 15 to 16 July and damaged several posters on various political topics. The police is looking for witnesses for the investigation. In the past, the church has repeatedly been the target of attacks in which, among other things, posters with political content were destroyed.

Free Evangelical Churches Appeal Against Ban On Baptisms In Public Beaches

July 11, 2022, Switzerland

Two free evangelical churches have appealed to the Geneva Court due to the denial of their requests to perform baptisms on public beaches. On July 8, the Swiss canton of Geneva banned baptisms organized by evangelical churches in Lake Geneva, but the same baptisms are allowed in Vaud, an area that covers the northern shore of the Lake. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance wrote in a media release that they were shocked that Geneva, the human rights capital, would take such a "restrictive and exclusionary approach to religious freedom".

Spain: First Fines For Praying Outside Abortion Clinics

July 7, 2022, Spain

After the law that criminalizes pro-life activism outside abortion clinics entered into force, the first fines have been issued. One of the fined people was a woman that claims to have received a letter from the Government Delegation, stating that she was fined 600 euros for allegedly "organizing an illegal gathering". A young man also received a fine of 600 euros simply for praying the Rosary on his knees outside an abortion facility. The Christian Lawyers have promptly offered legal assistance to these people, claiming they intend to fight these accusations in court and have no intention of paying the fines.

Calls For Buffer Zone at Abortion Clinic in Bournemouth

June 28, 2022, United Kingdom

The abortion clinic in Bournemouth has been calling for a buffer zone around the facility, due to the daily vigils outside the clinic that have been taking place over the years, in order to prevent pro-life protesters from approaching the women going to the clinic, as well as the staff that works there. Rachel Clarke, from the mentioned clinic, said "[Bournemouth] is one of the worst-hit clinics in the country". A buffer zone could undermine the freedom of assembly and freedom of speech of pro-life activists.

Spain: "Trans Law" Approved, Restricts Parental Rights and Free Speech

June 27, 2022, Spain

On the 27th of June, the Spanish Cabinet approved the so-called 'trans law', despite controversy. Now it goes to the Spanish Parliament "where an intense debate is expected". According to the government, the purpose of this law is "to advance in the depathologisation of transsexuality and gender self-determination". The law has been criticized, as it criminalizes content that questions the trans ideology, including anything that might be understood as "conversion therapy", and it undermines parental rights.