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Filtered by: Negative Stereotyping

EU Commissioner Downplays Massacre of Christians in Nigeria saying it is not Rooted in Religion

June 8, 2022, International

During a debate on 8. June in the European Parliament, triggered by the massacre of Christians in Nigeria that happened in a Church during a Pentecostal Mass, Commissioner Valdis Dombrovski severely downplayed the attacks by attributing them to "underlying causes beyond faith" such as "scarce resources", and "poor education", "unemployment", among others. These affirmations ignore that the perpetrators belong to the jihadist terrorist organization Boko Haram. Such statements push the narrative away from the issue of the terrible human rights violations of religious freedom in Nigeria, which has already claimed the lives of thousands of Christians in the last years.

Report Shows Discrimination Against Protestant Christians in Turkey

May 16, 2022, Turkey

A report from 2021 that examined the situation of Protestants in Turkey, revealed the severe levels of discrimination they face. It showed how decades of expulsions, social pressure, and government intolerance have led to a decline in Christian Protestants. It also exposes the challenges they are currently facing.

Half-Naked Protesters Wear Religious Symbols in Front of Churches

May 16, 2022, Spain

The police in Spain had to stop a protest that was taking place at the door of the church "Virgen de la Luz" in Cuenca, in which several half-naked women were wearing religious symbols. This was reported on the 16th of May by the online news "El Debate". Later on, "Abogados Cristianos" opened proceedings against the group for hurting religious feelings, after the same incident took place in other churches.

European Parliament Adopts "Hostile" Report on Persecution of Religious Minorities

May 4, 2022, Belgium

A report titled "Persecution of minorities on the grounds of belief or religion," was adopted by the European Parliament in Brussels on May 4th. It has since been called “openly hostile towards religion” by human rights experts since it in places points to religion as a threat and a driver of humanitarian crises. It also failed to mention the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and Africa, but states that "sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), including abortion, are being banned in the name of religion." Although the report had some positive points it did not always refer to religion favorably.

No Evidence to Justify Oxford College's Cancellation of Wilberforce Academy

March 21, 2022, United Kingdom

An independent investigation found that there was no substantial evidence for Worcester College's apology and cancellation of the Wilberforce Academy in September of 2021. After hosting this Christian youth conference that seeks to uphold free and considerate debate about controversial issues, this Oxford College said it had received "a number of complaints" and would not hold the event next year. Christian Concern inquired about these complaints, which they had heard nothing of, and upon getting little response, instigated their own investigation.

Feminists Deface Church in Savoy

March 8, 2022, Italy

On March 8th, the façade of the Santissima Annunziata church in Turin, was defaced with anti - Christian graffiti by feminists during National Women's Day. The floor and steps were covered with purple paint that condemned the "patriarchy" of the church. This act showed an apparent ignorance to the role Christianity has played to improve the rights of women.

A Clinic Training Course calls the Bible and Christianity "racist"

January 23, 2022, United Kingdom

As reported by Daily Mail on 23. January, a leading mental health clinic in London, Portman Clinic, told a student therapist during a training course that Christianity is a racist religion and that the Bible can be considered racists because it makes a contrast between "darkness" and "light". Amy Gallagher is a 33-year-old nurse, who is preparing to take legal action against this clinic. She will sue the clinic for discrimination against her as a Christian and a white person, and also due to the distress caused through this experience. A crowdfunding campaign has been started to support her on her legal challenge.

Pastry Shop Display Nativity Scene Made with Sexual Organs

December 7, 2021, Spain

Christian Lawyers has filed a complaint against a pastry shop in Seville for the exhibition of a nativity scene made with male and female sexual organs. The irreverent scene is in sight of everyone and shows disrespect towards Christians. In its complaint, Christian Lawyers states that "the establishment has advertised the nativity scene on its social networks and despite being aware that it has offended a good number of citizens, it has not moved it."

Two Journalists Insult Christian Singer on Twitter, calling Christians "Disabled"

November 14, 2021, Slovakia

Hateful comments against the Christian singer Sima Magushinova and Christians in general on Twitter, arouse a wave of indignation among the Slovak political class. Many of them publicly defended Sime Martausová and criticized the attitude of the two journalists responsible for the offenses: Petr Tkačenek, commentator of the daily SME and Rada Ondřejíček, author of the Cynical Monster.

Spanish Politician Compares Catholics with the Taliban

November 2, 2021, Spain

Politician Beatriz Bandera posted on Twitter on the 2. November a short video of the Sevillian Holy Week devotees during their yearly procession with the caption "Our Taliban". With this post, she compares faithful Catholics during a peaceful procession with the terrorist group of radical Islamist fundamentalists. Despite the criticism and offence that her commentary has generated, Mrs Bandera has not apologised, "I criticise what I finance with my taxes. Can I? Or not?", she reiterated.