All cases

Catholic Church Broken Into and Desecrated in Lübeck

June 23, 2012, Germany

In Bergtheide (Lübeck) the Catholic church has been broken into, the Altar was completely desecrated. Donations for the poorest were stolen and sacred artifacts defiled and partly destroyed. Church had to be ritually cleansed and blessed anew.

Vandalism and Burglary in Catholic Church of St. Bernard in Bad Herrenalb

June 22, 2012, Germany

Unknown perpetrators broke into the church of St. Bernard and caused serious property damage. A candlestick was dragged from the side chapel and used to break the offertory box and the money inside was stolen. The money box under the statue of Saint Anthony was torn out of the wall. Many doors were damaged and the cupboards in the sacristy were opened, searched and turned upside down.

„Youth Defense“ Posters Devastated and Sprayed With Offensive Graffiti

June 21, 2012, Ireland

Posters of an Irish organisation that opposes legalisation of abortion „Youth Defense“ were devastated and sprayed upon with offensive graffiti all around Dublin. The posters were covered with paint and torn down and the video of that act appeared in social media.

Homeschooling Restricted in Austria

June 19, 2012, Austria

Several English – speaking Christian families who home educate their children in Austria have come under pressure by the Austrian school authorities for educating their children in English. They have been fined and threatened with the children being taken away – even though there are schools in Austria which teach exclusively in English.

Writing on Church Walls in Lithuania

June 17, 2012, Lithuania

June 17th 2012, the walls of a church in Vilnius were spray painted with writing.

Christian Manifestation Attacked by Homosexual Activists

June 16, 2012, Austria

About 70 Christians demonstrated in a prayerful and peaceful walk against the Vienna "Gay pride parade" in Vienna on June 16th. They were attacked by counterdemonstration of activists for a homosexual agenda.

Danish Church Obliged to Perform Same Sex ‘Marriages’

June 15, 2012, Denmark

The Evangelical Lutheran Church is forced to marry same sex couples after vote of Danish Parliament.

Christian GP Called Guilty of “Malpractice” for Sharing his Faith

June 14, 2012, United Kingdom

The General Medical Council’s Investigation Committee has reprimanded a Christian doctor for sharing his faith with a patient at the end of a private consultation.

Protestant Church Vandalised For a Second Time In This Year

June 12, 2012, Germany

In Haltingen in Weil am Rhein, for the second time this year, a Protestant church was desecrated - the police expressed their surprise as there is not much to gain by breaking into a church. According to the police, there must be other motives than robbery as statistically this has not happened as much in others houses of prayer, such as mosques or synagogues.

Reported Cases of Verbal Assaults in Italy

June 12, 2012, Italy

The Holy See reported three cases of verbal assaults against Christians in Italy on the following dates: 23 January 2012 February 2012 12 June 2012

Graves Plundered in Osijek

June 3, 2012, Croatia

The Apostolic Nunciature of Croatia reported that over an unknown period of time, graves were plundered by chapel workers in Osijek, Croatia.

Catholic NGO Defamed By Government Report, Confirmed by Court

June 1, 2012, France

Georges Fenech, the president of the interministerial mission MIVILUDES, an acronym for Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires (Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combatting Cultic Deviances), appointed to this position by François Fillon in 2008 and renewed in 2011, was convicted by the Paris criminal court on June 1, 2012 for public defamation.

Vienna Church St. Johann the Evangelist Vandalised

June 1, 2012, Austria

On June 1, an unknown person entered the parish church of St. Johann Evangelist on Keplerplatz and destroyed several windows in the second entrance doors located inside the church.

Burglars Steal Monstrance and Altar Cross from Church in Krefeld

May 30, 2012, Germany

Unidentified perpetrators broke into the parish office of the Church of Our Lady. There they took a key of the church opposite which they entered and ransacked. They caused damage in the church sacristy, broke a cabinet and stole a monstrance and an altar cross.

Windows Broken at Catholic School Centre

May 27, 2012, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Windows were broken by someone throwing stones at them in the gym of the Catholic School Centre in Travnik, Bosnia-Herzegovina, between the 27th and the 28th of May 2012.

Conscientious Objection Loses Ground

May 24, 2012, France

Medical Student, Carolin, 24: “I had to do an internship in a gynecology department, and I can tell you that when there is only one nurse for the whole department, you better forget about your conscientious objection.”

Law Society Revokes Christian Debate Over Marriage

May 23, 2012, United Kingdom

The Law Society has revoked the booking of a Christian conférence on marriage to be held by Christian Concern and other organisations because it considered it "contrary to its ‘diversity’ Policy".

Burglary in the Church of St. John in Petersberg

May 20, 2012, Germany

A unknown perpetrator broke through a window into the Petersburg church of St. John. All the rooms were searched and eventually he fled with only five Euros from the church.

St. Martin's Church in Bürstadt Desecrated

May 19, 2012, Germany

In Bürstadt (Idstein) the St. Martin's Church was desecrated. The offertory for the poor was torn down and the holy sanctuary desecrated.

Local Church in Bispingen Desecrated

May 19, 2012, Germany

In Bispingen (Walsrode) the local church was desecrated. There were anti-Christian graffiti sprayed across the walls and satanic symbols drawn on the dais in the sanctuary. Also, the outer wall was ruined.