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Filtered by: Country: United Kingdom

Street Preacher Arrested for Hate Crime for Quoting Bible to Gay Teenager

July 17, 2016, United Kingdom

Gordon Larmour, a Christian evangelist, was charged with behaving in a "threatening or abusive manner aggravated by prejudice relating to sexual orientation" and "assault", after he referred to the Book of Genesis and stated that God created Adam and Eve to produce children in response to a 19-year-old's question about God's views on homosexuality. He spent one night in prison. Six months later, a court in Kilmarnock, Scotland acquitted him of all charges.

Co-Workers Found Not Guilty of Religiously Aggravated Offense

June 24, 2016, United Kingdom

A York jury heard evidence about sustained bullying of a teenage apprentice, a Catholic, by tying him to a cross in a mock crucifixion, among other acts, during a trial. They found the accused guilty of assault, but not guilty of religiously aggravated assault.

Large Pentagram and 666 Painted on Church Graveyard

June 19, 2016, United Kingdom

A vandal sprayed satanic symbols, a large pentagram, and the number 666 onto the lawn of the graveyard at All Saints Church in Hull, Yorkshire.

Church of England Accused of Discrimination

June 16, 2016, United Kingdom

The Church of England has been accused of discriminating against a lesbian couple by refusing to conduct their wedding.

Parliamentary Report Finds Inadequate Assessment of Religion-Based Asylum Claims

June 7, 2016, United Kingdom

The All Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief released a 35-page report in which it said the questions used to assess conversion asylum claims demonstrated a "lack of understanding and misperceptions of religion."

Christian Union Banned From Holding Meetings on College Premises

June 7, 2016, United Kingdom

A Christian union has been banned from holding meetings on college premises, as a result of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy "Prevent".

Television Presenter Calls Christian a "Homophobe"; Receives No Sanctions

April 12, 2016, United Kingdom

Piers Morgan will not face sanctions after asking a Christian who opposed same-sex marriage whether he was a "homophobe".

Magistrate Removed from Office, Suspended from NHS Trust, for Christian Belief in Traditional Family

March 29, 2016, United Kingdom

A Christian magistrate Richard Page has been removed from office by the Lord Chancellor after sharing his personal conviction in a media interview that there is not enough evidence to show that placing children in the care of same-sex couples is in their best interest.

Christian Postgraduate Student Expelled for Opposing Gay Marriage

February 27, 2016, United Kingdom

A Sheffield University social work postgraduate student, Felix Ngole, was expelled from his course for posting on his Facebook page that homosexual activity is against the teaching of the Bible.

Image of St. John the Evangelist Banned from Rochester Train Station

December 27, 2015, United Kingdom

Network Rail, partly funded by taxpayer money, argued it was "overtly Christian" and that it would offend "multi-cultural values".

Proposed UK School Regulations May Put Christian Sunday Schools and Summer Camps at Risk

December 13, 2015, United Kingdom

Plans for Ofsted to regulate out-of-school settings could burden churches, discourage volunteers and cause unnecessary distress to children, a Conservative MP has warned.

Lord's Prayer Advertisement Produced by Banned in Cinemas

November 23, 2015, United Kingdom

The advertisement shows the Lord’s Prayer being recited by a members of the public ranging from bodybuilders to children.

Christian Convert Violently Attacked Outside His Home

November 17, 2015, United Kingdom

Nissar Hussain, who has helped to promote Christian Concern's Safe Haven initiative to help protect Christians who have converted from Islam, was beaten with a pickaxe handle by two men while on the way to his car in Bradford (United Kingdom).

Public Funds Used for Play Depicting Jesus Christ as Transsexual

November 12, 2015, United Kingdom

The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven is part of the Outburst Queer Arts Festival in Belfast, and is advertised with the tagline: “Jesus is a transsexual woman. And it is now she walks the earth.”

Proposed Mandatory LGBT Education in Scotland Would Violate Parents' Rights & Put Teachers' Jobs in Jeopardy

November 1, 2015, United Kingdom

Pro-LGBT group Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) has launched a petition demanding that children as young as five learn about homosexual, bisexual and transgender issues, and this week it addressed the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee.

Prison Minister Fired for Preaching "Homophobic" Bible Verses

October 31, 2015, United Kingdom

Reverend Barry Trayhorn, volunteering as a chaplain at a prison for sex offenders, recited verses from Corinthians which include homosexuality in a long list of sins, along with adultery, theft and drunkenness during a service.

UPDATE: No Registry for Faith Leaders in Published UK Counter-Extremism Strategy

October 19, 2015, United Kingdom

After a leaked report indicated that the strategy would include the following provision, "pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders will be subject to Government training and security checks and will have to enrol in a 'national register of faith leaders'," the Government's final strategy only calls for "training."

Case update: Christian Punished for Praying with Colleague Allowed to Appeal

October 8, 2015, United Kingdom

A Christian disciplined by an NHS trust for praying with a colleague has won permission to appeal an employment tribunal’s decision against her.

British "Values Monitor" Says Opposing Homosexuality Could Be a Crime

September 18, 2015, United Kingdom

Voicing criticism of homosexuality “might be breaking the law”, a British values monitor claimed.

UK Burglars Urinate in Holy Water

September 10, 2015, United Kingdom

Burglars broke into a Sunderland church, smashed a window (causing more than £1,000 in damage) and used fire extinguishers to try to break down doors. Although nothing was stolen, someone urinated in the holy water font.

UK Schools Watchdog Ignores Bullying of Christian Students

July 30, 2015, United Kingdom

Colin Hart, director of the Christian Institute, has said Ofsted and the Department for Education (DfE) have given “inadequate attention” to the “bullying of Christian pupils”.

Baker Found Guilty After Refusing to Bake Cake Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

May 18, 2015, United Kingdom

A bakery in Northern Ireland was found guilty of "direct discrimination" after its Christian owner declined to provide a decorated cake with the words 'support gay marriage’. The owner said he could not fulfill the order because it conflicts with his Christian beliefs about marriage.

Street Preacher Fined, Judge Rules on Appropriateness of Bible Verses in Public

March 24, 2015, United Kingdom

Taunton street preacher Mike Overd has been convicted of a Public Order offence for using a particular bible verse in a public conversation with a man who identifies as homosexual. The judge ruled that another bible verse would have been more appropriate and would have prevented the fine.

Employment Tribunal Hears Christian Educator "Rightly" Dismissed for Faith

March 5, 2015, United Kingdom

Christian nursery educator, Sarah Mbuyi, was dismissed from her job after "gross misconduct" for saying that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman in conversation with a colleague. In an employment tribunal hearing, witnesses testified that Christian views on the topic should not be expressed in the workplace.

“Christ” and “Jesus” Considered Abusive by Marks & Spencer

March 1, 2015, United Kingdom

A pastor’s wife order for bouquet of spring flowers was blocked when she had tried to use words: "Thank you for your care and practical help for Margaret in her last days... With love from her church family, Christ Church Teddington". She was confronted with an on-screen warning: “Sorry there’s something in your message we can’t write.”

Pensioner Dismissed from Red Cross After Protesting Same-sex Marriage

November 1, 2014, United Kingdom

71-years-old Bryan Barkley was dismissed from the British Red Cross after his one-man protest in front of his church holding a placard saying “No same sex marriage” and “No redefinition of marriage”. His views were found incompatible with the principles of impartiality and neutrality of Red Cross.

Marriage Registrar Dismissed for Refusing to Perform Same-sex Ceremony But Subsequently Reinstated

September 1, 2014, United Kingdom

A Christian registrar was dismissed for indicating she would not be willing to perform same-sex marriages. Finally, she was reinstated after a successful appeal in which it was ruled that her employer had failed to take a “balanced view” of her religious beliefs.

Travelodge Removes Bibles from Hotel Rooms in Britain

August 15, 2014, United Kingdom

One of biggest hotel chains in Britain, Travelodge, has decided to remove Bibles from the hotel rooms to avoid upsetting non-Christians. Travelodge bases its decision on ‘diversity reasons’ and explains that the country has become increasingly multicultural.

(/Northern Ireland) Arson Attack on a Church in North Belfast

July 20, 2014, United Kingdom

The Catholic church in Newtownabbey has been a target of several hate crimes already. On July 20th, it was an arson attack. The wooden doors of the church were damaged by flammable liquid.

Northern Ireland Bakery Facing Legal Action For Not Support Gay Marriage

July 7, 2014, United Kingdom

A bakery is facing legal action for refusing to produce a cake decorated with Sesame Street characters saying ‘support gay marriage’ on grounds of their religious beliefs. While gay marriage is not legal in Northern Ireland, the equality commission demands from the directors of the bakery to „remedy your illegal discrimination“.

Police Advice: Record Christian Street Preacher To Sue Them

June 30, 2014, United Kingdom

Police advice people to record a Christian street preacher Mr Michael Overd on a video if he makes offensive remarks as some passers-by in High Street were upset when he expressed his views about homosexuality and sex outside marriage.

Street Evangelist Tried for Talking about the Live of Mohammed in Taunton

June 27, 2014, United Kingdom

Street evangelist, Mike Overd, is being prosecuted for an alleged religious aggravation public order offence. The charges followed a complaint to police in Taunton, that Mike Overd made a comparison between the life of Jesus and the life of Mohammed, allegedly "causing offense."

Christian Conscientious Objectors to Morning-After-Pill Barred from Sexual Health Care Diploma

May 1, 2014, United Kingdom

British doctors and nurses who refuse to dispense the morning-after pill on grounds of conscience will be unable to receive a specialist diploma in sexual health care. Guidance issued by the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare states that medical professionals who, for religious reasons, refuse to hand out "emergency" contraception cannot receive the qualification. The diploma is considered to represent the "gold standard" of sexual health care training.

Christian Worker in London Claims She was Fired for Refusing to Read Children’s Books About Gay Couples

April 30, 2014, United Kingdom

Sarah Mbuyi, 30 year-old nursery worker from north London will bring her case to court as she claims she was fired on the grounds of her religious beliefs because she said that she would have scruples about reading children’s stories involving same-sex couples.

Muslim Interrupts Religious Remembrance Ceremony in Alfreton, Derbyshire

April 26, 2014, United Kingdom

In Derbyshire, England on the 11th of November, 2013, a 52 year-old Muslim man named Mohamed Dar entered New Life Church in Alfreton as the community was holding a remembrance service for English World War I soldiers. He was shouting "turn to Islam" while wearing a scarf tied over his face and a kind of turban on which was written in Arab, “Allah is great.”

Christian Claims he was Denied a Job at a Country House Hotel near Colchester on Account of His Faith

March 13, 2014, United Kingdom

Graphic designer Jamie Haxby was interviewed for a job at Prested Hall Hotel near Colchester in the United Kingdom. He says his interviewer, Celie Parker, asked him if he was Christian, to which he answered in the affirmative. On looking through his portfolio and seeing that he had done previous work with churches and Christian groups, she commented that she and other members of staff were atheists and that they could never work with a committed Christian. She is also reported to have apologized for wasting Haxby’s time.

Government Seems to Discriminate Against Religious Education

February 25, 2014, United Kingdom

The failure of the government to provide bursaries for those wishing to teach Religious Education (RE) has been described as “rank discrimination” by a leading RE body. Childcare minister Elizabeth Truss MP confirmed this month that no bursaries would be offered for religious education teachers in training this year. This cut in the bursaries has made it increasingly difficult for those studying to teach RE.

Elderly Street Preacher Falsely Arrested and Assaulted by Police

February 11, 2014, United Kingdom

73-year-old Bill Edwards was ordered by a police constable to stop preaching outside the Magistrates Court House in Banbury as some people in the building found his preaching “offensive”. He refused to move and was arrested and charged with assault and breach of peace. In the police station Mr Edwards was grabbed by six officers and pinned to the ground.

Scottish Secularists Want to Curb Churches’ Role in Education

January 14, 2014, United Kingdom

Secularists in Scotland have called on the government to remove religious representatives from education committees. Under the Local Government Act 1973, local authority education committees are required to appoint three representatives from religious organisations and the Edinburgh Secular Society wants to see a change in the law.

Street Preacher Arrested for Mentioning "Sexual Sin" in Scotland

January 8, 2014, United Kingdom

Tony Miano, a street preacher addressing lunchtime shoppers at Dundee High Street, Scotland, was arrested and held in custody to appear before the Dundee Sheriff Court. He was talking about “sexual sin” including “adultery, promiscuity and homosexual practice”. A woman called the police, who on arrival snatched away the camera of a friend who was filming the preaching and arrested the street preacher.

British Gay Couple to Legally Challenge Church for Not Offering Gay Marriage

August 2, 2013, United Kingdom

A British homosexual couple feels „forced to take Christians into a court to get them to recognise” them. The Marriage Act contains legal provisions to protect churches which chose not to conduct same-sex weddings from being sued.

Street Preacher Arrested For Preaching on Sexual Morality

July 1, 2013, United Kingdom

The police arrested a street preacher in Wimbledon under suspicion of offences under the Public Order Act. He had been speaking about sexual immorality in general and the importance to abstain from such practices.

Arrest for Setting Two Churches on Fire

June 27, 2013, United Kingdom

A young man in Derbyshire, England, was arrested because he is suspected to have set two churches on fire in Allestree and one in Twyford.

(Northern Ireland) Young Business Man Troubled for Not Printing Sexually Explicit Magazine

May 22, 2013, United Kingdom

Mr Williamson from Portadown in Northern Ireland, faces court proceedings for refusing to print materials of a gay magazine. He says the website of MyGayZine contained explicit images, and he wasn’t prepared to print that kind of material whether homosexual or heterosexual.

Conscientious Objection Clause Routinely Challenged

May 21, 2013, United Kingdom

Section 4 of the Abortion Act 1967 provides a conscientious objection to participation in abortion procedures. However, the scope of this conscientious objection clause is routinely being challenged. In 2012, the General Medical Council released its Draft Guidance on Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice, which stated that doctors must “be prepared to set aside their personal beliefs” in relation to a variety of controversial areas, including prescribing contraceptives – including the abortifacient morning-after-pill, referring women for abortions and performing “gender reassignment surgery.”

No Conscientious Objection with Regard to Affirming Homosexuality in the Workplace

May 21, 2013, United Kingdom

There have been a number of cases in the past few years that have followed a similar pattern in that no exemption will be made where a Christian has a conscientious objection in the workplace because he or she cannot endorse, condone or approve homosexual conduct.

"Insulting Speech Laws" Cause Legal Problems for Christians

May 21, 2013, United Kingdom

According to section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986, it is criminal offence to use “insulting words or behaviour” which is “likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.” Originally enacted to combat football hooliganism, this provision has led to the arrest and prosecution of many Christian street preachers in recent years.

Equality Act 2010 Causes Closure of Christian Businesses

May 21, 2013, United Kingdom

The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination on several grounds, including sexual orientation, in the area of the provision of goods and services. While there is a vital exemption to the general prohibition against discrimination for religious organisations when providing goods or services, this can only be relied upon in limited circumstances and is not wide enough to cover many situations.

Ban on Christian Teacher from Deptford Green School in London

April 12, 2013, United Kingdom

A classroom ban on a Christian school teacher who condemned the “homosexual lifestyle” in front of year 11 pupils aged 15 and 16, has been upheld by the High Court. Science teacher, Robert Haye’s appeal against the decision to ban him indefinitely was rejected by the judge. After telling his class that the way homosexual people lived was a “sin”, according to the bible, he was sacked and prohibited from teaching at any school.

Christian Worker Bullied by Muslims at Work

April 11, 2013, United Kingdom

After defending a Christian colleague at work last year, some of Mrs. Halawi's Muslim colleagues complained to managers with unsubstantiated claims about her conduct. As a result, the management removed her ‘airside pass’ without properly considering her side of the story. This meant she was unable to keep working at the airport. Mrs. Halawi said that she had frequently been bullied by her Muslim colleagues for her Christians faith.