All cases

Catholic Bookstore Vandalised in Paris

March 15, 2013, France

The window of a Catholic bookshop, Our Lady of France (former "Bookstore Petit Pont ") was smashed.

Attempted Arson at Saint-Nicolas Church in Fribourg

March 11, 2013, Switzerland

On March 11th at around 7pm, the cantonal police were called to the scene at Saint-Nicolas in Fribourg, as an employee restrained two individuals who tried to hang a banner in the cathedral. They had also poured gasoline into the stoup to set it on fire.

Coffins Opened and Graves Desecrated

March 6, 2013, Croatia

Unknown perpetrator(s) damaged two graves and opened the coffins. The damage was detected by a member of the family of one of the deceased. At an old concrete tomb of an unknown owner, the tombstone was moved and the coffin was opened, and there was another case involving the desecration of an earthen grave. Some of the earth that had covered the coffin, which was apparently opened, had caved in. Around the grave were scattered bones. The incident was recorded by the police who performed an investigation.

Church Vandalised in Lecce

March 3, 2013, Italy

Vandals entered the St. Michael's Parish Centre in Lecce and set fire to a holy book that was on the lectern. Fortunately the fire was put out before more damage was done.

Magazine Defames Benedict XVI and His Secretary

March 2, 2013, Germany

Due to the Pope's resignation, in a caricature on its title page, the German magazine, Titanic, implied Pope Emeritus Benedict and his secretary, Archbishop Gänswein to be engaging in homosexual sex, uttering "Finally - sex!". This hurts religious feelings of the faithful, defames both and deepens a negative stereotype against church hierarchy.

Magazine Caricatures Conclave as Group Sex

February 28, 2013, France

The French Magazine Charlie Hebdo comments on the election of the new Catholic Pontiff with a caricature on its title page showing the cardinals having group sex and calling their sexual climax the descendence of the Holy Spirit. The faithful perceive this as hurtful and intolerant to their religious convictions.

Magazine Front Page Caricature Upsets Christians

February 27, 2013, France

On the occasion of the resignation of pope Benedict XVI and the conclave in which a new pope ought to be elected, the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, featured a caricature on its front cover which shows the cardinals engaging in group sex. The words suggest that it is their sexual pleasure which the cardinals mockingly call the Holy Spirit.

Church Burglarised and Desecrated in Oberhausem

February 27, 2013, Germany

Unidentified criminals burglarised and vandalised the Catholic church St. Josef in Oberhausem, North Rhine Westphalia. The act included desecration of the tabernacle, the altar and a relic. Several precious stones were taken and the registry was left in disarray.

Vandalism and Burglary in St. Joseph’s Church in Oberhausen

February 27, 2013, Germany

The church of St. Joseph’s in Oberhausen, Germany was broken into by a burglar who after a failed attempt to enter through a window broke the door to the sacristy. He smashed an old alter relic when trying to open the next door into the church. The police were called and came with their tracking dogs but they lost the trail. All the cabinets in the church were broken and the contents dumped on the ground. Microphone and sound cables were torn out and on his way out the burglar stole gems.

Church Vandalised in Gummersbach, Hessen

February 22, 2013, Germany

Around 12 pm on the 22nd of February unknown perpetrators broke into the parish of Gummersbach, Hessen and stole the offertory. They pried it off the wall with scissors which seriously damaged the sacral space.

Church Vandalised and Burglarised in Lünen

February 21, 2013, Germany

In the night of the 21st of February the registry of the St-Marys church of Lünen was broken into and gravely damaged. The place was left in disarray and the offertory was emptied.

Vandalism and Burglary in the Church of St. Mary in Lünen

February 21, 2013, Germany

Unidentified perpetrators broke into St Mary's Church in Lünen, Germany. They also vandalised the youth centre and the parish centre. Much damage was done but hardly anything stolen. In the youth centre one of the billiard tables was badly damaged.

Nail Bomb Placed in Almudena Cathedral in Madrid

February 20, 2013, Spain

A nail bomb was found in the Almudena Cathedral by a priest who reported seeing a suspicious looking bag on leaving the confessional. The Cathedral was evacuated before anyone was hurt by the home-made device, and the police were able to deactivate it without any damage being done.

Offertory of Catholic Church in Dieringhausen Stolen

February 19, 2013, Germany

Using a scissor a perpetrator pried the offertory off the wall of the Catholic Church on Dieringhauser street in Gummersbach. He also took the container and its contents.

Satanic Graffiti on Church in Urbino Duomo

February 17, 2013, Italy

Inverted crosses and 666 were found on two doors of the church. The three doors were dented as well, one whose neoclassical façade was rebuilt by Valadier in 1801, following a strong earthquake in 1789.

Church in Orléans Twice the Target of Vandals

February 14, 2013, France

The church of Saint-Paterne in Orléans, France, became twice the victim of vandalism. Sometime during the night of the 11th to 12th of February, three of its poor boxes were pillaged, and then again from the night of the 14th to 15th of February, the door of the tabernacle was forced open and the ciborium emptied of its contents, the hosts spread over the floor. A covering was taken, but not the ciborium. In addition, the church Notre-Dame des Miracles, also in Orléans, was robbed.

T-Shirt Company in Pamplona Prints Derisive Cartoon Picturing a Catholic Bishop

February 13, 2013, Spain

The Spanish T-shirt company Kukuxumusu, known for its humorous T-shirt designs picturing cartoon animals such as sheep and bulls, printed a shirt with a bull dressed in Catholic bishop’s clothing flanked by two sheep, one of whom he is suspiciously touching. The other sheep is pulling up the “bishop’s”garment to reveal a devil’s tail. Many found this both offensive to their faith and a needless mockery of the serious matter of pedophilia.

Anti-Pope Protests in Notre Dame Cathedral

February 12, 2013, France

Female activists undress and shout anti-pope slogans to comment the resignation of Pope Benedict XYI in the Paris Cathedral of Notre. Toplessly, they hammered at bells and shouted "Crisis of faith,", “Pope no more!” “Bye-bye Benedict!”, “No more homophobe!” and "In gay we trust!".

Polish Erasmus Student Arrested in Cadiz for Destroying a Crucifix

February 12, 2013, Spain

A twenty-four year old Polish Erasmus student in Cadiz was arrested after purportedly entering a church and throwing a crucifix to the ground, breaking the arms and legs off of the eighteenth century religious piece. A church official tried to detain the youth, but he escaped and was later apprehended by police to await trial.

Catholics Insulted by Depiction of Key Shrine Lourdes

February 11, 2013, France

French Catholics were insulted by an historically inaccurate article published in the French weekly, Le Point, on the 155th Anniversary of the pilgrimage site, Lourdes.

YouTube Video Calls For Violence Against Priests

February 10, 2013, International

On February 10th a youtube video was uploaded by user „Porco Dio“ containing several blasphemous pictures and comments such as "God Swine", "Our Lady the Pig",
"Bastards in white" (referring to priests) and 
“I would like to cook a nice plate of mixed things with that saint Joseph". They also ridicule the Lord’s Prayer.

Anti-Christian Counter Manifestation to Pro Life Activity

February 9, 2013, France

During a prayer meeting in front of the abortion clinic of the l’Hôpital Tenon in Paris, pro-lifers were confronted with a counter demonstration of the group “Hâter la République” (“Rush the Republic”) which held up posters depicting Jesus carrying the cross comparing the cross to an UID, a contraceptive loop. It said: “Jesus too… had a loop!”

Graffiti on Walls of Church in Vigasio

February 9, 2013, Italy

Two young girls entered the church and using black spray paint made a smiling devil who "hates the Vatican”, a slanderous stylized crucifix and wrote insults in English.

University Assistant Professor Loses Job Due to Opposition to “Gay Marriage”

February 7, 2013, Germany

A Cologne university professor lost his job because he had spoken for Christian values and against “gay” marriages in a TV appearance. The university claimed that such views were not to be tolerated.

Vandalism and Arson in Two Churches in Cusio

February 6, 2013, Italy

Within two days there were 4 arson attacks and 6 cases of vandalism in the parish of Saint Catherine and Saint Audenzio Pettenasco. The fire did not spread through the buildings but curtains were burnt and the wooden upper part of the entrance that supports the choir and a precious organ were damaged. A hammer was used to destroy the gate of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bocciolo, an awl was used on other doors and insults were written against the church.

Church of Saint-Germain de Charonne in Paris Marked with Graffiti

February 6, 2013, France

The Church of Saint-Germain de Charonne in Paris was marked with the words, “The only church that illuminates is the one that burns.”

Christian Graves Vandalised in Bages D’Aude

February 4, 2013, France

Right before All Hallows Eve three tombs in the cemetery of Banges D’Aude were vandalised, with their decorations and flowers destroyed. A complaint was placed with the Gendarmerie.

Burglars and Fire at Catholic Church in Dorsten

February 4, 2013, Germany

Burglars targeted the Catholic church of St. Boniface in Dorsten. They stole several items as well as cash and set the community centre on fire. According to the police the damages amount to several hundred thousand euros.

Church Vandalised in Lyon

February 1, 2013, France

At the parish the Name of Jesus in Lyon the parish priest discovered on February 1st that the facade had been vandalised with the statue of Jeremiah removed from its niche and beheaded on the floor.

Graffiti Threatens Christians in Ljubljana

February 1, 2013, Slovenia

Unknown perpetrators sprayed on a wall of a shopping center on one of the thoroughfares in Ljubljana on 1 February 2013 a graffiti threatening Christians with violence. “Kristjani – klali smo vas 1945 – klali vas bomo 2013” - “Christians – we slaughtered you in 1945 – we shall slaughter you in 2013”, was sprayed in large letters on a wall.

Schoolchild Punished for Refusing to Memorise a Verse of the Koran

January 29, 2013, France

A child at a Catholic school in France was punished for refusing to memorise a verse of the Koran in January 2013. At the school of Notre Dame de St Mihiel in the Meuse, Lorraine, a pupil refused to memorise a verse of the Koran as a part of a class on Islam. Two mothers arranged a meeting with the teacher to explain their disagreement with the punishment. Instead of removing the punishment or allowing the student to opt-out of the class the school director informed the mother of the punished child that she considers removing the child from the school.

Protestant Church in Amberg Devastated

January 29, 2013, Germany

In Amberg, Hochsauerlandkreis, on the 29th of January the sacred space of the Protestant Resurrection Church was devastated and chalices for communion were stolen.

Professor in Zagreb Makes Offensive Catholic Comment

January 29, 2013, Croatia

During a visit by Mrs. Judith Reisman to the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Zagreb on January 29, 2013, the dean of this faculty, Prof. Dr. Nenad Zakošek, said, among other things: “If anyone indoctrinated them (students), then it is the Catholic Church.”

New Mandatory Sex Ed Programme Violates Rights of Parents

January 27, 2013, Croatia

Christian parents are outraged over the contents of the governments new sex ed. programme. The government insisted and made opting out illegal, until the constitutional court found that the contents were against the law.

Anti-Christian Images and Posters at Pro-Gay Marriage Rally in Paris

January 27, 2013, France

The French gay activist lobby groups hosted a pro-gay marriage on the 27th of January. Unlike the pro-family rally of the 13th of January, whose posters and messages focused on images or phrases that reminded onlookers of the traditional family and of children’s need for a mother and father, the 27th of January demonstration signs were largely aimed at insulting Christians and the Pope. Some signs were calling for the “Pope to tie his own fallopian tubes.” Others called the Virgin Mary the first “surrogate mother”, while still others stated that gays were "less likely to harm children than priests".

Poster Depicts a Lesbian Virgin Mary Couple

January 17, 2013, Croatia

A poster advertisement for the play "Fine Dead Girls" contained an image with two Blessed Virgins embracing each other as lesbians. The play took place in the Zagreb theater Gavela. The poster was withdrawn after protests.

British Airways Banned Employee from Wearing a Cross, ECHR Confirms a Violation of Freedom of Religion

January 15, 2013, United Kingdom

(October 2006 - January 2013)In October 2006 an employee, Ms Eweida, was banned from wearing a cross on a necklace by British Airways, UK. Court ruling in January 2008 upheld prohibition for Christians, but not for other religions' symbols. On January 15th, 2013, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Ms Eweida's rights had been violated.

Christian Counsellors Freedom of Conscience Trumped by Rights of Homosexuals

January 15, 2013, United Kingdom

The rights of homosexual couples trumped those of Christians, according to a ruling of the Employment Appeal Tribunal. The European Court of Human Rights dismissed the Christian applicant Gary McFarlane and left the balancing out of rights to national appreciation.

Registrar’s Wish Not to Register Homosexual Unions Rejected

January 15, 2013, United Kingdom

Lillian Ladele, a Christian registrar, was disciplined because of her stance on civil partnerships. The European Court of Human Rights dismissed Ladele’s application on January 15th, 2013 and left the balancing out of rights to the national authorities.

Christian Nurse Loses Battle to Wear Crucifix at Work

January 15, 2013, United Kingdom

The Employment Tribunal found ‘No Discrimination’ despite the ruling that a Christian nurse cannot wear a cross for religious reasons though a Muslim can wear a hijab for religious reasons. On January 15th, 2013, the European Court of Human Rights confirmed that the hospital could make such policies - if justified by health and safety reasons.

ECHR Decides Against Freedom of Religion in Three Cases, in Favour of One

January 15, 2013, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

On January 15th, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in the four UK Freedom of Religion cases: one was ruled in favour and three against. The decision of the Court is not yet final and can be appealed to the Grand Chamber of the Court.

Protestant Churches Vandalised and Burglarised in Hessen

January 15, 2013, Germany

In Rödermark (Hessen) and the district of Offenbach Protestant churches were targeted by vandals. Altar clothes, bibles and other things were stolen. Due to these incidents, the targeted churches remain closed during the night.

Church Vandalised in Duren

January 14, 2013, Germany

In Duren (NRW) the St. Cyriac Church was completely defiled and the tabernacle desecrated. The damage was so grave that the church was pronounced unfit for service.

Topless Feminists Protest Against Vatican's Policy on Gay Adoption

January 13, 2013, Italy

When Pope Benedict XVI gave his weekly Sunday address on January 13, 2013, on St. Peter's Square, four women of the Ukrainian feminist group Femen took off their shirts to reveal the slogan they had written on their bare skin, "In Gay We Trust". This took place while the pope lead the Angelus prayer. The women screamed "Homophobes shut up" as they were taken away from St Peter's square by the Italian police.

Bishop of Trieste Barricaded After Reiterating Church Teaching on Homosexuality in Church Newspaper

January 12, 2013, Italy

In the January edition of the Diocesan newspaper, the Bishop of Trieste had published an article restating the Church’s teaching on homosexual unions. Because of this, on the 12th of January about two hundred homosexual activist demonstrated in front of his home effectively barricading him in for the afternoon.

French Government to “Dissolve Religious Pathology” and “Excesses” in the Church

January 6, 2013, France

Instead of tackling the enormous number of anti-Christian vandalisms, President Hollande announced 'the National Observatory of Secularism' to come into being this year, tasked with closely monitoring religious organisations for any potential 'excesses'. French Interior Minister Manuel Valls highlighted various Catholic organisations, stating that "All excesses are being minutely registered in case we have to consider dissolving it."

Thousands Petition to Keep Chapels Open at Complutense University in Madrid

January 4, 2013, Spain

Tens of thousands petitioned Jose Carrillo, the rector of Complutense University asking that the agreement with the Archdiocese of Madrid be adhered to and that the closing of university chapels be stopped. According to a spokesman for the religious-liberty organization MasLibres, Miguel Vidal, the “rector has argued that the university is not trying to shut down chapels, but to revise its agreement with the archdiocese.”

TV Host Suspended for Critical Show on Government's Sex Ed Programme

January 1, 2013, Croatia

Ms Karolina Vidović-Krišto, a well-respected journalist with HRT/HTV, was the editor and host of a popular program “Slika Hrvatske”, produced specifically for Croatians living overseas. She was suspended after editing and hosting a show which criticised the government's sex ed programme on December 29, 2012.

Minister of Science, Education and Sports Recommendation not in Keeping with Legal Regulations

January 1, 2013, Croatia

The Recommendation by the Minister of Science, Education and Sports, Mr. Ž. Jovanović, on conducting religious instruction in elementary schools during the first and last hours of the day (as of April 3, 2012), is still in force. This Recommendation discriminates against the regular nature of religious instruction which was agreed upon in international contracts.

Chanting Naked Man Caught in Zagreb Cathedral

December 31, 2012, Croatia

On the 31st of December 2012, a naked man was caught chanting: „Sex in Schools!“ in the Cathedral of Zagreb, Croatia. This was reported by the Apostolic Nunciature in Croatia.