All cases

44 Crucifixes Stolen From Cemetery in Petite-Ile

January 4, 2016, France

On the morning of January 4, as he opened the cemetery, a guard discovered that many crucifixes had been removed.

Another Jesus Nativity Figure Decapitated in Bergamo Region

January 3, 2016, Italy

A nativity scene in Treviglio was destroyed and the Jesus statue taken and beheaded by unknown perpetrators.

French Cathedral Tagged

January 3, 2016, France

The Cathedral Notre-Dame-de-l’Annonciation in Nancy was spray painted with "Spray for Paris" - a distortion of the message "Pray for Paris".

Floats for Parade of Kings Burned

January 3, 2016, Spain

The four floats that would be used in the traditional procession of the Three Kings were found burned on the Sunday before Epiphany in Arriate.

Brussels Christmas Tree Destroyed by Petrol Bomb

January 3, 2016, Belgium

Youths in Brussels yelled 'Allahu Akbar' as they set fire to a Christmas tree in a public square using a home made petrol bomb.

Attempted Arson in Evangelical Church in Crégy-lès-Meaux

January 2, 2016, France

Gasoline had been poured inside the church and a half-burnt rag was found on one of the dining chairs.

Statue of St. Joseph Decapitated; Finger of Infant Jesus Broken

January 1, 2016, Italy

Police are investigating the destruction of Nativity statues in a creche in front of a church in Dorga in the Bergamo region.

Statue of Baby Jesus in Fibbiana Nativity Beheaded; Legs Broken

January 1, 2016, Italy

In Piazza S. Rocco, Fibbiana not only was the statue of the infant Jesus broken, but the entire nativity was attacked with firecrackers and fireworks.

Refugee's Life Threatened After He Revealed Conversion to Christianity

January 1, 2016, Germany

A 19-year-old man told another refugee (18) that he was no longer a Muslim, but had become a Christian. The 18-year-old responded: "Then I will cut your throat. For this, I do not even need permission from IS. "

Nativity Figure of Infant Jesus "Hanged" with Noose in Pitelli

December 31, 2015, Italy

The act was condemned by the Bishop, as well as the President, of the region of Liguria.

Statue of Hand Painted Baby Jesus Destroyed by Firecracker

December 31, 2015, Italy

In Villa d'Almè, a group of unknown perpetrators threw a big firecracker into the hut containing the creche where the hand painted statue of the baby Jesus been placed on Christmas Eve.

Norway Begins Adoption Process for 5 Children Seized From Christian Parents

December 31, 2015, Norway

Norwegian child services have begun the adoption process for five children who were seized from a Romanian Pentecostal family in November after concerns were expressed about the parents' Christian faith, the family says.

New Year's Eve Mass at Cologne Cathedral Deliberately Disrupted

December 31, 2015, Germany

The shelling of the Cologne Cathedral with fireworks and firecrackers on New Year's evening between 6:30 and 7:45 pm was a targeted disruption of the service.

Haut-Rhin Church & Creche Tagged; Infant Jesus Burned

December 31, 2015, France

The figure of the nearly life-size Christ child was burned in a crib display on December 31 at about 10 pm, while the faces of his parents and a wall of the adjacent Catholic church were tagged with spraypaint.

Catholic Schoolchildren in Madrid Banned from Three Kings Parade

December 31, 2015, Spain

Approximately 800 students at a Catholic school in Madrid’s southern Carabanchel district have been excluded from a local parade by city authorities.

Nuremberg Church Target of Firework Attack on New Year's Eve

December 31, 2015, Germany

Similar to the attacks on the Cologne Cathedral on New Year's Eve, hundreds of men gathered in front of the Lorenzkirche in Nuremberg and shot firework missiles at its roof.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Figures Stolen from Villejuif Creche

December 28, 2015, France

The figure of the infant Jesus was stolen first, and the figures of his parents, Mary and Joseph were stolen the next day, along with the crib and straw.

Suspicious Burning of Nativity Display in Giraumont

December 27, 2015, France

During the night between December 27th and 28th, the city's nativity display was burned and partially destroyed.

Creche Vandalized in Aix-en-Issart

December 27, 2015, France

Mayor Pierre La Fonte was awakened at 2am by the police, who reported that the creche in a public square had been vandalized.

Religious Statues Spray-Painted at Site Dedicated to the Virgin Mary

December 27, 2015, France

Several religious statues, among which Jesus Christ was central, as well as a commemorative plaque and the floor were all spray painted red in a grotto altar in Libaux.

Image of St. John the Evangelist Banned from Rochester Train Station

December 27, 2015, United Kingdom

Network Rail, partly funded by taxpayer money, argued it was "overtly Christian" and that it would offend "multi-cultural values".

Church of Saint-Martin-sur-Ocre Tagged

December 26, 2015, France

In Loiret, a church was tagged with vulgar and insulting slogans ("Nique Jesus"), as well as "Allahu Akbar" during the night of December 26-27th.

Christians Attacked in Berlin Mitte a Day After Christmas

December 26, 2015, Germany

“I am Muslim. What are you?” After asking this question, unidentified Muslim and others beat up five Christians.

Statue of Jesus Destroyed on St. Stephen's Day

December 26, 2015, Italy

In Albino, on December 26, 2015, the crib outside the parish church of San Giuliano containing the statue of the infant Jesus was targeted.

Fire Completely Destroys City Manger Scene

December 25, 2015, Spain

The manger scene in the municipality of Villa del Prado (Madrid) was completely destroyed by a fire on December 25th at 4am.

Two of Thirteen Creche Installations Burned in Masevaux

December 24, 2015, France

The first creche was damaged by fire on the night of December 22nd and the second, including the ornaments and figures, was completely destroyed by fire on December 24th.

Public Nativity Scene Attacked by Vandals in Pamplona

December 24, 2015, Spain

On December 24th, the morning of Christmas Eve, vandals toppled and damaged figures in the enormous nativity scene, which is installed every year in a public park.

German Newspaper Refuses to Publish Church's Advertisement

December 20, 2015, Germany

The Weser-Kurier in Bremen has refused to publish an advertisement of a local Evangelical church containing a bible passage.

Tabernacle Vandalized in French Church

December 18, 2015, France

Father Louis Villoutreys reported on Twitter that a tabernacle in l’église Saint-Vincent in Naintré was vandalized by unknown perpetrators.

National Association of Assyrians in Sweden Victim of Arson

December 16, 2015, Sweden

The association's headquarters in the city of Södertälje was completely destroyed during the night between the 16th to 17th of December.

Berlin Court Reverses Injunctions; Allows Incitement to Violence in the Name of Art

December 15, 2015, Germany

In the name of artistic expression, a Berlin court reversed injunctions it had issued and has now permitted the staging of a play ("Fear") which displays photos of pro-family organizers and explicitly incites hatred against them.

Men Attempt to Disarm Soldiers Guarding Cathedral in Rome

December 15, 2015, Italy

A Palestinian and a Tunisian attempted to disarm soldiers stationed outside Santa Maria Maggiore cathedral while yelling "Allah (God) is great", Rome police said Tuesday.

Theft from Creche in Hauts-de-Seine

December 14, 2015, France

A statue of the Virgin of Fatima, given to the parish of Sainte-Bernadette de Chaville by the Portuguese community, was stolen on December 14th.

UPDATE: Hamburg Police Arrest Refugee for Attempted Manslaughter

December 14, 2015, Germany

The Hamburg police arrested the Afghan asylum seeker Amir Mahaballa. He is said to have attacked and seriously injured a 24-year-old Iranian Christian at a refugee camp in October. He sits on remand before trial on the charge of attempted manslaughter.

Knife Attack and Murder in Grande Synthe Camp

December 14, 2015, France

According to Open Doors France, police are investigating a knife attack by Iraqi migrants against Christian refugees which left several wounded and one 19-year-old man dead.

Creche Vandalized in la Grand-Place de Bruxelles

December 13, 2015, Belgium

Three people aged 20, 21 and 24 were arrested after they vandalized the manger of the Grand-Place during the night from Saturday to Sunday. In addition to damaging the structure, they stole the figure of the baby Jesus and threw it on the ground.

Church Vandalized in Verviers, in the province of Liege

December 13, 2015, Belgium

The church Sainte-Julienne, which had previously been tagged with spray paint, was again vandalized as a window was broken by rocks being thrown.

Church Bells Destroyed in French Chapel

December 13, 2015, France

Vandals broke into the locked chapel of Saint-Hervé-Ménez Bré in Pédernec and rang the church bells so hard that one of them is irreparably broken while the other, off-axis from its support, is stuck.

Proposed UK School Regulations May Put Christian Sunday Schools and Summer Camps at Risk

December 13, 2015, United Kingdom

Plans for Ofsted to regulate out-of-school settings could burden churches, discourage volunteers and cause unnecessary distress to children, a Conservative MP has warned.

Christians Attacked by Guards in Refugee Camps

December 10, 2015, Germany

At the end of November five Muslim security employees beat two refugees from Iran for having a bible in their room.

Fire Investigated at Collegiate Church of Saint-Junien

December 7, 2015, France

Upon his arrival at the church, the priest discovered three small fires in separate parts of the church.

Syrian Arrested on Suspicion of Beating and Threatening 16 Year Old

December 3, 2015, Sweden

A 26-year-old Syrian, known as "N.N.," was arrested on suspicion of beating and threatening a 16-year-old at an asylum house in Borgholm.

Archbishop Disinvited from Elementary School Pre-Christmas Visit

December 2, 2015, Italy

School officials point to respect for the "multicultural character" of their student body as the reason.

Religious Images Prohibited in School Christmas Card Contest

December 2, 2015, Spain

The prohibition was imposed by a secular parents' association in Cantabria (Cantabria FAPA) when they announced the annual card-drawing contest.

Website of the Diocese of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron Hacked

December 1, 2015, France

According to reports, this was a targeted hacking.

Seventh Cemetery in 18 Months Desecrated by Vandals

December 1, 2015, France

This time, thirteen crucifixes were torn from their graves and were thrown to the ground, broken, or planted upside down.

Bancourt Mayor Forced to Remove Cross From Town Hall

December 1, 2015, France

After two residents in the village of 90 inhabitants filed a lawsuit, a court has now ordered the removal of a cross that has been hanging in the town office since 1926.

Christian Refugees are Subjected to Violence and Harassment

November 30, 2015, Germany

Violent acts are not only committed by other asylum seekers, but in some cases by security personnel, as well.

Second Ukrainian Orthodox Church Desecrated in Same Town

November 29, 2015, Other

A new church dedicated to Our Lady of Iveron, in the town of Rokitno in the Rovno region (Western Ukraine), was desecrated by vandals.

Cemetery Crucifixes Uprooted and Planted Upside Down

November 29, 2015, France

Acts of vandalism were discovered on December 1st in the cemetery of Villiers-le-Sec, between Creully and Courseulles-sur-Mer, France.

Spanish "Artist" Claims to Have 32 New Consecrated Hosts, Some Stolen by "Fans" during Reparation Mass

November 28, 2015, Spain

Abel Azcona announced he has 32 new consecrated Hosts stolen by fans who went to different Masses to get them.

Taxpayers Fund Blasphemous Display in Martinique

November 27, 2015, France

"Yo Mama's Last Supper" is a blasphemous parody of Da Vinci's "Last Supper" in which the artist Renée Cox appears as Jesus Christ with full frontal nudity.

Catalan Radio Station Airs Song that Repeatedly Calls Priests Pedophiles

November 27, 2015, Spain

Station has received government funding since 2011.

Church Vandalized; Damage Estimate: € 800

November 25, 2015, France

Two copper gutter-pipes were stolen from the church of Gironde-sur-Dropt on the night of November 25. The damage is estimated at € 800. A complaint was filed at the police station of La Role and an investigation has been opened.

Spanish Artist Stole and Desecrated over 200 Consecrated Hosts

November 23, 2015, Spain

As part of an exhibit, Abel Azcona placed the hosts on the ground in a public art gallery to form the word “Pederasty".

Lord's Prayer Advertisement Produced by Banned in Cinemas

November 23, 2015, United Kingdom

The advertisement shows the Lord’s Prayer being recited by a members of the public ranging from bodybuilders to children.

Church Used to Film Obscene and Offensive Video

November 23, 2015, France

A musical group called "Les Chrétiens des Alpes" (Christians of the Alps) filmed a YouTube video in the church of Saint-Étienne in Dingy-Saint-Clair, which portrays priests in a sexually vulgar manner.

City Reduces Funding for Holy Week and Refuses to Fund to Corpus Christi

November 23, 2015, Spain

The Department of Culture in Palma de Mallorca has reduced municipal funding for events during the week leading up to Easter (known as “Holy Week” or “Semana Santa”, famous for grand processions) to just 3.000 euros, and has not allocated any funding to the important Catholic feast of Corpus Christi (known simply as “Corpus”).

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Plundered and Desecrated

November 22, 2015, Other

The perpetrators stole money from the cash register of the church, and lit fires in five different locations in the building.

Thieves Destroyed a Parish Church in Pajarillos, Spain

November 21, 2015, Spain

They stole a tabernacle, ciborium, chalices, patens, a candelabrum, and some of the sound equipment from the Church of San Ignatius of Loyola

Chinese Karaoke will Ring in a Secular Christmas in Madrid

November 20, 2015, Spain

The mayor of Madrid announced plans for the city’s commemoration of the Christian holiday, including Greek dancing and Arabic food tasting, among other programming activities.

Theft in Small 16th Century Chapel

November 19, 2015, France

A late 15th century wooden statue of St. Nicolas was stolen from the church of Saint-Léger-sous-Margerie.

Christian Convert Violently Attacked Outside His Home

November 17, 2015, United Kingdom

Nissar Hussain, who has helped to promote Christian Concern's Safe Haven initiative to help protect Christians who have converted from Islam, was beaten with a pickaxe handle by two men while on the way to his car in Bradford (United Kingdom).

Norway's Child Welfare Services Removes Five Children from a Pentecostal Christian Couple

November 16, 2015, Norway

According to a petition in support of the family which has attracted more than 22,600 signatures, the couple have been charged with "Christian radicalism and indoctrination".

Apartment Owner Refuses to Rent to Employee of Pro-Life Association

November 15, 2015, Germany

In November 2015, a theologian who is an employee of ALfA (Aktion Lebensrecht for Alle) wanted to rent an apartment in Augsburg. The owner refused to enter into a lease with the man for the sole reason that he works for ALfA (seen as a fundamentalist association).

Arrests in Counter-Demonstration during Students for Life Procession

November 14, 2015, Austria

The march against abortion by more than 100 participants in Innsbruck was disrupted by counter-demonstrators.

Church Vandalized in Poitiers, France

November 13, 2015, France

The devastation at the Church of Saint-Cyprian was discovered by a parishioner. A large concrete statue of the Virgin Mary located at the church entrance was thrown to the ground and irreparably broken.

Association of French Mayors Recommend Against Nativity Scenes on Public Property

November 13, 2015, France

The Association issued a "good secular conduct" handbook to local town officials to assist them in their decision-making about the installation of crèche and nativity displays.

Tasmania's Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to Investigate Catholic Church's Marriage Pamphlet

November 12, 2015, Other

Transgender politician, Martine Delaney, lodged an anti-discrimination complaint in September and on November 12, the commissioner announced it will begin investigation.

Public Funds Used for Play Depicting Jesus Christ as Transsexual

November 12, 2015, United Kingdom

The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven is part of the Outburst Queer Arts Festival in Belfast, and is advertised with the tagline: “Jesus is a transsexual woman. And it is now she walks the earth.”

"Piss Christ" and Sexually Provocative Virgin Mary to be Displayed in Exhibition Sponsored by Italian Government

November 9, 2015, Italy

The Lucca Photolux photo exhibition, with the theme "Sacred and Profane", and sponsored by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism will run from November 21 to December 13.

Radical Feminists Shout "We Will Burn the Episcopal Conference" at Domestic Violence March

November 7, 2015, Spain

Violence advocated at an anti domestic violence rally in Madrid.

Popular German Catholic Blogger Threatened After Reporting About Arson

November 3, 2015, Germany

With the title "That was fast," Dr. Bordat wrote on the afternoon of November 3rd that he received an anonymous letter three hours after the publication of his report about the arson against "Demo für Alle". "Don't be a nuisance, you Catholic conservative idiot ... otherwise a fire will soon be delivered to you. Your address is known."

City of Toronto Threatened with Lawsuit after Banning Christian Music Festival

November 3, 2015, Other

The City of Toronto is being threatened with legal action for refusing to grant a Christian group a permit to use a prominent downtown square for its annual musical festival next year, all because the city determined that singing the name of Jesus in the public venue contravenes city policy against “proselytizing.”

Two French Evangelicals Convicted for Leaflet on Faith and Homosexuality

November 2, 2015, France

The correctional court of Angoulême (Bordeaux) convicted two men of “incitement to discrimination against a group of persons because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Spanish Church Vandalized with Arabic Graffiti; Holy Objects Destroyed

November 2, 2015, Spain

The unknown perpetrators broke into the Church of our Lady of Carmen in the Spanish town of Rincon de la Victoria, Andalusia, smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross, and spray painted "Allah" on the wall.

Serious Arson Attack against "Demo für Alle"

November 1, 2015, Germany

The Magdeburg business office of "Demo für Alle", a group which advocates against gender ideology and the sexualization of children, was torched by unknown perpetrators.

Graves Vandalized in Mazères

November 1, 2015, France

On All Saints Day, a solemnity celebrated by Catholics and some Protestants, visitors to the Mazères cemetery discovered five graves, including a central cross, sprayed with orange paint with references to "Satanists", among others.

Proposed Mandatory LGBT Education in Scotland Would Violate Parents' Rights & Put Teachers' Jobs in Jeopardy

November 1, 2015, United Kingdom

Pro-LGBT group Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) has launched a petition demanding that children as young as five learn about homosexual, bisexual and transgender issues, and this week it addressed the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee.

Prison Minister Fired for Preaching "Homophobic" Bible Verses

October 31, 2015, United Kingdom

Reverend Barry Trayhorn, volunteering as a chaplain at a prison for sex offenders, recited verses from Corinthians which include homosexuality in a long list of sins, along with adultery, theft and drunkenness during a service.

Fourth Act of Vandalism Against Notre-Dame-du-Rocher in Saint-Hippolyte (Haut-Rhin)

October 28, 2015, France

Earlier vandalism led to the replacement of the statue of the Virgin Mary last spring. In mid-September the arms of the statue were broken and glued back together. On October 28, the statute was broken off its base.

Mayor of Valencia Orders Removal of Christian Symbols in Cemetery

October 27, 2015, Spain

The mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, has ordered municipal management to remove all Christian symbols from the General Cemetery of Valencia

Desecration at Baden-Baden "Autobahn" Church

October 23, 2015, Germany

The altar, tabernacle, and pews of the nationally-known church were desecrated by swastikas and other Nazi symbols carved into the wood, and acid poured onto the stone.

Sweden Seeks to Deport Pakistani Christian Convert

October 22, 2015, Sweden

The Swedish Migration Board issued a deportation order against Faisel Javaid, concluding that Christians from Pakistan do not need protection because they can just keep their faith a secret.

Christian Convert Attacked in German Refugee Camp

October 20, 2015, Germany

A 24-year-old Iranian was beaten with a baton by an Afghan man, who allegedly declared that it was not a sin to kill him, according to police. This attack is now being called attempted homicide by prosecutors.

Christian Converts Harassed at Swedish Asylum Center

October 20, 2015, Sweden

A Pakistani couple had to leave the shelter in Western Sweden where they were staying after harassment by some of the Muslims in the housing ended with the husband's name sprayed on a wall near their room calling for his death.

UPDATE: No Registry for Faith Leaders in Published UK Counter-Extremism Strategy

October 19, 2015, United Kingdom

After a leaked report indicated that the strategy would include the following provision, "pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders will be subject to Government training and security checks and will have to enrol in a 'national register of faith leaders'," the Government's final strategy only calls for "training."

Vandalism at Catholic School in Vienna

October 15, 2015, Austria

Graffiti of two "Antifa" signs and one anarchy symbol seen on a pillar of Catholic student parish event centre and dormitory.

Statue of Virgin Mary Decapitated in Aisne

October 15, 2015, France

The mayor was informed of this vandalism on October 15. The statue, beloved by the citizens of the small town, was erected on Aug. 14, 1960 as act of gratitude for a priest who was in a serious motorcycle accident at that location, but was unhurt.

Statue of Virgin Mary Decapitated in Aisne

October 15, 2015, France

The mayor was informed of this vandalism on October 15. The statue, beloved by the citizens of the small town, was erected on Aug. 14, 1960 as act of gratitude for a priest who was in a serious motorcycle accident at that location, but was unhurt.

Madrid Church Vandalized

October 14, 2015, Spain

The outside of the church of the Virgen del Alba de Alcorcón was vandalized by individuals who soiled the facades and access steps as well as the bulletin boards.

Serious Desecration and Theft at the Chapelle d’Effiat à Montrichard (Loir-et-Cher)

October 14, 2015, France

On the morning of October 14, the Tabernacle was forced open and the Ciborium containing ten consecrated Hosts was stolen.

Assyrian Christians in Gothenburg Threatened: "Convert or Die"

October 13, 2015, Sweden

Assyrian Christians living in Sweden have been targeted with a string of threatening messages, including demands that they “convert or die.”

Fire in French Church Investigated

October 13, 2015, France

A fire in the church of La Baume-de-Transit in Southern Drôme damaged furniture.

Barcelona Parish Tagged with Abortion Message

October 9, 2015, Spain

The vandalism from the 9th of October at the Parroquia del Espírito Santo was reported to El Observatorio para la Libertad Religiosa y de Conciencia.

Case update: Christian Punished for Praying with Colleague Allowed to Appeal

October 8, 2015, United Kingdom

A Christian disciplined by an NHS trust for praying with a colleague has won permission to appeal an employment tribunal’s decision against her.

Chapel in Charleroi the Victim of Thieves

October 8, 2015, Belgium

Thieves dismantled and carried away the metal roof of the Chapel of Saint-Joseph de Charleroi.

French Chapel Sacked by Vandals

October 8, 2015, France

La Chapelle du Champ Fleuri in Masny, was the victim of desecration: The altar was overturned, the organ in pieces, Communion wafers littered the ground, a statue of the Virgin Mary, venerated by Catholics as the mother of Jesus, was decapitated, and liturgical vestments were burned

French Church Desecrated and Vandalised

October 4, 2015, France

Intruders into the church of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Blanzy damaged the Tabernacle by attempting to force open the door, damaged the organ, and set fire to the statue of the Virgin Mary.

Arson in Normandy Church

October 2, 2015, France

L'église Sainte-Croix de Saint-Lô was the victim of arson on Friday, October 2, 2015. The entry display was torched and it took 10 firefighters and 4 fire engines to combat the blaze.