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Intolerance and discrimination against Christians needs to be addressed, concludes OSCE meeting

March 4, 2009

The OSCE Office for democratic institutions and human rights, ODIHR, based in Warsaw invited about 50 experts as well as representative of participating states to a Round Table in Vienna on March 4th in order to deal with the phenomenon of Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians. Mario Mauro, vice president of the European parliament participated in the round table as personal representative of the OSCE chair-in-office on combatting intolerance against Christians.

73% of Respondents Deplore Unfair Bias Against Christians in UK

August 20, 2008

There is a strong conviction amongst the Christian community that an obvious bias exists against Christians and Christianity in UK public life. In a 2008 survey conducted by Premier, almost three quarters (73%) of respondents believed Christians were being unfairly marginalised in British Society. The same poll also revealed, more specifically, that 77% of Christians surveyed thought the Government rarely took into account Christian views when making policy or legislating.

Mr. Doudou Diène, UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

January 1, 2008

Countless Vandal Attacks Against Churches in the UK

January 1, 2008

"In 2007 one out of every three Anglican churches suffered a vandal attack at some point during the year. Theft, arson and malicious damage is a problem for churches. Claims cost £1.8 million in total, a significant amount for petty crime. The average cost of these claims was around £900. These statistics don’t even take into account the smaller attacks which churches don’t report to their insurer because the damage is minor. It is therefore likely that many more thousands of churches suffer malicious damage every year."

Half of London Clergy Attacked, 12% Suffered Violence

October 7, 2007

‘National Churchwatch’, an group consulting the Anglican Church on safety, says vicars are attacked more often than professions such as GPs and probation officers. The group also produces security advice for all UK churches and church workers. In the ten years prior to 2007, five vicars were murdered. A 2001 academic study also found that twelve per cent of clergy had suffered some form of violence. In a survey of 90 London clergy carried out in 2006, nearly half said they had been attacked in the previous twelve months. One vicar, from Willesden, North West London, said his vicarage had been machine-gunned.

OSCE Reiterates to Combat Intolerance against Religion, Including Christianity

July 30, 2007

The Ministerial Council of OSCE, (...) “Calls for continued efforts by political representatives, including parliamentarians, strongly to reject and condemn manifestations of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, discrimination and intolerance, including against Christians, Jews, Muslims and members of other religions, as well as violent manifestations of extremism associated with aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism, while continuing to respect freedom of expression. (...)”

EU Commission Acknowledges Lack of Rights for Non-Muslim Religious Communities in Turkey

November 6, 2006

The European Commission blames Turkey for failing to protect fundamental human rights and stressed the lack of rights for non-Muslim religious communities.

BBC Has Anti-Religion Bias, Executives Admit

October 5, 2006

What critics have already known for a long time became unambiguous at the “impartiality” summit, called by its chairman, Michael Grade. BBC executives admitted at an “impartiality” summit in October 2006 that the corporation is institutionally biased on religion.

Clergy Assault Statistics Revail Shocking Numbers

September 24, 2006

48% of all clergy had suffered from some form of violence in the last 12 months. The most common form of violence was swearing, shouting and name calling. 15% of all clergy had suffered from violence which resulted in injury.

OSCE Reiterates Commitment to Fight Intolerance against Religion, Including Christianity

July 30, 2006

OSCE's ministerial council reinterates its aim "to prevent intolerance and discrimination, including against Christians, Jews, Muslims and members of other religions. (...)”