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Filtered by: Freedom of Expression

London Homelessness Prevention Officer Suspended for Mentioning Faith

January 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A homelessness prevention officer with Wandsworth Council has been suspended from work for nearly two months for encouraging a homeless woman with an incurable medical condition to look to God for help.

College Removes Christmas and Easter from Calendar

September 16, 2008, United Kingdom

Yorkshire Coast College renamed its school breaks without reference to Christian holidays in an effort to ensure diversity- Christmas and Easter no longer appear on the college’s calendar.

Street Preacher Asked to Stop Activity

September 15, 2008, United Kingdom

The St Edmundsbury Borough Council told open air preacher, Brian Dee, who had been preaching in the marketplace in Bury St Edmunds for over 10 years, that he was not allowed, under a local bye-law aimed at reducing litter, to distribute tracts. A strongly worded letter was sent to the Council warning that Mr Dee had a right to preach and distribute tracts and if the Council continued to interfere with his rights legal action would be taken. The Council backed down conceding that there was no evidence that Mr Dee had caused a litter problem and accepted that he could continue preaching and distributing tracts.

Birmingham Street Preacher Awarded £4,250 in Damages After Being Wrongly Arrested and Handcuffed by Police

September 1, 2008, United Kingdom

In summer 2008 Anthony Rollins, a street preacher in Birmingham, was arrested after expressing the Bible’s teaching on same-sex relationships. On December 8th 2010, he was awarded £4,250 in damages.

Police Officer Discriminated Against for Traditional Values

July 9, 2008, United Kingdom

PC Graham Cogman has taken his police force to an Employment Tribunal on grounds of harassment because of his traditional Christian values after a series of complaints and investigations suggesting he is ‘homophobic’ – something he strenuously denies. He says that the ‘over the top’ promotion of homosexual rights within Norfolk Police makes being a Christian policeman, or an officer with traditional family values, extremely difficult, unless a person is prepared to ignore his or her conscience.

Iris Robinson MP investigated by police for using the Bible’s language about homosexuality

June 30, 2008, United Kingdom

Police investigated Northern Ireland MP Iris Robinson for expressing her religious beliefs about homosexuality on a BBC radio show. Officers from the ‘serious crime branch’ of the Police Service of Northern Ireland held interviews about the incident.

Police Tell Christians: "You can’t Preach here, this is a Muslim Area"

February 28, 2008, United Kingdom

A police community support officer (PCSO) told two church workers in Birmingham, “You can’t preach here, this is a Muslim area”. The incident happened as Arthur Cunningham and Joseph Abraham handed out Christian tracts on Alum Rock Road.

Pope's Visit to University Cancelled

January 17, 2008, Italy

Pope's visit to University La Sapienzia was cancelled because of anti-Catholic protests and false accusations that the Pope is not supportive of scientific discovery

Police Investigate Leaflet Advertising Church’s Easter Services

June 22, 2007, United Kingdom

Church worker Julian Hurst, was handing out invitations for his church's Easter service. Police seized the literature after complaint by homosexual man that church should not be allowed to advertise.

Bishop in Court for Criticing Homosexual Behaviour

April 15, 2007, Belgium

In April 2007 André-Mutien Léonard, then the Roman Catholic bishop of Namur gave an interview in the weekly magazine Télé Moustique, where he was asked his opinion on homosexuality. In his answer he referred to Sigmund Freud and deduced that homosexuality was essentially psychological in nature. The court cleared the bishop - but the fact that he went through trial is of great concern.

Christian Arrested for Distributing Bible Quotes

September 1, 2006, United Kingdom

Stephen Green, 55, national director of the evangelical organization Christian Voice, Christian Arrested for Distributing Bible Quotes Opposing Homosexuality in South Wales, UK.

Anti-abortion Campaigner Jailed

May 1, 2006, United Kingdom

Anti-abortion campaigner jailed for sending abortion photo and video to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK. He was subsequently denied urgently needed hip treatment.

Christian Church Leader Imprisoned for Organizing Bible Study

March 30, 2006, Belarus

Sergei Shavtsov was arrested and jailed for 10 days for organizing a meeting on Christian history and Bible issues without an official permit.

Christian Couple Interrogated on Their Christian Convictions

March 19, 2006, United Kingdom

The retired couple Joe and Helen Roberts were interrogated by police officers after they complained about their local council's gay rights policy on the grounds of their Christian belief that homosexual practices are morally wrong.

State TV Censures Critical Comment

February 1, 2006, Austria

Austrian public broadcast ORF deletes a polite comment from an online debate which criticises the mainstream. Vienna, Austria.

MSP Patrick Harvie Reports Archbishop to the Police for Defending Marriage

January 13, 2006, United Kingdom

Member of the Scottish Parliament asked Strathclyde Police to investigate remarks made by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow. The Archbishop had defended the institution of marriage in a church service.

Family Campaigner Interrogated

December 1, 2005, United Kingdom

Family campaigner Lynette Burrows interrogated after radio statement in London.

Member of Parliament Sued for "Homophobic Insults"

January 26, 2005, France

French member of parliament, Christian Vanneste, sentenced to payments for "homophobic insults"; three years later acquitted by last juridical instance.

Christian Student Union Reported to Police for Hosting Speaker With Traditional Biblical View on Homosexuality

February 26, 2004, United Kingdom

The Christian Union of the University of Cambridge was reported to the police after the distribution of 12,000 copies of St John's gospel to students and the lecture given by Phillip Jensen, the Dean of St. Andrew´s Cathedral, in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional biblical view on homosexuality.

Police Investigate Anglican Bishop Because He Said Some Homosexuals Changed to Heterosexuality

November 12, 2003, United Kingdom

The Bishop of Chester was investigated by the Cheshire constabulary in November 2003 after he told his local newspaper of research showing that some homosexuals re-orientated to heterosexuality. The police passed a file to the Crown Prosecution Service who decided not to prosecute.