All cases

Church of Briosne-les-Sables Vandalised

February 22, 2011, France

The small church of Briosne-les-Sables was vandalized; the door was broken opened and the altar was damaged. Claude Trouillet, mayor of Briosne-les-Sables and the parish priest Father Jean-Marc have filed a complaint.

Statue of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Destroyed in Church

February 20, 2011, Liechtenstein

Unknown perpetrators have destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary by pulling it from the altar in a church in Schaan / Liechtenstein.

Chapel of Caubin Vandalised

February 19, 2011, France

The Chapel of Caubin, a XIIth century Historical Monument was the target of vandalism on Saturday, February 19th. Three windows were broken open with stones, lanterns and projector destroyed and crosses of the cemetery broken into pieces.

Communion Vessels Stolen From Church in Majadahonda

February 18, 2011, Spain

After a fire was set at the doors of Santa Catalina Mártir Church in Majadahonda on December 25th, 2010, the tabernacle containing two communion vessels was stolen in February 2011. The perpetrators used a lever to commit the crime, and took advantage of the fact that the Chuch doors remain open for prayers and meetings.

Voice in Favor of Stopping Prayers at House of Commons Proceedings

February 15, 2011, United Kingdom

A Conservative MP has said the House of Commons should stop saying prayers at the start of its proceedings. The contentious proposal could, Jo Johnson MP said, “save three or four minutes every day” and would better reflect the UK.

Christian Drug Expert Sacked from Government Advisory Panel Over Gay Dispute

February 14, 2011, United Kingdom

The Christian General Practitioner (GP) was sacked as a Government drugs adviser because he co-wrote a study linking homosexuality to paedophilia. In June 2011 he announced to take legal action to answer “increasing attempts” to marginalise Christians in public life.

Cemetery Vandalised in Alès

February 12, 2011, France

Ten to twelve graves were desecrated in the cimetery of Silhol in Alès. Stone crosses were broken and thrown to the floor. Funeral ornaments were destroyed and the door of a tomb was damaged.

Christians Flee After Verbal Attacks and Threats

February 10, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A Christian family of Kakanj suffered repeated verbal attacks and threats. They finally decided to leave their home as the pressure was becoming unbearable.

One of the World's Oldest Monasteries Expropriated

January 31, 2011, Turkey

The lands surrounding the Syrian-orthodox monastery of Mor Gabriel, near Midyat in South-Eastern Turkey, have been expropriated by Turkey’s supreme court. According to the verdict, the treasury of Turkey has a right to claim the lands.

Suspension of Catholic Services at the University of Barcelona Due to Protests by Secular Students

January 31, 2011, Spain

At the University of Barcelona protests by a group of secular students against the Catholic liturgical service on campus, including the interruption of the service, led to a cancelation of the weekly Wednesday Mass - until the University would be able to guarantee the safety of attending students.

EU High Representative Lady Ashton Deems Condemnation of Christian Persecution Politically Incorrect

January 31, 2011, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

EU Foreign Ministers rejected a draft resolution condemning the atrocities against Christian minorities in Egypt and Iraq, as they could not agree on the word ‘Christian’ in their draft statement in an effort to remain "politically correct."

Religion Teacher Forced to Remove a Crucifix and an Icon

January 30, 2011, Spain

A Catholic religion teacher was forced to remove a cross and an icon from a wall of a shared office in a secondary school in Zújar, Spain because two teachers said they were "offended" by them.

Christian Pro Life Activist Sentenced for Expressing His Opinion

January 25, 2011, Germany

Mr. Günther Annen demonstrated in front of the abortion clinic of Dr. Karl-Heinz Jordan twice in August 2010, displaying a sign which said: „Why does Dr. Karl-Heinz Jordan kill unborn children?“ He was sentenced for insult to a penalty of 1500 € by the Darnstadt public prosecutor's office on Jan. 25, 2011.

European Parliament Attacks Lithuanian Legislative Proposal Curbing Homosexualist Propaganda

January 19, 2011, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Parliament has issued a condemnation of a Lithuanian bill that seeks to prohibit the “public promotion of homosexual relations.” The bill proposes fines of between €580 and €2,900; it has not yet been passed by the Plenary of the Lithuanian Parliament and is still under review.

Stoning of a Church

January 17, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On January 17th, 2011, the church of Blagan-Buna (Mostar) was attacked with stones and its windows crashed.

Church Partially Burned, Religious Symbols Put on Fire

January 16, 2011, France

A Christian Church building in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, the outskirts of Caen, was vandalized at about 6 am on a Sunday morning. The Church of St. Francis, partially burned, cannot not accommodate the faithful until rebuild.

Vandalism at St. Barbara's in Peißenberg

January 13, 2011, Germany

A group of teenagers was causing great damage in the parish church of St. Barbara in Peißenberg over a longer period of time. They tossed down lamps, lit numerous candles and burnt death cards, rumpled altar cloths and stuffed them into the holy water vessel; they threw altar candles around in the church, and wrote with chalk on the church’s door. The sacristan had to dump 40 liters of holy water twice, and clean the distribution vessel, in which the youth had urinated.

Pope Mocked in Controversial Cartoon

January 10, 2011, Italy

A satirical cartoon depicting Pope Benedict XVI was shown in Italy’s public television RAI2. In the cartoon, the Pope says about Silvio Berlusconi since he “likes minors, he can always become a priest”. This caused quite an uproar as it was considered as defamatory.

Threats by Islamists against Coptic Churches in Europe

January 6, 2011, International

Christian Copts in Europe, particularly in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy, celebrated Christmas on January 6th under special police protection.

Church Shattered and Partially Burned

January 1, 2011, France

On Saturday January 1st between 12 a.m. and 3 p.m. the church of Montfermeil was severely damaged and partially burned. According to sources, a group of individuals forced and broke the door to the place of worship with the help of a car. They then set fire to a bunch of paper that was inside the church. Thus, three additional rooms, including the room used for worship of children, were damaged and must now be rebuilt.

Vandalism Against The Church of Aiguefonde

January 1, 2011, France

The parish church Sainte Claire of Aiguefonde (Tarn) was victim of series of vandalism attacks. Given the amount of the damage, the church will have to be completely restored in order to prevent the window and vault from collapsing.

EU Seemingly Pressured Moldova Into Strong Anti-Discrimination Legislation

December 31, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The Council of the European Union proposed a visa liberalisation action plan for Moldova without much room for negotiations about the conditions: in a unilateral document, it was required to accept policies which would potentially infringe on the freedom of conscience or expression as well as that of religious institutions and organisations.

Parish Several Times Severly Attacked by Muslim Youth

December 30, 2010, France

Faithful of the parish St John in Avignon are being annoyed, often during the mass service, by insults and agressions, thefts, attempts of arson, and even a car bomb left by Muslim youth. The little community of Christians in a city which hosts an arabic-moslem majority begins to feel afraid of praying together. The parish priest understands that there is a "startling code of silence both for media and politics about the issue".

Message at University: "Christians are like rats. Shoot Accurately"

December 30, 2010, Spain

An increasing wave of violence is experienced by students, faculty and staff who are used to attend mass at the University of Barcelona (UB). The media reported extensively a graffiti found in the university restrooms: "Christians are like rats. Shoot accurately". The students affirmed that messages were left also in their writing desks.

Doctor Must Provide Fertility Treatment Without Regard to Conscientious Objection

December 30, 2010, Ireland

Dr Boyle runs a fertility treatment service along Catholic guidelines at Galway clinic, which is a Catholic hospital. He was summoned before the Fitness to Practice Committee of the Medical Council in 2010 because he would not accept a cohabiting couple for treatment because of his belief on traditional marriage.

Barcelona City Council Approved Gay Monument in front of the Basilica Sagrada Familia.

December 29, 2010, Spain

The City Hall of Barcelona approved a monument to honor the gay, transsexual and lesbian lifestyle in front of Sagrada Familia, the Barcelona Basilica. The proximity of location as well as the political message in relation to the dedication of the Basilica is troubling to Christians.

Government Representative Verbally Attacks Catholic Church

December 29, 2010, Spain

Cayo Lara, the General Coordinator of the IU (United Left wing) told media that machismo and gender violence are strongly related to religious education. Lara also referred to the Catholic wedding vows in which partners should be united "until death", as proving "without any need of further discussion" that the Church is in favor of the discrimination of women and treats women as "the property of men."

Turkish-Cypriot Police Raid Christian Church During Christmas Service

December 25, 2010, Cyprus

Police officers of the Turkish-Cypriot government entered a Greek-Orthodox Church in Rizokarpaso on December 25th 2010 and forced the priest to stop the Christmas morning liturgy. They coerced the priest and worshippers attending liturgy to leave the church and then locked its doors.

Removal of Nativity Scenes and Christian Contents at Christmas

December 24, 2010, Spain

Manuel Ángel Rodríguez, City Hall representative of Oviedo, proposed the removal of nativities from any public building, specially schools. In 2009, Juan de Padilla school, in Toledo, suppressed every religious reference to Christmas but «Halloween», a foreign celebration to Spanish tradition, was welcomed. Nativity scenes and Christmas carols were replaced in the Toledo school, while decorated trees and the pagan character of Noel were permitted after two parents had complained about the religious connotation of the shepherds and the angels seen in the traditional manger.

European Commission Omits Christmas in EU School Diary

December 17, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Commission produced more than three million copies of an EU diary for secondary schools containing no reference to Christian festivals, but including those of Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim religions.

Pro-Life Manifestation Attacked, One Hospitalised

December 11, 2010, Austria

Peaceful protest of Catholic Youth pro-life Group "Jugend für das Leben“ violently attacked by pro-choice forces. Member hospitalised with concussion.

List of Attacks Against Christian Sexual Orientation Group

December 10, 2010, Germany

At a meeting on Freedom of Religion of OSCE/ODIHR in Vienna on Dec 9 and 10, the spokesperson of Wüstenstrom, a Christian NGO representing people with unwanted same-sex attractions, summarized a series of intolerance and attacks against them and their work. Find here the full text of his intervention.

A Church Vandalised in Gourin, Brittany

December 5, 2010, France

A man destroyed much of the furniture of the Church of Gourin, probably on Sunday, December 5th in the afternoon. Benches, the harmonium, flower pots but also the altar, the tabernacle and stain glass windows were the targets.

Mental Health Worker Threatened With Sack After Sharing Opinions About Post-Abortion Syndrome

December 1, 2010, United Kingdom

Christian Mental Health worker suspended after talking to colleague informally about abortion risks and told „never to do this again“ and reinstated only several weeks later.

Activists Force Spanish Cardinal to Cancel Lecture

December 1, 2010, Spain

Radical groups forced the Archdiocese of Madrid to cancel a speech of Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela scheduled to be held at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Harsh Persecution of Muslims Converted to Christianity

December 1, 2010, United Kingdom

In Great Britain many converts from Islam to Christianity are forced to worship in secret at the risk of their own lives according to the report of the French Internet Portal “Observatoire de l’islamisation” which resulted in a report broadcasted 2010 on British TV.

Conservative Party Councillor Gets Suspended After Objecting Gay Talks in a School

November 25, 2010, United Kingdom

A conservative party councillor in Bristol has been “voluntarily suspended” and asked by the party to meet with homosexualist activists after he objected to appearances by a homosexualist campaigner and actor, Sir Ian McKellen, at local schools.

Public Funds Used in Campaign Against Catholic Church

November 25, 2010, Spain

Government funded atheist forum at the occasion of the Pope's visit to Barcelona concludes that "there was an increase of conflicts with a religious background, religious leaders used faith to subjugate the world, religious hierarchy attacked democracy, and religion restricted the exercise of freedom of conscience."

"Santo Ángel" School in Albacete Reported For Offering Students the Opportunity to Pray

November 22, 2010, Spain

A small group of parents of Santo Angel School reported the School’s Catholic Center to the Ministry of Education of Murcia for "radical ideas” for organizing an optional weekly praying hour.

Catholic School Fined For Not Hiring a Protestant Teacher

November 12, 2010, Ireland

A Catholic national school found guilty of ''discrimination'' by Equality Tribunal and fined more than €12,000 for not hiring a Protestant teacher.

Statues of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Covered in Condoms in Art Exhibit

November 10, 2010, Austria

The lower Austrian main building of government (NÖ-Landhaus) hosts an exhibition which displays Mary, the mother of Jesus, covered in a condom and sperma. This exhibition is funded by public money and approved by governor Erwin Pröll.

Atheist Father Obtains Withdrawal of Crucifix in Bavarian Highschool Despite Other Parent's Protests

November 10, 2010, Germany

An atheist father obtains the withdrawal of a crucifix in his son’s classroom in Regensburg (Bavaria, Germany) despite the opposition of the majority of parents. Morning prayer was changed to a neutral “Good Morning Circle”.

Political Spokeswoman States That "The Church in Spain is Sustained Tick”

November 10, 2010, Spain

In a session the Government, the spokeswoman of Esquerra Republicana, Joan Ridao, has called the Catholic Church in Spain to be "a kind of sustained, a luxury tick" (“mantenida y garrapata”).

Generalitat Catalana and Government Fund a Forum Against Public Presence of Catholic Church

November 10, 2010, Spain

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Equality, the Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council and La Caixa funded the Forum Libertat 2010 on the same days on which the historic visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Santiago and Barcelona took place. The Forum advocated the withdrawal of the public presence of the Catholic Church.

“Ortega y Gasset” School in Almendralejo (Badajoz) Forced to Remove Crucifixes From Classrooms

November 9, 2010, Spain

The parents of two students of the public school Ortega y Gasset in Almendralejo (Badajoz) succeeded in their campaign to remove crucifixes from classrooms and prohibit religious ceremonies. The school parent association, who opposes these decisions, called for a protest.

Threats and Attempts of Fire in a Church Near Avignon

November 6, 2010, France

Saint-John’s parish near Avignon has been the target of a number of threats and intimidations: insulting tags in the church’s walls, feces thrown on the church, a young man even entered the church during mass, urinated and screamed to the parishioners: “we’ll toast you all in fire, you and your church”. A fire was also started in a tree growing against the church, probably in order to burn the church itself. Father Gabriel, the parish priest, regrets and condemns “an increasingly aggressive and violent climate”.

Gay Activists Attack Orthodox Protesters in Moscow

November 3, 2010, Russia

A group of male gay rights activists attacked members of the Orthodox youth movement "Georgievtsy!" outside the Council of Europe office in Moscow, who gathered against the European Court of Human Rights ruling declaring Russia's ban on gay pride marches illegal.

Head of Belgian Catholic Church Could Face Charges of Homophobia For Controversial Speech

November 2, 2010, Belgium

Msgr. Leonard faces accusations of homophobia for expressing controversial positions on the causes of HIV/AIDS.

Faithful Stoned During Mass at Carcassonne

November 2, 2010, France

The 150 faithful attending holy mass on Tuesday, November 2nd, in the Church of Saint Jacques du Viguier were the target of two teenagers who entered the church to throw stones on the faithful. An eldery person was slightly injured and a statue of the virgin Mary was damaged.

Code of Conduct Could Target Religion Teachers

November 1, 2010, Ireland

The Teaching Council of Ireland is using a Code of Professional Conduct that could lead to religion teachers being found guilty of “professional misconduct” for teaching core parts of their faith.

Crucifix Desecrated by a Pig’s Head in Bellocq

November 1, 2010, France

On the road to Lahontan, in Bellocq, south of Daw, a Calvary scened called Palin, was covered by an entire pig’s head, attached to the wood by a piece of string.

Greek Orthodox Church Struggles to Survive

October 30, 2010, Turkey

The Greek-Orthodox Church, school, and community in Turkey has been gradually stripped of rights by the Turkish government. European law organizations declare this a violation of human rights.

Tabernacle and Holy Sacrament Desecrated in Billière

October 29, 2010, France

Vandals broke in the XIIth century church of Saint Laurent de Billière, near Pau, on Friday, October 29th. The tabernacle was forced opened and the consecrated hosts scattered on the ground.

University Supports Profane Show Despite of Students and Staff´s Complaints

October 28, 2010, Spain

The Dean of University of Valladolid, Marcos Sacristán, after being warned about the blasphemous content of Leo Bassi´s play, decided to offer the university premises for its performance. Students and staff of University of Valladolid had requested Dean Sacristan to ban the play because of its offensive content.

Mountain Guide Destroys Mountain Top Crosses

October 28, 2010, Switzerland

The Swiss mountain guide Patrick Bussard vandalized and destroyed three crosses on tops of mountains in 2010 after he had conducted a petition against religious symbols in public. He faced a fine for property damage and violating freedom of religion in January 2012.

"Free-Thinkers" Take Action Against the Presence of Crosses On Mountaintops

October 24, 2010, Switzerland

The "free-thinkers" of Switzerland, the association of people without religious confession (Vereinigung der Konfessionslosen), are campaigning for a ban of religious symbols not only in public institutions, but also all mountain should be cleared of them.

127 Graves Desecrated in Igny-Comblizy

October 23, 2010, France

61 headstones were revered and their crosses unsealed and another 66 graves also but less heavily damaged. Graves, headstones, flowerpots and funerary objects were thrown all around the cemetery.

Saint-Louis Church in Brest Tagged

October 21, 2010, France

Anti-Catholic and Satanic symbols were found on the walls and doors of the church of Saint-Louis in Brest. Elected officials are shocked and say in a written statement: “All places of worship, whatever they are, are places that must be respected.”

Government Representatives Verbally Attack Catholic Church

October 15, 2010, Spain

Oriol Amorós, the Immigration State Secretary in Cataluña, during a radio interview broadcast by RAC1 declared "Between the Pope and the Iman of Lérida, I have difficulties to make my mind. They are two version of too conservative and retrograde religions."

Lutheran Church in Michalovce Vandalised

October 14, 2010, Slovakia

On October 14, 2010, the Lutheran Church in Michalovce was found seriously damaged. It had been broken into, possibly by Satanist, who had turned the major cross upside down, burnt the altar vestments, damaged the baptismal font, and wrote insults to God and saints onto the altar.

Steady Increase of Desecrating Acts in French Cemeteries

October 12, 2010, France

Ongoing: A report of the Gendarmerie Nationale underlines the fact that most desecrations since 2005 have been aimed at Christian cemeteries and other Christian places of worship.

Mother Denied to Bury her Executed Son According to her Christian Faith

October 12, 2010, Belarus

Mother of an executed prisoner cannot pray at her son's tomb. It is unclear whether he had seen a priest before execution.

Call for “Islamic Crusade” Sprayed on Church in Strasbourg

October 12, 2010, France

The Catholic church of Saint Florent in Strasbourg was vandalised by Islamists who spray painted the door of the church, calling for an Islamic Crusade. One could read in black marker on both wings of the door: “Jerusalem to the Muslims” and “The Crusade for an Islamic Holy Land.”

Church Sainte Madeleine Tagged in Besançon

October 10, 2010, France

“All catho are bastards” and other anti-Catholic symbols were tagged on the church Sainte Madeleine in Besançon. Mgr Lacrampe, bishop of Besançon issued a statement in which he says: "During the night of October 9th to 10th, individuals wrote on the door of the church of Sainte Madeleine in Besançon abusive language against Catholics. I strongly condemn these irresponsible acts which lack of respect towards the public building as well as towards the community to whom it is entrusted. I reaffirm that nothing can justify the hatred of others or contempt for people and their faith."

Theft and Desecration in Bazas’ Cathedral

October 9, 2010, France

An unknown number of burglars entered the cathedral, broke-opened the tabernacle and took a 1930 monstrance of brass and wood. They also broke several stained windows. For Father Arnaud, the parish priest, “this attacks the very essence of our faith.” He experienced this burglary as “a sacrilege and a desecration,” he said.

Humanists Campaign to Stop the Noah's Ark Zoo Farm Because it Says that God Created the World

October 7, 2010, United Kingdom

BHA (British Humanist Association) has called on the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums, North Somerset Council, Visit Britain and South West England to shut down the zoo. The secular group claims that the zoo is misleading tens of thousands of visitors annually and ‘threatening public understanding’ by questioning the traditional view of evolution.

MP McCafferty Attempted to Restrict Freedom of Religion and Conscience

October 7, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Former British MP Christine McCafferty urged the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to recommend limitations to conscientious objection when it comes to abortion. The draft report contained a limitation of freedom of conscience to individuals. Objecting individuals would have faced restrictions and blacklisting. The draft, aiming at discriminating against Christians, was voted down on October 7th.

Painter Exhibits “Madonna Carrying Hitler Child”

October 6, 2010, Italy

Exhibition in Italian city Salemi shows a painting of Madonna holding child Hitler. Jewish and Christian Church leaders have condemned the display.

Polish Minister Excluded From EU-Jury Because of “Homophobic” Statement

October 3, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Polish equality minister Elzabieta Radziszewska not asked to be a jury-member for this year’s EU journalism award “Together against Discrimination” after explaining rights of schools with regard to employing homosexual teachers.

No Place of Worship for Christians

September 30, 2010, Turkey

In a report released in September 2010, the Association of Protestant Churches details the fundamental problems faced by Christians in Turkey. Among them, the place of worship is a troublesome one.

Vandalism in Austrian Church Building

September 29, 2010, Austria

Repeated vandalism including defecation committed by youth in church building in Upper Austria.

Severe Restriction on Conscientious Objection

September 28, 2010, Spain

Administration interprets freedom of conscience so narrowly that only those directly involved in the objected surgical act of abortion are allowed to invoke the right to "conscientious objection".

Chapel Desecrated in Bastia, Corsica

September 26, 2010, France

The chapel of the crypt of Notre-Dame de Lourdes, in Bastia, was attacked most likely on Monday, September 27th. The altar was sprayed with urine and statues of the Virgin were plunged into a water vase, head down.

20 Graves Damaged in Frontenay-Rohan-Rohan

September 21, 2010, France

About twenty graves were desecrated, tombstones and memorial plaques scattered in the Catholic cemetery of Frontenay-Rohan-Rohan.

(Excursus) Muslim Wipes Website of Lawyer Who Helped Convert

September 15, 2010, United States

Mr. Stemberger, a US lawyer who successfully defended Rifqa Bary, a teenage Christian convert from Islam, has had his organisation’s website destroyed by a Muslim hacker. Obscene message stating intent left on site.

Summary of Anti-Christian Incidents in Occupied Cyprus

September 10, 2010, Cyprus

The U.S. House of Representatives deplores: the inability of Orthodox Christians, clergy and other religious communities to access and hold services at their place of worship and cemeteries in the north; the disrepair of churches and cemeteries and the preservation of religious heritage (iconography, mosaics, and other religious symbols); the lack of schools and perspectives for young people in the north.

Attacks on Pro Life Activists

September 7, 2010, Austria

Ongoing attacks against sidewalk-counseling pro life activists in Vienna filmed and published online.

(Scotland) BBC Displays "Consistent Anti-Christian institutional Bias"

September 5, 2010, United Kingdom

Scottish Cardinal O'Brien says that detailed research into BBC news coverage of Christianity revealed a consistent anti-Christian institutional bias.

Statue of the Mary Removed At School in Malaga

September 3, 2010, Spain

A statue of the Virgin of Fuensanta (local patron) at the Carazony college in Malaga was removed in September at the request of parents. Another group of parents launched a campaign to ask for it to be reinstated.

Church Vandalised in Juniville

August 26, 2010, France

During the night of August 26th to 27th, the church of Juniville has been attacked and vandalised: candles were thrown on the ground, the tabernacle was broken and posters were torn and burned on the ground.

Parliament Attempt to Undermine Religion from the Public Square

August 24, 2010, Spain

The political parties Esquerra Republicana, Izquierda Unida, and Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds, requested Parliament to pass a law to remove any religious sign and faith-related traditions -specially those related to Catholicism-, from the public square.

Cemetery Vandalised in Laon

August 22, 2010, France

During the night of Saturday 21st to Sunday 22nd of August, about fifty graves in the German military cemetery of Laon were vandalised. Crosses were extracted from the ground or completely broken.

Pro Life Abortion Protestors Arrested

August 10, 2010, United Kingdom

Two Christian pro-life protesters were arrested twice by Police in Brighton and await the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service to see if they will face a Criminal Prosecution.

Cemetery Vandalised in Hénin-Beaumont

August 8, 2010, France

Fifteen graves and a Catholic chapel have been targeted. A cross was destroyed. Among the graves vandalised, three vaults were particularly damaged. The doors of three grave buildings were broken open and their windows broken. On other graves, funerary objects such as crosses or flowers pots were broken and scattered all around the cemetery.

The Ecumenical Patriarch in Turkey Cannot Use His Ecclesiastical Title

August 1, 2010, Turkey

Patriarch Bartholomew leads 250 million Orthodox Greeks worldwide. The community in Turkey has dwindled to a few thousand. The Turkish government refuses to recognize the title Ecumenical Patriarch, or Bartholomew's role as an international religious leader. A journalist from CBS asked Bartholomew about his feelings, he said that he felt “crucified” by the difficulties he faces every day in Turkey.

Oxford University Lecturer Discriminated Against After Converting to Christianity

July 29, 2010, United Kingdom

Dr Tali Argov overlooked for promotion, stripped of her privileges and ill-treated at social gatherings, after converting from Judaism to Christianity.

Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers Violated

July 28, 2010, Spain

Spain’s government is systematically violating the conscience rights of health care workers on abortion, says a group of legal experts that is now taking action to restore those rights.

Severe Restrictions on Homeschooling

July 28, 2010, Sweden

Sweden’s parliament gave a crushing blow to parental rights passing a law that makes homeschooling legal only in “extraordinary circumstances.” The law excludes religious or philosophical convictions as legitimate reasons for home education.

Church of Pouan-les-Vallées Wrecked

July 27, 2010, France

The XIIIth and XVIth century’s church of Saint-Pierre-les-Vallées in Pouan was wrecked in the night of July 26th. An employee noticed the knocked over Cross in the church’s courtyard. As he went to inspect the rest of the church, he saw the disastrous state of the church: crucifixes overturned, glass chandeliers smashed to pieces on the pavement, stations of the Cross burnt, an altar overthrown and the ogive vault overlooking the high altar very damaged.

Church Wrecked in Limoux

July 24, 2010, France

In the parish Church of Limoux, the chandeliers, the statue and the crucifix which decorated the tabernacle were overthrown and vandalized. They laid on the ground, bent or broken, when the acts were discovered. Behind the altar, the nativity scene and the chapel of the Virgin Mary were wrecked. The church is open continuously, visitors discovered the damage in the beginning of the afternoon and called the police. The police had to close the church for the afternoon but it could be reopened for a scheduled evening concert.

Church Desecrated in Echillais

July 18, 2010, France

On Monday July 21st, the sacristan of the medieval church of Echillais discovered that the church had be stained, desecrated and that the vandals had probably entered in it with there scooters.

Street Dedicated to Anti-Christian War Criminal

July 7, 2010, Spain

The City of Santa Pau in Girona dedicated a street to the former mayor Joan Pinsach, who commanded the execution of priests in 1936 during the Civil War, as approved by mayor Esther Badosa.

Lower House of Irish Government Passes Civil Partnership Bill

July 5, 2010, Ireland

Lead politicians backing the bill refuse to allow a conscience clause; opposition parties claim that the objections of Christians are being ignored.

Playboy Magazine Displays Photos of Jesus Christ With Topless Models

July 1, 2010, Portugal

Playboy’s Portuguese edition after it publishes photos depicting Jesus Christ among topless Playboy models, allegedly in a tribute to author Jose Sarmago.

100,000 Euro Fine For Christian Broadcaster

July 1, 2010, Spain

Spain's government fined the Christian television network 100,000 euros for running a series of advertisements in favor of the family and opposing homosexual lifestyle.

Police Raid Office of Catholic Church Officials

June 24, 2010, Belgium

Belgian officials search the offices of the Catholic Church in Belgium. The raid has been condemned by the Pope and investigation is underway to determine its lawfulness.

English Footballer Prevented From Mentioning Religion

June 17, 2010, International

A Football Association official prevented a prominent footballer for England’s World Cup team from talking about his Christian faith to reporters during a press conference.

Case Against Turkish Christians Ongoing Despite Lack of Evidence

June 11, 2010, Turkey

Turkish attorneys now in fourth year of prosecuting two Christians for allegedly slandering Islam; despite the lack of any concrete evidence to support their claims, Turkish courts are continuing prosecution.

Police Tell Christian that it’s a Crime to Say Homosexuality is a Sin

June 8, 2010, United Kingdom

A moderate Christian preacher, Andy Robertson, was wrongly told by a police officer Gainsborough, Lincolnshire that it is a crime to publicly express the religious belief that homosexual conduct is sinful.

Christianity Marginalised in Religious Education Courses in English Schools

June 6, 2010, United Kingdom

English schools failing to teach pupils about basic Christian beliefs in religious education lessons, according to a new report by education “watchdog”, Ofsted.