
The Holy See slams UN Report on religious freedom

March 4, 2020, United Nations

The Holy See has attacked the latest UN report on religious freedom. Decrying particularly the document's many references to gender ideology, the Holy See called the language a sort of "ideological colonization on the part of some States and international institution." The Holy See said the Report is an "attack to religious freedom."

Switzerland Votes to Expand Hate Crime Law

February 9, 2020, Switzerland

On February 9, 2020, Swiss voters approved the addition of sexual orientation to the existing anti-discrimination legislation to the penal code. Christian groups have called the expansion of the hate crime law to include sexual orientation "superfluous," noting that existing laws offered sufficient protection and that the new law could be used to attack religious freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of conscience.

German Pharmacist's right to act in line with conscience affirmed in landmark court trial

January 16, 2020, Germany

Are pharmacists allowed to act in accordance with their conscience? In Berlin, a pharmacist who would not sell the ‘morning-after-pill’ for conscience reasons has recently faced legal proceedings initiated by the Berlin Chamber of Pharmacists. For the first time, a German court ruled on this matter and upheld his right to act in accordance with his conscience regarding the sale of certain products. The Pharmacists’ Chamber may still appeal against the decision with the appeal period due to expire on 20 January. ADF International supported the pharmacist in this case.

Newsletter: Germany must do more to protect Christian converts

October 31, 2019, Germany

Northern Ireland: places of worship attacked every three days

August 21, 2019, Northern Ireland/UK

May Newsletter: Official figures for France; Persecuted Christians Worldwide; Attack in Rome

May 9, 2019, France; International; Italy; Scotland/UK

March Newsletter: Officials in UK and Sweden use Bible Passages to Reject Asylum Claims

March 26, 2019, United Kingdom / Sweden

Court Rules in Favor of Seventh-Day Adventist; Requires Reasonable Accommodation

March 18, 2019, Denmark

Bishops in Scotland say Hate Crime Laws Must Allow for Robust Debate

February 28, 2019, Scotland, United Kingdom

February Newsletter: Vandalism and Desecration of French Churches

February 13, 2019, France

European Parliament: EU Should Better Promote and Protect Global Religious Freedom

January 17, 2019, Brussels

Aid to the Church in Need 2018 Report: aggressive nationalism is fueling religious hatred —West is failing to act

November 26, 2018, News

A surge in aggressive nationalism in key parts of the world is to blame for a rise in violence and other intimidation targeting religious minorities—and the West is failing to convert words of concern into action. This is one of the principal findings of a new report on the state of religious freedom around the world produced by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), an international papal charity that serves the persecuted and suffering Church.

Newsletter: Ashers Victory at Supreme Court

October 10, 2018, United Kingdom

After a four-year legal battle, Ashers Baking Company in Belfast has won in the United Kingdom Supreme Court!

Christian Tennis Player fled from Iran; Arrested in Italy trying to get to London

October 3, 2018, Italy

The Geneva Statement: Commemorating 70 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

September 28, 2018, News

We urge all nations to uphold the fundamental right to life, family, and religious freedom, as recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Resumen Informe Observatory en Español: España acumula el 20% de los casos de cristianofobia en Europa, sólo superado por Francia

September 12, 2018,

2018 Report Highlighted on The Catholic Thing

July 2, 2018, News

"The Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe has published a 74-page 2018 Report that’s a real eye-opener. This is not simply a compilation of complaints or over-sensitive reactions to clashes in pluralist societies. It provides a portrait of an extensive problem that everyone who cares about liberty, religious liberty included, should be aware of." - Robert Royal, editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, and president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C.

Observatory Participated in International Seminar in Slovakia

June 25, 2018, Slovakia

Ellen Fantini joined Ján Figel', EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU, and Tristan Azbej, Hungary's Deputy State Secretary for Persecuted Christians, on a panel in Bratislava.

Report 2018: Over 500 Documented Cases in 2016 and 2017

May 1, 2018, Austria

The cases in Observatory's report for 2016 and 2017 represent the range of hostilities Christians experience in their daily lives: from the ‘squeeze’ of interference with religious liberty, parental rights, freedom of expression and conscience, to the ‘smash’ of physical attacks, and vandalism of churches and cemeteries.

Germany: Afghan Man Sentenced to Life for Murder of Christian Woman

February 9, 2018, Germany