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Filtered by: Country: United Kingdom

Church Silenced Over Muslim Neighbor's Noise Complaint

October 28, 2009, United Kingdom

A church in London has seen congregation numbers dwindle from 100 to 30 since the local council subjected it to noise restrictions following a complaint from a Muslim neighbour.

South Wales Church Damaged by Vandals

September 10, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian church in South Wales was targeted by vandals who smashed its newly restored stained glass windows. Worshippers were forced to cancel services in order to fix damages.

Charity Drops ‘Church’ Name to Get Public Funding

August 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A charity in Scotland decided to drop the word ‘church’ from its title, saying that it creates “unnecessary barriers” to accessing public funding. The chairman of Perth-based Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) said he had been told “off the record” that their perceived religious identity made it more difficult for them to receive grants. Trustees asked the charity’s supporters to suggest a new “fully inclusive” name for the group.

Christian Family Called Names and Spat on

August 15, 2009, United Kingdom

Harrassed Christian family sends report to the observatory

Manchester Street Preacher Questioned by Police

August 15, 2009, United Kingdom

Freedom of speech is being challenged in the case of Miguel Hayworth, a Christian street preacher in Manchester, UK who was silenced by police after publicly reading a passage from the Bible discussing homosexuality.

(Scotland) Bible Defaced In Art Exhibition

August 11, 2009, United Kingdom

Obscene and offensive messages have been scrawled over a Bible at a taxpayer-funded exhibition in Glasgow.

Council Puts up Christmas Lights in August to Cater All Faiths

August 8, 2009, United Kingdom

Residents of Milnrow, Lancashire, were surprised to see council workers installing Christmas lights in August 2009, 127 days before Christmas Day. Rochdale Borough Council said the lights would be used to celebrate a number of festivals, starting with the Muslim feast of Eid in September. Other ‘holy days’ over the period between August and Christmas include Hindu Diwali celebrations in October, the Jewish feast of Hanukkah in December and even Yule, the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. The Council’s decision attracted derision from the national press and Milnrow residents. One local labelled the move “ludicrous” and said: “A worker told me they had to be up in time for all the religious festivals, but most of the lights refer to the Christian Christmas.”

Paediatrician Dismissed For Christian Views And Reinstated Upon Public Outcry

July 30, 2009, United Kingdom

Experienced community paediatrician dismissed from adoption panel over Christian views has been reinstated upon public outcry.

Good Samaritan Church Has Windows Smashed

June 23, 2009, United Kingdom

The Belfast church which had offered refuge to Romanian immigrants after a racisst attack was itself attacked.

Equality Bill Feared to Limit Freedom of Religion for Churches in Employment Issues

May 19, 2009, United Kingdom

A new Equality Bill which would have forced Churches to employ practicing homosexuals or transsexuals as youth workers was amended and retained existing employment exceptions for the purposes of religion.

A Medal Established by the Queen Withdrawn as “too Christian”

May 12, 2009, United Kingdom

The “Trinity Cross of the Order of Trinity” has been replaced by an “Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago” - a featuring a sun, stars, water and a map of the islands - as it was considered as offensive for non - Christians inhabitants.

Hospital Bans Paintings of Churches

May 5, 2009, United Kingdom

A London hospital informed local artists who contributed paintings for its decoration were informed that any depiction but that of churches was welcome. The reason given was to be mindful of other religions.

Nurse Fired For Religious Advise In a Role Play Training

May 1, 2009, United Kingdom

Anand Rao, a nurse with over 40-years of experience, has been sacked after he suggested two people playing patients might go to Church and pray during a role play session on a training course.

Parents ‘Face Action’ for Withdrawing their Children from ‘LGBT History Month’ Lessons

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A group of Christian and Muslim parents who kept their children away from controversial lessons about homosexuality were reportedly facing legal action by the council involved.

Reverend Assaulted After Discussions with Muslims

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian minister was brutally attacked in London by three men who ripped off his cross, stole his Bible and threatened to break his legs. Metropolitan Police treated the case as a ‘faith hate’ assault.

Archbishop’s Homeless Charity Suspends Christian for Answering Questions about His Faith

March 27, 2009, United Kingdom

An employee at a Christian ‘homeless’ charity, whose Patron is the Archbishop of Canterbury, was suspended for answering questions about his faith to a colleague at work.

St Mary’s Church in Heworth Raided

March 14, 2009, United Kingdom

St Mary’s Church in Heworth has been once more targeted by thieves and vandals.

Christian Party Office Vandalized after Publishing Add

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The Christian Party office was vandalized days after the party launched a bus advertising campaign with the slogan, “There definitely is a God. So join the Christian party and enjoy your life.” The ad was a response to widespread atheist ads which carried the slogan, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The Metropolitan Police investigated the vandalism as a ‘religious hate crime’.

Youth Gang Attacks Church Pastor in Rochdale

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Rochdale was attacked by a gang of up to 20 youths. Pastor Dennis Rigg and his brother were making preparations in the church building for their father’s funeral when the group attacked the pastor and shouted out abuse relating to their Christian faith.

Oxford Churches Broken Into to ‘Make a Point’ against Church of England

February 24, 2009, United Kingdom

Between 15 and 24 February 2009 two churches in the Oxford area were broken into and highly symbolic religious items were desecrated. Local police officers thought the two incidents were linked and were possibly religiously motivated attacks to make a point against the Church of England. In both incidents safes containing communion bread at the churches were forced open, but nothing was stolen in either case. It is estimated that there was £3,000 worth of damage at St James the Great, in West Hanney, and in St Nicholas Church, in East Challow.