All cases

Cemetery Desecrated in Trémuson

March 24, 2014, France

A local resident saw two men desecrating tombs in the Trémuson graveyard. When the police arrived on scene, they affirmed that flower pots had been moved around and funeral objects broken. The two 27-year-olds were later apprehended and will face a tribunal.

Christian Demonstrations Violently Attacked by Left Wing Radicals in Baden-Württemberg and Cologne

March 23, 2014, Germany

A new governmental sex ed curriculum of Baden-Württemberg has caused outrage among Christian parents. Several manifestions suffered serious attacks by left wing activists which were later identified as LGBT activists. Eyewitnesses reported in shock to the Observatory.

Tabernacles in Churches Pouancé and Bouchamp-lès-Craon Robbed of Hosts

March 23, 2014, France

At the end of March and the beginning of April, two churches were vandalised in France and the consecrated hosts were robbed from the tabernacle. One was the church in Pouancé and the other that in Bouchamp-lès-Craon.

Perpetrators Urinate in Holy Water Vessels in Two Churches in Memmingen

March 22, 2014, Germany

Unknown perpetrators urinated into the holy water vessel in the Assumption church and in the St. Josef’s church in Memmingen on Saturday, March 22. They also meddled with different objects in both churches.

Sacré-Cœur in Paris Again Victim of Vandalsim

March 22, 2014, France

The Sacré-Cœur basilica in Paris, after having been marked with graffiti indicating anarchist origins, was again found graffitied within a few days of the previous vandalism.

Public Urinals Installed Against the Church of Saint Catherine in Brussels

March 20, 2014, Belgium

The City of Brussels installed public urinals on an exterior wall of the church of Saint Catherine in Brussels. A petition has been started to remove them by those who consider it a disgraceful lack of regard for a place of holiness.

Montmartre Basilica of Sacré-Cœur in Paris Graffitied

March 18, 2014, France

The forecourt and pillars of the Basilica of Sacré-Cœur in Paris were found graffitied with phrases such as “Fire to the chapels,” “Neither God, nor master,” “Fuck tourism,” and “Down with all the authorities.” The last, along with the phrase “Solidarity Monica and Francisco,” could be an indication that the vandalism was committed by an anarchist group. Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar were two militants imprisoned in Spain after the attempted bombing on the Spanish basilica of El Pilar.

St. Peter’s Church in Pléhédel Vandalised

March 16, 2014, France

A church in Pléhédel, Brittany, was vandalised on Sunday, March 16th. The candles were smashed into the carpet and fire damaged the carpet and the cloth tabernacle altar covering as well as the steps leading up to the altar. It is reported that some youths were spotted at the time.

Christian Claims he was Denied a Job at a Country House Hotel near Colchester on Account of His Faith

March 13, 2014, United Kingdom

Graphic designer Jamie Haxby was interviewed for a job at Prested Hall Hotel near Colchester in the United Kingdom. He says his interviewer, Celie Parker, asked him if he was Christian, to which he answered in the affirmative. On looking through his portfolio and seeing that he had done previous work with churches and Christian groups, she commented that she and other members of staff were atheists and that they could never work with a committed Christian. She is also reported to have apologized for wasting Haxby’s time.

Church in Brie-Comte-Robert Robbed of Consecrated Hosts

March 11, 2014, France

Upon arriving at the church on a Monday morning, one of the priests in charge of serving the parish of Saint-Étienne discovered that the door to the chapel was open and the tabernacle had been robbed. The hosts that had been stolen were consecrated ones, considered by Catholics to be sacred. The tabernacle was the only thing robbed. Police rapidly intervened and dusted the area for fingerprints. The community reacted in a spiritual way, organising a prayer session.

Graffiti on Church of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse

March 11, 2014, France

Anticlerical graffiti was found on the church of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse. One of the inscriptions read “Fuck the Church.”

Propaganda Film Offensive to Christians

March 11, 2014, France

The short propaganda film, “14 Millions de Cris”, produced by Liza Azuelos, speaks out against forced marriages of under aged children, but turns offensive when it uses the Christian milieu as its setting. Many Christians find it derogatory to portray Christians in this film as forcing their children into early matrimony. This might be more common in Muslim countries, but to place it in a Christian setting in France is an indication of discrimination.

Obscene Graffiti on the Basilica of Saint Nicholas in Nantes

March 9, 2014, France

Obscene graffiti was found on the church of Saint-Nicolas in Nantes, France. The graffiti, located near the entrance of the church, said “Jesus Fucked.” The media was silent on this subject.

European Femen Activist Rips Bible in Front of Texas State Capitol

March 8, 2014, International

Ukrainian citizen, French resident, Inna Shevchenko stood outside the Texas state Capitol in Austin to protest abortion laws on March 8th, 2014. She had “Your Bible doesn’t control my vagina” written across her bare chest as she tore out pages of a Bible.

Desacration and Devastation Of The Holy Icons in Pogoni, North Epirus

March 1, 2014, Greece

Unknown vandals broke into the Chapel of the Mother of God in Pogoni of North Epirus and devastated and burned Holy Icons and other objects. The act shocked local faithful and priests.

Church in Rennes Target of Shaving Cream Graffiti

February 27, 2014, France

The church of Saint-Germain in Rennes was the target of vandals who “painted” the words “Raser l’Eglise” with shaving cream onto the exterior wall of the church. The translation of these words is either “Shave the church” or, alternately, “Demolish the church”. The same church had been the victim of vandalism at the beginning of January when its Nativity scene was burned.

Government Seems to Discriminate Against Religious Education

February 25, 2014, United Kingdom

The failure of the government to provide bursaries for those wishing to teach Religious Education (RE) has been described as “rank discrimination” by a leading RE body. Childcare minister Elizabeth Truss MP confirmed this month that no bursaries would be offered for religious education teachers in training this year. This cut in the bursaries has made it increasingly difficult for those studying to teach RE.

Communist Candidate Wants to See Parish in Bordeaux Disappear

February 24, 2014, France

Vincent Maurin, a Communist candidate of the Left Front in the city of Bordeaux, not only opposed the opening of a Catholic School in a district of Bordeaux in December but in February the construction of a church in the same area also. A new election propaganda leaflet included a list of changes to be made in Bordeaux under Vincent Maurin, one item being the disappearance of the parish St. Eloi, which he described as a "stronghold of religious fundamentalism". The word "fundamentalism" is printed in red.

Cross Desecrated in Rennes

February 24, 2014, France

A large cement monument of a cross was covered in graffiti during a left wing “Antifa” event on 8 February. It remained covered in graffiti for weeks despite services clearing up the city in preparation for another event. It seems that desecrated religious buildings and sites do not enjoy the same respect as other parts of the city.

Vandalism and Bulglary in Churches in Crete

February 23, 2014, Greece

The churches of Saint Spyridon and Saint Paraskevi were profanated and devastated by unknown vandals. There was also an attempt to burn Christian symbols and object on the altar. Local faithful and priests were shocked and terrified.

Desecration of the Chapel of the Olympic Village in Grenoble

February 21, 2014, France

In the morning when a faithful arrived to prepare the religious services, he found damages to the chapel of the Olympic Village. Furthermore, the ciborium containing the consecrated hosts had been stolen. The intention of the perpetrator is not known.

Member of European Parliament Seeks Exclusion of Christianity

February 20, 2014, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Belgian socialist Member of the European Parliament, Veronique De Keyser called in an e-mail to all MEPs and all assistants for “general mobilisation against obscurantism”. With "Obscurantism" she seems to mean Christianity, as she continues to say: “A Europe which is open and respectful of all beliefs and philosophical convictions cannot be one that puts Christian roots to the forefront. This is not Europe! Europe is one of Enlightenment, a Europe of free thinking, a Europe of separation of state and church.”

Tabernacle in French Alsace Target of Break-in

February 19, 2014, France

A chapel in the French city of Mulhouse was broken into, and it appears that the tabernacle was the intended target. Nothing was vandalised, but the lock on the tabernacle shows signs of an attempt to open it. The perpetrators did not succeed, however, the lock is now broken and must be replaced.

Fire in Church of Sainte-Marie in Le Boulou

February 18, 2014, France

A fire broke out around 10 am in the church of Sainte-Marie Le Boulou. A large figure of Christ which was made of wood and plaster and installed in the entrance of the church caught on fire and was burning for hours. The fire department and police are investigating.

Hate Mail Received for Disagreeing with Same-Sex Marriage

February 12, 2014, Ireland

Breda O’Brien, an Irish teacher, journalist and pro-life feminist has been receiving hate mail from people because of an article she wrote disagreeing with same-sex marriage and discussing homophobia and liberal intolerance.

Elderly Street Preacher Falsely Arrested and Assaulted by Police

February 11, 2014, United Kingdom

73-year-old Bill Edwards was ordered by a police constable to stop preaching outside the Magistrates Court House in Banbury as some people in the building found his preaching “offensive”. He refused to move and was arrested and charged with assault and breach of peace. In the police station Mr Edwards was grabbed by six officers and pinned to the ground.

Pro-Choice Group Disrupts Catholic Liturgy in Palma

February 9, 2014, Spain

A group of 30 young activists interrupted a Catholic service in the Church of Saint Miquel de Palma in Spain, shouting slogans in favour of abortion. They were protesting the government’s plans to change the abortion law, carrying a banner with the slogan "Rosaries out of our ovaries" and chanting "Abortion – free and legal."

Church Statue Vandalised in Beaumont-du-Périgord

February 8, 2014, France

Two cleaning ladies arrived at the church Sainte-Marie Bastide in Beaumont-du-Périgord, Dordogne, and were shocked to find the statue of Joan of Arc had been vandalised. The base of the statue which was about two meters high had been broken and the statue knocked over.

Catholic Church Told by UN Committee To Change Its Teaching

February 5, 2014, International

The UN-Committee on the Rights of the Child has asked the Vatican to change its teaching on abortion and homosexuality and on changing the interpretation of a bible verse. The Vatican has responded calling the requests of the UN Committee an interference with Church doctrine and a violation of religious freedom.

Criminal Investigations Opened Against Cardinal For Mentioning Treatment Options for Homosexuals

February 5, 2014, Spain

Cardinal Fernando Sebastian of Málaga commented in an interview with the local newspaper SUR that homosexuality “can be normalised with treatment”. Consequently the Málaga Provincial Prosecutor's Office opened criminal investigations against him. His comment was understood to undermine Spanish legislation which protects the fundamental rights of dignity and non-discrimination in Articles 18 and 14 of the Constitution and therefore to constitute a "clear incitement to hatred and discrimination".

Aggressive Left-Wing Activists Interrupt Demonstration of Parents in Stuttgart

February 2, 2014, Germany

A protest of parents who were not happy with a new educational plan seeking to implement “sexual diversity education” had to end early due to massive opposition. Protesters were physically attacked and it was felt that the Police failed to protect the parents’ basic right of assembly.

Hate Incident Against Cardinal on Question of Abortion in Madrid

February 2, 2014, Spain

When Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, Archbishop of Madrid and President of the Spanish bishops’ conference, was walking from his vehicle to enter the parish of Santos Justo y Pastor, on Palma street, Madrid, five Femen activists attacked him. With stained red underwear and naked chests they shouted “Abortion is sacred”. The Cardinal, escorted by priests managed to enter the parish but the shouting continued outside as they celebrated the Eucharist.

Mass in Catholic Cathedral in Stockholm Interrupted by Femen

January 30, 2014, Sweden

Three Femen activists burst into the Catholic Cathedral of Stockholm, during Mass, just as the attendants were singing Salve Regina. The activists were bare-breasted and one had a sign reading: “Catholic Church out of my body” and written on her chest in Spanish, “Abortion is sacred.” Church staff managed to bring them under control. The Feminists told the press that they are not done with the Catholic Church and will continue their attacks.

Church Vandalised for the Third Time in January

January 29, 2014, France

The church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Montceau-les-Mines, France, was vandalised for the third time this month. Dozens of candles were broken and the crib was taken. Clay pots and trees and other items were broken and crushed.

Desecration and Vandalism of Church in Charleville-Mézières

January 29, 2014, France

Dozens of candles were burned and destroyed, three chairs were broken and urine left by vandals in the church of Saint-Remi in Charleville-Mézières. Cans of beer were also left on the floor, curses were written on the guestbook. Obscene drawings were scribbled into the book of prayers.

Serious Desecration of Church in Baden-Württemberg

January 27, 2014, Germany

On the night of January 27th, a unknown perpetrator broke into the Catholic church, Saint Georges which is located in a district of the city of Freiburg in Breisgau. Using a hammer the perpetrator vandalised the church causing damaged which estimates more than 12,000 euro. The tabernacle was also vandalised and the chalice and consecrated hosts stolen.

Invaluable Relic of Pope John Paul II Stolen from Chapel in the Region of Abruzzo

January 26, 2014, Italy

Thieves broke into the church of San Pietro della lenca in the Abruzzo region breaking the protective iron bars and forcing their way in through a window. They left the collection box but took a crucifix and invaluable relic which contains a piece of gauze once soaked in the blood of the late Pope John Paul II.

Chapel Vandalised in Schlierbach, Alsace

January 24, 2014, France

Vandals attacked the Chapel of Our Lady of the Valley of Tears in Schlierbach and damaged the polygonal roof of the small sanctuary. They ripped off and stole copper plates and other pieces of metal.

Church in Haute-Saône Targeted by Vandalism

January 17, 2014, France

The Notre-Dame-du-Haut in Haute-Saône, was damaged by vandals who broke a painted window into thousands of pieces. They also damaged the inside of the chapel.

Vandalism at Church of St. Francis in Prato

January 17, 2014, Italy

Vandals destroyed a marble font in the courtyard and targeted the Cathedral, where they tried to destroy the century pulpit which is located to the left of the main altar as well as the church of San Pier Fiorelli where a statue depicting St. Joseph was destroyed.

Church in Historic District of Prato in Tuscany Vandalised

January 17, 2014, Italy

A stranger entered the San Pietro church in Prato, Tuscany, and broke a basin and tried unsuccessfully to break another one before fleeing.

Cemetery Desecrated in Bavaria

January 15, 2014, Germany

A cemetery in the district of Pölting in the city of Neumarkt was desecrated. Crosses of several graves were pulled up and put back in upside down. Police suspect that this was done by young Satanists.

Scottish Secularists Want to Curb Churches’ Role in Education

January 14, 2014, United Kingdom

Secularists in Scotland have called on the government to remove religious representatives from education committees. Under the Local Government Act 1973, local authority education committees are required to appoint three representatives from religious organisations and the Edinburgh Secular Society wants to see a change in the law.

Church Vandalised in Gensac

January 14, 2014, France

The windows of the church of Our Lady in Gensac, France, were reported to have been vandalised.

Church of Saint-Georges in French Guyane Repeatedly Desecrated and Vandalised

January 14, 2014, France

Intruders entered the church of Saint-Georges through a window. They pulled down and destroyed a large statue of Christ on the cross and stole two electric fans. When the sisters came for Mass in the morning they were shocked at what they found. This is the second time this month that the church has been the victim of vandalism.

Midwife Lost Job Because of Her Views on Abortion

January 13, 2014, Sweden

A Swedish midwife did not get a job she was promised because of her “wrong view” regarding abortion. The woman who worked at Highland Hospital in Eksjoe was promised summer jobs and other temporary positions after completing further training in January 2014. However, after explaining to the department manager that she was not able to perform abortions because of her faith, she was told she was no longer welcome to take the jobs.

"Anonymous" Hacks Website of Archdiocese of Granada

January 13, 2014, Spain

Internet activists "Anonymous,” known for protests against corruption, censorship and undermining the Catholic values, hacked the website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Theft and Vandalism in Church in Palaia

January 12, 2014, Italy

The parish church of Villa Saletta in Palaia was devastated by vandals who stole alms and damaged consecrated hosts. They also stole a fold chain that hung around the alter of Our Lady and a chalice from the tabernacle.

Deliberate Arson of a Chapel

January 10, 2014, France

The chapel of Aibre, France was found on fire. Police were called to the scene but the doors had already been damaged by the fire. They investigated and found bits of wood used to start the fire as well as remains of a product used to spread the fire more quickly.

Graffiti on Walls of Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Yecla Murcia

January 9, 2014, Spain

Graffiti threatening religious freedoms of Christians was spray painted on the walls of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. The words, “Si no nos dejáis abortar, no os dejaremos rezar” (“If you do not let us have an abortion, we will not let you pray”) were written there in addition to different anarchists symbols.

Street Preacher Arrested for Mentioning "Sexual Sin" in Scotland

January 8, 2014, United Kingdom

Tony Miano, a street preacher addressing lunchtime shoppers at Dundee High Street, Scotland, was arrested and held in custody to appear before the Dundee Sheriff Court. He was talking about “sexual sin” including “adultery, promiscuity and homosexual practice”. A woman called the police, who on arrival snatched away the camera of a friend who was filming the preaching and arrested the street preacher.

Church's Main Gate Covered with Graffiti

January 6, 2014, France

Obscene, Satanist and anti-Christian graffiti was spray painted on the church door of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Haute Garonne. The police were notified and collected evidence.

Offensive Behaviour of Homosexual Couples During Religious Celebration

January 6, 2014, Greece

During the celebration of Epiphany of Christ in Piraeus, a number of homosexual couples started to kissing each other in oscentatious way, trying to show their protest against Christian morals and teaching. Local faithful and prayers declared themselves offended.

Muslims Distribute Intolerant Writings in Basel

January 4, 2014, Switzerland

Every first Saturday of the month, five Muslim men from the Islamic Central Bureau of Switzerland (IZRS) distribute Muslim texts at the Claraplatz in Central Basel. One of the books they distribute, the „Book of Simplified Comment“, suggests to murder Christians and Jews, and to take their money.

Desecration of Altar of Church in Paris

January 4, 2014, France

A man approached the altar of Saint-Odile Church in Paris and through violent acts desecrated and destroyed the candle holder and hammered down the statue of St Therese of the Child Jesus. He also opened the baptismal fountain and spilled the water used for baptisms. The police were called but they arrived only an hour later after the man had already walked away. Witnesses said that the tall young man looked very determined in his actions.

Four Churches in Spain Targeted with Graffiti and Vandalism

January 3, 2014, Spain

Four Catholic churches in Malaga, Spain, were targeted with pro-abortion graffiti and vandalism. Some of the slogans read: “Saca tus rosarios de mis ovarios” (Get your rosaries off my ovaries) and “Maria queria abortar” (Mary wanted to abort) as well as "Iglesia = Dictatura" (Church = dictatorship). Vandals also dropped balloons containing red paint, into a church, which burst and damaged a ceramic alter piece depicting the Virgin Mary.

Nativity Scene in Foligno Targeted by Vandals

January 3, 2014, Italy

The crib of the Nativity of St. Felicianetto was set on fire. Already several days before, the figure of Baby Jesus had been stolen.

Nativity Scene Vandalised in Hainaut

January 1, 2014, Belgium

A nativity scene set up in front of a church in Belgium was vandalised overnight. A shepherd was dismembered, the figure representing baby Jesus was lying on the ground and Mary and Joseph had be taken away. A fence which had been erected to protect the scene did not deter the vandals.

Member of Parliament Impersonated a Drunk Priest

January 1, 2014, Greece

A member of the Greek Parliament, Vangelis Diamantopoulos, dressed and acted as a drunk priest conducting a burial ceremony for the EU-IMF memorandum at New Year’s carnival in Northern Greece. Archbishop Ieronymos claimed that he was hurt by this behaviour and described the act as foolish.

Crib Scene Destroyed in Badia

December 31, 2013, Italy

A crib scene in the village of Badia was destroyed and heads of several of the figures were severed off.

Graffiti on Church of St. Augustine in Trani

December 30, 2013, Italy

The front of the Church of St. Augustine in Trani was splattered with paint and the stone lion in the courtyard of the church was spray painted.

Tabernacle Stolen at the Hermitage of Pasico Torre Pacheco

December 30, 2013, Spain

The Hermitage had to close the doors of its church from December 30th, 2013 to January 11th 2014, due to a theft of the tabernacle on the 30th of December.

Nativity Scene in Church in Hungary Vandalised

December 29, 2013, Hungary

Vandals destroyed figures of the nativity scene from a Lutheran Church located in Szentendre, Hungary, 20 km north of Budapest. In November, a cross was vandalised in the same church.

Series of Anti-Christian Vandalism in North Westfalen

December 28, 2013, Germany

More than forty acts of vandalism against Christian sites were recorded between September and December around Ibbenbüren, Saerbeck, Hörstel, Hopsten, Mettingen, Tecklenburg and Rheine. Especially large outdoor crosses and statues were targeted. Police think it is likely that the perpetrator is the same in all the cases.

Vandalism of Nursery of Church in Rennes

December 27, 2013, France

The nursery of Saint-Germain Rennes was set on fire causing damage to the Church. It was confirmed that the fire was not caused by electric problems.

Nativity Scene Vandalised in Paris

December 27, 2013, France

The statues of Mary and Joseph were destroyed in St. Séverin Church nativity scene in Paris.

Nativity Scene in Urbino Set on Fire

December 27, 2013, Italy

A nativity scene which was part of the "streets of cribs of Urbino" was set on fire. The fire caused immediate devastation and there seemed to be multiple ignition points. In addition, the fire destroyed a lamp post and caused pieces of the entrance ceiling to fall down.

Figure of Baby Jesus Destroyed in Ceranova

December 27, 2013, Italy

The figure of Baby Jesus in the manger which was part of a nativity scene in Ceranova was destroyed. The head and the fingers of one hand were broken off. The pieces of the manger and the figures of Mary and Joseph were carried inside to prevent further vandalism.

Burning Tires in Front of the Church of Misericordia in Reus

December 26, 2013, Spain

Tires were set on fire in front of the church of Misericordia in Reus, but, before the fire could spread further, neighbors telephoned the fire department and then extinguished the fire themselves, and the damage was contained. The front door of the church was slightly damaged, and the façade was affected by the smoke, but otherwise the sanctuary was unharmed.

Naked Woman on Cologne's Cathedral Main Altar During Christmas Services

December 25, 2013, Germany

20-year-old Femen activist Josephine Witt jumped onto the altar of Cologne’s Catholic cathedral during Christmas services on December 25th. Her upper body naked and “I am God“ was written on her chest. Security staff removed her, and Cardinal Meisner continued the liturgy. Many people commented critically, saying that Ms Witt would have had other possibilities of voicing her opposition to the Church.

Graffiti on Faces of Saints in Church in Foggia

December 25, 2013, Italy

Satanic shapes and writings such as “Satan lives”, was painted on the faces of the saints and a statue of Mary in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Foggia.

Christmas Eve Eucharist Interrupted by Feminists in Barcelona

December 24, 2013, Spain

A radical group of feminists broke through the midnight mass at the Church of San Felix, Sabadell, Barcelona, with shouts, curses and banners in favour of abortion. They stood at the alter and prevented the priest from continuing celebrating the Eucharist.

Nativity Scene Vandalised in Ancona

December 24, 2013, Italy

The nativity of Guasco in Ancona was damaged by vandals who destroyed some figures and severed the arm of one of the shepherds.

Nativity Scene Destroyed in Ello

December 24, 2013, Italy

Vandals destroyed a nativity scene in Ello during the midnight church service. The figures were all knocked down and some decapitated.

Christmas Advertisement Offensive to Catholics

December 24, 2013, Croatia

The Croatian telecommunications operator Tele2, in its Christmas advertisement, had a black sheep/goat named Gregor acting as a priest or Church official. For the faithful, this was perceived as a mockery of the Church and its priests.

Aborting to Cancel Christmas Suggested on Facebook

December 23, 2013, France

A message posted on the facebook page of Femen France calls on “cancelling the birth of Jesus” in order to protest against Christian pro-life campaigns. This message was accompanied by a picture which mimicked a half undressed Mary, the mother of Jesus, having an abortion in front of the Cathedral in Madrid.

Pro-Abortion Activists Disrupt Midnight Mass at the Church of San Félix in Sabadell

December 22, 2013, Spain

Roughly 50 pro-abortion activists interrupted Midnight Mass at the church of San Félix in Sabadell. They surrounded the altar shouting and holding up abortion banners. The local authorities were slow to react, and the activists were gone by the time they arrived.

Feminist Desecrates a Church in Paris with a symbolic "abortion" of Christ

December 20, 2013, France

Femen, a feminist group, mimed an act of an abortion when a topless young women headed to the alter and laid down a piece of veal liver supposed to represent a fetus and then urinated on the steps of the alter of the Church of St. Madeleine in Paris. The words: “344 bitches” were written on her belly; a reference to the manifesto of the 343 women who signed a call for the decriminalisation of abortion and the legalisation of abortion in April 1971. On her back was written : “Christmas is aborted.”

Crib Scene Destroyed in Solan

December 20, 2013, Italy

A crib scene in the St. Peter's Church was destroyed in Solan. The figures were broken and a hole was made in the bottom of a small pond which was part of the scene.

Bologna Basilica Intruded by Feminists

December 17, 2013, Italy

A mob of hooded feminists invaded the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, Italy and held a pro-abortion demonstration. They held up a large banner in front of the alter which read: "You Occupy the Counselling Centres - We Invade the Churches" ("Voi occupate Consultori, abbiamo invaso le chiese") and then chanted in chorus: "Get the Church Out of Our Ovaries."

Graffiti on Church in Conegliano

December 17, 2013, Italy

Graffiti was spray painted along the front of the Church of Campolongo in Conegliano. One sentence read: "3 canonical vode gnanca a porecan home to Papa Francesco quaquaraqua", meaning “three empty churches cannot accommodate even a poor man. Pope Francis is one who talks nonsense”.

Vandals Damage Nativity Scene in Vasto in the Province of Chieti

December 16, 2013, Italy

In Vasto vandals caused great damage to a nativity scene by destroying the statue of Mary with a shovel. A strong smell of urine on the scene was reported as well.

LGBT-Friendly Guidelines Limit Freedom of the Press

December 16, 2013, Italy

The Italian National Anti-Discrimination Office published guidelines on how to report on LGTB issues. The guidelines restrict freedom of the press and journalists’ freedom of reporting by requiring, amongst other things, that they must positively promote homosexuality and gay marriage and must not speak of “the right of a child to a mother or father, e.g. a male or female role model”.

Vandals Damage Nativity Scene in Ravenna

December 13, 2013, Italy

In the province of Ravenna, Milano Maritimo, vandals caused great damage to a nativity scene.

Offensive Graffiti on St. Mary’s College in Lyon

December 12, 2013, France

The Catholic College St. Mary’s, a private institution under contract, run by Marian Fathers was spray painted with insults. Locals suspected that this was done by a left-wing group.

"Not a Christian, but a Free Hungary" Called For by Socialist Leader

December 10, 2013, Hungary

During the party congress of the leftist Democratic Coalition (DK) of Hungary, former Socialist Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány stated that, in opposition to the present ruling cabinet, they wanted "not a Christian but a free Hungary“. The re-elected chairman of the Democratic Coalition added they did not think "glory belongs to God alone, but to man.”

Insults and Incitement to Violence Surround a Pro-Marriage Referendum

December 10, 2013, Croatia

The Christian position was discredited in the liberal-leftist media, portals and on Facebook, as harmful to society. Media asserted that believers should not be permitted to express their religious beliefs in public. Inciting comments were not always deleted by the portals. Fifty reports were filed with the police due to verbal and physical violence in response to the attitude toward marriage as a union of a woman and a man. Criminal charges have been filed.

St. Benedict Church in Munich Spray Painted with Islamic Phrase

December 9, 2013, Germany

"Allah is greater" and "Holy war" was spray painted on the doors and the walls of St. Benedict church in Munich. The 30-year-old asylum seeker from Jordan had previously attacked St. Michael’s church in a similar way. The police are active on the case.

Nativity Scene Destroyed Outside Church in Milano

December 9, 2013, Italy

The figures of a nativity scene were seriously damaged and some completely destroyed in Milano Marittima in Milano. All the figures had to be removed.

Two Priests Attacked in Paris

December 6, 2013, France

Two priests were beaten in Paris by five youth after telling them to stop demolishing garbage bins. When the youth did not listen, one of the priests photographed them after which they reacted violently.

Church in Munich Spray Painted with Islamic Phrase

December 6, 2013, Germany

The Islamic phrase “Allahu Akbar”, which means “Allah is greater”, was spray painted on the entrance of the Renaissance church of St. Michael in Munich’s pedestrian area by an asylum seeker. The 30-year-old man from Jordan attacked bystanders and was finally arrested by the police.

Several Churches in Augsburg Spray Painted with Islamic Phrases

December 5, 2013, Germany

The main gates of several churches in the city center of Augsburg were spray painted with the Islamic Phrase "Allahu Akbar" which means "Allah is greater". Police reported that the cathedral of Augsburg, the Church of St. Maurice and the Protestant Church Ullrich were affected.

Violence Against Peaceful Christian Manifestation

November 30, 2013, Germany

A Christian protest against the persecution of Christians was interrupted by Muslims in Cologne. The protesters were shouted at with insults. Microphones and loudspeakers damaged. Some individuals were personally attacked and hit. The police did not respond for a long time exposing the participants to serious risks. Only at the end, after an attack on a cameraman did the police take action.

Arson Attempt in Church in Venice

November 26, 2013, Italy

Unknown assailants set fire to the wooden altar and the tabernacle in the Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus in Venice. The flames did not spread far and the damage was limited. The year before two ceramic figures had been damaged.

Liturgical Objects Destroyed and Fire Set to Chapel in Ozanam

November 25, 2013, France

Early in the morning the chapel of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul in the region of Ozanam was set on fire. The General vicar of the diocese of Toulouse, Luc Caraguel, was "shocked" and stated: "We first thought it was not an act of vandalism, but only liturgical objects along with books, vestures chalice and crucifix appear to have been deliberately destroyed."

Offensive Graffiti on Church in Imperia

November 25, 2013, Italy

The front of the Church of Artallo (fraction of Imperia) was desecrated with offensive graffiti.

Crucifixes Damaged in Churches in Prato

November 25, 2013, Italy

Crucifixes in both the Church of St. Bartholomew and the Church of San Pier Fiorelli in Prato were damaged. In the Church of St. Bartholomew, someone climbed on the structure before the crucifix and "shook it until he pulled both arms off, which were attached to the media." This crucifix had survived the bombing in 1944 unscathed, but not this deliberate violent act.

Political Slogans Spraypainted on Catholic Church Building

November 23, 2013, Austria

Unknown perpetrators spray painted the famous Vienna church "Votivkirche" with political slogans such as "Refugees Welcome?“. This is particularly strange as the parish priest and the archdiocese of Vienna did not ask the police to end a months-long occupation of the church by refugees.

Two Madonna’s Damaged in Imperia

November 22, 2013, Italy

Two Madonna statues were beheaded in Imperia, and are irreparably damaged. One was located at the centre for the disabled in the square ISAH De Negri. The other was located in the sanctuary near the church of San Sebastiano Via Agnesi.

Attack on Pro-Life Office

November 20, 2013, Ireland

Two hooded men attacked the office of the pro life organisation Life House in Cappel Street in Dublin and threw stones and rocks through the window. Youth Defence volunteers were shocked by this accident. It is suspected that the attackers were members of pro-abortion campaigns. The Life Insitute has called for politicians and abortion agencies and organizations to condemn the escalating pro-abortion violence.