All cases

After Two Fires Church Temporarily Closed

April 3, 2024, France

Within 24 hours two fires hit the Saint-Serge Church in Angers. On April 2, the altar of the chapel of the Virgin Mary was set on fire. On the next day a fire broke out in front of the Saint-Ambroise statue. A suspect women was spotted and arrested by the police.

Church Smeared with Eggs, Glue and Dog Excrement

April 3, 2024, United Kingdom

Rivertown Church in Shotton was subject to vandalism. Eggs were thrown at the rear door. Previously, glue and dog excrement were smeared on the same door. Furthermore, the church has seen damage to both locks and seats inside. In light of the church’s effort in running a community hub, the incident appears very distressing to volunteers and the church community.

Controversy about secular court ruling on dismissal of a nun under canonical procedure

April 3, 2024, France

In an unusual case, a secular civilian court has issued a ruling against the Vatican’s in-house canonical procedures in the case of the dismissal of a French nun from her order and has sparked discussions on religious autonomy. On April 3, the Lorient tribunal ruled in favour of a nun who turned to the French court after being removed from a monastery in Brittany. The Vatican replied in a written statement that such a ruling on "internal discipline and membership in a religious institute" would be a "serious violation of the fundamental rights to religious freedom and freedom of association of Catholic faithful."

Church starts dialogue project after severe vandalism

April 2, 2024, Italy

On April 2, the parish priest of the St. Anthony's Oratory in Porto Mantovano, Trento, found the oratory severely vandalised. Next to smashed locks, broken doors and glass, damaged objects and furniture, there was dirt, a swastika and offensive writings on the floor. The incident, was only the latest in a series of vandalism attacks on the oratory. The priest therefore reached out to the community for help.

Scottish 'Hate Speech' Bill Could Limit Freedom of Religion

April 1, 2024, United Kingdom

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 came into force on April 1, 2024. The Act could criminalise expressions of religious convictions, religious and human rights groups fear.

Liturgical clothings and procession flags stolen from church

March 31, 2024, Germany

On March 31, a stole, procession flags and clothing were stolen from the Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of Mary in Scheinfeld, Germany. The perpetrator was apparently hiding in the confessional during mass before stealing the objects. The man also damaged the confessional, which caused damage of approximately 200 euros.

Man Insults Congregation and Attacks Liturgical Servant During Mass

March 30, 2024, Poland

A 38-year-old disrupted the Holy Saturday celebrations at the All Saints parish in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. Entering the altar area, he loudly shouted vulgar words from the pulpit. When being asked to leave the altar stage, he attacked one of the liturgical servants as well as a police officer during arrest.

Thwarted Terrorist Attack on Notre Dame de Paris

March 30, 2024, France

An Egyptian man with links to ISIS has been arrested over a suspected terrorist attack on the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, as became known in the media on March 30. The man was arrested on March 5 by officers from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI). Thanks to the work of the domestic intelligence services, the terrorist was identified, arrested for "criminal terrorist association" and placed in pre-trial detention.

"Never again!" Banner Stolen from Church Fence

March 30, 2024, Germany

In the night from Good Friday to Holy Saturday, unknown perpetrators removed a banner from the fence of St Sebastian's parish and stole it. The campaign slogan: "Never again! - Strong together for democracy and against right-wing extremism!" Investigations are ongoing. 

Theft and Vandalism in two Portuguese Churches

March 29, 2024, Portugal

In the night of Good Friday, two churches in the Portuguese towns Golegã and Pombalinho were subjects to theft and vandalism.

Good Friday: Altar of Neuhaus church damaged with fire

March 29, 2024, Germany

An unknown person damaged the altar in the Catholic Church in Neuhaus an der Pegnitz, Germany, on Good Friday, March 29. According to the police, the perpetrator apparently "held a candle to the altar in such a way that the wood and the altar cloth were damaged". Fortunately, the fire did not spread.

Vandalism at St John's Church Alresford

March 28, 2024, United Kingdom

In the night before Maundy Thursday, Easter crosses and the noticeboard of Baptist St John's Church in Alresford were vandalised.

ISIS boasts of "killing Christians" in Moscow attack

March 22, 2024, Russia

On 22 March, a terrorist attack targeting an event location close to Moscow resulted in the deaths of at least 137 people. Gunmen armed with automatic weapons opened fire during a crowded concert at Crocus City Hall. ISIS statements claiming responsibility for the attack boasted of “killing Christians”.

Suspected arson at church of of St Julia

March 21, 2024, France

On the morning of Thursday, 21 March 2024, a fire broke out in the church of Saint-Agathe and Saint-Julien in the village of Saint-Julia. The canvas burned and when the mayor, Christian Lagente, entered the church at around 10 am, everything was engulfed in smoke. The mayor made the first attempts to extinguish the fire before help arrived.

Bust of Christ Vandalised at Rennes Church

March 20, 2024, France

A bust of Christ was vandalised and the church door damaged in Church of Saint-Germain in Rennes. The vandalism was discovered by the parish priest, Father Philippe Hebert, on March 20. The priest lodged a complaint the next day, investigations are ongoing.

Desecration of church in Reggino

March 19, 2024, Italy

The church of San Giuseppe, in Melito Porto Salvo, in Reggino, was desecrated by unknown individuals. The perpetrators damaged the security cameras, forced entry into the church, stole the consecrated host and scatter the others. Furthermore, a sacred vessel was also taken.

Arson in St Benedict Church prevented by employee

March 19, 2024, Germany

An unknown person set fire to a seat cushion and a shrub that were placed in the front area of the church in Eisenharz for the upcoming First Communion. The fire was extinguished by an employee, but the pew and shrub were damaged. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Vandalism in three churches

March 19, 2024, Poland

On March 19, the church Jana Pawła Street, Konstantynów, was vandalised. The perpetrator kicked a cross, damaged three windows and knocked over tables, pews, and kneelers. The cost of the damage amounts to PLN 5,000.

Organ Damaged in Waltrop Church

March 19, 2024, Germany

On Tuesday, March 19, a fire extinguisher was emptied into the pipes of the organ in St Peter's Church.

Christian artist banned from her own exhibition after expressing concerns about puberty blockers

March 18, 2024, United Kingdom

Victoria Culf, a Christian artist, was reported to police and banned from her own exhibition after telling a Watford council worker, back in June 2023, that due to her Christian world view and as a mother she didn’t think children should transition. She is now taking legal action.

Ten statues and plaques in cemetery of Bovekerke vandalised

March 16, 2024, Belgium

On March 16, the cemetery surrounding the church of Bovekerke (Koekelare) was vandalised. Approximately a dozen statues, ornaments, flowers, and memorial plaques had been destroyed. The affected graves are not all close together and often involve very old concessions. According to another resident, some crosses have also been removed from the graves.

"This is a Muslim area" smeared on Evangelical Church

March 16, 2024, United Kingdom

A radical muslim graffiti was spray-painted on the windows of Southchurch Christian Fellowship Centre on Saturday night, March 16. The graffiti, which read "This is a Muslim area", is now being investigated by Essex Police as racially aggravated criminal damage. Ms Champion, who discovered the vandalism, said: "To see someone committing such hateful behaviour is so heartbreaking. It makes me very angry. A colleague and I went to the church to remove the worst of it because we didn't want people to feel intimidated when they came to the Sunday service the next morning."

Woman attacked by burglar during mass

March 16, 2024, France

A woman was attacked by a burglar when entering Saint-Étienne Cathedral for mass on March 16.

Vicar Offers Aid After Church Theft

March 15, 2024, United Kingdom

While the choir was practising in the early evening of March 15, various donated items worth £1,000 were stolen from the St Matthew’s Church in Burnley. However, the vicar Father Alex Frost, reaches out to people in need offering help in response to the theft.

Excrements found in St Michael the Church in Marktrodach

March 15, 2024, Germany

The pastor of the Protestant church in Marktrodach discovered human excrement behind the altar in the afternoon of March 15. The perpetrator is unknown, but it appears to be a repeat occurrence. The police reported that this was not the first instance of such an act in the church.

St John's Church in Herford remains closed due to vandalism

March 15, 2024, Germany

For the past few months, incidents of vandalism and damages have occurred in the Neuer Markt church in the Herford district. The pews have repeatedly been pushed and knocked over, a curtain has been torn down, a large sign reading 'open church', which is usually located at the back of the church, has been removed and placed on the altar and leaflets removed from their displays and scattered around the room. Furthermore, there have been complaints in the past about unknown individuals leaving their excrement in the church. Although the number of incidents has decreased, faeces are unfortunately still occasionally discovered in the church.

South Korean pastor arrested for missionary work in Russia

March 15, 2024, Russia

Baek Kwang-Soon, a South Korean pastor was detained in Russia on espionage charges after being found to have been working with North Korean fugitives in Vladivostok. According to Lee Seong Gu, head of the Global Love Rice Sharing Foundation, Baek had been doing missionary work and providing clothes, food, and the Gospel to Russian, Thai, and North Korean workers in need. Baek was arrested earlier this year by Russian law enforcement authorities, as reported by Russian state news agency Tass on Monday, March 11.

Church and 50 graves desecrated with Islamist slogans

March 11, 2024, France

During the night of March 11, acts of vandalism were committed in the cemetery of the village Clermont-d'Excideuil. Inscriptions with Islamic references were found on graves, the war memorial, the church door, a calvary memorial, and a fountain. Some of the tags read "France is already Allah's", "Isa will break the cross" and "Submit to Islam". Altogether, more than 50 graves were smeared.

Islamic tags on Notre Dame de Partout chapel

March 10, 2024, France

On Sunday, March 10, the mayor of Saint-Mesmin discovered that the Notre-Dame-de-Partout chapel in Périgord Vert and the cross facing it were sprayed with graffiti. The tags are reading "the cross will be broken", "convert yourselves" and "Allah". This is only one incident in a series of similar vandalism attacks in the region.

18 churches pelted with eggs during the night

March 7, 2024, Germany

The Lindenberg police department has solved a series of acts of vandalism that have kept the communities in the West Allgäu region on tenterhooks over the past few months. A total of 18 church doors and church façades were pelted with eggs by unknown persons during this period. The eggs were often painted black or labelled with red letters and numbers.

Objects from church art project stolen and vandalised

March 7, 2024, Switzerland

In recent weeks, unknown persons have stolen or vandalised five works from a church art project at the Heiliggeist Church Bern.

"Palestine" graffiti on Italian Church

March 5, 2024, Italy

San Benedetto church in Brindisi was found smeared with red paint. The ancient portal and another entrance of the church were smeared, and "Palestine" was written on the stairs.

Priest harassed and attacked

March 5, 2024, Serbia

An unknown man physically attacked a priest of the Diocese of Bačka of the Serbian Orthodox Church while he was performing regular parish duties on the street in Novi Sad. The perpetrator quickly walked away and escaped.

Priest faces up to three years in prison for criticising Islam

March 5, 2024, Spain

As reported by the Catholic News Agency on March 5, Fr. Custodio Ballester, parish priest from Barcelona, and two other individuals received a summons from a provincial court in Spain in February to answer charges of an alleged “hate crime” for criticising Islam. The charges were initially brought in 2020, when Catalonia's public prosecutor claimed that Fr. Ballester's 2016 article entitled 'The impossible dialogue with Islam' met the criteria of a 'hate crime'. If convicted, Ballester faces up to three years in prison and a fine of more than EUR 1,500.

Ahlen church closed due to repeated vandalism

March 4, 2024, Germany

Due to repeated vandalism the St Mary church in Ahlen decided to keep its doors shut outside church services. A board on the door indicates: "Currently closed due to vandalism".

Sant Antoni Abat Church smeared with red paint

March 3, 2024, Spain

In the early hours of March 3, the walls of the Sant Antoni Abat parish church have been smeared with red paint. The church is declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. The Sa Pobla Local Police have accused a group of six young people of the vandalism.

Damage to church entrance

March 1, 2024, Germany

On March 1, an unknown perpetrator damaged the staircase in front of the Catholic parish in Waldsee, Germany, rendering it unusable for the public.

State restrictions at Navalny funeral ceremony

March 1, 2024, Russia

Russian authorities have implemented significant restrictions that interfere with Christian Orthodox funeral rituals during Navalny's burial. Many fear further violations of the right to manifest one's religion or belief by hindering the religious funeral ceremony.

Suspected Arson at St Matthews Church

March 1, 2024, Germany

Early on Friday morning, March 1, St Matthews Church in Berlin was the scene of several fires. The police suspect arson.

Prayer Gathering in Frankfurt attacked

March 1, 2024, Germany

A prayer gathering conducted by "40 days for life" outside an abortion clinic was violently disrupted and the participants were threatened by a group of activists.

40 graves vandalised at cemetery in Fresselines

February 29, 2024, France

On February 29, a resident of Fresselines, on his way to the family crypt, discovered the unprecedented vandalism in the Creuse cemetery. Unknown perpetrators had desecrated around 40 graves: between some graves plates had been moved or broken, pots had been thrown to the ground. Some slabs had also been unscrewed and piled up on the ground. Stelae and plaques had been broken or moved.

Pepper spray attack against Christian missionary

February 28, 2024, Austria

On the afternoon of February 28, Christian missionary Lahzy Mahfonz Hefzalla Girgis has been attacked with pepper spray at Vienna’s central Stephansplatz. While Mr Girgis was having conversation with a Syrian person, two other allegedly Syrian men approached him. One of the Syrian men shouted "Jesus is God" mockingly and sprayed pepper spray into Mr Girgis' eyes. Lahzy Girgis had to be treated in hospital.

Landmark ECJ ruling recognises conversion in subsequent asylum application

February 28, 2024, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

In a landmark ruling the European Court of Justice has decided that a conversion to Christianity after the flight should be recognised as grounds for asylum if the applicant can credibly demonstrate that he has changed his religion out of "inner conviction".

18th century church in Pliego vandalised with graffiti

February 28, 2024, Spain

As reported on February 28, the walls of the Virgen de los Remedios Church in Pliego, Murcia, has been defaced with graffiti. The church, dating back to the 18th century, is a cultural asset. Two young people, one of them a minor, are suspected of the vandalism.

Arson in Carlsberg Church of the Holy Cross

February 26, 2024, Germany

On February 26, the confessional in the Catholic Church of the Holy Cross was destroyed in a fire. According to the investigating authorities, a statue of a saint and a storage room were also damaged. A fire expert ruled out a technical defect on Friday, March 1, so the criminal investigation department in Neustadt is assuming arson.

Theft and excrement in the church of the Madonna dei Sette Dolori

February 26, 2024, Italy

On February 26, thieves broke into the church of the Madonna dei Sette Dolori in Vasto and stole offerings from the donation box. The perpetrators furthermore left human excrement on the floor of the church. The parish priest expressed his shock and disgust about this gesture of degradation and disrespect.

Unknown perpetrator sets fire to priest's car

February 25, 2024, Italy

The car belonging to Father Marcos was destroyed in an arson attack outside the church of Francolise near Caserta. The mayor has condemned this incident on social media.

Priest physically attacked in Prizren

February 25, 2024, Kosovo

On February 25 a Serbian Orthodox priest was physically attacked in Prizen. The attack took place as a bus of pilgrims from central Serbia arrived at a seminary Prizren where they wanted to attend the liturgy. The suspect parked his vehicle nearby and displayed a "KLA" flag on the front of the bus. He then verbally attacked and provoked the pilgrims. The priest, who was also on his way to the liturgy at the seminary, advised the pilgrims not to respond to provocations and to enter the Seminary as soon as possible. At that moment, the suspect physically assaulted the priest by pushing him, bending his arm, and attacking him.

Attempted poisoning of Italian priest during mass

February 24, 2024, Italy

On 24 February, an unknown person attempted to poison Father Felice Palamara, the parish priest of San Nicola di Pannaconi, by adding bleach to the altar wine. Police suspect the local Mafia behind the attack.

Islamist graffiti on stone crosses

February 22, 2024, France

Islamist graffiti was discovered on roadside “calver” stone crosses saying "Tomorrow this will be the land of Islam". this is not the first time: on Christmas night, Islamist vandals wrote "Allah" on the cross, and the other day they found the inscription "Today is the land of infidels".