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Reverend Assaulted After Discussions with Muslims

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian minister was brutally attacked in London by three men who ripped off his cross, stole his Bible and threatened to break his legs. Metropolitan Police treated the case as a ‘faith hate’ assault.

Archbishop’s Homeless Charity Suspends Christian for Answering Questions about His Faith

March 27, 2009, United Kingdom

An employee at a Christian ‘homeless’ charity, whose Patron is the Archbishop of Canterbury, was suspended for answering questions about his faith to a colleague at work.

St Mary’s Church in Heworth Raided

March 14, 2009, United Kingdom

St Mary’s Church in Heworth has been once more targeted by thieves and vandals.

Christian Party Office Vandalized after Publishing Add

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The Christian Party office was vandalized days after the party launched a bus advertising campaign with the slogan, “There definitely is a God. So join the Christian party and enjoy your life.” The ad was a response to widespread atheist ads which carried the slogan, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The Metropolitan Police investigated the vandalism as a ‘religious hate crime’.

Youth Gang Attacks Church Pastor in Rochdale

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Rochdale was attacked by a gang of up to 20 youths. Pastor Dennis Rigg and his brother were making preparations in the church building for their father’s funeral when the group attacked the pastor and shouted out abuse relating to their Christian faith.

Oxford Churches Broken Into to ‘Make a Point’ against Church of England

February 24, 2009, United Kingdom

Between 15 and 24 February 2009 two churches in the Oxford area were broken into and highly symbolic religious items were desecrated. Local police officers thought the two incidents were linked and were possibly religiously motivated attacks to make a point against the Church of England. In both incidents safes containing communion bread at the churches were forced open, but nothing was stolen in either case. It is estimated that there was £3,000 worth of damage at St James the Great, in West Hanney, and in St Nicholas Church, in East Challow.

School Receptionist Faces Dismissal over Prayer Request

February 12, 2009, United Kingdom

A five-year-old girl was reprimanded for talking about her faith at school and her mother, Jennie Cain, who worked part-time at her daughter’s school, was investigated for professional misconduct and faced disciplinary action. The school has settled out of court.

Christian Carer Struck Off

February 8, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian foster carer has been struck off because she allowed a Muslim child in her care to convert to Christianity.

Nurse Suspended for Offering Prayer to a Patient

February 2, 2009, United Kingdom

A nurse was suspended from work without pay for having asked a patient whether she wanted prayer. The nurse has been reinstated after public protests.

London Homelessness Prevention Officer Suspended for Mentioning Faith

January 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A homelessness prevention officer with Wandsworth Council has been suspended from work for nearly two months for encouraging a homeless woman with an incurable medical condition to look to God for help.

(Scotland) Christian Radio Presenter Sacked

January 11, 2009, United Kingdom

Muslim Radio sacks Christian presenter after six years of cooperation.

Home for Retired Missionaries Loses Funding on Gay Issues in Questionaire

January 9, 2009, United Kingdom

Brighton Council requests care home for elderly Christians to ask its residents about their sexual orientation and cuts funding when rejected.

Christian Teacher Suspended For Disagreeing With Gay Issues At Training

January 2, 2009, United Kingdom

Christian teacher suspended pending a disciplinary investigation after disagreeing with and complaining about the way a staff training session promoted homosexuality.

(/Scotland) Kirk Minister Battered on Christmas Day

December 25, 2008, United Kingdom

A Church of Scotland minister was attacked by a gang of youths on Christmas Day. Reverend Gordon MacKenzie was taking a walk when he was jumped on from behind by a trio of youths he had just passed. He was knocked to the ground by blows about the head and body, then kicked and punched as he was lying on the floor. Revd MacKenzie required hospital treatment for a broken nose, a broken tooth and various injuries to the hand, face and body.

Christmas References Banned in Oxford

December 24, 2008, United Kingdom

References to Christmas were banned in Oxford and Christmas festivities renamed "Winter Light celebrations" to be "more inclusive. Protests come from Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

Writer and BBC Guest is Not Longer Welcome by the Media Corporation

September 25, 2008, United Kingdom

Rev Graham P Taylor, author of the best-seller Shadowmancer, sometimes called the new C. S. Lewis, said the BBC does not welcome him anymore because he could be seen as promoting Christianity. Taylor, a parish priest who signed a £3.5 million contract to publish Shadowmancer claims that the relationship with the BBC went well "until they realised that there were religious allegories in my stories".

College Removes Christmas and Easter from Calendar

September 16, 2008, United Kingdom

Yorkshire Coast College renamed its school breaks without reference to Christian holidays in an effort to ensure diversity- Christmas and Easter no longer appear on the college’s calendar.

Street Preacher Asked to Stop Activity

September 15, 2008, United Kingdom

The St Edmundsbury Borough Council told open air preacher, Brian Dee, who had been preaching in the marketplace in Bury St Edmunds for over 10 years, that he was not allowed, under a local bye-law aimed at reducing litter, to distribute tracts. A strongly worded letter was sent to the Council warning that Mr Dee had a right to preach and distribute tracts and if the Council continued to interfere with his rights legal action would be taken. The Council backed down conceding that there was no evidence that Mr Dee had caused a litter problem and accepted that he could continue preaching and distributing tracts.

Amnesty International Supports Anti-Catholic Bigotry During Gay Pride Belfast

September 11, 2008, United Kingdom

Amnesty International participated this year in the homosexualist movement's efforts to insult and vilify the Catholic Church during the Belfast gay pride festival in August. Amnesty's Belfast director has admitted that the group was using the Belfast Pride event to caricature the Cardinal Archbishop of Riga, Janis Pujats, who has spoken out strongly against the homosexualist movement's efforts in Latvia.

Trades Union Congress Calls for Christian to Be Sacked from Equality and Human Right Commission

September 10, 2008, United Kingdom

The Trades Union Congress (TUC), a federation of trade unions in the United Kingdom, has issued a call for the removal of a Christian Equality and Human Rights Commissioner. Joel Edwards is the director of the Evangelical Alliance and a figure loathed by homosexualist activists for his forthright calls for a re-insertion of Christian morals in public life and defence of the rights of Christians who oppose the homosexualist political agenda.