All cases

Cemetery Desecrated

April 27, 2009, Italy

On the 27th of April 2009, the cemetery di Vezzo in the Comune della Provincia di Verbano Cusio Ossola was desecrated.

(BBC) Christianity Slated on British Television

April 1, 2009, International

Christianity is being targeted on British television. The popular TV soap Coronation Street featured a series of outspoken attacks on the Christian faith. Numerous TV series and broadcasts present Christianity as ridiculous and absurd.

Violent acts at ProLife-Demonstration in Münster and Infringments on Freedom of Assembly and Expression

March 31, 2009, Germany

In March 2009, more than 100 participants of an unannounced counter-demonstration partially blocked a pro-life organisations, the so called 1000-crosses-march, in Muenster (Münster). The chairman of the pro-life organisation Euro pro Life, Wolfgang Hering, responsible for the march, had been surrounded by a large number of tourblemakers. Only under threat of coercive measures by the police, he was released by the attackers.

Parents ‘Face Action’ for Withdrawing their Children from ‘LGBT History Month’ Lessons

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A group of Christian and Muslim parents who kept their children away from controversial lessons about homosexuality were reportedly facing legal action by the council involved.

Reverend Assaulted After Discussions with Muslims

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian minister was brutally attacked in London by three men who ripped off his cross, stole his Bible and threatened to break his legs. Metropolitan Police treated the case as a ‘faith hate’ assault.

(Academic Community) Liberal Harvard Scholar in Public Cross-Fire for Agreeing with Pope

March 29, 2009, International

Liberal Harvard scholar Edward Green strongly attacked in public for agreeing with Pope in saying that the distribution of condoms will not prevent the spread of HIV/Aids.

Archbishop’s Homeless Charity Suspends Christian for Answering Questions about His Faith

March 27, 2009, United Kingdom

An employee at a Christian ‘homeless’ charity, whose Patron is the Archbishop of Canterbury, was suspended for answering questions about his faith to a colleague at work.

Crucifix Veiled in Condom in Art Exhibition

March 27, 2009, Italy

An Exposition at Museo Pan di Napoli showed the crucifix veiled in a condom.

Several Acts of Vandalism Against Sarajevo’s Cathedral.

March 25, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

From March 22nd to March 25th, vandals repeatedly destroyed windows of the Cathedral of Sarajevo.

Vandalism in Banja Luka

March 18, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vandals broke in the church of Banja Luka, destroyed stained glass windows, and stole holy objects.

Theft in Sarajevo’s Cathedral

March 18, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vandals broke in the cathedral of Sarajevo and stole the chalices and other liturgical appointments.

St Mary’s Church in Heworth Raided

March 14, 2009, United Kingdom

St Mary’s Church in Heworth has been once more targeted by thieves and vandals.

Christian Party Office Vandalized after Publishing Add

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The Christian Party office was vandalized days after the party launched a bus advertising campaign with the slogan, “There definitely is a God. So join the Christian party and enjoy your life.” The ad was a response to widespread atheist ads which carried the slogan, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The Metropolitan Police investigated the vandalism as a ‘religious hate crime’.

Youth Gang Attacks Church Pastor in Rochdale

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Rochdale was attacked by a gang of up to 20 youths. Pastor Dennis Rigg and his brother were making preparations in the church building for their father’s funeral when the group attacked the pastor and shouted out abuse relating to their Christian faith.

(New York Times) Christians Stereotyped by Report

February 26, 2009, Other

Intolerance and discrimination manifests itself also as social exclusion and marginalisation of Christians. Stereotyping by biased media coverage is a familiar tool of furthering marginalisation. The following excursus to the New York Times of Feb. 26th, 09, is just one example.

Oxford Churches Broken Into to ‘Make a Point’ against Church of England

February 24, 2009, United Kingdom

Between 15 and 24 February 2009 two churches in the Oxford area were broken into and highly symbolic religious items were desecrated. Local police officers thought the two incidents were linked and were possibly religiously motivated attacks to make a point against the Church of England. In both incidents safes containing communion bread at the churches were forced open, but nothing was stolen in either case. It is estimated that there was £3,000 worth of damage at St James the Great, in West Hanney, and in St Nicholas Church, in East Challow.

(Israel) Intolerance against Christians in Israel

February 20, 2009, Other

Burning of Bibles reported in Israel; mockery of Christians on TV; Catholic bishops speak of a "low profile" form of Christ[ian]ophobia.

Study Reveals Discomfort of Parents on Religious Freedom in Schools

February 16, 2009, France

67% of French Catholic parents say that public schools do not respect the freedom of conscience of their children.

Cemetery Targeted For The Third Time in Maine-et-Loire

February 16, 2009, France

For the third time in less than a year, the cemetery of Saint-Laurent-des-Autels was vandalized on Sunday, February 14th, 2009. This time, tags were found on graves and on the door of the church. In the cemetery, one could see swastikas on trees.

School Receptionist Faces Dismissal over Prayer Request

February 12, 2009, United Kingdom

A five-year-old girl was reprimanded for talking about her faith at school and her mother, Jennie Cain, who worked part-time at her daughter’s school, was investigated for professional misconduct and faced disciplinary action. The school has settled out of court.