All cases

10.000€ of Damage in Church of Juniville (Ardennes)

August 28, 2009, France

In July and in August 2009, the church of Juniville was targeted several times by vandals who broke stained glass windows by throwing rocks at them. The costs of the fixing was estimated at about 10 000€.

Church Targeted by Vandals in Communay

August 26, 2009, France

The Xth century church of Communay was targeted by vandals during the night of August, 24th, 2009. Two crosses were unhooked and thrown to the ground. Candals and singing books were found all over the church and flower pots were thrown against a stain-glass window.

Church Vandalised in Maubeuge

August 26, 2009, France

The church of the Sacred-Heart of Maubeuge was the target of degradations. A parishioner put an and to the damage when he entered the church at approximately 6:30 p.m., thus putting to flight three young men. The three had left a devotional note to Allah.

Mobbing of Christians at Islamic School

August 18, 2009, Netherlands

Christians treated as second class teachers; pupils taught that “Christianity would be abolished in the end, all other religions would disappear and everybody will convert to Islam” at school in Amsterdam, and that “only Muslims can after all be good people.”

Christian Family Called Names and Spat on

August 15, 2009, United Kingdom

Harrassed Christian family sends report to the observatory

Manchester Street Preacher Questioned by Police

August 15, 2009, United Kingdom

Freedom of speech is being challenged in the case of Miguel Hayworth, a Christian street preacher in Manchester, UK who was silenced by police after publicly reading a passage from the Bible discussing homosexuality.

(Scotland) Bible Defaced In Art Exhibition

August 11, 2009, United Kingdom

Obscene and offensive messages have been scrawled over a Bible at a taxpayer-funded exhibition in Glasgow.

Council Puts up Christmas Lights in August to Cater All Faiths

August 8, 2009, United Kingdom

Residents of Milnrow, Lancashire, were surprised to see council workers installing Christmas lights in August 2009, 127 days before Christmas Day. Rochdale Borough Council said the lights would be used to celebrate a number of festivals, starting with the Muslim feast of Eid in September. Other ‘holy days’ over the period between August and Christmas include Hindu Diwali celebrations in October, the Jewish feast of Hanukkah in December and even Yule, the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. The Council’s decision attracted derision from the national press and Milnrow residents. One local labelled the move “ludicrous” and said: “A worker told me they had to be up in time for all the religious festivals, but most of the lights refer to the Christian Christmas.”

Pop-Singer Madonna Offends Polish Catholics With Images, Contents and a Date

August 2, 2009, Poland

Pop-singer Madonna performed on August 15, the main Marian feast day of Polish Catholics, in Warsaw with for Christians offensive lyrics and images. Ads included sentences such as “There is no room for two queens in that country.”

Paediatrician Dismissed For Christian Views And Reinstated Upon Public Outcry

July 30, 2009, United Kingdom

Experienced community paediatrician dismissed from adoption panel over Christian views has been reinstated upon public outcry.

Severe Vandalism During Historical Commemoration

July 27, 2009, Spain

Around twenty churches were vandalized on the night of July 26th in commemoration of the centenary of the „Tragic Week“ (a series of blood sheding fights between the Spanish army and the working classes) in Barcelona.

Christian Murdered Because of Faith

July 20, 2009, Turkey

German entrepreneur murdered in Istanbul most likely because of hatred towards Christians. CNN-Turk and Agence France Press quote the murderer to have stated in an interrogation that he had aimed at "killing Christians".

Repetitive Violence and Vandalism Against a Church in Toulon

July 1, 2009, France

The church of the Sacred-Heart of Toulon has been for the past two years the target of malevolent acts. Urine was found in the baptismal font, a church responsible was seriously assaulted, the tabernacle was vandalized and many thefts and degradation are to be deplored. The church had to be kept closed for several weeks in 2009.

A Priest Threatened And Assaulted In Toul

July 1, 2009, France

Father Noël became a victim of intimidation and threats in Toul over the course of a year. He finally decided to leave the district of la Croix de Metz in Toul.

Civil Partnership Bill Passed to Committee Stage, Threatening Freedom of Conscience for Christians

June 26, 2009, Ireland

A new Irish initiative that would grant rights to homosexual couples contains no conscience clause and lays out fines and potential prison sentences for registrars who refuse to carry out same-sex civil partnerships. Concerns from church leaders disregarded as Bill passes Second Stage consideration.

Homeschooled Child Seized by Swedish Government

June 25, 2009, Sweden

Seven-year-old taken away from his family by Swedish authorities at Arlanda International Airport in Stockholm, for being home educated, although home education was legal in Sweden at that time.

Good Samaritan Church Has Windows Smashed

June 23, 2009, United Kingdom

The Belfast church which had offered refuge to Romanian immigrants after a racisst attack was itself attacked.

Gay Pride Parade demeans Christianity

June 19, 2009, Italy

Gay Pride parade in Rome depicts crosses with sex items, ridicules the suffering Jesus by live imitations and carries anti-Catholic flags.

First Communion Ritual Ousted of Meaning by Secular Flowering Festival

May 30, 2009, Spain

The City Major of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, José Masa, announced that he was going to organize a celebration for children between the ages of 8 to 10 similar to the religious first communion upon the request of the community. The festivities would be called "fiestas del florecimiento" (flowering festival). "It would be a 'laity first communion'; but I do not want to call it this way because then, the right wing blames me for the celebration of laity baptisms and marriages using Catholic Church rituals", he clarified.

Freedom of Speech Impeded / Anti-Christian Slogans on Posters

May 24, 2009, Germany

German Gay and Lesbian Association in opposition to two speeches on Psychotherapy congress on whether sexual orientation could be changed if wished for. Speeches had to be delivered with police protection. Anti-Christian counter-demonstration portrayed Jesus as a pig nailed to the cross and used slogans such as: “We are here to hurt your feelings.”

Consecrated Host Imitation Attached to Issue of Belgian Magazine

May 19, 2009, Belgium

Belgian magazine attached altar host imitations to May issue. Cover shows nun in sexy lace blouse saying “Holy shit!”

Equality Bill Feared to Limit Freedom of Religion for Churches in Employment Issues

May 19, 2009, United Kingdom

A new Equality Bill which would have forced Churches to employ practicing homosexuals or transsexuals as youth workers was amended and retained existing employment exceptions for the purposes of religion.

Movie Fosters Anti-Christian Stereotypes

May 15, 2009, International

“Angels & Demons”, a film adaptation of Dan Brown's novel of the same name released on May 15, 2009, is filled with historical inaccuracies and anti-Christian stereotypes.

Basilica Desecrated

May 12, 2009, France

Half a dozen swastikas found tagged on several columns in the basilica of Saint Denis, Paris.

A Medal Established by the Queen Withdrawn as “too Christian”

May 12, 2009, United Kingdom

The “Trinity Cross of the Order of Trinity” has been replaced by an “Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago” - a featuring a sun, stars, water and a map of the islands - as it was considered as offensive for non - Christians inhabitants.

A Cemetery Vandalized in Varilhes

May 9, 2009, France

During the night from Thursday 7th to Friday 8th, one or several individuals broke in the cemetery of Varilhes and vandalized numerous graves. Flower pots were broken, flower and funeral ornaments thrown in the alleys and graves were unsealed.

Parliament Liberals Table Anti-Pope Amendment

May 7, 2009, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Liberal Group in the European Parliament tabled an amendment to the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World condemning Pope Benedict XVI's anti-condom statement.

Community Ruling Forbids Any Religious Symbols

May 6, 2009, Italy

A community ruling forbids any religious symbols, such as the crucifix, including on cemetery grounds, on May 6, 2009, in Lugo di Romagna.

Hospital Bans Paintings of Churches

May 5, 2009, United Kingdom

A London hospital informed local artists who contributed paintings for its decoration were informed that any depiction but that of churches was welcome. The reason given was to be mindful of other religions.

Nurse Fired For Religious Advise In a Role Play Training

May 1, 2009, United Kingdom

Anand Rao, a nurse with over 40-years of experience, has been sacked after he suggested two people playing patients might go to Church and pray during a role play session on a training course.

Congressmen Support a Motion to Condemn Benedict XVI´s Statements Made in Africa

April 30, 2009, Spain

The Catalonia Green Initiative (ICV), a left political fraction in the Spanish Congress, presented a motion to condemn Pope Benedict Statements made in Africa regarding HIV and the use of preservatives. The motion which was led by Joan Herrera and received the support of two members of the Popular Party (PP), Ana Pastor and Celia Villalobos.

Up to 100 Graves Wrecked in Montbron

April 30, 2009, France

Tombstones were tipped over, crosses broken, plaques and ornaments wrecked, flower pots put into pieces: a shocking sigh for the inhabitants. “I was disgusted to discover that,” says Gwenhaël François, mayor of Montbron.

Fire Set to Church in Clermont-Ferrand

April 28, 2009, France

Saint Joseph’s church of Clermont-Ferrand was partially destroyed by fire set to it on purpose. The fire started at 11:55 a.m. on Saturday, April 25th, and was mastered by the firemen only at 5 p.m. Philippe Kloeckner, the parish priest, explained that he had reported to the police a first attempt of fire against the church on Friday April 24th.

Parliament Issues Formal Protest against Pope's Statement on Condoms

April 27, 2009, Belgium

The Belgian Chamber and Senate overwhelmingly approve of two decisions that formally condemn the pope for having stated that the distribution of condoms will not help to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. The pope’s position is called a “crime against humanity."

Defamation of Christianity on Television

April 27, 2009, Italy

Television program ANNOZERO openly insults Christianity by showing satirical vignettes of the Way of the Cross.

Cemetery Desecrated

April 27, 2009, Italy

On the 27th of April 2009, the cemetery di Vezzo in the Comune della Provincia di Verbano Cusio Ossola was desecrated.

(BBC) Christianity Slated on British Television

April 1, 2009, International

Christianity is being targeted on British television. The popular TV soap Coronation Street featured a series of outspoken attacks on the Christian faith. Numerous TV series and broadcasts present Christianity as ridiculous and absurd.

Violent acts at ProLife-Demonstration in Münster and Infringments on Freedom of Assembly and Expression

March 31, 2009, Germany

In March 2009, more than 100 participants of an unannounced counter-demonstration partially blocked a pro-life organisations, the so called 1000-crosses-march, in Muenster (Münster). The chairman of the pro-life organisation Euro pro Life, Wolfgang Hering, responsible for the march, had been surrounded by a large number of tourblemakers. Only under threat of coercive measures by the police, he was released by the attackers.

Parents ‘Face Action’ for Withdrawing their Children from ‘LGBT History Month’ Lessons

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A group of Christian and Muslim parents who kept their children away from controversial lessons about homosexuality were reportedly facing legal action by the council involved.

Reverend Assaulted After Discussions with Muslims

March 30, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian minister was brutally attacked in London by three men who ripped off his cross, stole his Bible and threatened to break his legs. Metropolitan Police treated the case as a ‘faith hate’ assault.

(Academic Community) Liberal Harvard Scholar in Public Cross-Fire for Agreeing with Pope

March 29, 2009, International

Liberal Harvard scholar Edward Green strongly attacked in public for agreeing with Pope in saying that the distribution of condoms will not prevent the spread of HIV/Aids.

Archbishop’s Homeless Charity Suspends Christian for Answering Questions about His Faith

March 27, 2009, United Kingdom

An employee at a Christian ‘homeless’ charity, whose Patron is the Archbishop of Canterbury, was suspended for answering questions about his faith to a colleague at work.

Crucifix Veiled in Condom in Art Exhibition

March 27, 2009, Italy

An Exposition at Museo Pan di Napoli showed the crucifix veiled in a condom.

Several Acts of Vandalism Against Sarajevo’s Cathedral.

March 25, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

From March 22nd to March 25th, vandals repeatedly destroyed windows of the Cathedral of Sarajevo.

Vandalism in Banja Luka

March 18, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vandals broke in the church of Banja Luka, destroyed stained glass windows, and stole holy objects.

Theft in Sarajevo’s Cathedral

March 18, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vandals broke in the cathedral of Sarajevo and stole the chalices and other liturgical appointments.

St Mary’s Church in Heworth Raided

March 14, 2009, United Kingdom

St Mary’s Church in Heworth has been once more targeted by thieves and vandals.

Christian Party Office Vandalized after Publishing Add

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The Christian Party office was vandalized days after the party launched a bus advertising campaign with the slogan, “There definitely is a God. So join the Christian party and enjoy your life.” The ad was a response to widespread atheist ads which carried the slogan, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The Metropolitan Police investigated the vandalism as a ‘religious hate crime’.

Youth Gang Attacks Church Pastor in Rochdale

February 28, 2009, United Kingdom

The pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Rochdale was attacked by a gang of up to 20 youths. Pastor Dennis Rigg and his brother were making preparations in the church building for their father’s funeral when the group attacked the pastor and shouted out abuse relating to their Christian faith.

(New York Times) Christians Stereotyped by Report

February 26, 2009, Other

Intolerance and discrimination manifests itself also as social exclusion and marginalisation of Christians. Stereotyping by biased media coverage is a familiar tool of furthering marginalisation. The following excursus to the New York Times of Feb. 26th, 09, is just one example.

Oxford Churches Broken Into to ‘Make a Point’ against Church of England

February 24, 2009, United Kingdom

Between 15 and 24 February 2009 two churches in the Oxford area were broken into and highly symbolic religious items were desecrated. Local police officers thought the two incidents were linked and were possibly religiously motivated attacks to make a point against the Church of England. In both incidents safes containing communion bread at the churches were forced open, but nothing was stolen in either case. It is estimated that there was £3,000 worth of damage at St James the Great, in West Hanney, and in St Nicholas Church, in East Challow.

(Israel) Intolerance against Christians in Israel

February 20, 2009, Other

Burning of Bibles reported in Israel; mockery of Christians on TV; Catholic bishops speak of a "low profile" form of Christ[ian]ophobia.

Study Reveals Discomfort of Parents on Religious Freedom in Schools

February 16, 2009, France

67% of French Catholic parents say that public schools do not respect the freedom of conscience of their children.

Cemetery Targeted For The Third Time in Maine-et-Loire

February 16, 2009, France

For the third time in less than a year, the cemetery of Saint-Laurent-des-Autels was vandalized on Sunday, February 14th, 2009. This time, tags were found on graves and on the door of the church. In the cemetery, one could see swastikas on trees.

School Receptionist Faces Dismissal over Prayer Request

February 12, 2009, United Kingdom

A five-year-old girl was reprimanded for talking about her faith at school and her mother, Jennie Cain, who worked part-time at her daughter’s school, was investigated for professional misconduct and faced disciplinary action. The school has settled out of court.

Christian Bookshop Vandalized

February 12, 2009, Turkey

On the 7th and 12th of February 2009, two youths vandalized the Soz Kitapevi bookshop of the Turkish Bible Society in the city of Adana. The aggressors are suspected to be Muslim militants.

(BBC) Pro-lifers Portrayed as Murderous Terrorists in Broadcast

February 10, 2009, International

BBC repeats the screening of a drama depicting pro life campaigners as murderous terrorists.

Christian Carer Struck Off

February 8, 2009, United Kingdom

A Christian foster carer has been struck off because she allowed a Muslim child in her care to convert to Christianity.

(Internet) Video Mocks Catholicism

February 3, 2009, International

The film producing company Link TV placed a video online which mocks Catholicism. The short silent video shows a weird priest descreting the Eucharist, a most sacred item for Catholics.

Nurse Suspended for Offering Prayer to a Patient

February 2, 2009, United Kingdom

A nurse was suspended from work without pay for having asked a patient whether she wanted prayer. The nurse has been reinstated after public protests.

London Homelessness Prevention Officer Suspended for Mentioning Faith

January 29, 2009, United Kingdom

A homelessness prevention officer with Wandsworth Council has been suspended from work for nearly two months for encouraging a homeless woman with an incurable medical condition to look to God for help.

Church Vandalized in Rugles (Normandy)

January 29, 2009, France

The tabernacle was forced opened, the chalice was stolen and some of the hosts were thrown to the ground. The parish priests Florent Babaka and Philippe Besnard reported the incident to the police.

Defamation in Art Exhibition

January 27, 2009, Italy

The justice department allowed the display of a crucified figure of Christ adorned with a papal tiara, as part of a contemporary art exhibit in Bologna.

30 Graves Damaged in Champlitte

January 27, 2009, France

About 30 graves were damaged, crossse were broken or thrown to the ground. In the chapel next to the cemetery, stain-glass windows were broken and the door was damaged.

Catholic Nun Offended in Sarajevo.

January 21, 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina

A man forcibly tried to take of a nun’s veil in Sarajevo on January 21st, 2009.

(Scotland) Christian Radio Presenter Sacked

January 11, 2009, United Kingdom

Muslim Radio sacks Christian presenter after six years of cooperation.

Government Cuts Funding of Christian Foundation on Grounds of Contents

January 10, 2009, Netherlands

The Dutch goverment ceases its annual 50.000 Euro grant to the Christan Foundation "Onze Weg". The reason is that the foundation teaches that homosexuality can be healed.

Home for Retired Missionaries Loses Funding on Gay Issues in Questionaire

January 9, 2009, United Kingdom

Brighton Council requests care home for elderly Christians to ask its residents about their sexual orientation and cuts funding when rejected.

(California) Catholic Church Vandalized by Gays

January 5, 2009, United States

A Catholic Church in San Francisco was vandalized by gays as a response to a public vote on gay marriage

Christian Teacher Suspended For Disagreeing With Gay Issues At Training

January 2, 2009, United Kingdom

Christian teacher suspended pending a disciplinary investigation after disagreeing with and complaining about the way a staff training session promoted homosexuality.

Profanation of Cemeteries

January 1, 2009, France

Several cases are reported on profanations of cemeteries as well as desecrations of churches and Christian holy objects in France.

Alternative Synod of Bulgarian Orthodox Church Troubled by Government

January 1, 2009, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian government confiscated church properties with police force and violence. European Court of Human Rights rules in favor of Alternative Synod of Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

Text Book Promotes Religious Discrimination

December 31, 2008, Turkey

A mandatory school text book on the History of Turkish Republican Reforms and Atatürkism for 13-year-old students encourages religious discrimination in Turkey. The book explains missionary activity “as a threat to national unity," annihilating national and cultural values through converting people to another religion.

Overview of 266 Cases of Anti-Christian Vandalism in 2008

December 31, 2008, France

According to the French Internal Affairs Department 266 acts of vandalism targeted Christian sites in 2008. Please find a list of examples here.

Evangelicals Defamed by Government Agency

December 29, 2008, Germany

The governmental agency ‘Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung’ (Federal Central Unit of Political Education) defames evangelicals as hostile to constitution.

(/Scotland) Kirk Minister Battered on Christmas Day

December 25, 2008, United Kingdom

A Church of Scotland minister was attacked by a gang of youths on Christmas Day. Reverend Gordon MacKenzie was taking a walk when he was jumped on from behind by a trio of youths he had just passed. He was knocked to the ground by blows about the head and body, then kicked and punched as he was lying on the floor. Revd MacKenzie required hospital treatment for a broken nose, a broken tooth and various injuries to the hand, face and body.

Christmas References Banned in Oxford

December 24, 2008, United Kingdom

References to Christmas were banned in Oxford and Christmas festivities renamed "Winter Light celebrations" to be "more inclusive. Protests come from Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

Church Set On Fire for the Third Time in Hamburg

December 21, 2008, Germany

Offenders set fire to a church; the third one in two months. The sacristy of the church St. Bernard was completely burned out.

Aramaic Christians Under Great Pressure

December 19, 2008, Turkey

Aramaic Lawyer David Gelen reveals in an interview with German daily, "Die Welt," the pressures Turkish authorities have placed on the Christian Aramaic minorities.

Fire Set in Catholic Church

December 11, 2008, Belgium

A Greek-Melkite parish was set on fire the night of Friday 12 December. Pastor could quickly contain and limit the damage.

Muslim Converts to Christianity Live in Fear

December 2, 2008, International

Several reports prove fear of Muslim converts to Christianity in Europe.

Court Orders the Removal of Crucifixes from a School

November 27, 2008, Spain

The European Public Laity Association (Asociación Estatal Europa Laica) has requested a court order to remove crucifixes and religious symbols from Macías Picavea school in Valladolid. The Administrative Tribunal 2 of Valladolid agreed with the plaintiffs, and issued an order to take away every religious symbol from classrooms and common-use rooms. The Tribunal said that religious symbols violated the fundamental rights of equality and freedom of conscience as enshrined in articles 14 and 16.1 of the Spanish Constitution. The Tribunal has not made any mention to the fact that religious symbols placed outside a church also have a civil, historic, and cultural value.

(Michigan) Gays Storm Church

November 12, 2008, United States

A band of about 30 gays stormed a church in Lansing, Michigan. shouting “Jesus was a homo”, etc. The church was vandalized, obscenities were shouted and worshippers were confronted.

No Plaque for Catholic Saint on House of Birth

November 1, 2008, Spain

Saint Maravillas de Jesus was born in a house which is now the local Spanish parliament of Valladoid. A plaque with a commemorative inscription was declined on behalf of left wing parties.

Two Jesuit Priests in Moscow Found Brutally Murdered in their Apartment

October 28, 2008, Russia

Two Jesuit priests were murdered brutally in Moscow. Jesuit Fathers Otto Messmer, 47, and Victor Betancourt, 42, were found dead late Oct. 28 in their Moscow apartment.

Religion Professor Under Cancer Therapy Suffers Discrimination

October 18, 2008, Spain

Francisco Javier Romero, a religion professor in Sevilla on sick leave because of cancer treatment, claimed discrimination with regard to finding a substitute teacher by a more difficult procedure. When he asked why he was given a different treatment respect to other professors on sick leave, he was told "because you are a Catholic Religion teacher".

New Law Curbs Religious Elements in Schools

October 15, 2008, Sweden

(2008/2009) Sweden curbs the influence of religion in private confessional schools in a move to "prevent the spread of fundamentalism". Law entered into force in the beginning of 2009.

(Internet) Host Desecration Videos Online

September 30, 2008, International

Several videos have been put online showing the Eucharistic Host, most sacred for Catholics, being desecrated by being stepped on, burned, stapled, smoked and nailed to a stick. After severe protests, YouTube removed the videos on Oct 2nd.

Counterdemonstrations Disturbed Silent pro Life Vigil in Berlin

September 30, 2008, Germany

People with pro life convictions from all over Germany met on September 20th for a manifestation in Berlin. Their silent manifestation was interrupted by about 50 demonstrators throwing confetti unto them and chanting slogans such as: “If Mary had had an abortion, we would have been spared you guys!”, and “Communism instead of Jesus Christ”. During a religious service, two women denuded themselves and showed on the upper parts of their bodies a reversed cross.

Christians Arrested During Prayer

September 27, 2008, Turkey

Soldiers arrested a priest and more than 20 Christians in a Turkish Province during prayer. The Christian community wanted to hold a religious service in this region. When the Christians started to distribute sweets to the children and Bibles to the adults the security forces intervened and arrested them.

Writer and BBC Guest is Not Longer Welcome by the Media Corporation

September 25, 2008, United Kingdom

Rev Graham P Taylor, author of the best-seller Shadowmancer, sometimes called the new C. S. Lewis, said the BBC does not welcome him anymore because he could be seen as promoting Christianity. Taylor, a parish priest who signed a £3.5 million contract to publish Shadowmancer claims that the relationship with the BBC went well "until they realised that there were religious allegories in my stories".

Pro Choice Poster Calls for Violence against Catholics and Pro Lifers

September 23, 2008, Austria

Posters were placed illegally all over the city of Salzburg calling for violence against people praying in front of an abortion clinic. The posters displayed a panda kicking Andreas Laun, the auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Salzburg. In bold letters the posters stated: “Kick opponents of abortion (off the sidewalk)”.

Christian Sexual Education Jeopardized by Government

September 16, 2008, Austria

The government of Austria reinforces guidelines for sexual education that jeopardize the teaching of authentic Christian sexual values. The guidelines extend to classes of religious education.

College Removes Christmas and Easter from Calendar

September 16, 2008, United Kingdom

Yorkshire Coast College renamed its school breaks without reference to Christian holidays in an effort to ensure diversity- Christmas and Easter no longer appear on the college’s calendar.

Street Preacher Asked to Stop Activity

September 15, 2008, United Kingdom

The St Edmundsbury Borough Council told open air preacher, Brian Dee, who had been preaching in the marketplace in Bury St Edmunds for over 10 years, that he was not allowed, under a local bye-law aimed at reducing litter, to distribute tracts. A strongly worded letter was sent to the Council warning that Mr Dee had a right to preach and distribute tracts and if the Council continued to interfere with his rights legal action would be taken. The Council backed down conceding that there was no evidence that Mr Dee had caused a litter problem and accepted that he could continue preaching and distributing tracts.

Amnesty International Supports Anti-Catholic Bigotry During Gay Pride Belfast

September 11, 2008, United Kingdom

Amnesty International participated this year in the homosexualist movement's efforts to insult and vilify the Catholic Church during the Belfast gay pride festival in August. Amnesty's Belfast director has admitted that the group was using the Belfast Pride event to caricature the Cardinal Archbishop of Riga, Janis Pujats, who has spoken out strongly against the homosexualist movement's efforts in Latvia.

Trades Union Congress Calls for Christian to Be Sacked from Equality and Human Right Commission

September 10, 2008, United Kingdom

The Trades Union Congress (TUC), a federation of trade unions in the United Kingdom, has issued a call for the removal of a Christian Equality and Human Rights Commissioner. Joel Edwards is the director of the Evangelical Alliance and a figure loathed by homosexualist activists for his forthright calls for a re-insertion of Christian morals in public life and defence of the rights of Christians who oppose the homosexualist political agenda.

Christian Children Must Attend Islamic Religious Education

September 1, 2008, Turkey

(Ongoing) In Turkey, Christian children must attend Islamic religious education.

Birmingham Street Preacher Awarded £4,250 in Damages After Being Wrongly Arrested and Handcuffed by Police

September 1, 2008, United Kingdom

In summer 2008 Anthony Rollins, a street preacher in Birmingham, was arrested after expressing the Bible’s teaching on same-sex relationships. On December 8th 2010, he was awarded £4,250 in damages.

Franciscan Monks Cruely Beaten

August 28, 2008, Italy

Unidentified hooded men attacked four Franciscan monks in their monastary in Turin. All four were hospitalized.