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Filtered by: Country: United Kingdom

Christian Doctor Faced Pressure After Offering Prayer to Patients

October 9, 2022, United Kingdom

In May 2019, Dr. Richard Scott faced an investigation by the NHS England (National Health Service) after several complaints were made about him offering prayer to patients, as he discussed this practice during a BBC Radio 4 interview. Dr. Scott faced an investigation to see if he was fit for practice, but the case has now been settled between Dr. Scott and the NHS, as reported on the news at the beginning of October. He has agreed to attend a course about professional boundaries and at the same time, with no admittance of wrongdoing.

UK Christians' Right to Freedom of expression Threatened in upcoming Public Order Bill

October 7, 2022, United Kingdom

The UK's already controversial Public Order Bill has received an amendment proposal that would criminalize supporting women seeking an abortion within a 150-meter "buffer zone" from an abortion clinic. Apart from the fact that this would open the way for authorities to repress Christian street preachers, this amendment means that prayer or any kind of help inside the "buffer zones" could lead to an up to two-year jail sentence. Laws like this already exist in Northern Ireland since March, and will also be a reality in Scotland in the near future.

Scotland: proposed “conversion therapy” ban gravely affects parents' rights and religious freedom

October 4, 2022, United Kingdom

A new report was submitted to the Scottish Government on the 4th of October that could criminalize efforts by parents to mentor their children according to their beliefs, with the possibility of losing parental custody. Prayers and private conversations could also be criminalized. The report considers "conversion practices" as "any treatment, practice or effort that aims to change, suppress, and/or eliminate a person's sexual orientation, expression of sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression.".

Theft of stained glass window in historic church UK

October 3, 2022, United Kingdom

On the 1st of October, unknown thieves targeted the St. Nicholas Church in Baddesley Ensor. They have stolen the historic stained glass windows that were at the side of the church. The Warwickshire Police are investigating the case. For now, the windows had to be boarded up.

Historical silver chalice from the stolen from church in Cambridge

October 1, 2022, United Kingdom

Sometime between September 25 and October 1, a silver chalice worth thousands of pounds was stolen from a village church in Cambridgeshire. According to the sources, the chalice is believed to date back to the 16th century. It was kept in the All Saints and St Andrews Church, where thieves broke in and took the chalice from the safe. The police have been notified and are running investigations.

16th Century Chalice Stolen from St Andrew's Church in Cambridge

September 25, 2022, United Kingdom

Sometime between September 25 and October 1 a 16th-century chalice, engraved with the words “For the Town of Kingston” was stolen from a safe of the All Saints and St Andrew Church in Kingston, Cambridgeshire. A £1,000 reward for information leading to recovery is being offered as the chalice is worth in excess of £10,000 apart from its spiritual value for the community.

Scotland Politician Disciplined by Party Leaders for defending pro-life Support and Prayer outside hospitals

September 15, 2022, United Kingdom

A Scottish politician, John Mason, has been disciplined by party leaders at Holyrood after he showed support for pro-life activism outside hospitals. He was sent a written warning and was accused of causing women “great distress” for his remarks on abortion and buffer zones outside clinics. The news was reported recently on the 15. September.

Legal Expert: Scotland Legislator's Planned Buffer Zones Would Ignore Fundamental Rights

September 14, 2022, United Kingdom

Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, has pronounced in favor of the legislation meant to limit pro-life activity around abortion clinics, which could lead to the creation of abortion clinic "buffer zones" across Scotland. The First Minister suggested that pro-life groups could protest in front of the Scottish parliament instead of gathering outside abortion clinics. A legal counsel for ADF UK, Mr. Igunnubole, warns that such laws do not possess a "reasonable excuse" to ignore basic tenets of the rule of law, such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly.

Leeds City Council Accuses Street Preachers of Using Hate Speech and Homophobic Language

September 5, 2022, United Kingdom

In the city of Leeds, members of society raised concerns, claiming that street preachers in the city center are using hate speech and homophobic language. The local council, together with the Police have now issued a new "code of conduct", in which they tell preachers that they respect their freedom of expression, but also recognise that it may be limited to "prevent disorder or crime".

Fr. Bernard Considered a "Risk to Children" by Church of England for Stating Biblical Teachings

September 4, 2022, United Kingdom

Rev Dr. Bernard Randall is a Christian chaplain who was reported to a terrorist watchdog by the school he worked at, after giving a sermon addressing the new LGBT Guidelines and telling his pupils it was ok to make up their own minds, as long as they remain respectful towards other's opinions. He is now facing a high-profile Employment Tribunal hearing and has even been blacklisted as a safeguarding risk to children by the Church of England (CofE). Dr. Randall says he was interrogated and told that refusing to capitulate to the allegation and denying his beliefs made him a risk. The diocese safeguarding team concluded ‘the Church itself is a risk factor.’

Church Walls Tagged With Slogans About Sex And Drugs

August 20, 2022, United Kingdom

On 21. August, "Grimsby Live" reported that the Willows Community Church in Grimsby had been tagged with slogans about sex and drugs that affected the community. Organizers of the Church repainted the walls within hours after the desecration took place. And the news outlet chose not to publish the pictures of the vandalistic act, due to the nature of the slogans. The police was notified and they will run an investigation.

'Screaming, Fires, Fights, Graffiti and Litter' at St John's Churchyard in Worcester

August 17, 2022, United Kingdom

Residents of Worcester, England, are protesting against the gangs of young offenders who occupy the churchyard around St. John's Church and engage in various forms of depredation, graffiti, attempted arson, defacement, robbery, etc.

Plaque Honouring War Hero and Candlesticks Stolen From Church

August 9, 2022, United Kingdom

For the third time on the year, the village church of Saint Gregory the Great in Morville has been the target of theft and vandalism. This time, the thieves stole a plaque commemorating a war hero, Thomas Hoblyn-Robins (from WWI). This happened on the 9. of August. On the same day two brass candlesticks, one brass vase and two brass candleholders were stolen. The police are asking for witness information.

Expert Identifies Religious Illiteracy among UK Elected Officials

July 22, 2022, United Kingdom

During an interview with the Christian Institute, Dr. James Holt, Chair of the Freedom Declared Foundation, said that there is a lack of religious literacy among some elected officials in the UK. He noted that at the recent International Conference on Freedom of Religion and Belief in London, the issue seemed to be addressed mainly as a foreign policy issue and not a domestic concern. He considers that "much more needs to be done" to counter anti-religious hatred in the UK and secure religious freedom.

Update: Grandmother Fined for Praying on the Street Wins Her Appeal

July 18, 2022, United Kingdom

Rosa Lalor, who on the 24th of February of 2021 was fined for praying silently on the public street, and later decided to challenge the sanction, won her appeal. At the time, the police considered that she did not have a "reasonable excuse" to be outside, even though she explained that she was simply "walking and praying" and that daily exercise was allowed. She received a fine of £200 and was then detained in the police car. Rosa Lalor decided to challenge the fine, with the help of ADF UK and won the case in court.

Mayoral Candidate Fired for Voicing Christian Beliefs

July 18, 2022, United Kingdom

A Christian mayoral candidate for Lewisham, Maureen Martin, has launched legal action after being sacked for her statement on Christian beliefs about marriage in her election manifesto. She was dismissed by her housing association employer L&Q for "gross misconduct" following three complaints of "hate speech" against her, as she expressed her belief that a marriage between a man and a woman was a "fundamental building block in society" and the "safest environment to raise a child".

Pitsmore Christ Church in Burngreave Fell Victim to Suspected Arson, No Services Available

July 4, 2022, United Kingdom

Pitsmore Christ Church in Burngreave, a district of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, is no longer able to hold services after being damaged in a fire on the night of 3 to 4 July. The authorities and the parish consider the fire to be arson. An investigation has been launched.

Security fencing shall stop church vandals

July 1, 2022, United Kingdom

Due to repeated vandalism and criminal damage the local council has been forced to install fencing and warning signs around All Saints Church in Ridgmont, Bedfordshire. Furthermore, the area around the church is now patrolled by the police.

Calls For Buffer Zone at Abortion Clinic in Bournemouth

June 28, 2022, United Kingdom

The abortion clinic in Bournemouth has been calling for a buffer zone around the facility, due to the daily vigils outside the clinic that have been taking place over the years, in order to prevent pro-life protesters from approaching the women going to the clinic, as well as the staff that works there. Rachel Clarke, from the mentioned clinic, said "[Bournemouth] is one of the worst-hit clinics in the country". A buffer zone could undermine the freedom of assembly and freedom of speech of pro-life activists.

Evangelical Christian Preacher, Hatun Tash, arrested again at Speakers’ Corner

June 26, 2022, United Kingdom

The evangelical Christian preacher and member of the Free Speech Union, Hatun Tash, was arrested on the 26th of June, at Speakers’ Corner. It was her third arrest in two years. Apparently, she was dragged by a group of police officers, who took her to the police station, "strip-searched, interviewed, kept overnight in a cell and then released without charge". She was released the next day, interestingly, on the 150th anniversary of Speakers’ Corner.

Wooden Cross Set on Fire in Riccall Church

June 24, 2022, United Kingdom

An arson attack took place at the St. Mary's Church in Riccall on Friday 24. June. A wooden cross that was attached to the front entrance of the church was set on fire and destroyed. Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime, as the religious symbol was directly targeted.

Wooden Eagle lectern stolen from church

June 12, 2022, United Kingdom

The wooden eagle lectern was stolen from St Mary's Church in Gunthorpe by unknown perpetrators. The theft is believed to have taken place at some point during the weekend of Saturday, June 11, and Sunday, June 12. The police were able to return the eagle lectern the Church in Gunthorpe.

Windows of a Church in Wolverhampton Smashed with Stones

June 11, 2022, United Kingdom

The West Midlands police have released CCTV footage of three people wanted for smashing the windows of Life City Church with stones on 11 and 13 June. The damage to the church was £1000 and a complaint has been made.

Former Church Set on Fire in Eckington

June 6, 2022, United Kingdom

A large church in Eckington, which has not been used for quite some time, was set on fire by unknown arsonists on the 3rd of June. Residents were told to leave their homes and two fire departments had to be called. Although this church may have been unused, its religious value was still present.

Extreme Vandalism and Property Damage to Church in Barrhead

May 27, 2022, United Kingdom

In a series of break-ins at the former South and Levern Church, more than £50,000 of damage was caused by unknown vandals. In the latest act of vandalism on the 27th of May, the organ was destroyed and radiators were torn off the walls. Although the church has been closed, it is still a sight that carries religious sentiment for many people.

Windows Broken by Teenagers at Ringmer Church

May 23, 2022, United Kingdom

The stained glass windows of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in Ringmer were broken by youth with catapults and ball bearings on May 23rd. The police identified the culprits and confiscated their catapults. A police spokesperson said: “The youths will subsequently be coming into Lewes Police Station to account for their actions.”

Newtown Church Windows Vandalized For a Second Time

May 22, 2022, United Kingdom

After the windows of the St. David's Church in Newtown were broken the month before, someone returned to break them again on the 22nd of May. The church has not been used for many years but is a historic building and a religious symbol. Paul Williams, a local, said: "This is really sickening yet again. Whoever you are, stop it."

Arson Attack to Catholic Chapel in Newry

May 22, 2022, United Kingdom

St Catherine’s Dominican Chapel, a Catholic chapel in Newry, was targeted by arsonists who set religious books and pamphlets on fire. Nobody was hurt, in the incident which happened on the 22nd of May, but the head priest had to put the fire out. A witness said they saw youths running from the scene and it was guessed that they were the arsonists.

Church in Ayrshire Repeatedly Targeted by Vandals

May 20, 2022, United Kingdom

The Kilmarnock South Parish Church in Ayrshire, was repeatedly targeted by vandals during May. Over several weeks, doors were smashed and glass was broken by a group of youth who were seen on CCTV. A spokesperson for The Well, an outreach group that organizes events at the church, said: "We are slowly trying to get the place up and running to serve the community but this is just soul destroying."

Member of Scottish Parliament Launched Bill for Censorship Zones Around Abortion Clinics

May 20, 2022, United Kingdom

Gillian Mackay, an MSP for the Green Party, "initiated a public consultation on the Bill" that would allow a 2-year sentence to be assigned to someone who "attempts to influence or persuade someone seeking an abortion inside censorship zones," reported "RighttoLife" News. Some claim, there has been a rise in incidents outside abortion clinics involving pro-life activists, but Robert Colquhoun, the campaign director for "40 Days for Life", disagreed saying that it was actually just increased media attention that made it seem so. The introduction of such zones would negatively impact Christians who often attend such vigils due to their biblically based pro-life belief.

Theft of Memorial statue from All Saints Church graveyard

May 20, 2022, United Kingdom

Between the 16th and 20th May the memorial statue from the All Saints Graveyard was stolen in Glazebury. The police reported that the family that owned the memorial statue was deeply affected and were looking for witnesses.

Suspected Youth Arrested for Arson at Newtown Church

May 19, 2022, United Kingdom

After a fire broke out in one room of the Evangelical Church in Newton, the police arrested one a young suspect. The fire happened on Thursday 19th of May, it was confined to one room and burned a sofa and a chair. The Dyfed-Powys Police commented: “Police are working closely with the church and that there will be a police presence at the site in the short term, with patrols increased in the area beyond that.” The police have arrested a young vandal on suspicion of arson.

Cross and Candlestick Stolen from Church in Addington

May 10, 2022, United Kingdom

A cross and candlestick were stolen from the medieval church of St. Mary in Addington on the 10th of May. Reverend Debbie Forman said that the items have "little intrinsic value" but the church is "not the same without them." The church remained open and the hope was that the thief, who was not known, would return them.

Church in Rotherham Trashed by Illegal Party

May 10, 2022, United Kingdom

On May 10th, vandals broke into the Rotherham Church and trashed the interior. They drank wine and left broken bottles everywhere as well as destroying the church-run nursery which is used to help single mothers with childcare. The incident forced the nursery to close for a week.

Relic containing the blood of a Polish priest was stolen from a church

May 9, 2022, United Kingdom

The St. Nicholas Church in Boston was the victim of a burglary on the night between the 9th and 10th of May. One of the stolen items was the reliquary containing the blood of Jerzy Popieluszko, a Polish priest who was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church in 2009. The police are investigating.

Anglican Chapel Severly Vandalised and Mocked

May 8, 2022, United Kingdom

St. Mary's church near Saxton, Yorkshire, which is an important listed building, was vandalized by anonymous intruders on May 8th. A volunteer group that takes care of the chapel wrote on Facebook: "A sickening sight this morning...litter, smashed vases, glass everywhere, and worst of all the crosses broken too. To add insult to injury, a note of apology with a fake phone number," was also left there. The chapel stands in an isolated field and has often been a place of refuge.

Parental Consent Not Needed for Children Under 16 Years Old to Take Puberty Blockers

May 6, 2022, United Kingdom

On the 6th of May, the Supreme Court of the UK declined to take the Bell v Tavistock case, regarding puberty blockers for teenagers under 16 years old, which means the ruling by the Court of Appeals will currently stand. After the High Court ruled that 13-year-olds were not old enough and needed parental consent to begin hormone blockers; Tavistock appealed in June of 2021 and the Court of Appeals ruled that it was not the High Court's decision to make. Instead, they ruled that parental consent was unnecessary and that clinicians could decide it with their patients. This is a significant concern for Christian parents who would disagree with such treatment.

Vandalism and Arson at St. Nicholas Church

April 29, 2022, United Kingdom

The St. Nicholas Church in Swallow was targeted by vandalism on April 29th. Unknown perpetrators, possibly youth, took two picnic benches from the church to a park, set fire to one, and painted the other with obscene language and initials. The church was quite disappointed by the act especially since it took time to repair the damage.

Scottish Ministers Criticized for Seeking Dialogue Between Pro-life and Pro-Choice Groups

April 27, 2022, United Kingdom

Scottish ministers said they plan to explore options of mediation with pro-life activists regarding "buffer zones" around abortion clinics. According to minutes from an abortion "buffer zone" meeting in February, the Centre for Good Relations asked for engagement “with all interested parties, not just those who are directly involved with the conflict itself." The ministers were criticized for their plan which aims to understand “the issues and perspective from all sides."

Church Windows in Newtown Smashed

April 25, 2022, United Kingdom

The windows of the St. David's Church in Newtown were smashed by vandals on April 25th. It was not known who did the act and someone who was closely affiliated with the church said it was "absolutely disgusting to see yet again," which implies that vandalism similar to this has already occurred.

Flag Ripped Down from Church in Bellshill

April 23, 2022, United Kingdom

A Union Jack, put up to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee, was torn down from the St. Andrew's Free Church in Bellshill. Reverend Jason Lingiah, has labelled the attack an "anti-Protestant sectarian hate crime." The flag was thrown near the wall and left, while the pole was bent.

Insults and Vandalism in Magherafelt Church

April 23, 2022, United Kingdom

Three teenagers entered the Magherafelt Catholic church on the 23rd of April and, after verbally insulting the priest, damaged several objects. Officers then arrested three suspects aged 11, 13, and 15, for a number of charges including criminal damage, as they smashed a vase, threw the Bible and other holy books around, and damaged a microphone. They appeared in court, for what the police called a hate crime, and two of them were banned from entering the Magherafelt area while the third still awaits trial.

£20,000 Theft from Church in Cambridgeshire

April 23, 2022, United Kingdom

Two large bass instruments and a euphonium were stolen from the St. Peters Church in Cambridgeshire on April 23rd. The instruments are worth around £20,000 so it was a significant loss for the church especially since it was not covered by insurance. The Cambridgeshire Constabulary were investigating the crime and needed more information.

Teenagers Vandalise St. Helen's Church in Cliffe

April 18, 2022, United Kingdom

Teenager, thought to be between 11 and 12 years old, broke 7 stained glass windows in St. Helen's church in Cliffe and damaged several roof tiles around the 18 of April. The cost of the damage was extensive and could be in the thousands since the kind of roof tile used was particularly expensive. The children's parents said the actions were "inexcusable" and some even made them apologize to the churchwarden.

Repeated Vandalism to Hartlepool Church

April 15, 2022, United Kingdom

Over four consecutive nights, ending on April 15th, vandals have visited the St Patrick’s Church in Hartlepool and caused thousand of pounds of damage. They broke around a dozen stained glass windows and left the inside fo the church covered with masonry ruble.

Windows in Shrewsbury Church Smashed During Service

April 15, 2022, United Kingdom

During an evensong service in the Shrewsbury church of St. Chad's, vandals smashed the stained glass widows of the church causing £8,000 in damage, and endangered those inside. The incident happened on the 15th of May at a church which often holds large events. Church warden Joanna Hepper said: "This was extremely upsetting for the congregation and could have caused injury."

76-year-old Grandmother Arrested for Praying Outside during Lockdown

April 13, 2022, United Kingdom

76-year-old Rosa Lalor was arrested on February 24th, 2021 as she did not have a "reasonable excuse" to be outside at the time. This was despite her explaining to the police officer that she was "walking and praying," and daily exercise was allowed. The officer accused her of not praying in a house of worship and fined her £200 after detaining her in a police car. She challenged this fine and has taken it to court with the help of ADF UK.

DIY Abortion Pills Violate Parental Rights in England

April 5, 2022, United Kingdom

New DIY abortion laws in the UK, allow for women to have an abortion without seeing a medical professional; but, by simple talking, and then ordering pills over the phone. This raised serious concern for the health of women and the possibility for minors to abort without properly consulting a professional or their parents before starting something that could traumatize their lives. Parental rights are violated in this case, which is especially problematic for Christian parents who would not agree with their child taking such actions.

2 Churches Vandalized in Sprowston

April 3, 2022, United Kingdom

St. Mary and St. Margaret's Church in Sprowston were victims of vandalistic attacks on April 3rd. Police were investigating the act in which the intruders threw toys at the spotlight in the nave, broke eggs inside the building, smashed the organ, and tried to start a fire.

Two Churches Attacked with Eggs and Vandalism in Sprowston

April 3, 2022, United Kingdom

St. Mary and St. Margaret's Church in Sprowston were victims of vandalistic attacks on April 3rd. Police were investigating the act in which the intruders threw toys at the spotlight in the nave, broke eggs inside the building, smashed the organ, and tried to start a fire.