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Filtered by: Freedom of Association and Assembly

Turkey Seizes Six Churches as State Property

April 6, 2016, Turkey

In the region of Diyarbakir, the Turkish government seized huge sections of property, including six churches. One of these is a 1,700 year old Syriac Orthodox Church.

Peaceful Protest in Stuttgart Disrupted by Counter-Demonstrators

February 28, 2016, Germany

A peaceful manifestation by 4,500 supporters of Demo für Alle against a proposed education program was disrupted by counter-demonstrators, resulting in clashes with police and 18 people injured, including 3 police.

Church and Mosque Destroyed in Calais "Jungle"

February 1, 2016, France

Despite promises to the contrary, officials from the Calais Prefecture bulldozed a church and a mosque in the refugee camp.

Proposed UK School Regulations May Put Christian Sunday Schools and Summer Camps at Risk

December 13, 2015, United Kingdom

Plans for Ofsted to regulate out-of-school settings could burden churches, discourage volunteers and cause unnecessary distress to children, a Conservative MP has warned.

City Reduces Funding for Holy Week and Refuses to Fund to Corpus Christi

November 23, 2015, Spain

The Department of Culture in Palma de Mallorca has reduced municipal funding for events during the week leading up to Easter (known as “Holy Week” or “Semana Santa”, famous for grand processions) to just 3.000 euros, and has not allocated any funding to the important Catholic feast of Corpus Christi (known simply as “Corpus”).

Arrests in Counter-Demonstration during Students for Life Procession

November 14, 2015, Austria

The march against abortion by more than 100 participants in Innsbruck was disrupted by counter-demonstrators.

Tasmania's Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to Investigate Catholic Church's Marriage Pamphlet

November 12, 2015, Other

Transgender politician, Martine Delaney, lodged an anti-discrimination complaint in September and on November 12, the commissioner announced it will begin investigation.

Counter-Demonstrators Attempt to Block Berlin’s March for Life

September 19, 2015, Germany

More than 7,000 pro-life demonstrators took part in the March for Life 2015 in Berlin. About 300 of a total of 1500 counter-demonstrators attempted to block the march. Between these groups stood as many as 1,000 police officers.

Swiss Evangelical Party's Office Attacked for Supporting Pro-Life Demonstration

September 16, 2015, Switzerland

The Zurich offices of the Swiss Evangelische Volkspartei (EVP) as well as the Swiss Evangelical Alliance and humanitarian organisations Tearfund and Opportunity were attacked by vandals.

German Left Threatens to Disrupt the "March For Life"

September 8, 2015, Germany

The German left political party (Die Linke) is organising to disrupt the annual German "March for Life" for the protection of the unborn, the sick, and the aged that will take place in Berlin on the 19th of September. In response, the German Association for Christian Culture (Deutsche Vereinigung für eine christliche Kultur) responded that by doing so, Die Linke is threatening to infringe upon the rights to freedom of assembly and expression and noting that the law recognizes the basic human right to life from the moment of conception.

Disruption, Threats, and Insults at a Catholic Procession

May 14, 2015, Italy

A group of Muslims disrupted a Catholic procession in the Italian municipality of Conselice which was held in honour of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Reportedly seeing the procession as provocation, the group started to threathen and insult Catholics and claimed that the procession offended Islam. Participants were scared and shocked by this aggression.

Attack at Marriage Referendum Event Causes Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction

May 13, 2015, Ireland

A 10-year-old girl suffered a severe allergic reaction after an egg attack at a "No-Campaign" event in Meath, Ireland. "Yes-Campaigners" threw objects, including eggs, at people who were expressing opposition to same-sex marriage. "No-Campaign" leader Mr. Manning said that the atmposphere created by "Yes-Campaigners" was "toxic”.

Aggression against Pro-Life Activists in Munich

February 28, 2015, Germany

The German Christian pro-life group Jugend für das Leben ("Youth for Life") organized a demonstration on the Odeon Square in Munich followed by a Holy Mass at the University Church. The demonstration had previously been registered and approved.

Parents Protesting Against Aggressive Sex Education Attacked by Counter-Demonstration in Hamburg

January 25, 2015, Germany

Protesters demonstrated against the "violation of parents’ rights in education" of their children.150 parents were attacked by about 600 left-wing radicals who threw eggs, fireworks and bottles into the crowd of demonstrators. A 15 year-old girl had to be taken to the hospital. Police intervened.

Organized Campaign Against Building Religious Schools in Madrid

November 28, 2014, Spain

A group of people organized a campaign against building religious schools in Spain and painted slogans "Your education - our destruction” on walls of the church of Santa Monica in Rivas Vaciamadrid. Moreover, some protesters in green jerseys (as a symbol of public schools) broke into the church with praying people to express their opinion. Local right-wing party PP decalred that it was another example of the radical atmosphere in the town.

Priest Hospitalized After Attack During Silent Pro-Family Manifestation in Rovereto

October 5, 2014, Italy

On Sunday, 5th of October, silent demonstrations against “gay marriage” took place throughout Italy under the name “standing sentinels” (“Sentinelle in Piedi”). During the gathering in Rovereto a group of anarchists demanded that the Sentinels leave and started to attack them. Two people, a priest and a young woman, had to been taken to hospital.

Pro-Life Christians Insulted by Pro-Choice Demonstrators in Bologna

June 26, 2014, Italy

The Christian community “Papa Giovanni XXIII” prays every Tuesday in front of a hospital in Bologna to raise a voice for unborn life. At the same time left wing activists try to counter the manifestation by insulting their religion and singing so loudly that the prayers cannot be heard by others. The attacks happen frequently on Tuesdays when Christians gather to pray in front of a hospital where abortions take place. The insults include: “Go back to your churches!” to “Away, away, with ave Marie” and hurt the feelings of the faithful and violate freedom of assembly.

Left Wing Activists Block Registered Pro-Family Demonstration in Vienna

June 14, 2014, Austria

On June 14th, approximately 200 left wing activists hindered a pro-family demonstration of about 50 Christians to proceed on the registered route. After the police unsuccessfully tried to persuade the left wing activists to leave, they took their names. Five activists who refused to show their ID were briefly arrested.

Muslim Disrupts Easter Mass

April 20, 2014, France

In the region of Jura, France, during a celebration of Easter Mass in the community of Notre Dame de Dole, a Muslim entered, and, putting his carpet next to the altar, began to read parts of the Coran and then proceeded to write in Arab in the parish registry. The same man had already disturbed the Palm Sunday liturgy in two different places, so the police had been warned, and when they showed up on the scene on Easter they calmly asked the man to leave.

Attempts to Prevent Palm Sunday Precession in Morbihan

April 19, 2014, France

The parishioners of the church of Saint-Gildas in l’île d’Houat were the victims of a failed attempt by members of the Association of Freethinkers of France to prevent the Palm Sunday procession. These protestors tried to work within the legal framework, saying that the procession did not have the correct municipal authorisation also claiming that it did not fall within any of the three categories of legal processions. Their attempt failed this year, but the question still remains whether or not such attempts will be successful in future years.

Christian Demonstrations Violently Attacked by Left Wing Radicals in Baden-Württemberg and Cologne

March 23, 2014, Germany

A new governmental sex ed curriculum of Baden-Württemberg has caused outrage among Christian parents. Several manifestions suffered serious attacks by left wing activists which were later identified as LGBT activists. Eyewitnesses reported in shock to the Observatory.

Aggressive Left-Wing Activists Interrupt Demonstration of Parents in Stuttgart

February 2, 2014, Germany

A protest of parents who were not happy with a new educational plan seeking to implement “sexual diversity education” had to end early due to massive opposition. Protesters were physically attacked and it was felt that the Police failed to protect the parents’ basic right of assembly.

34 Anti-Life Activists Arrested for Attacks and Violations of Freedom of Assembly against Praying Christians

July 26, 2013, Austria

A peaceful prayer-manifestation of young Christians in Salzburg was interrupted by aggressive pro-choice activists who blocked streets and insulted the Christian activists. Police officers had to rearrange the walking route of the march and finally arrested 34 pro-choice activists for the violation of freedom of assembly. Two pro-choice activists also attacked a police officer.

Police Brutality Directed Against Pro-Family Demonstrators

June 26, 2013, France

Tear gas attacks and beatings by the police, arbitrary arrests, solitary confinement, illegal finger print storing, and countless other human rights violations were conducted by the French police against a peaceful mass demonstration opposing government policy on gay marriage and adoption.

Stalking Law Used Against Freedom of Assembly of Pro-Life Christians

May 21, 2013, Austria

Anti-stalking legislation is used against side-walk counselling or picketing. On October 25th, 2011, the state court of Graz, Styria, upheld a judgement of the first instance condemning pro-life side-walk counsellors to pay fines on the grounds of “stalking.”

Freedom of Assembly Limited by Court Order in Germany

May 21, 2013, Germany

Christian-inspired non-governmental pro-life organisations often express their faith and their convictions by protesting in front of abortion clinics, or by simply standing in front of clinics or counselling centres in order to offer conversation and alternatives. In the German cities Freiburg and Munich, this activity has been severely limited. Local courts have given in to the pressure by the targeted locations, which could have been mainly financial ones. Courts have restricted the form of manifestation as well as established a geographical ban. Appeals are on-going.

Pro-Life Manifestations Frequently Prohibited

May 21, 2013, France

Law 93-121 of January, 27th, 1993, so- called “loi Neiertz” made it a specific offense to obstruct abortions. Therefore manifestations in front of hospitals are frequently not permitted. A well-known doctor and embryologist, Xavier Dor, was condemned and sentenced to prison several times because he prayed together with a few others in front of a hospital and obstructed legal abortions. At 83, his latest trial is on-going.

Freedom of Association Limited to So-Called Non-Discriminatory Activities

May 21, 2013, Spain

The law states that “the public authorities shall not provide any assistance to associations in the case where the admission process or its operations discriminate on grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal or social circumstance.”

Numerous Human Rights Violations Against Pro-Family Demonstrators

April 23, 2013, France

The recent attacks on pro-family mass-demonstrations included: tear gas against children, overbearing police force, unconstitutional state action and human rights violations, death threats against organisers on social media and stabbing of a protester, as well as violations of freedom of assembly.

Anti-Christian Counter Manifestation to Pro Life Activity

February 9, 2013, France

During a prayer meeting in front of the abortion clinic of the l’Hôpital Tenon in Paris, pro-lifers were confronted with a counter demonstration of the group “Hâter la République” (“Rush the Republic”) which held up posters depicting Jesus carrying the cross comparing the cross to an UID, a contraceptive loop. It said: “Jesus too… had a loop!”

Thousands Petition to Keep Chapels Open at Complutense University in Madrid

January 4, 2013, Spain

Tens of thousands petitioned Jose Carrillo, the rector of Complutense University asking that the agreement with the Archdiocese of Madrid be adhered to and that the closing of university chapels be stopped. According to a spokesman for the religious-liberty organization MasLibres, Miguel Vidal, the “rector has argued that the university is not trying to shut down chapels, but to revise its agreement with the archdiocese.”

Church in Lithuania Set on Fire a Second Time

October 4, 2012, Lithuania

A church was set on fire and burned to the ground on October 4 2012. This was the same church where an attempt at burning the church was made in September 2012.

Pro-Life Activists Continuously Attacked

October 3, 2012, Germany

Pro-Life activists continuously suffer attacks from radical groups, including physical attacks and property damages; as well as negative stereotyping by the media; and an infringement on freedom of assembly and expression by a ban mile.

Traditional Bible Reading Marathon Not Permitted in Paris

October 1, 2012, France

Evangelical Protestants who have organized an annual "Marathon of the Bible" with over 500 participants reading and sharing in Paris since 2003, did not obtain the permission to hold a session in 2012.

Violence and Damages in Aggressive Disruption of a Pro-Life Manifestation

July 24, 2012, Austria

More than 80 pro-abortion-activists attacked the pro-life manifestation “1000 Crosses-March” organized by the Youth for Life and Human Life International in Salzburg-City. Blockages, insults and windows smashed kept a large number of police busy.

Left NGO Calls for Violence Against Christians

July 17, 2012, Austria

The Salzburg-based NGO „Infoladen“ calls for violence against Christians when expressing pro-life views. In July they called for a counter-demonstration against a pro-life manifestation. „Let’s make their 1000-crosses-manifestation a disaster!“ and „Sink the 1000 crosses!“ are some of the slogans on their website.

Writing on Church Walls in Lithuania

June 17, 2012, Lithuania

June 17th 2012, the walls of a church in Vilnius were spray painted with writing.

Christian Manifestation Attacked by Homosexual Activists

June 16, 2012, Austria

About 70 Christians demonstrated in a prayerful and peaceful walk against the Vienna "Gay pride parade" in Vienna on June 16th. They were attacked by counterdemonstration of activists for a homosexual agenda.

Law Society Revokes Christian Debate Over Marriage

May 23, 2012, United Kingdom

The Law Society has revoked the booking of a Christian conférence on marriage to be held by Christian Concern and other organisations because it considered it "contrary to its ‘diversity’ Policy".

Christian Club Reproached by Anti-Discrimination Authority

April 6, 2012, Germany

The Catholic Schützenverein voted in March 450 to 28 to not to allow homosexual or lesbian „kings“ or „queens“ to preside activities together with their partners. The German federal anti-discrimination commission screened this decision and declared it to be in disrespect of the law.

Bishop of Karpasia Prevented from Entering Occupied Area in Northern Cyprus

March 13, 2012, Cyprus

A new provocative action was carried out by the occupying regime in Cyprus when Bishop of Karpasia Mr. Christoforos was not allowed to enter the occupied area from the barricade of Astromeritis village. Later, he was also prohibited to go into one area of Agios Dometios. The bishop was stopped without explanation.

University Motion Orders Human-Life-Defending Groups to Invite Pro-Abortion Speakers

January 31, 2012, United Kingdom

The students’ union of University College in London has passed a motion to officially make the campus “pro-choice” and to impose a “restriction of freedom of speech”.

Prefecture Prohibits Pro-Life Manifestation, Allows Left Wing Counter Protests

November 19, 2011, France

The French Christian pro life group "SOS Tout-petits" registered a manifestation against abortion to take place on Nov 19th in front of the Paris Hospital Tenon. Even though the request for the permit came in due time, the prefecture withdrew the permission last minute. Reasons given were that the manifestation could be a disturbance of the public order and safety could not be guaranteed. At the same time, pro-choice groups which had organized a counter manifestation, and who had violently attacked the pro-life group during previous manifestations were allowed to hold their manifestation by walking around the hospital.

Prayer Banned From Public Spaces

September 16, 2011, France

France banned prayers from the streets beginning September 16th, 2011. The measure mainly aims to target Muslims and their Friday prayers. In support of the new regulation the French Minister, Claude Gueant, affirmed that prayers on the street are unacceptable in a secular country such as France, and police force would be used in case of disobedience. Marine Le Pen, a right-wing French representative, speaking of Muslim prayer meetings, described prayers on the street as a "Nazi occupation". The consequences of a regulation also undermines freedom of religion of Christians, with regard to traditional Catholic processions as well as street evangelisations and outdoor liturgies. It is unclear to the Observatory, whether there will be exceptions granted to such initiatives under the new law.

Violent Counter Demonstrators Attack Youth at World Youth Day in Madrid

August 17, 2011, Spain

A demonstration against the Catholic Church and the visit of the pope during the major Catholic event of World Youth Day, resulted in the young Christian visitors be booed, spat and shouted at. Several World Youth Day participates were physically attacked, one had to be treated in hospital for being kicked in the stomach. Eight anti-pope demonstrators were jailed.

Masked Vandals Attack Pro-Life Office in Austria

August 8, 2011, Austria

The office of Johannes Bucher, the European Regional Director of Human Life International’s (HLI), was attacked after a pro-life march in Salzburg, Austria. The office suffered seven broken windows, causing thousands of Euros in damage.

Militant Left Wing Activism Against Peaceful Pro Life Manifestation

July 24, 2011, Austria

The left wing radicals praised themselves for their actions by saying: "Over 50 emancipated people were present to block and disturb and they were not affraid of nervious cops. They prevented stupid prayers and managed to disrupt the pro life manifestion in a way that it had to be ended early. During almost the entire pro life manifestion, they made their feminist viewpoints clear by shouting paroles. They showed that militant resistance against anti-emanzipatory conditions and ass-holes is possible.“

Pro-Life Manifestation Attacked, One Hospitalised

December 11, 2010, Austria

Peaceful protest of Catholic Youth pro-life Group "Jugend für das Leben“ violently attacked by pro-choice forces. Member hospitalised with concussion.

Violent acts at ProLife-Demonstration in Münster and Infringments on Freedom of Assembly and Expression

March 31, 2009, Germany

In March 2009, more than 100 participants of an unannounced counter-demonstration partially blocked a pro-life organisations, the so called 1000-crosses-march, in Muenster (Münster). The chairman of the pro-life organisation Euro pro Life, Wolfgang Hering, responsible for the march, had been surrounded by a large number of tourblemakers. Only under threat of coercive measures by the police, he was released by the attackers.

Christians Arrested During Prayer

September 27, 2008, Turkey

Soldiers arrested a priest and more than 20 Christians in a Turkish Province during prayer. The Christian community wanted to hold a religious service in this region. When the Christians started to distribute sweets to the children and Bibles to the adults the security forces intervened and arrested them.