All cases

Report Published: 84 Pages of Incidents of Marginalisation of Christians

December 31, 2009, United Kingdom

The Christian Institute published a report called "Marginalising Christians", cataloguing numerous cases of Christians being sidelined by public bodies, popular media, employers and facing barriers to public funding.

Vandalism in Bushat, Shkodër

December 31, 2009, Albania

Violation of the Catholic Cemetery; desecration of graves, as well as, the demolition of a cross in Bushat, Shkodër, were reported. Police did not apprehend the perpetrators.

Countless Numbers of Desecrations in 2009

December 31, 2009, France

Countless Christian Churches and cemeteries desecrated and vandalized in 2009. Find here a selected overview.

Graffiti on Church Buildings

December 31, 2009, Liechtenstein

Graffiti on several church buildings, presumably by satanic groups: Two incidents were reported to the police in 2008, one in 2009.

Hate Crimes Against Christians 2009

December 31, 2009, Russia

Find here a list of cases for the year 2009 which was brought to our attention .

Polish Catholic Magazine Fined for Anti-Abortion Editorial

December 31, 2009, Poland

In 2009 the Roman Catholic Polish magazine, Gosc Niedzielny (Sunday Visitor) was fined nearly €25,000 for an anti-abortion editorial.

Churches and Cemeteries Vandalized

December 27, 2009, Lithuania

In 2008 and 2009 several isolation cases of vandalizing of churches took place in various parts of Lithuania. These cases include on breaking into churches and vandalizing cemeteries, presumably by satanic groups. Some cases were reported to the police.

Hooliganism and Murder of Orthodox Priest in Russian Podolsk District

December 22, 2009, Russia

The orthodox archpriest was shot dead by criminals after he admonished them for hooliganism. The killers came to the church and defecated in the hallway. The priest asked them to stop their acting and was shot to death.

Christmas Wordings Substituted

December 21, 2009, Switzerland

Christmas wordings were substituted by non-religious phrases on countless occasions. Phrases range from “seasonal greetings” to “may your celebration be under a good star” to "white seasons songs" in all European countries. A very interesting report has reached us from an employee of a global corporation based in Switzerland.

Christian Teacher Sacked From Her Job For Offering To Pray For Sick Girl

December 21, 2009, United Kingdom

‘I feel if I had spoken about almost any other topic I would have been fine but Christianity is seen as a no-go area. It felt as if I was being treated as a criminal. It is like a bad dream that had come true,’ says sacked teacher Olive Jones.

Due Diligence Omitted in Anti-Christian Newspiece

December 16, 2009, Germany

Due diligence omitted in questionable article in German daily Die Zeit wrongly accusing Christians of being in favour of radical law in Uganda. Complaint to Press Council lodged by professor of journalism.

Eight Christian Fathers Jailed for Removing Children from Sex-Ed Class

December 11, 2009, Germany

Eight families in Salzkotten, Germany, have suffered heavy fines and now their fathers have been sentenced to prison, because they have refused to send their elementary school-age children to mandatory sexual education classes. State wants “to prevent parallel societies.”

Several Acts of Vandalism in Derventa.

December 10, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Several acts of vandalism against the church of Derventa were reported in December 2009. Vandals attempted to break in the church, destroyed windows, damaged the cemetery and destroyed lights and decorations.

Draft Bill In Discussion Banning Religion From Public Life

December 9, 2009, Belgium

The advent season is used by Belgian anti-religious politicians to propose ban of religious symbols on objects serving a public function and a ban on religious traditions of public life.

Christian Couple Arrested After Offending Muslim Woman

December 9, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian hotelier couple who expressed their Christian beliefs to Muslim guest during a discussion of religion were subsequently arrested for disrupting public order. Charges were later dismissed.

Gay Students Disrupt Lecture At Cologne University

December 7, 2009, Germany

Homosexual students disrupted a lecture of Protestant philosopher Prof. Edith Düsing at Cologne University. The students made noise and used kissing and banners due to her support of a manifesto in May 2009 protesting the cancellation of an academic lecture at a psychology congress on grounds of the speakers’ research on healing homosexuality.

International Social Survey Program Finds Intolerance Against Christians in Turkey

December 1, 2009, Turkey

The International Social Survey Program - a 45-nation academic group - finds that nearly 40 percent of population has negative view of Christians. 49 percent of those surveyed said they would either "absolutely" or "most likely" not support a political party that accepted people from another religion. No non-Muslim religious gathering in Turkey is completely "risk free."

Family Pays Fine for Home Schooling their Children for Religious Reasons

November 27, 2009, Germany

A couple from northern Hessen (Germany) had to pay a fine to the extent of 120 € for taking their children out of school for religious reasons. The district Court of Kassel charged the 48-year-old man and his 43-year-old wife with 60 daily rates of 1€ in an appellate decision. In the previous contested judgment of June 2008 they were supposed to go to jail for three months, even though the attorney admitted that the children are well educated.

Hate Crimes Against Christians Up 25%

November 26, 2009, United States

New FBI statistics on hate crimes show a nine percent increase in crimes against religious groups in 2008 and an almost 25 percent increase in reported hate crimes against Catholics.

EU Commission Demands UK Abolish Religious Freedom Rights

November 24, 2009, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

EU-equal opportunities-commissioner Vladimir Spidla has said that absolutely no exemptions can be allowed in anti-discrimination laws, even for religious conscience. In a letter to the British government, the EU has demanded that Britain abolish laws protecting religious freedom rights with regards to "sexual orientation."

Left Persists With Plans to Defund Catholic Church

November 24, 2009, Spain

United Left (IU) and Initiative for a Green Catalonia (ICV) proposed an amendment to the National Spanish Budget to deprive the Catholic Church of state funding, remove the tax deduction of volunteer contributions of citizens, and end the benefits on value-added-tax and property tax.

Defamation of Christ in Awareness Ad

November 19, 2009, Italy

The Women’s Telephone Association of Milan launched an awareness campaign on violence against women featuring a semi-nude woman in the position of the crucifixion, with the slogan: “Who pays for the sins of men?”

Protestant Chapel Set on Fire

November 16, 2009, Germany

Chapel set on fire in the night from November 15th to 16th in Over (Hamburg). Damage caused is estimated over 100,000 Euros.

(Scotland) Christian References Removed from Christmas

November 13, 2009, United Kingdom

Scotland town eliminated all references to Christmas, an address by a Christian minister, and the traditional nativity from its annual holiday celebration.

Boys Knifed and Beaten as They Offer Christian Flyers

November 12, 2009, United Kingdom

Police investigating the brutal assault of two teenage boys in Canterbury in November who say they may have been attacked because they were delivering Christian leaflets.

Taxpayer-Funded Play Offends Christians

November 5, 2009, United Kingdom

Scottish gay/transsexual festival "Glasgay!" featured the play "Jesus, Queen of Heaven" in which Jesus is a transsexual woman. Taxpayer money involved. Christian protestors named "homophobic".

Christian Woman Investigated by Police on Grounds of Her Views

November 2, 2009, United Kingdom

Christian woman of Norwich complained about a gay pride march in letter to police upon which she was investigated on hate crime.

Judge Suspended and Fined for Delaying Adoption in a case of Homosexual Parents

October 30, 2009, Spain

Judge Fernando Calamita sentenced to 10 years of occupational ban and fined for delaying the adoption of a little girl by the lesbian partner of her mother as a form of conscientious objection.

Orthodox Priest Beaten

October 30, 2009, Germany

Aleksejs Ribakovs, Orthodox Priest, was beaten and forced to move to another city to protect his family. One of the suspects was caught and identified as a young Muslim who proclaimed to hate Christians.

Prayers No Longer Said To Begin Somerset Council Meetings

October 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A Somerset Parish Council ended a 115-year tradition of saying Christian prayers at the beginning of its meeting after receiving a complaint.

Church Silenced Over Muslim Neighbor's Noise Complaint

October 28, 2009, United Kingdom

A church in London has seen congregation numbers dwindle from 100 to 30 since the local council subjected it to noise restrictions following a complaint from a Muslim neighbour.

Poll indicates Intolerance Against Christians Living in Turkey

October 25, 2009, Turkey

A large percentage of Turkish residents report that Christians are unwelcome in both the public and private sectors.

(/Italy) European Court of Human Rights Violates Freedom of Religion

October 20, 2009, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Professor Luigi Lombardi Vallauri's teaching contract was not prolonged by the Catholic University of Milano after he taught things like the gospel was the “most frightening message ever made known to mankind” and that “Jesus was through and through a bad human being”. On October 20th, the Court ruled that this was a violation of his freedom of opinion.

Physical Assault Against Catholics

October 10, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Catholics were stoned while participating to a Mass at the cemetery chapel of Donji Vajuf.

Pornographic Images Placed in Hymnal and Books Damaged in Church

October 5, 2009, Austria

Unknown perpetrators placed several pornographic images in the hymnal books of two Tyrolean Churches, and glued various Jewish and Nazi symbols on the front cover.

Church Vandalized in Saint-Brieuc

October 3, 2009, France

The church of Notre-Dame d’Espérance in Siant-Brieux (Côtes d’Armor) was targeted by vandals on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009. Chairs were broken and thrown to the ground, trash was spread in the church and stain glass windows were broken by throwing stones and chairs at them.

Left Wing Radicals Throw Pro-Life Symbols Into River

October 1, 2009, Germany

Large white crosses carried by pro life manifestations through the city of Berlin. Several of the crosses were stolen by members of left wing associations and were thrown into a nearby river.

15 Graves Vandalized in Châteauroux

September 27, 2009, France

About 15 graves were vandalized in the cemetery of Cré near Châteauroux (Indre). Headstones were tipped or broken and funeral ornaments were wrecked.

Military Cemetery of Nompatelize Vandalized

September 26, 2009, France

Vandals broke or extracted numerous white crosses of the military cemetery of Nompatelize (Vosges). The Maire of Nompatelize, Didier Barret, furious, says: “What distinguishes men from animals is the respect for the dead. Those who did this are stupid, I don’t even know if they were aware of their actions. I wish they will once know the price of the blood shed for their peace and freedom.”

Christian Cemetery Desecrated in Istanbul

September 22, 2009, Turkey

Large-scale vandalism of a Christian cemetery recalls decades of suffering by Orthodox Christians in Turkey.

Catholic Nun Insulted in Tuzla.

September 21, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A group of Catholic nuns were openly insulted in Tuzla on August 21st, 2009.

Church of Halluin Vandalized

September 17, 2009, France

On Thursday, September 17th, 2009, in the evening, a man entered the church of Saint-Hilaire to vandalize the statue of the Virgin Mary. The statue fell on the ground and broke into pieces.

In Angers at the Festival Accroche-Coeur the Church is Mocked and the Population is Scandalized

September 13, 2009, France

On September 11th, 12th and 13th was set in the French town of Angers the 11th annual Festival of the Accroche-Coeur. Its theme was “Angels and Demons”, a theme which led to half-naked angels and demons parades, erotic shows and short plays imitating and fooling a Catholic Mass. The Christian Democratic Party said he was “deeply shocked” by the erotic displays; the mayor himself, Jean-Claude Antonini left the show without giving his final speech.

Anti-Christian Slogans at Anti-Life Demonstration

September 12, 2009, Austria

Anti-Christian slogans such as “There is no God” and “If Mary had had an abortion, we would have been spared from you!” shouted at anti-life demo in Vienna.

South Wales Church Damaged by Vandals

September 10, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian church in South Wales was targeted by vandals who smashed its newly restored stained glass windows. Worshippers were forced to cancel services in order to fix damages.

70 Graves Wrecked near Dunkerque

September 7, 2009, France

70 graves were wrecked in the cemetery of Coudekerque-Branche. Memorial plaques, funeral ornaments and urns were found broken into pieces and laying on the ground. Rocks were also thrown on numerous graves, thus damaging them. David Bailleul, the mayor of Coudekerque-Branche, condems these “obnoxious, unacceptable and scandalous acts”.

Charity Drops ‘Church’ Name to Get Public Funding

August 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A charity in Scotland decided to drop the word ‘church’ from its title, saying that it creates “unnecessary barriers” to accessing public funding. The chairman of Perth-based Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) said he had been told “off the record” that their perceived religious identity made it more difficult for them to receive grants. Trustees asked the charity’s supporters to suggest a new “fully inclusive” name for the group.

10.000€ of Damage in Church of Juniville (Ardennes)

August 28, 2009, France

In July and in August 2009, the church of Juniville was targeted several times by vandals who broke stained glass windows by throwing rocks at them. The costs of the fixing was estimated at about 10 000€.

Church Targeted by Vandals in Communay

August 26, 2009, France

The Xth century church of Communay was targeted by vandals during the night of August, 24th, 2009. Two crosses were unhooked and thrown to the ground. Candals and singing books were found all over the church and flower pots were thrown against a stain-glass window.

Church Vandalised in Maubeuge

August 26, 2009, France

The church of the Sacred-Heart of Maubeuge was the target of degradations. A parishioner put an and to the damage when he entered the church at approximately 6:30 p.m., thus putting to flight three young men. The three had left a devotional note to Allah.